I've been interested in Turtl for quite sometime. It seems like a more proper Evernote alternative, works across desktop and mobile platforms, and most importantly - is end to end encrypted.
On Android I use NoteCipher. It's a local app, it's notes only, it's open source and it's encrypted.
On Win/Lin desktops - I use Zim wiki in a Veracrypt container. It saves notes as a flat text file, allows you to attach documents and images to notes, it's open source, cross platform, the Windows version can be ran as a portable application.
I'm probably in the wrong sub for this - but the more we pour into cloud services that aren't end-to-end encrypted, the more we're fucked from a privacy standpoint.
Privacy Policy or no - Evernote has ALWAYS been able to look at your notes.
> PrivacyTools.io has three alternatives in various ways, EtherPad, EtherCalc and ProtectedText if you're seeking alternatives.
Alas none of these are alternatives to Evernote. Can't vouch for it but Turtl is promising
The summary kind of sounds like it's just generally anti-self-signed, but the full explanation makes more sense. It starts on page 3 of this PDF.
In short, according to the audit, setting Turtl to accept self-signed certs results in it simply not validating certs, i.e. any cert would be accepted and thus there is no protection against MITM. The right way to do it would be to include a way to configure the client to accept only a specific cert, or to use a private CA.
Even thought not exactly Project Management or Todo, quite interesting note & password keeper is Turtl. It's encrypted (as it should be) and has even desktop clients available (not web-based though IIRC).
There are many FOSS
That's not as easy as you think. Have you tried some of the other existing solutions? Turtle or NextCloud/Owncloud comes to mind for uncommercial note-services.
What problems do you have with Keep in Firefox?
Not sure but Laverna hasn't been updated in a while. Other better alternatives are:
Standard Notes (Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS)
Turtl (Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS coming soon?)
I personally use Standard Notes.
I know.. 👌🏻 but I have to work with what they have and are prepared to use. Everything dealing with financials should be a zero-knowledge (client side encryption) system. No unencrypted data leaves the machine at all. Then sure, store it in the cloud if you must. Access it from home if you must. But it stays encrypted throughout the journey.
Maybe I should just get them using Tresorit or an Evernote alternative like https://turtlapp.com
Turtl can also be self-hosted. For many it's a big plus but you have to dig up the server on their github (there is also a doc here on hosting https://turtlapp.com/docs/server/). It's all open source ~~but not free software (I don't see any license in there).~~ It's GPLv3 free software.
I know only Turtl that does that and is open source. I use it now but the usage is very basic, you can not add an image to a note when you create it as a text note, Text edition is very basic, you have to take care of double return otherwise it's ignored and it use quite a lot of battery on mobile but it's the price of privacy.
I did use Syncthing to sync .txt but it was also taking a lot of battery on mobile and you never now if it's really synced or not unless you double check on both side. Now I use it only to backup photos and files from app backup (Titanium backup) to my NAS in the night when I'm on home WiFi while charging.
Wow looks like pretty much exactly what might happen if I generalized the Turtl backend. I'm going to keep an eye on this as a potential future integration.
If you don't mind me asking (sorry, I don't have a lot of time to read the docs), does this pair with some kind of frontend system that houses libsodium? Obviously if it's e2e, the cryptography can't live in the server itself, so wondering what the general setup looks like and if this is a server + FE implementation.
[Turtl Beta]<https://turtlapp.com> looks pretty good.
The only private one that I know does it is Turtl, unfortunately it has been discontinued, it doesn't receive updates since dec 2018 as far as I know. You can still use it but it doesn't have an iOS app.
The alternative would be to use Joplin and sync to the same account, even though I don't think it's ideal since you will share every note this way.
https://turtlapp.com/ has a free offering and is open source. If its just for you its probably fine.
I think all google apps feed into your space limits
Lots of people use pintrest for collecting project ideas, I've never used it.
Trello is another options
I'm not sure r/maker is a good place for this question, other than you wanting to organize maker related content. Maybe a organization sub reddit or something would have more advice.
I've tried many and have the exact same issue. Another concern is the fact that most note keeping software does not encrypt your notes.
Try out Turl, a bit different approuch but interesting: https://turtlapp.com/
I came to Reddit, just to ask the same question.
FYI, I found Turtl, it's almost the perfect alternative for me, but the problem is that it doesn't have web interface. That is a problem for me, but maybe not to you.
Slack, notion.so, https://turtlapp.com, onenote, paper, bookmarks, and notepad++... depending on platform & where i'm at (notion/turtl are under evaluation).
I've looked at knowledge management systems, but most fall short for offline security. I'm considering a headless cms to manage auto populated documentation via api calls as permalinks (locally hosted & open-source is my current requirement). This maybe a similar approach, using mediawiki, that Splunk uses for their documentation... but i've yet to confirm.
I pay for Standard Notes, I will always pay for privacy and quality service. Standard Notes has offered me both as an Everntoe refugee.
That being said, never tried it but there is Turtl: https://turtlapp.com/
Check out Standard Notes. You can easily self-host through Docker containers or standalone. Getting addons to work on selfhosted is a bit tricky though, but as per your requirements Markdown editor is more of a luxury 😉
There's also Turtl.
I just saw this pop up on /r/windows: https://github.com/fabiospampinato/notable
Another alternative that I saw on F-Droid: https://turtlapp.com
I haven't tried any of them but they both sound interesting, not sure if they have attachment support though.
Currently pencil, paper and a locked office, but that's not really cool is it?
From your list though, I really wanted to keep with Mediawiki, but it was too much effort and I never got Sphinx working (although I think I was being silly and just haven't gotten back around to it).
Something else I've been wanting to look into is https://turtlapp.com/
Well 3 other popular apps are Turtl, Laverna and standardnotes.
Maybe they might suit your needs more. They are privacy oriented and open-source.
I haven't really looked into it much but here's a tab I had open from long ago that was supposed to be an alternative to Evernote.
For downloads I see they have apps. Don't know if that just means select, copy, paste for creation or what.
I know this post is 2 months ancient.... but Have you tried Turtl? https://turtlapp.com/
It's pretty basic... not nearly the features OneNote or Evernote but it is more private. I tried it for a while and it doesn't really fit my needs due to lack of features, but it might work for someone looking for something really basic.
If you've found anything better please let me know. I've been looking for a long time for a more privacy oriented solution to replace my massive Onenote database, and I haven't found anything that has the features I use daily.
Until a viable alternative is available I've set up an app called Saferoom that works with Evernote. It's a bit clunky in places but it does make it possible to keep using Evernote with encrypted notes. So far it's working well for me.
I tried Turtl but the Android app drained my battery, so it's not a viable alternative for me yet.
I've been looking for an alternative for the longest time. Ended up resorting to Evernote. Nothing really comes close, even though Evernote's not the best app itself. But I simply cannot stand OneNote.
I've seen recommendations for Turtl, but it's not available on iOS so I haven't tried.