This app was mentioned in 33 comments, with an average of 1.70 upvotes
Tablut and its derivatives play out very different with a competent AI.
For that I can recommend the free Hnefatafl App by Philippe Schober (Also available for IOS, apparently). It has several variants including Tablut, and the competent AI and options for online and offline multiplayer take the strategic depth much further, and make it a fun game to show to others.
Tafl games are flipping difficult, I've played them a few times. Also there's a pretty good app for android (and iPhone I think) to let you practice against a computer (I did not design this app, just sharing one I like)
For the first definitely check out Infinite West.
Free multiplayer stategy here are some options - Hnefatafl
Linkme: Infinite West, Uniwar, Legion War, Age of Fantasy, Legends of Callasia, Ascension, Age of Conquest IV, Terra Battle
Try Hnefatafl, an ancient Scandinavian game. Simple than chess regarding the rules but still quite some fun. The AI might prove quite challenging.
The most successful one so far is Hnefatafl and the unity one is Troll Patrol, currently in open beta. The others are linked in the store page.
Today Hnefatafl was released for iOS. It offers offline (against human or AI) and online play (cross-platform). You can create your own variants (over 200.000 possibilities) or play one of the predefined ones.
The Android version ( is in review and should be available soon (currently only the old version is available). The Steam version ( should be available by the end of April.
Age of Conquest IV.
Battle for Wesnoth
Star Realms.
Eight Minute Empire.
Twilight Struggle.
It is already done, I am just implementing new variants and need some promo pictures for that. The app only uses 2D images of those rendered pieces though.
> Oh yeah it's like fidchell right.
Fidchell is part of the Tafl family of games, yes. Hnefatafl is played on a 11x11 board though (my game features 7x7 up to 19x19). Fidchell, Brandubh, Tablut, Hnefatafl. All great games of the same family. :) I also made another app by the name of Fidchell which is based on the creation of Nigel Suckling which is like a round version of Nine Men's Morris. An interesting game, especially if you like round boards. :)
> Do you have a link?
Then this would be great opportunity to pitch my games. :P
Hnefatafl - also called Viking Chess. Perhaps even older than Chess. Asymmetric units (attackers have twice as much), defender has to escape while attacker has to capture the King. Supports online and offline play, also against AI. Has over 200.000 different variants (the original rules are unknown).
Fidchell - Nigel Suckling's interpretation of the old fidchell game. A mix of Nine Men's Morris and Hnefatafl. Supports online and offline play as well as against AI.
Wehrschach - a more strategic version of Chess which was invented in Nazi Germany but is completely free of all propaganda. It features two equal armies on a unsymmetrial board with rivers, lakes and railroads. A speciality is that you always need two units to capture an enemy. Supports online and offline play as well against AI.
Thanks for listening. :)
If you want an alternative to chess I can recommend Hnefatafl, Fidchell and Wehrschach.
All of them are historical two player abstract board games with asynchronous online gaming and offline play against AI.
Disclaimer: all made by me ;)
You might like Hnefatafl, the ancient Viking board game. Otherwise Through the Ages is a great asynchronous board game app.
The popular app (on Steam, Android, and the App store) there's generally a rule such that if neither side makes a capture in the previous 100 consecutive turns (so 50 turns per player) then the game ends in a draw. You could easily drop that down to 20 or maybe even 10.
I don't think I'd drop below 20 myself, maybe not even 30, but who knows what play testing would reveal
I remember back in the mid-1990s, Hnefatafl, a Viking board game, had been rediscovered and people playing it. I just googled and it seems to still be going strong, there are even digital versions on Steam and Google Play. There's even a Hnefatafl tournament.
You should go on Cyningstan's website to learn a bit about different strategies:
After that, play against human on Fellhuhn's app:
or at:
And, when it will be repaired, go play on
Playing against ai is ok, but it never playing like a human.
I could offer some of my games: Hnefatafl, Fidchell and Wehrschach.
They are abstract historical boardgames. Each of them supports online play via Google Play for two players.
If you like more difficult games you might try Through the Ages. But the rules aren't easy but it is totally worth it (rated as one of the best board games of all time).
Hnefatafl. Disclaimer: I made it. ;)
Looks like a game I downloaded called Hnefatafl (on play store), or at least one of the variations of it