This app was mentioned in 11 comments, with an average of 1.82 upvotes
Enable developer options > enable pointer location. Top right corner it says 'prs' which I guess stands for pressure but it measures surface area. Android has had it for years. As far as Gingerbread when I first found out about it.
There are some apps that have some sort of pressure recognition. I'm not sure how they're using it. Like this piano app. Doesn't work on all phones though. Works on my Z2.
Dunno why nobody else has ever used it.
hey this app is perfect piano on playstore
if u don't want to get too much invested n just want to test the waters, I'd suggest u to try an android /ios app. try perfect Piano and learn some basic songs n practice them
I've been using Perfect Piano for a couple of weeks now, and I love it:
Works with USB and Bluetooth MIDI controllers, and in addition to piano, has about 40 instruments, and you can record your playing and export MIDI files. On top of all that, Perfect Piano has learning and game modes.
I have this on my tablet, i call it "Piano Hero"
if you're on Android /ios u can try the Perfect Piano app . I think it supports midi input from an external keyboard. n if u don't have an external keyboard, u can always try the app's keyboard. there are a lot of midi file sources like free midi, 8 notes and others. n I'm sure you'll find even more sources if u search online. plus u can import these midi files into the app n learn. hope it helps
Also highlighting /u/badmark since this was his original discovery
I had the "perfect experience" too for a couple months, and loved commenting on these threads, but I started to realize there are major issues.
I guarantee you'll run into a bunch of issues soon. Enjoy it while you can.
He used Perfect Piano