This app was mentioned in 38 comments, with an average of 2.05 upvotes
If you're looking for a mobile wallet, for Android, personally I would recommend Samourai which has supported SegWit pretty much since it came out.
Ensure that you use SegWit as it will be cheaper to send in future.
For a desktop I'd recommend Electrum all the way (again, make sure you're using SegWit if possible).
Samourai is available as an unreleased Alpha.
You can install it onto your Android phone by going here:
We're still a little bit away from a fully released version, but the Alpha version is stable enough to be used as a full time mobile wallet.
Samourai wallet integrated TOR in wallet -
I urge you to try it :)
ok, so you recovered your blockchain wallet from seed when you installed the app?
If so than just use those 12 words with another BIP 39 wallet like
It's definitely an unfair comparison.
Coinbase and samourai are completely different things it's 100% apples to oranges.
Saying that the samourai wallet doesn't have an open release is just wrong though.
You just download it here like any other app ever. TBH I think they are just being extremely conservative with their versioning. They don't want people to blame them for their own stupidity I guess, but samourai wallet is very functional and secure.
Tutorial passo a passo do que fazer para ter bitcoins em segurança e de forma simples.
1 - Baixar a carteira Samourai no seu celular Android.
2 - Criar sua carteira seguindo os passos dados pela Samourai (leia tudo com calma), anotando as 12 palavras + passphrase em um pedaço de papel, na ordem correta.
3 - Procurando alguém de confiança que esteja vendendo bitcoins, para que a pessoa lhe transfira valores de acordo com uma cotação que ambos entrem em um acordo.
Um bom site para ver a cotação atual seria o localbitcoins.
4 - Não entregando nem digitando sua seed+passphrase para ninguém.
for BTC only I use samourai , for multi (I Think it supports btc too), I use Enjin. Exodus is another wallet people often suggest.
Besides that most reputable exchanges have their own apps. Some people will say no, but I think it's fine to keep your money in there if you're just tinkering. Once you have a lot of money, might want to think about moving it out.
Personally I don't usually use software wallets, I think hardware wallet is a lot more safe. You can get a Ledger S or a Ledger One for about €60, if you want to put even just some hundred of euros/dollars of crypto, I think it is still a good purchase, it will make you less paranoid and peaceful about the safety of your funds.
If you have an old Android smartphone you can also even give a try to Samourai Wallet, you can use it like a full offline hardware wallet.
don't download the core, you don't need that. download a wallet for whatever operating system you use or for your phone.
Wallet apps if you need a bitcoin wallet.
If this is your first wallet, tips to know.
Write your 24 word seed on paper, don't screenshot it. Don't give those 24 words to anyone.
Clicking recieve generates a QR code and a long string of case sensitive letters and numbers which is your receiving address.
You tell people your public receiving address so they can send you money.
Not your keys, not your coins. You currently don't own your bitcoin. Get your coins into a personal wallet. You don't need to create an account to use a wallet. Here is the one I use.
I gotcha. Alright, so what I did was download samourai wallet. I then used coinmama to buy bitcoin from there and send it to my wallet on my phone. Once you have the bitcoin in your wallet you send over the amount that streamroyale has on their website. It's a bit more complicated than that but not really.
I would agree with all of this, but I can't agree with not getting a different wallet where you control the keys. If you start keeping your BTC on Coinbase, you're getting into a dangerous mindset.
Get started with wallets now. It's a very good way to learn about Bitcoin and how to manage your money.
On Android, get Samourai Wallet
For iPhone, go ahead with BRD Wallet
These two will provide you with a 12-48 word seed that will allow you to restore your Bitcoin if you ever lose or break your phone. With these words, you can restore your balance using any wallet that takes in backup words.
Good luck on your journey and enjoy the magical world of Bitcoin!
ah! admittedly I haven't tried using GreenBits without my Trezor, so maybe it does things differently...
If you're only using it as a "cash" wallet, you might check out Samurai Wallet -- that's what I'd use if I wasn't doing the Trezor thing, I think. It's still technically in "testing" but it seems really solid and I've heard nothing but good things about it from everyone else:
Ah, i thought you meant because the app as a whole is in testing phase, as shown on the play store. The app as it is right now has no segwit support though.
Samourai is my favorite.
Our wallet is available as an Alpha today here:
^^Please ^^be ^^aware ^^that ^^in ^^its ^^current ^^alpha ^^state ^^it ^^is ^^still ^^relying ^^on ^^third ^^party ^^API's ^^bc.i ^^and ^^ ^^for ^^transactions ^^and ^^balance ^^lookup. ^^We ^^are ^^no ^^longer ^^using ^^third ^^party ^^API's ^^for ^^pushing ^^transactions ^^pushtx ^^is ^^via ^^our ^^node ^^hosted ^^on ^^dedicated ^^hardware ^^in ^^Iceland.
We are indeed working on a mobile shuffle/mixing solution but unfortunately that won't be ready until the new year. Up until now we have focused on obfuscation - pioneering the idea of decoy change addresses and coinjoin simulation, being the first and only to implement BIP 126 and being the first and only to implement BIP47
Next week we are planning to release an update that improves Tor support in the wallet and introduces another new privacy technique that can sit in between the process of acquiring KYC coins and tumbling those coins.
Hope this helps.
Additional list of wallets supporting Segwit:
Thanks for the info, I hadn't actually checked it out fully.
The Alpha is out and downloadable here btw:
This one:
Samourai is great.
Try importing your seed to Samourai, I believe you should see your Bitcoin
Then we can keep using samourai wallet?
Samourai for your crypto wallet needs.
I personally use the first one. No issues on my end.
If you’re earning interest on your bitcoin via a wallet application, YOU DO NOT OWN YOUR BITCOIN. You are giving your bitcoin to a third party whose is then lending it out to other people. Do not do this, it is incredibly stupid.
Use an open source, bitcoin only wallet application.
For iOS you can’t beat BlueWallet
For Android I’d recommend Samourai Wallet
Once your bitcoin holdings are large enough that you want to take your security to the next level, get a hardware wallet. Coldcard is the best, bar none 🚀🌕🧡
>I’m located in Australia if that means anything
Bitcoin is borderless and permisionless, is neutral politically. It doesn’t do geopolitics. It doesn’t do embargoes and sanctions and currency controls of the traditional currencies.
Your friends suggested right: Electrum, that is also for mobile
You can also try to use more than only one mobile wallet. Sometimes splitting the funds can be useful and usage of different wallets also can bring you more features.
I usually have on my mobile these:
1. Electrum - can have many different wallets configured on it. You can even have shared seed from other wallets compatible with BIP39 import seed.
2. Samourai wallet - is in still alpha version so is much to develop for this wallet, but is good. Some features are really useful.
3. Mycelium - now that is supporting segwit is useful
4. BlueWallet - quite new, with LN integrated, plausible deniability, storage encryption, multiwallet, promising
5. Schildbach wallet - one of the first mobile wallets existed, still not segwit but I like to use it connected to my own node.
6. BLN or Bitcoin Lightning wallet - good for having in the same time a LN 2 way (send/receive) functional wallet and BTC onchain wallet. I use this almost regularly.
7. Coinomi - multicurrency wallet, not very used but is good
8. Eclair - LN wallet
9. Optional Sentinel - watch only wallet. I don't like that still I can't open the app if I am not online. Damn it I just want to see the latest balance of a wallet and bring up a QR code for request payment. I don't need to be online for that.
If you have an android phone, try this wallet.
Well you could download and see if it actually gets you any money. It's extremely easy to setup, so you might as well try.
If you have some sort of talent, you might be able to monetize it on or
If you're really desperate, you could use something like this which pays in bitcoin.
This is a great bitcoin wallet to cashout into
Wow I didn't know that.
If you have an Android phone then you should be able to use Samourai wallet. Download it here:
Samourai has a watch-only product called Sentinel. But the actual Samourai Wallet is a full-featured wallet.
Sure. Public Test Flight Beta as of now.
This Bitcoin wallet has some innovation inside in a form of BIP47 Payment Codes (aka SPV Stealth Addresses). This lays down a foundation for a cross-platform contact system where one can use Billion and his or her friend can use a wallet on Android such as Samurai or Stash and they can make transactions without any additional address exchange or qr-scanning without address reuse (that protects privacy). One could also publish a Payment Code on the web or offline and no one will be able to spy on financial activity of this address.
And the UI is truly gorgeous :)
This is first result for Samourai:
This one doesn't mention BCH: