Honestly if you're not doing any gaming or powerful computing work, and just using it for microsoft word and internet, any new run-of-the-mill laptop that fits your budget should be fine.
amazon prime has a bunch in the $400 range
I would 100% advise on getting a new $400 laptop off amazon than buying a used laptop from a stranger.
and don't worry about buying from amazon, we bought about a half dozen computers through amazon at my workplace and they are all great.
If you want really good advice I’d go on r/laptops however the $500 range is a bit of a limbo. Most laptops for 350-500 won’t be that much better than one for 250. Personally I’d check out theAsus VivoBook F510UA. It’s on the high end, but currently on sale for just over 500 on Amazon. If that’s too much I’d consider dropping down a tier and saving some money. That’s just my opinion though, I’m sure there’s a lot of tech people over at r/laptops that might be able to share some more ideas
Who do you have for 111a? The different profs have different teaching/testing styles.
I took Bio when it was still a two semester series, so I'm not sure what subjects the new 211 class covers. Molec Cell? Ecology?
Physics is rough at CSULB. I was lucky enough to have a professor who spoke fluent english, but since the second semester is so abstract I still had a tough time. In retrospect, I wish I had sought out alternate lectures. The Khan Academy has some good tutorial videos, and MIT has a second semester physics course online. It may be a bit too in depth, but it can't hurt :D
Oh he must be new to CSULB. I couldn't find his profile under our school on RMP but I found him under University of Nevada.
Here's his reviews from past students:
Use http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ to find out about your professors if possible. CSULB is mostly a commuter school, so people tend to leave right after they are done for the day. Joining a society, frat, or club helps.
First off, never buy textbooks from the Bookstore unless absolutely necessary. I recommend Bookfinder.com. You'll have a huge selection of vendors from which to choose. For this Fall, one of my textbooks was $104/$80 new/used on Amazon (Bookstore only had the new version at $104 as well). Fuck that. I was able to find an identical international edition through Bookfinder for $20.
You should give programming a shot. It's probably a better investment of your time if you have been literally working for pennies.
If you find out you enjoy it, you should maybe pick up another major. ;)
I know of a few people who graduated from CSULB who majored in Computer Science making 6 figures right out of school.
Of course, the major is optional in this field. I know people who majored in stuff like Anthropology or Linguistics that are now software engineers. Some people didn't even go to college.
dude get some vic firth headphones that are made for drums...
You won't hear jack
Amazon has compatible green scantrons that I can vouch they have worked for me since freshman year and I am a super senior now. Pack of 50 is 18 cents each while pack of 100 is 14 cents each, but used to be $7 for 100 in 2016.
I just bought some KF94s (it’s the Korean equivalent of N95) https://www.amazon.com/Disposable-Breathable-Comfortable-Protection-Protective/dp/B08JNFJ5Y3/ref=mp_s_a_1_9?keywords=KF94+masks&qid=1643749082&sr=8-9
Roger Morton.
Dude has a fan club, never met anyone in Poli Sci who only took him for one class. Everyone always came back. His classes are easy and to the point but you actually learn shit. He even got even the weird and lonely people talking in class and his classes were always such a blast. He’s smart as shit and pretty unbiased. And he actually gives a shit about his students unlike some people who are just going through the motions.
I believe this is Gupta's ratemyprofessor. I would advise to avoid her lmao
Hey man please do! I'm taking Section 5 which is Tu/Th 1-2pm with Krista Spina since I heard she's pretty good. I might change if the need arises but I really don't want to swim in the morning lol.
Don't know. It seems by signing up for the summer bridge this year, you are also signing up for MEP. You should call in, and ask if you can sign up for MEP without registering for the summer bridge. Please keep us updated if you do.
Here's the MEP director's contact information: https://web.archive.org/web/20121121073701/http://www.csulb.edu/colleges/coe/mesa/views/personnel/clark.shtml
Unfortunately, they've removed the MEP site, so I had to search for an archive of it. Hopefully, the contact information still works.
Wait to see if you can find a free pdf of the textbook online
Library Genesis is a pretty awesome website where I've found textbooks for many courses in PDF format. Here is the link:
" GRADE IS COMPLETELY BASED ON HIS OPINION 75% of course is during finals week great course but you WILL get yelled at & he WILL make you feel worthless"
Yeah I had to email the advisors directly. If it helps, for History I emailed Dr. Dabel for an appointment and they replied to just drop in when convenient. no appt necessary. Heres the link showing their advising hours and days. https://padlet.com/profdabel/8bx0cbx8sjw6mgil
Did you look at the back of the printer? Do you see a port that's covered with tape or a plastic cover? My son's printer is this model and it's wireless also:
But there IS a port in the back available and the printer came WITHOUT a cable. Go look at yours to be sure.
Nope. It won't work. You will need a USB printer cable.
Something like this:
Look at the back of your printer and see if there's an open port available or just get the printer model and do a search in Amazon for something compatible.
I see, I also have been on and off with Korean I really need to stay consistent haha. And same I've been learning Chinese for 6 years as well.
You're right, I heard that Cantonese is closer to Middle Chinese, the language that influenced Japanese and Korean, so it makes sense that Sino-Korean words sound more similar to Cantonese. Maybe an example of a word that's similar across all three would be 运动 or 운동 which means exercise. Here's a book that compares the Chinese cognates between the three languages. My Korean teacher recommended it to me and it looks interesting:
Here's the link to the app in the Google Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.d2l.brightspace.student.android
Its basically just a simplified version of beachboard that you dont gave to sign into all the time. Its eh.
My personal laptop, prices will lower further into semester. If not aim for a pc with a ssd and gpu. You're mostly going to deal with matlab(kinda easy to run) and solidworks(harder to run but will run well with laptop). -3rd year ae major
These days, the Big 4 is replaced with FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google)
I interviewed for an internship at Google many years ago. Most of the coding questions are based off of the materials from CECS 328. They even asked me what is the Big O performance of my code after I finished coding it up on the shared editor (we used Google Docs during my interview).
Other tech companies that are not FAANG have asked me a lot of trivial object oriented programming questions (operator overload vs operator overwrite, describe the diamond problem, what is composition, why use interfaces, etc).
One book that helped me a lot when preparing coding interviews was "Elements of Programming Interviews". It was written by three Microsoft/Facebook/Google software engineers, and a lot of the questions, that I encountered in a technical interviewed, were found in the book:
Elements of Programming Interviews in Java: The Insiders' Guide
I had this book: Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, Books a la Carte Edition (12th Edition) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0321933338/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_-yYqDbCP1E093
But any edition close to the newest one would work. I also have the old slides on a Google folder if you want to familiarize yourself with the material before school starts https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1wYM-HLVdN75AulmTCFCamRn0IFA39Wk1
yep, got me one of these. thanks for the heads up.
It's not the LabPro, but I believe it has the same 8051 chip and is used in other courses where the LabPro is required but requires having your own board for wiring. I would check with the professor if he or she would allow it.