Awesome. I hadn't seen it online yet so I wasn't sure how soon they were going to have them.
BTW, this 25% off coupon should work: You can use it once in-store and once online.
Magic released an article explaining the types of players in a card game and it didn't portray net decking in a negative many like many people here do. Some people play to win and that is fine and I strongly encourage players to net deck and practice against those decks to come up with strategies on how to beat them. here is the article if anyone wants a good read.
Ive done a lot of researching for my collection and i use it as a playset collection for all my super rares and almost have every single 1 besides the draft box SR’s but i use dragon shield sleeves and then put them in , the best quality 1 ive seen that actually closes when full
Ultra Pro Sapphire Suede Collection Deck Builder's Playset PRO-Binder
best play-set binder hands down I got 5 of them 1 of each color and also started getting the 4 card page 1s; they seem to be super nice suede and also the fact when you fill it up it actually closes nicely without a big ass bulge
These 100%. Very clean looking, minimal bezel, relatively cheap, they fit in most deck boxes as well. Downside is that they don't lock extremely tight like other options do, so if you drop them then they could open up. But they fit pretty tight still.
Hey u/mihaiovidiu,
The sheet is encrypted to protect all the work our team has done on this project. We want everyone to be able to use it though, so we have tested the sheet with LibreOffice (a free, open source MS office alternative) and find that it works perfectly.
You can download LibreOffice here for free!
I think this is the box
You can take the divider out and it works for the oversized cards
What leaders did you get btw? I have some of the set 4 ones and starter deck Gogeta
Definitely dont sleeve every card lmao. I wouldnt even say sleeve every foil card. Some aren't worth much money. I would check the price of the foils and then sleeve the expensive ones.
Commons are annoying to sort. I have way too many fucking bulk commons, I just keep them in the spare draft boxes and similar boxes I own. Loosely organized by set. I probably should go back and do it properly.
If I were to do it properly, I would organize all the bulk commons and foils by set, color, and cost. I would probably get something like this and label each box with the set inside. If you are just staring and plan on buying alot more, then I would do something similar from NOW. The commons are just going to pile up and you are just gonna have a closet full of bulk cards that you know will take hours to sort through.
I wasn't sure if links were allowed but here ya go:
A lot of times toy stores or anywhere that sells cards should have the binder pages to put your cards in.
And if your having a hard time locally check amazon for these: Ultra Pro
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This is a good second stop after the Dragon Ball Super Card Game Tutorial App. Here's a link on the Google Play store.
I really enjoy using Ultra Pro mini snaps. They're like $1-2 for one at my LGS.
If no one has noticed by now, this is on amazon.
Someone else posted the back-side of the Leader and a better res of the 8 drop.
After some deep digging, I found these. I can't find any reviews or anything on them to confirm 100% that they are what you are looking for, though. Maybe buy 1 pack and see?
EDIT: Here's the link to KMC's american site for these.
I organize as follows:
I used some off brand clear sleeves originally, and they stuck together like warm gum on a window. Upgraded to Eclipse sleeves, and it was night and day. I upgraded from there to Dragon Shields from there and I will never turn back. Durability is amazing (no dings, dents, tears), and the clear front looks like glass.
I found that you can order off and get it delivered to the UK for a reasonable price.
Here you can get the new shenron deck for $26 including delivery and that comes to £20.
Edit: You would have to wait until the 5th for it to ship though, so might not be worth it.
Oh fantastic! I didn't get that one, I got the Ultimate Guard deck box which is like this, so hopefully it works just as well. The reasons I picked it up over the ultra pros was the divider and the amount of space it says it holds.
I am currently using Fantasy Flight Sleeves, I also use these for my foils along with perfect fits because i like the feel and thickness of them
I realize this is irrelevant to your actual question but I use Ultra Pro Inner Sleeves for my Leader card and protecting rares that I'm not currently using. They fit like a glove and keep my super rares from scuffs when they're not sleeved in a deck. Great for double sleeving too. They also fit pretty much any standard card; I use them for Magic for the same purpose. They fit great inside my Dragon Shield sleeves but I don't usually double sleeve. Makes the deck too fat and it just falls over. Don't know how people do it.
For sleeving playable C/UC and SR and above I use KMC Perfect Fits.
As far as a binder goes you're gonna want a 4 column, 3 row binder. This guy has a ton of videos on binders and grades them.
When buying sleeves you're gonna want "Standand Size" as there are other sizes for different games.
As far as bulk storage goes I have a 3x3 binder that I keep a playset of each C/UC, 4 per pocket for Union Force. I didn't buy much Galactic Battle so I haven't done the same for the first set lol.
I use one of these cases. I can fit three sleeved decks in it, leader cards, and all my other cards organized by color type and energy cost. Super portable and easy to find and rearranged cards or make changes to decks.
Did you know Amazon will donate a portion of every purchase if you shop by going to instead? Over $50,000,000 has been raised for charity - all you need to do is change the URL!
Here are your smile-ified links:
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Buy Ultra Pro Clear Sleeve. You can buy a pack of 100 for like 6 bucks off eBay or Amazon. It has a little circle on the bottom but it doesn't interfere.