I got this as a gift and have had no complaints
Ledlenser, P4R Core Rechargeable Pen Light, 200 Lumens, Advanced Focus System
Its rechargeable and its super bright and adjustable
Glad to hear you had a decent experience for your first day. I'd say you're doing everything right so far.
If your knees and legs are still aching alot after your first week or so, id say look at getting some good sneakers with a high arch support insole. I had a real problem with my knees hurting after my shifts but as soon as I changed to those shoes and the high arch insert, it was world's different. It takes some getting use to on your feet cause they do feel weird, but you won't regret the results.
I wear something similar to these.
I love these because it leaves my index, thumb, and middle finger free, allowing me to still use the Leo white giving me the benefit of added grip and protection. Best pair I've ever owned.
Seibertron T.T.F.I.G 2.0 Men's... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MB91YFV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
These were a total game changer for me... been using them for a year now. Haven't had to replace the shoes, just bought some new inserts after a few months.
They aren't composite toe so if you don't mind that risk then these are great...
I'd recommend if you're feeling "kinked up" to learn some serious yoga. No popping or snapping but after a session my back feels great and I am so much more relaxed.
I’m a Courier who also helps unloads the cans in the morning and I wear these:
Under Armour Men's Stellar Military and Tactical Boot https://www.amazon.com/dp/B019ETCNFM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2M8NSDGZY4GG27YWQXY4?psc=1
I’m ex military so I shit you not when I tell you these are the most comfortable boots I’ve put on my feet. You can also try these at no cost for 7 days with Amazon Prime, and are less than $90.
I got this one from Amazon, because I like the flex-fit hats CapRobot iD Custom Embroidered FedEx Ground Purple Orange Flexfit Hat Baseball Cap https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08XWDBCVT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_JBR1CM58N6GMVT30H3HX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The one in the photo is too big so I'm returning it. However, I found one for commercial sized trucks. Heres the link; Steering Wheel Knob for Truck - XL Driving Knob For Thick Steering Wheels - For Heavy Duty, Vans, Pickup Trucks, Semi, Sport and Tuning Steering Wheels - Facilitates Maneuvers https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BTZR7F1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_4XA892PNDEC14315F3D7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I drive an old Express Sprinter Van, it had battery issues for the past half year until the battery was finally replaced.
I experienced a similar situation, too.
I was delivering out late in the dark, my battery died on road, couldn't restart the van. Luckily dispatch haven't sign off yet, called a tow company to give me roadside assistance and gave me a jump start. It was a 45 minutes wait. Sure, it was fun because you're technically still on the clock and you still get paid. (Make sure to enter vehicle out of service on your time card and when the vehicle is back to service on your time card) But you're stuck at work. 😑
Ever since that incident, I always carry a jumper kit on me now, such as this
It's only take 2-3 minutes to revive your van if you know how to access the battery and the battery condition is still in relatively good shape.
I know that investing in equipment for work could be too much but sometimes it can help you out in some weird situations.
For me, I had this jumper kit before joining Express. My old personal car had issues.
I carry full strength. I've heard of dog spray not working.
I've also had to kick a dog in the face after my spray didn't work. It was the sort of spray where you have to turn the button before you can press it. It didn't work. I now carry this spray.
Ground PH here.
I got a couple pairs of Thorogood 6" Moc Toe boots. Idk how cold it gets in your area but around my parts the lowest it usually goes is 40ish degrees Fahrenheit, maybe high 30's, and my feet usually feel fine. I should note that Idk how appropriate these would be in snow if that's a concern for you.
As for socks, I wear these. As already mentioned, wool socks could be a great idea, too. And don't forget to wear a nice beanie, since a lot of heat escapes through your head :P
Good luck and stay safe out there!
BUY THIS ASAP!!! This like the holy grail and swear by it as it helped me pass every test I had to take. As long as you follow the directions it'll work like a charm
Recently, I bought this charger cable for my LeoPad to go on road, https://www.ebay.ca/itm/USB-Client-DATA-Comm-Power-Charging-Cable-for-Zebra-Motorola-TC70-TC75-/313659356702?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
It uses an USB port instead of your truck's car cigarette 12V port.
What I do is I plug it into my portable powerbank, while it charges the Leo, I put my Leo in my holster, and the powerbank in my vest large pocket, therefore it's technically still portable 😅
Alternatively, I plug it into my
USB C Car Charger Fast Charge pd... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0932YK6RW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
2 USB - C PORTS + 1 USB PORT car cigarette USB charger, which also at the same time charges my Note 10+ and SONY SRS-XB43 simultaneously. 🤣
>What footwear should I look into? I know we get brutal winters here so I want to be prepared
So the boot/shoe recommendations will probably be all over the place, but here is something else to consider: Buy a boot/shoe dryer. They will dry your shoes/boots/gloves out overnight in the Winters, kill all of the bacteria/smell overnight in the Summers, and make them last longer.
I own a Peet one. When its plugged in you can't really tell that it is on, but its working as intended. They are designed to dry overnight. Link - https://www.amazon.com/PEET-Original-2-Shoe-Electric-Dryer/dp/B001J4HQ76
Yess it’s been killing me! And the problem was going up to my knees! But these are great so far, I’ll link you.
{New 2021} 220+ lbs Plantar... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08S7MXCXD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Have your manager order you one. If you need one faster you can probably order a "tool holster" or "phone pouch" online that will work. I haven't really found one better than the one FedEx provides. I did like this one though:
Best I've found are ice fishing gloves. They work well since they're designed to be flexible for fine motor skills as well as warmly insulated. My current pair: https://www.amazon.com/Palmyth-Convertible-Fingerless-Thinsulate-Photography/dp/B07VZSPYQ3/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?dchild=1&m=ACMDFRF0XWHIL&qid=1608264420&s=merchant-items&sr=1-2
If I were to buy all new lights I'd probably go with these one power source for multiple strings
Hope to see yalls trucks lit as fuck in the future!
Get yourself a pocket flashlight. Something like this works pretty well.