>A teacher from your school actually called me stupid and told me > that this brand wasn't going to work, and that I needed to give up on my dream. Fuck that. Go comment on Harvard's posts and tell them what's right, if you do I will love you because I swear to god they can not stop us from living our dreams
I looked up how these Geofilters work. I'm not an expert on SnapChat, but how are you sure they didn't use a free Community Geofilter as described https://www.snapchat.com/geofilters ?
If they did actually spend $2,000 on these Geofilters, that does sound like a blatant violation of the rules and I would agree they should be disqualified.
For about a year I would ask interesting people I met (anyone from professors to friends to random people I met on the T) what their favourite three books were. Now I have a list of about 80 books.
For a while now my three favourite books have been:
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcom X
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Le Club des Incorrigibles Optimistes by Jean-Michel Guenassia (unfortunately they haven't translated this one yet but it really is spectacular)
Nothing too original for the first two but I really enjoyed them.
I don't know how much the AIME has changed in the last 20 years (sorry), but I would recommend being able to get at least a 7-8 on it. I got a 12 my senior year of high school, but I was one of the top 2 students in Math 25 (they don't actually keep track, but we were all friends in the class so we compared how we did), so there's plenty of room.
What I would most encourage is that you get really good at proofs. I don't know what 25 will be like next year (in my time, it was taught by a different professor every year so it was always different), but it will be proof-based and it will be challenging. Your knowledge of multivariable calculus will be helpful in your other classes, because you probably won't learn anything directly applicable in 25! But you'll be doing a ton of topology proofs, so make sure you're good at that. Maybe find a (cheap Indian) copy of the Rudin. I'm serious, get it shipped from India if you have to, but do not pay the amount they're selling it for on Amazon, holy shit.
I noticed this the other day and got depressed about it.
Surfing through grubhub though, i noticed them still open for delivery now though.....
get yourself a latvian flag scarf and hope nobody notices
Not on campus, but if you can get to an auto parts store (they all have this) or can wait to order from Amazon, the Duplicolor Clear Coat has worked fine for me: https://www.amazon.com/VHT-BCL0125-Exact-Match-Automotive-Fluid_Ounces/dp/B00407NK6A
If I were in that situation, I'd want to try something to decrease the population, so I'd get cockroach baits/gels. Something like this. https://www.amazon.com/advion-Plungers-Cockroach-Insecticide-Australian/dp/B00730QW70
Read this book: https://www.amazon.com/Pedigree-How-Elite-Students-Jobs/dp/0691169276
Your major doesn't matter as much as you think. What matters are your extra-curriculars, awards and achievements, and most importantly, your ability to network.
Finance firms look for “culture fits”; in other words, students with high levels of cultural capital who would be able to work “on brand” with the firm. The goal is not to recruit talent based upon merit, but to recruit employees who can maintain a reputable, luxurious, and elite picture of the firm that they represent.
For about a year I would ask interesting people I met (anyone from professors to friends to random people I met on the T) what their favourite three books were. Now I have a list of about 80 books.
For a while my three favourite books have been: 1. The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcom X 2. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt 3. Le Club des Incorrigibles Optimistes by Jean-Michel Guenassia (unfortunately they haven't translated this one yet but it really is spectacular) Nothing too original for the first two but I really enjoyed them.
A lot of Harvard students silently struggle with mental illness and consequential insecurities, so something I would highly recommend to this community is this NYT bestseller:
A First-Rate Madness: Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness
Coincidentally, it was written by a neighbor: Nassir Ghaemi, director of the Mood Disorders Programme at Tufts Medical Center.
Infinite Jest
Catcher in the Rye
Liar's Poker
(You guys have outstanding taste in literature!)
Yeah I know those aren't what you had in mind.
But a dozen or two of those in a zip-lock or something takes practically no space in your laptop bag, whereas any of the over-the-ear noise cancelling things are huge.
I use these on flights to minimize cabin noise so I can focus on whatever I'm reading or working on instead.
Depends on what they require for your department. You can get a refurbished one on amazon.