Setting and alarm and keeping a bottle of water on your night stand are both really great ideas. Try to make that part of your routine when you fall asleep so you don’t have to rely on remembering when you wake up. I also suggest getting some sort of weekly pill sorter to help you keep track and make sure you’re not missing any doses. I always take mine when I wake up in the middle of the night and sometimes I can’t remember if I’ve taken it when I get up in the morning, so the pill sorters have really come in handy.
hmmmm, that's really interesting because I also have these issues, but as far as I know it doesn't really fall into classical Hashimoto's symptoms. For me, the lower cheek swelling happens when I eat certain foods. I went on the AIP diet thinking I would be able to reintroduce groups of foods eventually but that hasn't been the case. Thanks to the super strict diet, my facial swelling has gone down (and I do acupressure a few times a week to target TMJ symptoms, it's very effective), but it's an incredibly difficult lifestyle to follow. It's super expensive, restrictive, and socially alienating because you can't really eat out at all (except getting a bun-less burger). I don't know if I would recommend it or not. I guess I would, because it does work, but just be aware of that it's a big sacrifice as well.
Before I started AIP, I would also do castor oil packs on my lower cheeks to reduce the swelling. I haven't used them in several years, but I remember them working pretty well.
I'm sorry that we have to go through this, especially with the little support and info there is out there. Best of luck with it all!
At that low of level it's extremely difficult to raise it naturally. The biggest source of natural D3 is through a daily exposure in the sun (about 15 minutes).
This article explains it rather well:
Bear in mind that this is relative to where a person lives. A sunny place does not guarantee absorption from the sun.
You can get D3 from food, sadly the variety of food that give D3 on a high amount is limited. This article will give you an idea:
Again, this is because your level is too low. In order for you to raise it naturally, you'll need at least 1.000 IU daily (I was getting 2.000 IU daily and it took me over a year to raise my levels), that means 20 large eggs per day (1 large egg has 50 IU), or about 200 gr of salmon per day. 100 gr of tuna give you about 70 IU.
Why some doctors still prescribe D2 (Ergocalciferol) instead of D3 (cholecalciferol) is beyond me, it's widely known that D3 is the way to go.
Deep breath. You will be ok. It just will take time. I think that was always the hardest thing about this condition-it takes time to start feeling better. I just realized the other day that I've had this for 20 years. If it makes you feel any better, it takes at least that much time or even longer to see a specialist where I live.
Depending on where you live, you will most likely want to see an endocrinologist. There are lot's of resources out there, so it's important to research and advocate for yourself. Anyways, I take levothyroxine every day, which keeps my levels healthy. I get an annual check up to make sure my levels are good and to check for any potential nodules that may become cancerous.
On gluten. Unless you have celiac, there's no need to avoid it. I feel that there's a little too much fear mongering related to it. If not eating it makes you feel better, great, but if not, there's no need to not eat it. I think it's more important to keep track of your vitamin levels and to ensure that whatever anemia you are dealing with gets under control. I've always had low vitamin D, and B12 and supplementation helps a great deal (I like being on the higher end of the healthy range) and also getting my folic acid deficiency under control has also helped a great deal.
I’m so, so sorry to hear that you’re feeling like you are. It’s heartbreaking and shame on your doctor!
I’ve had Hashimotos pretty much my whole life but only got diagnosed four years ago and only this year have finally gotten proper medication. I too felt like you until I got the right kind of help.
I have a nurse practitioner whose specially trained in thyroid and hormone health and is on the other side of my country. You need to search for the right practitioner and for most it’s a daunting task. But your life depends on it. If you’re in Canada you can PM me and I can share my contact with you.
Izabella Wentz is a pharmacist who has Hashimotos and she struggled too to get help. She’s written a couple of really good books.
Hashimotos: Root Cause
Hashimotos Protocol
You really want to save your thyroid. These two books give hope.
She recommends Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) And Myo-Inositol to help lower antibodies. These two have worked for me.
Other things can cause thyroid issues and antibodies to rise such as:
Mold, Environmental chemicals, household chemicals, body care products, low lying infections, heavy metals, B12 deficiency, anemia and more.
These are outlined in the books and you can order testing through her or she will tell you where to get them.
It sounds a little daunting but doing the research and finding the right help will improve the quality of your life.
All the best!
I eat a very low carb diet without processed foods and have to supplement potassium, magnesium, & sodium, especially because I live in a place where I sweat a lot. I typically put a salt tablet in my big water bottle along with my potassium supplement. I don't taste it at all.
These are the ones I use:\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Are you on Levothyroxine now to bring your TSH down? Sounds like you might need it.
As for dietary changes, i AGREE 100% that it's a struggle, because you don't feel the positive effects of changing your diet immediately. You could start with AIP or start with just no gluten, no dairy, reduced sugar, reduced alcohol and see how that goes.
A note about willpower: as I'm sure you're well aware, it's a limited supply. I don't know what your non-negotiable stressors and responsibilities in life are, but if you can cut as much out as possible for the first few weeks that you're focusing on changing your diet, it will help. The beginning is the hardest.
Also buy less inflammatory comfort food! Comfort food is always going to be a thing you want and need, but you can find snacks that are not AS bad, whether that's dark chocolate, berries, paleo bars, light popcorn, whatever it is you're into. Just make sure you have plenty of healthy options in front of you, so when you get hungry you don't feel deprived.
And when you're reducing your carbs, make sure you up your protein and fat intake so you're not starving. This book was a good starting point for me: I don't reference it too often now, but the Root Cause Green Smoothie has become my morning staple.
I take iron and vitamin d everyday since this year started because I had to raise my ferritin and my vitamin d levels. Vitamin D - Make sure your supplement is oil based and not in a powder form like the Thorne vitamin d supplement. I use Naturemade 5,000iu of vitamin d everyday. Take your vitamin d with a good amount of fat, the best absorbtuon is not too much fat and not too little of fat, 11 grams of fat is perfect. Take it with your breakfast meal. You can take thyroid meds, wait an hour before eating, and then take vitamin d after eating breakfast, make sure it has come fat in it, eggs, bacon, etc.
Iron - I take mind when I feel stomach is close to empty, I take it after my breakfast meal, at least 2 hours after eating. I take Ferrous Fumarate 106mg per pill with a tall glass of orange juice each day.
This has kept my vitamin d up and my ferritin is going up too.
Thanks for the recommendations. Yeah, my supplement list is getting a bit more expensive. I have D3 and a good B12, but I guess I need to get K2 to help absorb the D3.
Also, I saw a lot of talk about Selenium and some other supplements. Eventually, I was able to find this Amazon best-seller for thyroid support with over 4,000 positive reviews:
I checked out the reviews on fakespot and review meta to make sure they weren't fake reviews and they're not, so I ordered some. If you search the reviews for terms like "Hashimoto's" and "anxiety" you will see it seems to have helped a lot of people with these problems. It even helped some people grow their hair back.
IMO, this is what we need to do: fight the antibodies, not just replace the lost hormone.
I was going to suggest the silicone strips. They are reusable and amazing. I got mine on amazon. I got mine for a major breast reduction but you can get the sheets and cut them to size.
NewGel+ Silicone Gel Sheeting for Scar Management - 5" x 6" Sheet Clear (1 per box)
Well right now I'm using this one:
But I've been trying to find a better one. Even though they are a Canadian company (I'm Canadian lol) and they source their products globally (this one is actually from Peru), I've read that the management treat employees poorly.
I forgot to mention in my original comment to always look for the gelatinized powder cersion and not the raw powder. I found the raw powder, which I unfortunately used, caused me digestive issues.
i just bought hoodies up to the knee u can wear. and its first time i am not cold in my room lol
Also - it helps to know if you have the MHFR gene. If you do, then there is a specific B vitamin complex. (I like this one).
Thank you very much for your advices. I found several books on Amazon. Is that the one you are recommending: Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back ?
Yeah, I am kind of convinced of what each of them want to do, it is just that I don't know what next step should I go for. The reason the immunologist prescribed Plaquenil for me is the fact that I have a strong family history of Rheumatoid Arthritis and I first came complaining about numbness, stiffness and swelling in my fingers, though my lab results do not show RA signs. Then, by seeing my neck swollen, he ordered the Thyroid antibodies test and from the result we learnt this diagnosis.
I will start monitoring the symptoms and the other functions you advised here, to see how things are progressing.
Thank you very much for your help here! :)
That's a good question. I always worried I'd be single forever (not that that's necessarily a bad thing) but then I moved to the city where I live now and went out to bars and stuff on the weekends, where I made some acquaintances, and one night my partner walked in and we started talking (he was also an IT major). The only way I used to be able to meet people is by drinking alcohol. In recent years I've cut back a lot. But what I'd recommend to you is stay yourself, but try to go out of your comfort zone and meet new people in whatever way works for you...try or just going in your local pub, getting to know the regulars. Anything as long as you get out of the house, then meeting people is something inevitable.
I definitely bought this blanket for my dogs and stole it bc it’s the perfect size and is super warming. I also highly recommend the Annie’s Organic Grass Fed Mac & Cheese. I’m still learning what my intolerances are and know that dairy can sometimes be an issue for those with Hashimoto’s so I figured it’s safest to go with organic.
Recently bought something like this - it helps not having to clean out the drain as deeply but it is sad to see how much piles up :(
It is called „Autoimmunhilfe“ and a major part of it is a elimination diet to find out personal food sensitivities. Simone Koch focus is on lectins - she recommends to avoid them as much as possible and to cut out gluten in general.
I know this sounds nuts, but horse linement really helps my achy muscles. It's similar to Biofreeze I guess, but works way better for whatever reason. This is the one I use:
I noticed that too - I have to use a lot more hair moisturizing products now. I found these wipes that have helped my hair feel better, and they smell nice. Pacifica Anti-Frizz Wipes
Hashimotos cookbook - I purchased this book a few months ago and I literally live by it - the recipes are easy to make and healthy! They have helped me alot.
I remember what it was like when I started on my Hashimoto's journey, and I'm a clinically trained Chinese Medicine herbalist! Was challenging.
This cookbook is quite good for those getting started (I have no affiliation with the cookbook, and don't stand to profit from it):
Eat more: simple cooked/roasted/etc meats (ie chicken, beef, pork, eggs, fish), simple cooked vegetables (focus on leafy greens, broccoli/cabbages, zucchini -good job!-, other squashes, sweet potatoes -which you are already doing-, and so on). Fruits like berries are excellent for those of us with Hashimoto's.
My diet focuses on the above, and I feel quite happy with how I eat - and most importantly, I've never been healthier.
I'm in the middle of my depression too. I recently found this book and its been a huge help, Maybe it can help you too. *hugs
I hope it works out for you. It took me about a month to fully get into the swing of it. In order to push through morning hunger, I drank a LOT of water (Sparkling Ice Black Cherry was an absolute life saver!).
I use this and socks at night. (I forget some nights and it still works amazingly)
The Autoimmune Protocol Comfort Food Cookbook: 100+ Nourishing Allergen-Free Recipes
Unlike the other two cookbooks I posted, this one has photos. While the recipes are amazing, we've found the ingredients harder to find in New Zealand. Probably not an issue for many in the world though. This has really helped us overcome cravings.
The Psoriasis AIP Cookbook: Recipes to Improve Skin Health with the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol
This is similar to the Hashimotos AIP recipe book, as it's by the same publisher. My husband has psoriasis, which is why we bought this. It also has a good introduction, and while some recipes are similar, it's nice to have variation.
The Hashimoto's AIP Cookbook: Easy Recipes for Thyroid Healing on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol.
I've really enjoyed this. It has some good recipes, but it's also great for AIP beginners as it has a good introduction with some basics. The pumpkin gnocchi is my favorite!
Not in your head. But there is no guarantee that meds (levothyroxin) will ever make your symptoms better. There is even a book about thyroid called "Why do I still have thyroid symptoms when my lab tests are normal:
Well, it didn't hurt. I suppose I can say that. But I didn't lose a ton of weight. What has really helped is taking up walking with walking poles. You use 80-90% of all your muscles, burn around 40%-50% more calories than you do from plain walking, and you strengthen your core. All without feeling anymore exerted than you would from just plain walking. I highly recommend them weight loss and toning. Just try it.
We don’t know about Anti TPO antibodies numbers. It’s recommended to lower sugar consumption and take anti-inflammatory supplements. Start Amazon shopping. My favorite is black seed cumin oil (in soft gels). The other one is boswellia - should be good for joint, although I didn’t like it. I will give it another try. The one I got contains only boswellic acid in a large dose. I think will be better to get 50/50 one, with resin and acid
Gluten-free CBD gummies also good 👍
I’ve been taking the Blood Builder Minis and it has been amazing (for me). No nausea at all! I get them on Amazon but you can surely find them elsewhere.
MegaFood Blood Builder Minis - Iron Supplement Shown to Increase Iron Levels Without Nausea or Constipation - Energy Support with Iron, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid - 60 Tabs (30 Servings)
You need Clocky! When the alarm goes off, it jumps off the table and runs around the room. You have to get up and catch it to snooze or turn it off. You think multiple alarms would make you grumpy, imagine what this thing would do!
If you have an endocrinologist or whomever manages your Hashimotos, I would check with them.
I, personally, do not handle fluoride well at all. Makes my goiter swell, and since it’s just this side of big enough to remove even though it’s a benign goiter, I really don’t want it to swell.
If you need something to help with cavities, I use (Squigle Tooth Builder SLS Free Toothpaste (Stops Tooth Sensitivity) Prevents Canker Sores, Cavities, Perioral Dermatitis, Bad Breath, Chapped Lips - 2 Pack instead.
I had a friend who also has autoimmune conditions tell me about it. She found out about it from her functional medicine doctor and had some good success with it. After hearing about her experience, I did some research myself and eventually bought this book which has been super helpful.
Vitamin K2-MK4 is the type you need to look for, to help absorb calcium properly. (Here's an example of the type)[]
Yes, absolutely. It's well explained in this book if you want to read about it:
"Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? When My Lab Tests Are Normal: A
revolutionary breakthrough in understanding Hashimoto’s disease and
Autoimmune disease is not a root cause. I recommend reading the histamine reset plan by Dr. Becky Campbell
The 4-Phase Histamine Reset Plan: Getting to the Root of Migraines, Eczema, Vertigo, Allergies and More
YES this has been my exact experience! I just got a pack of these and they have completely solved the problem:
I really like this supplement. I only take 1/day instead of 2. I also take 5000 IU of vitamin D per day. I was deficient in D at my last labs, so I'm trying to get my levels up.
Switch to a methylated Vitamin B complex (better absorption)
Take Vitamin D and Omega 3 - I like this one:
Have you had your cortisol / DHEA levels checked?
I am so sorry. Before I could get into an endo to confirm Hashimotos I started taking this supplement and within a few days (started with a TSH of 8+) I began feeling loads better. Also take a D3 and B-complex. And go gluten free - it really helps. Zhou Thyroid Support Complex with Iodine | Energy, Metabolism & Focus Formula | Vegetarian, No Soy or Gluten | 30 Servings, 60 Caps
Collagen peptides. There are a bunch of different brands. This has helped my hair growth and I'm not losing as much as I was. This is the brand I'm using right now:
I have a ton of sleep problems. I’ve found that only a few things really help my sleep. Gaba, melatonin l, magnesium and L-theanine. This works well for me Natural Vitality Calm Sleep Magnesium Citrate with Melatonin & GABA, Sleep Aid, Mixed Berry Flavor, Vegan, Gf & Non-GMO, (Package May Vary),16oz
First question: are you in thyroid replacing hormones and are you seeing an endocrinologist regular?
There are many type of therapy: psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc. Some therapy focus on trauma and don’t provide coping strategies but will help patients recognize their trauma and work through it. That can take a long time for some people. If you’re not clicking with your therapist, maybe look into getting a new one. If your really want goal oriented therapy I would look into cognitive behavioral therapy or acceptance and commitment therapy. I would recommend this book or this book to learn more about both therapies.
Yeah I just bought a cane from Amazon to help this issue. Check out these canes, they aren't too expensive and look really cool, check it out. Werewolf Walking Stick for Men Wooden Cane with Lycan Wolf Head - Designer Vintage Derby Walking Canes for Men Decorative Walking Staff
Biotin. REad some of the reviews on Amazon re: hair loss. You need to take 10,000 mcg to see its effects.
I recommend this book as well. It can help when your labs are truly optimal, other blood tests fine, and you still have Hoshimotos symptoms.
Oh, I should've definitely connected the dots, my bad!
Yep, from what I understand most people do well with B-12 and Folate at the same time, but it's not guaranteed for everyone. Some people simply don't tolerate Folate at all, and some might need very high amounts of B-12.
I personally take 800 mcg of Methyl Folate per day, along with 5,000 mcg of B-12. I noticed that 1,000 mcg of B-12 has a positive effect for me in terms of energy, but I take the 5,000 pill just to make sure since you can't really over-dose on it anyway.
If you're curious, it won't do any harm to try it out without checking like I did. The actual supplement is cheap, where as the tests are $99+. I'd recommend trying this product from Jarrow Formula. I've had the best effect from this brand.
If you decide to give it a try, start slow! Folate has such a strong effect within 24 hours. You might get strong depressive side effects though, those are nasty and will go away within a couple of days. It's called being over methylated and there are a few remedies for it if you can't stand it.
Yes i test for candida and im high in igG only will see the doctor next week to talk about that. I have been reading books from amazon
Made me go and do the test. So informative. Now trying to eliminate the candida !!! As i have athletes foots - and not sure about the guts
I suffered a lot too. I bought this on amazon.
Then I went and measured my shoe size, and apparently it had increased over the years, so I fitted and bought these OOFOS shoes. That seemed to have helped quiet a bit. Also I started wearing sandals inside house while walking on hardwood floor. But still pain comes but frequency is much much less these days. Wish you good luck. I know how hard it is especially when no one knows why you are getting the pain.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I’m sure it isn’t easy and I hope that you are able to take care of yourself should any difficult or painful feelings arise. My heart immediately felt pulled to share this book with you:
As the previous commenter stated, childhood trauma has a direct link to chronic illness in adulthood. The body internalizes much of the toxicity we experienced as children, often in a symbolic way. Personally, as similar to the other commenter, my hunch is that our healing must involve symbolic/metaphysical components in order to treat such a “mysterious” malady (at least to the medical field) as autoimmunity. Only when I started adding in more spiritual healing modalities alongside of the traditional western ones did I start making real progress in my healing (which is a continuous journey, one that I’ve never reached the end of). In any case, I send you all my best wishes and care.
There are such things as heated socks, operated by rechargeable batteries. I haven't tried them - yet. But they get pretty good reviews on amazon.
Also L.L. Bean is a good source in general for all things to make you warmer.
The supplement I take is Ferrous Fumarate and it is getting my iron up and I take one pill everyday with orange juice -
The supplement I take is Ferrous Fumarate and it is getting my iron up and I take one pill everyday with orange juice -
I was recently diagnosed with hashimotos as well, and thankfully I am seeing an amazing functional medicine doctor. I'd highly recommend getting a comprehensive food allergy/sensitivity test done, that way you know what foods specifically to avoid. That's one of the most important things in my mind, is simply not eating the food that creates a stress response. And doing the test saves you a lot of time versus experimenting yourself. Also please look into betaine hcl and pepsin. Most people with hashimotos/hypothyroidism are deficient in stomach acid, which creates all kinds of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. That was the case for me. I was severely deficient in iron, ferritin (storage form of iron), and magnesium. My doc also put me on a natural T3 thyroid hormone from pig (GTA from Biotics Research) and I'm feeling so much better already! It's only been two weeks but the iron plus pig thyroid glandular is working wonders, like my brain is finally coming back online. Healing the gut is crucial, because if you have leaky gut, the steps you take towards healing will be consistently thwarted due to food particles leaking through the gut lining.
Highly recommend this book I just rented it from the library and it is filled with solid information and protocols for healing.
Look into finding a functional medicine doctor, who has a lot of experience and will actually take the time to work with you. As far as I know most western doctors don't know shit about hashimoto's, and don't even test for it usually because they don't know how to treat it. Simply taking a synthetic T4 thyroid like levothyroxine won't heal you, it may help a bit, but it won't get to the root cause.
Hope this helps! Peace
I was recently diagnosed with hashimotos as well, and thankfully I am seeing an amazing functional medicine doctor. I'd highly recommend getting a comprehensive food allergy/sensitivity test done, that way you know what foods specifically to avoid. That's one of the most important things in my mind, is simply not eating the food that creates a stress response. And doing the test saves you a lot of time versus experimenting yourself. Also please look into betaine hcl and pepsin. Most people with hashimotos/hypothyroidism are deficient in stomach acid, which creates all kinds of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. That was the case for me. I was severely deficient in iron, ferritin (storage form of iron), and magnesium. My doc also put me on a natural T3 thyroid hormone from pig (GTA from Biotics Research) and I'm feeling so much better already! It's only been two weeks but the iron plus pig thyroid glandular is working wonders, like my brain is finally coming back online. Healing the gut is crucial, because if you have leaky gut, the steps you take towards healing will be consistently thwarted due to food particles leaking through the gut lining.
Highly recommend this book I just rented it from the library and it is filled with solid information and protocols for healing.
Look into finding a functional medicine doctor, who has a lot of experience and will actually take the time to work with you. As far as I know most western doctors don't know shit about hashimoto's, and don't even test for it usually because they don't know how to treat it. Simply taking a synthetic T4 thyroid like levothyroxine won't heal you, it may help a bit, but it won't get to the root cause.
Hope this helps! Peace
This could help a lot. If gluten causes you inflammation that makes every part of your health suffer, from malnutrition bc you can’t absorb what you need, to mental health and anxiety. I know you mentioned that was a big symptom for you.
There’s some good books/cookbooks that tackle this but they focus on hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s.
Hashimoto’s Protocol by Izabella Wentz
Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology same author.
Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you!
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Get your hands on this book even if you are not trying to get pregnant! I learned so much about my body reading this. It is normal to have a lot of slippery mucus around ovulation. I did a quick Google and blood can also appear after ovulation.
Sorry I meant to say that my current levels are 29 ng/mL. Oh and I looked up the brand you take on Amazon and looks like they’ve already Soybean Oil each capusle. Correct me if I’m wrong but are your capsules “see-through” transparent soft gels?
And this is what you’re taking?
I’m gonna order mine if this is the one.
Ok. You labs look pretty good. If you were on meds I would suggest the doctor add a small amount of T3 or cytomel. Ideally Free T3 should be in the top quarter of the normal range.
With no meds there are things you can do to improve your conversion. T4 hormone converts to T3 hormone in the liver. If you google "improving thyroid hormone conversion" you will find lots of suggestions.
Some basic ones soy, no iodine or iodized salt, no uncooked goitrogenic foods, no chemicals or processed foods, no caffeine or alcohol. Eat as clean as possible. If you cannot eliminate something then try to minimize it.
There are several vitamins and minerals that, if deficient, can impair conversion. The big one is selenium. It is best to have it tested or you could try a low dose selenium tablet to see if it helps. 100 mcg. Others are Vit D, Zinc, Vit A, B12, Iron.
There are lost of thyroid support pills for sale but many of them contain herbs etc that are no good for the thyroid so stay away from those.
If you want a good multivitamin that might cover all of the above you could try Pure Encapsulations Nutrient 950 with no iodine, copper or iron. It is always best to supplement iron separately if you need it.
I think with numbers as high as 350 you most certainly do need medication. When I am under treated I have been misdiagnosed with depression. There is a fine line but a big line between feeling horrible because my thyroid isn’t functioning optimally and depression. I recommend you do three things 1: search online for a quiz for depression. Depression isn’t anything to ignore. Like the above person mentioned it is understandable to be depressed over a life long autoimmune disease. However if you truly have depression then I suspect that there will be other issues at work. 2: Get a doctor that will treat you. One thing you can count on is one autoimmune disease will lead to more autoimmune diseases. You deserve a healthy life. 3: read Hashimoto’s Protocol Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back Best wishes! Twink
Adding a few drops of this to my shampoo every night has drastically changed my hair. I lose less hair and it looks way healthier. NOW Solutions Castor Oil, 100% Pure, 16-Ounce
I use this one upon my Thyroid specialist suggesting it:
Ortho Molecular Products Adren-All Capsules, 120 Count
My instructions were to start with 1 in the morning then increase to 1 morning + 1 with lunch then 2 morning +1lunch etc, until you feel like you've been energized enough and stay at that dose. Back off 1 fewer if you feel over stimulated. For me, 1+1 has been sufficient.
I tried Dessicated Adrenal and Drenamin from Standard Process before this and they don't work as well.
Edit: I see that this is more expensive ($86 for 120 capsules).
NOW Selenium is what I take.
I'm not affiliated with this manufacturer or Amazon, but this is an example of the kind of natural product many people with anemia feel better with;
Hey, thanks for replying.
I think what I am going to do to start is take this Thyroid Support supplement and read this book. Searching through the reviews and judging by what others have said about Selenium alone, I think I might have more luck trying to clean up the antibodies by treating the root cause with nutrition than I will by just letting my antibodies kill my healthy tissue and putting fake hormone in my body to help with the resultant hormone deficiency. It seems strange to me based on what I've read already that doctors aren't trying to cure the actual condition, but just using synthroid as a bandaid, basically, to patch up the biggest side effect of the condition. From what I understand so far, my symptoms are a result of processes that are happening with the antibodies attacking my healthy tissues. Different amounts of certain nutrition sort of "mop up" the various imbalances and excess byproducts in the system due to different reactions (for example, selenium does something good and, if I recall correctly, hydrogen pyroxide is byproduct made in over-abundance with Hashimoto's). But I am just beginning to learn and the ideas I shared here are just scraping the surface.
Thanks for recommending the book. I guess this is the one you're talking about:
I searched the reviews and see it has helped some Hashimoto's patients (if real reviews, anyway; and I'd like to believe they are). I will check it out. Have you read it and applied it to your own condition? Do you have Hashimoto's (I can't remember)? If so, how has the info in this book helped your condition so far? Thanks again.