I was looking for this last week and the only place I was able to find it was here on Amazon. If you scroll to the bottom it's Ep.14 and you can buy it for 2.99. Def worth it!
We kissed in the tomato sauce.
Also, you can grow a mini bean arch using a potted bean plant and anything that resembles a small arch. Or a trellis style planter for it to climb:
here, I screengrabbed it, vectorized it, enlarged it, and cleaned it up
here's a direct download link in case imgur compresses the file
should be plenty of resolution for any reasonable sized button
I found one site that will easily let you upload it and turn it into a button --
I'm sure there are plenty of others
I can't speak for its legitimacy but I just watched a couple episodes off Adult Swim from Canada using
Just be cautious, I guess. It worked and seems fine enough.