The biggest defining feature between MathStudio and other comparable software is it's scripting language. For instance you can work with external data with just a few lines of code.
You can see more examples of what users have done with MathStudio's scripting language here including fully interactive games.
Let me try to explain a little bit more, and I think that trying to make mathematica do an inverse laplacian of a function might be too much work. It turns out that my solution could be turned into a convolution of the laplace transform, so now it's a matter of trying to get mathematica to compute: (f*g)(x)=Integrate[f(t)g(t-z),{z,0,t}]=Integrate[f(t-z)g(t),{z,0,t}] Either one of the integration function works.
where f(t)=Sin(t) and g(t)=[%28pi%29%28t3+%29]%29%29%28e%28%28x2%29%2F%284t%29%29%29 (did it this way since it wasn't showing up right on Reddit, be sure to copy/paste)
I've already tried getting it to do it, and it'll hang on that and just give me the integral in traditionalform as an output without evaluating anything. Is there a way to numerically integrate it? I just KNOW there has to be a way of getting a visual of this thing..
FYI: I need a function of x and t, since my solution u(x,t) describes the temperature of a rod
This might help a bit, it's from working on simple models of a Hydrogen moecule, and is written in prolate spheroidal coordinates which is where the μ and λ comes from. Here's the full mathematica notebook, I fully assert that it is full of errors and factual inaccuracies but should otherwise help.
Basically, use partial differentials for d/dx and throw psi right after it, and make psi a variable. Define your psi function, then plug it into the formula. Make sure T isn't evaluated until it is used by using :=.
From what you explain, I would suggest to convert the video into something less memory intense before importing it to Mathematica? see for details:
Another solution could be to import just a certain number of frames. For this you should first export each frame of your video into e.g. jpg pics and then import them one by one in Mathematica.