SCOTUS won't strike down any and all laws pertaining to public safety / prohibition of carry in sensitive places, etc., as Scalia wrote in Heller I (to some degree at the request of Kennedy, we found out later on), and likely that language would follow here, as the court's focus is narrow to the question of 'self-defense' not being enough of a 'good reason'.
imo there's a good chance we see the 'good reason' and 'justifiable need' standards get effectively neutered, but not to the level of eliminating licensing regimes entirely. There's a chance 'May Issue' might also go away, but the justices might decide to leave that possibility to states that have some version of that on the books, if bringing them functionally closer to 'Shall Issue'.
I'm hoping they also find that states refusing to issue permits because you're not a resident of that state is also addressed, but hard to say if it 'fits' the narrow focus of the question. But then, there's other cases pending that are all awaiting the outcome of this case first..
I second the advice to buy a complete upper and only assemble the lower yourself. There's only two challenging steps in the lower assembly process and one of them is completely trivialized by buying one of these:
The other (bolt catch pin) can be made equally simple by buying an Aero M4E1 lower that is threaded rather than needing a punch to install. That lower also uses a threaded takedown pin as well, making that step a little easier.
The cheapest I've seen ammo cans for
They're pretty high quality too, for a Harbor Freight product. The seals are really good.
With this combo your ammo will last decades.
Something like the Vortex Strike eagle ~$300 would be your all in one, can zoom from 1x to 6x, keep in mind you'd need rings for ~$50 to mount it to the gun.
The other option would be something equivilent to a vortex crossfire (they go on sale for like $150), paired with a 3x magnifier, the vmx-3t goes on sale for around $150 as well. Good thing about that option is you dont need to buy scope rings and you can buy them separate if you want to save up money. they actually have a bundle right now on amazon.
If you're really worried about it practice decent OPSEC. First step is a VPN, is the one I use. Pay with some bitcoin that isn't tied to your name if you think they'll fold to government pressure. Mullvad* is based in Sweden, so not part of 5EYEs. Privacy badger is decent for blocking trackers in your browser, noscript to block everything but requires user input to mold to your uses.
2nd one is start using TOR for another layer of protection. Finally, use a separate device to post shit with and don't use your own internet. This is if you're mad paranoid or cutting onions. I've probably missed some stuff for true anonymity, but it gets mad in depth if you want that level.
Remember the 4th, the right to privacy! Fuck the Patriot Act and any company that sells our data without explicit consent.
Yeah don't trust that pile of shit, no offense meant, but I bought this and the POS plastic locking mechanism took me all of 3 seconds to open to a screwdriver when it got stuck shut.
I recommend this:
I run this in my car tied down to fixed point on car.
Note: I don’t live in NY so not sure if this is sufficient for storage in NY.
Amazon Basics Portable Security...
This does remind me of that book "3 Felonies a Day" about how laws are written and can be selectively or capriciously enforced against whomever the State decides to destroy.
From my perspective as a volunteer First Responder, this could be used to jam up every firefighter or EMT in Nassau County unless everyone is in malicious compliance mode sending each 911 call they respond to in to Pistol Licensing. Nassau PD respond to everything, and they want every interaction where a licensee is even a third party. So...we're always interacting with the police.
"Responded to house fire. NCPD were cordoning off the scene."
"Responded to motor vehicle accident with entrapment. Nassau PD were on scene."
"Responded to heart attack. Nassau PD entered the house with EMS."
The mind boggles.
Different airports have different guidelines regarding who does the inspection but other than that, the process is the same.
Your firearm has to be in a locked box. Empty magazines can also be in the locked box if they fit but if not, they can be in with your clothes. The ammo has to be in an original box or in one of those plastic aftermarket boxes linked below. Your luggage while not required should have a TSA lock.
You go up to the ticket counter with your locked box and your ammo in your luggage and declare it to the ticket agent. Afterwards either the ticket agent themselves inspects your firearm to make sure it’s unloaded and that the ammo is separate in another box. Sometimes it’s a police officer who does that inspection.
Afterwards they fill out a ticket, place it in your bag, and it’s taken away from you.
Pro tip! Remove the slide from the frame. That way when you have to show that it’s unloaded, you aren’t grabbing the firearm and racking it right there in line and alarming those behind you. All you have to do is open the box to show that it’s disassembled and cannot be loaded.
I have had ticket agents thank me for that.
I bought this cheek riser.
It's not designed for hollow plastic stocks like mine though but I liked the look so I wanted to try it anyway. If you just use the hardware provided in the kit, you can't secure the riser because your stock (if it's a hollow one) will just flex inwards when you tighten the riser. To address this, I used a couple of 1/4x20 nuts and put them on the bolts inside of the stock so when you tighten down on the external knobs, it squeezes against the nut instead of just flexing inwards. The internal nuts are fixed in place with red loctite.
I might be moving towards a folding buffer tube system with a Magpul CTR stock and a cheek riser though. This is the original stock I bought for the rifle when it was a featureless but now that I have a CompMag on it I may as well go all the way and get a folder on it.
It's a good idea to give it a thorough cleaning/oiling after sitting for years.
As long as nothing is obviously compromised (like a cracked barrel, broken pin, etc), it should be good to shoot.
No harm in taking it to a gunsmith if you're unsure, or unable to verify.
You're not supposed to have ammo in the glovebox/console, it's supposed to be in a separate locking ammo container. I use those $10 field boxes with a luggage lock on the corner tab, should be able to find them basically anywhere (Amazon, Dicks, Cabelas, etc).
It will, but you might be happier with the glass in something like a Vortex Crossfire - same sort of basic second focal plane scope but from a popular optics brand with a first-class warranty program (basically anything you do to the scope they'll fix it).
Definitely more expensive so if price is your biggest concern and you're not sure guns are "for you" throw the cheap one on there, but if you can swing an extra $100-$150 (depending on the model) I think you'll be happier.
Curious if anyone has an opinion on Massab Ayoob's writings, such as In the Gravest Extreme, and his updated Deadly Force, Understanding Right Defense.
Kevlar clothing would probably not protect you from 5.56 lol. The types of kevlar clothing I've seen don't even claim to resist bullets at all, they claim to use kevlar to protect the fabric against tears and abrasions.
You would definitely notice it if you wore a plate carrier with a level III plate concealed by a hoodie if it were summertime lol. Crime is more common in warm weather than cold weather for a variety of reasons, so that's not a great time to not wear plates.
On Saturday May 14th in Buffalo New York at around the time of the shooting, the temperature was about 80 degrees F. Nobody is going to put on heavy plates in 80 degree heat just to go get groceries. Nobody. A shooter will accept the inconvenience of heat and humidity because they know they're about to initiate a gunfight. Bofy armor benefits the aggressors.
I installed this in my car for when I am at work:
Hornady Alpha Elite Portable Lock...
It's secured under one of the seats with the firearm inside loaded. Information I have found is too subjective to determine if this is legal.
It varies a lot by county, and primarily the difference is urban vs rural. If you're breathing in most of the rural upstate areas and you have no disqualifiers via state / fed, you'll get a full carry no problem. In, say, Albany, Buffalo, Westchester, Suffolk/Nassau, Onondaga you can have a harder time (and then there's NYC of course).
But at least it's POSSIBLE in areas of the state. in NJ the entire state has close to the same rules as NYC as far as requiring a 'Justifiable Need' as opposed to the 'Good Reason' standard, and it's the only state in the union that limits your use of AP ammo by civilians, so getting a full carry permit there with good self-defense ammo is unobtanium. Of course, until the NYSRPA v. Bruen case plays out, which might end up removing some of those barriers.
FPC has an airtable of all the high-profile cases to watch; once NvB is decided (typically late spring / early summer), there's a few more waiting in the wings behind it.
SCOTUS decision is really your avenue for overturning the SAFE Act in whole or in part as unconstitutional, due to its current make up, just have to get a case started in State court that probably upholds it through NYS' SC, then move to federal courts.
Some aspects have been litigated already and some are waiting in the wings for the latest NYSRPA case decision, expected late spring / early summer. So eventually you could see parts of NYS' (and other states') law pertaining to things like 'May-Issue' permits, 'Good Reason' / Justifiable Need' standards, mag limits etc. either struck down or changed.
FPC maintains an airtable of cases both decided and pending so you can keep apprised of where things stand in state/federal court. One can't quite predict how SCOTUS will rule, as they're the only court not directly required to follow precedent, but they typically will defer to legislatures and executive agencies when applicable while attempting to discern whether policy is tailored adequately so as to achieve, in this case, public safety goals vs. the burden it puts on citizens.
SCOTUS decision. The current NYSRPA case likely won't touch most of the SAFE Act's provisions, but some future case, brought before the current court that's known the be more gun-friendly, would be more likely to strike down in whole (or more likely, in part) provisions of the Act that could be argued to be unconstitutional and/or an undue burden on citizens under the application of strict, or at least intermediate scrutiny.
So it's not likely you're going to ever see simply a reversal / erasure, but in the current climate, it's more likely that this court would take into consideration the splits of lower courts in common things like red flag / mag capacity / features / permits / etc. and be more willing to apply history / tradition / strict scrutiny of how the municipalities / states are applying said laws and if they're narrowly tailored enough to achieve public safety goals without creating undue hardship on individuals. There's a wide set of arguments on both sides that can be made, but given the kind of data (rather, a lack thereof) in the NYSRPA case from the gov't point of view being able to prove the laws in question produce tangible safety results, i'm sure you'd find that while the SAFE act, coming particularly as a reaction (however well-intentioned or not) of what happened in Sandy Hook, probably has appropriately prevented some people from getting guns, there's plenty of vetted people who are either disenfranchised or burdened by aspects of the law that arguably don't serve its public safety goals.
It's not an exhaustive list, but FPC has an airtable tracking most firearms cases so you can link to / read all the resources. Some are on hold pending the outcome of the NYSRPA case, but
I run one of these cheap Amazon Feyachi ones on my ar. The only issues with it are resolved with a little dielectric grease on the contact points and making sure everything is absolutely tight.
So far the may issue cases have been in conference twice, from my reading, they are getting close to either rejecting them or accepting them. Same for AWB from MA, I think.
Here's a link to a case tracker:
Mesa Tactical SureShell Carrier and Saddle Rail for Remington 870 w/ Mag Clamp (6-Shell, 12-GA, 20 in)
You should be able to just remove the bayonet by just unscrewing it.
If you're paranoid about the "lug" still being there, just attach a bipod to it to make it "not a bayonet lug" anymore.
You only need to do this if you have removable magazines. If you have a normal fixed mag SKS you won't have to do any of this.
Right now its just at the range to practice shooting. Ive never fired a rifle before but my dad was a sniper way back when so he will teach me. I would like to go hunting when I have a good shot but for right now its just for practice. I was looking at this vortex scope and its a pretty good price for starting out but idk if theres something its missing that it should have.
What this guys said. I’ve got this one. Works good out to a hundred yards. Haven’t stretched it to 200 yet but I bet it would do the trick.
Democracy has been an abject failure by any objective metric. China is definitive proof of a long-apparent economic thesis, that planned economies have much higher growth rates than market economies. A book I recommend for this topic is Kicking Away the Ladder by Chang; this is a historical perspective on the economic development on the West that argues pretty persuasively, in my opinion, that the best economic development in the West came under substantial subsidization that looks suspiciously like a less sophisticated version of the Chinese model. More importantly, though, the West is actively committing planetary-scale ecological genocide, largely because voters in the United States are afraid of fission power. Emissions are rising in Europe for the first time in years because they're dismantling their own infrastructure in response to their own voters being objectively suicidal.
I'm looking forward to the stability that will come in the decade after we rip ourselves apart, assuming there's no nuclear exchange, which is probably likely. Hopefully geoengineering can avert the worst results of democracy; I think after this point it won't be appealing any more. The East will stay largely single-party authoritarian and the West will become more or less the same, only maybe with a little more technocracy versus kleptocracy. That's the best we can hope for.
It wouldn't necessarily benefit you, but I don't have much to go on besides your word that you're you.
When it comes to stuff for you to do, I'd invest in some kind of camera system. Either put a camera outside with a movement notification on it (I'm not sure how busy it normally is outside your place) or set it inside your place. Also, replace your door's strikeplate screws with 2" long ones if they're still the original 1/4" screws. That'll make it harder for your door to get kicked in.
Also look into an alarm system. They're not super expensive. (I have no experience with this one though)
Aero precision makes a nice mount. I have the primary arms 1-6 too with the aero mount.
I've spoken with this seller, and had no issues purchasing this exact listing
Amazon may still be restricting the single SKU, but the pack with the extra cartridges are not being restricted.
Suggest also getting a small wireless endoscope camera like this one
Useful for not only checking the barrel but lots of other tight corners around the house.
Thanks! i saw that one as well.
on another thread, someone recommended this
I’m really starting to hate amazon
BTW really nice looking AR!
if you're going for ease of install with accuracy, i would go with something like this. its cheap, yes, but it installs in 1 piece and a pellet gun isn't going to provide enough of a shock to cause it any harm. also, you shouldn't need to get it lapped like you would with a 2 piece setup. you may also look at getting a set of these. scope levels will help you properly mount your scope. if you're looking to develop your precision shooting skills, swing by /r/longrange (rifles) and /r/longrangeairgun
Dear Sir, I would like to talk to you about our Lord and Savior, FrogLube... It's expensive but everything it touches will smell minty fresh and you won't attract any unwanted attention - at least from the neighbors.
Your wife might steal some to use as hand lotion.