I will answer the best I can.
1-My wookie is fine with the crate as long as the dorr is open, once it is locked he hates it. I bought the largest crate you could buy and he outgrew it in 6 months. He is happiest with the family.
2-I used solid gold wolf cub. I then started adding a little joint supplement to his food at around 3 months of age(cant remember the name, my wife would know)
3-The newfie is hands down the best pup I have ever had, he is wonderful and loves to be around people.
4- My newf's favorite toys were rubber bones, stuffed animals, real bones, and tennis balls.
5- Favorite treats= anything, but mine is very particular to popcorn.
6- Slobber rag, and get use to the fact there will always be hair everywhere.
7- pics https://imgur.com/a/ZHT59
8- wish I had more pics of him as an adult. I will see what I can find
Best dogs ever!!
I wanted to add that after my Newfie's hip replacement, we tried several E-collars and the only one that really worked was the inflatable kind. Something like this. It's less gross when drool starts to collect too.
This gets the fur out of the carpet in our car.
Chemical Guys Acc_S06 Professional Rubber Pet Hair Removal Brush https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0042B4B3U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_184VZ15YJ2PZMZ6ZADZQ
There’s a tailgate step that fold up and you can leave attached. I have one that uses it and one I have to squat. I have plenty of leg days....
PetSafe Happy Ride Dog Hitch Step - Easy to Install on Any 2 Inch Vehicle Hitch - High-Traction Steps - Folds Down for Travel - Supports Pets up to 200 lb - Great for SUVs and Trucks https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LCJAU4I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_6W.8FbK1T7K60
We’ve used a ramp since our newfie was a puppy. He’s now almost 6 and weighs around 160lbs. It’s actually done really well withstanding him weight and we haven’t had any issues with it flexing. We got ours as a gift, but I believe this is it.
Our newf did not like the ramp at first! We blocked our back door so he had to use it to get outside. Helped him warm up to it.
Read "The New Complete Newfoundland" by Margaret Booth Chern. Old now, but still my favorite book on Newfies. It was recommended to me when I was getting my first Newf. Here it is on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Newfoundland-Margaret-Booth-Chern/dp/0876052170
Edit: P.S. Get him/her used to using a dog ramp. Here's the best brand I ever had: http://dogramp.com/dogramp/
P.P.S. I upvoted everyone else in this thread so far - it's all great advice. You'll be fine :)
My male is similar to your girl. We had some difficulties with harnesses due to his giant head and small body type. I like this one though. it slips over the head and then you have a clip on either side of the chest/ waist. There's a ring on the chest and on his back for a leash. I prefer the full chest harnesses like this one than the single strap around the chest.
I bought a black one off ebay. but here's a quick amazon link.
Thanks! So the hat we got at a local dog bakery haha, and the collar from Amazon. Here’s the link to it. Pretty study too, he wore it all day.
So there are several available that seem to be the same horsepower and functionality of this one, and a little less money, but I went with this because it has a lifetime warranty. Check out the special offers and promotions section at the bottom of the amazon page for a $10 coupon and free bath brush. I'll try to remember to come back and let you know what I think of it! Btw, I've already turned it on, and it's actually pretty quiet for the amount of air it puts out.
I purchased a raincoat for my larger newfie, 165 lbs, and it fit perfectly with room to grow! They have other sizes, but we got a 5XL. It has a fleece lining which can also keep them warm. Harley loves it! It is by Petcee and I purchased it on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/PETCEE-Waterproof-Reflective-Climate-Changer/dp/B017GRU2XE/ref=sr_1_7?crid=BXSPTC4AQXHJ&dchild=1&keywords=petcee&qid=1598911067&sprefix=petcee%2Caps%2C230&sr=8-7
Get a doughnut instead of an e-collar! https://www.amazon.ca/Kong-Cloud-Collar-Collar-Large/dp/B0045Y1JGG?th=1 These are so much better for Newfs!
I have a tether that goes between the handles above the door. This then has a short leash to her harness.
This is the one we have https://www.chewy.com/green-pet-shop-cool-pet-pad/dp/133197. It's carried by other retailers and there are other options also. This one feels like it has "gel" inside so it last a good 30 minutes minimum. She was really hesitant at first about it and it took a few times of forcing her to lay on it before she caught on. Now she can barely wait for us to lay it out.
We tried so many beds and she’s frankly too big for any of them, even the super pricey orthopedic XL ones. Would lay on them once or twice then abandon them.
Big fan of a gel chill pad like this that we put in the freezer - but otherwise, the cool tile floor is her favorite in all seasons.
Outward Hound Granby Splash... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0081XILOU?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share.
I got an XL it’s a tiny big bc chewy is only 60lbs but I know it’ll fit perfectly next time we go 🤣 I just tightened everything as tight as I could and it did the job
We do. I bought the Neater Feeder Deluxe Large and we also bought a Slow Feed Bowl to slow Chewie down.
Our Newf is all about these Chillz Mats
I was sketchy about it at first. But i laid on it myself to see if it worked and it did. I bought it cuz utah summers are HOT. The cooling doesn't last forever but does last for a bit, can't remember how long exactly, maybe less than an hour. It's basically your normal gel cooling pads, so i would flip or turn the pad so he was laying on different parts if he got huffy. It does "reset" after a while. My advice though- indoor use only. It gets a bit like a hot pad if left in the sun for a long time. Won't be able to get them to lay on it for it to start cooling down.
If you wanted to look at the one i got for reference.
I did Barkbox for a bit. they’re cute and they have a “super chewer” option that’s pretty durable. Toys are a tough one since it’s just about what the individual dog likes. Mine gets bored with stuff pretty quickly, and she has the most fun with things she can shred to pieces, so while we have some really nice rubber and rope toys rolling around, she prefers to play with the remnant shreds of previous victims or plastic bottles, so I just go for the cheapest toys and let her go to town now.
Mine seemed to be really hot all the time when she was a puppy and pushed her bed aside to sleep on the hard plastic in her crate This resulted in much better sleep for her. I made sure she had an option to either lay on the cooling mat or just a cushion
I’d also suggest a pet fountain. I got one for my cat years ago so he would drink more water and stop knocking over the bowl. The dog had a separate bowl when she was a puppy and she threw it everywhere. now she drinks out of the fountain too. and this one holds a gallon and keeps the water from getting too gross. you can also buy a replacement pump for cheap. I’ve had mine for about 6 years, replaced the pump once.
Don't invest too much in collars when he's little - you'll be needing a new one every few months!
I use this for food and water, but I have it on the lowest setting since there is some discrepancy as to whether raising the bowls is helpful or harmful when it comes to DGV risk. I mainly use it because otherwise she noses the food bowl all around the floor and tips up the water bowl to make a fun pond.
For a bed, it's very pricey to get a quality dog bed in the right size and I find that I can make a better one out of old and used human-quality stuff for a lot cheaper. She also completely destroyed several very expensive 'extra-tough indestructible' dog beds before I reached this solution. I got a simple memory foam giant dog pad quite cheap, then put an absolutely ginormous winter duvet folded up on top, then a lighter duvet folded up, then some blankets, all tucked underneath, then finally a waterproof layer made from a sail from an old sailing boat, but it could be a nice tarpaulin or whatever. The waterproof layer is vital. This makes a huge, several inches thick, very comfortable bed which she really loves, and all the layers are removable and washable. I believe keeping their joints (and the massive body weight exerted upon them) off of hard surfaces while sleeping is good for protecting them in the long run. She still likes to nap on a cold tile, but she loves this bed and the sailcloth makes it very durable. Whatever bed you get, make sure it's waterproof as they will want to get on it when they're soaking and their fur holds vast quantities of water, mud, urine and foul things they the roll in that all get transferred to the bed.
I use 4 different brushes depending on coat length and hair condition in that place. If I would go with one that works best, it would be this one https://www.chewy.com/furminator-firm-slicker-brush-dogs/dp/40276?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=FURminator&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiAiKuOBhBQEiwAId_sK_DNu4PxrxrtlrrLSC2ek7RJ-9uqYpYBnridbHL1i...
i got my newfs bed off of chewy. we got her the jumbo plus and honestly she’s pretty content with it during the winter… not so much during the summer 😅
Have 130lb Newfie PetFusion Ultimate Orthopedic Dog Bed | Solid CertiPUR-US Memory Foam | Multiple Sizes/Colors, Medium Firmness Bolster, Waterproof Liner, Breathable 35% Cotton Cover | Cert. Skin Safe | 3yr Warranty https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JCGGNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8ZSV2ZGJ8NFN35W9HNYY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have a Newfie pup and a full grown Great Dane. This bed has provided us quality and comfort for the dogs. We had a Berner before the Newfie and as a result this bed has become a staple for the dogs in our household. Even my mother ordered one for her little Scuffy dog after she stayed over at our place.
Brindle Shredded Memory Foam Dog Bed with Removable Washable Cover-Plush Orthopedic Pet Bed https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015EVVPIK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_RNGXWS828ABKR3G0BN3T?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Remember to keep fragile and spill-able things higher than tail height.
Hair every where is inevitable. Invest in a dyson or high end vacuum. You’ll be glad you did when you’re not replacing a $100 vacuum every 6 months.
Lastly, get the furzapper things for the wash.
Congrats! I’ve had newfies my entire life and they truly are the best aloof goofy dogs!
Pet safe makes one’s that attach as a panel in your sliding door.
PetSafe 1-Piece Sliding Glass Door for Dogs and Cats - Fits 81 in to 96 in Patio Panel Sliding Glass Doors - Adjustable Frame - No Cutting DIY Installation - Pet Door Great for Apartments and Rentals https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07FM9HBXN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_A0E3TYC1AZ1MGEDKABMP?psc=1
What about a water fountain water bowl? My dogs love drinking from moving water
PetSafe Drinkwell 1/2, 1, or 2 Gallon Pet Fountains, Best for Cats, Dogs and Multiple Pets, Adjustable Stream, Fresh Water Dispenser, Easy to Clean Design, 2 Filters Included https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D6SWF67/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GP0MJK3C18GN58CBTGF6
Industrial puppy, XXL. Our Newf is 100 lbs and 10 years old. You can buy packs to go with it so your pup can carry bags and stuff. It also fits our 125 lbs Great Pyrenees. The things on the side that say your dog is a service dog are just Velcro and can be taken off in a second. They have a built in chest reflector, which is a plus for dark morning/evening walks. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RH0WTR8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_ERX1RXR6Y1G6CAYATJVB
It’s an XXL - it’s a bit large for him actually so room to grow life vest on Amazon
I have two that I use in conjunction for my newf. I can link them if you want to check them out. The one on the bottom is this one, which is gel based and then I have this one which is filled with wateron top. Both have been very durable and my newf loves them. I have laid on the water one to try it out, and it really does keep very cool.
I use them together because I don’t have tile, and the water one says it works better to conduct heat away from the skin if it is on something like tile or wood. I figure the gel mat is close enough, plus it’s bigger than the water mat so I can be sure my pup is getting maximum area to spread out.
I’ve emptied and refilled the water one 3 times, and have moved and repositioned it without any issues of leaking or damage. It holds 6 gallons of water. It says it can be used outside,too, but ours in in our living room. If I had to pick just one mat I would pick the water one.
We also got this carpet rake to use before vacuuming to minimize the hair in the bag. My wife was skeptical at first - based on the price - but after we got it and she used it a couple times, she was really impressed by the suction. It remains to be seen if it lasts as long as 2-4 vacuums, but it definitely works better than those models.
My 4 year-old Newf had similar problems. Tried a bunch of stuff, probiotics, sweet potato, Farmers Dog (real food recipes), etc.
Randomly switched to this Solid Gold food (https://www.amazon.com/Solid-Gold-Leaping-Holistic-Vegetables/dp/B00WUIFIKM) and it's worked like a charm.
We have this ramp for our 150lb Newf. I weigh more than him and have stood on it without bowing. It actually has trouble laying flat, so I put a foot the edge to keep it flat while my pup loads in. We have a Prius V, so it's as low to the ground as a sedan but with the trunk space of an suv. Definitely very helpful with loading and unloading, on everyone's joints and back.
this was quite expensive but it is a good product and goes into the hitch receiver of our suburban easily and works well for us
We have these all over the house semi- Hidden. Yellow so people will think twice before using it to dry their hands and get a droolie surprise. I would grab some dog friendly wet wipes for when the pup comes in from walking around the mud/grass
To be honest, I think my newf smells nicer than my lab did. She's an indoor dog so I bathe her about once a month, sometimes more frequently if she's been in the dirt and mud.
In my opinion, puppies in general just smell like pee. But here are some tips that can help you de-funkify your newf:
If all else fails, ask your vet, as there might be an underlying issue.
Undercoat rake with rotating pins like one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Double-Undercoat-Rake-Rotating/dp/B0002DIRYG
Safely and comfortably removes undercoat without cutting or harming the outercoat.
Andis Pet clippers are a pretty decent compromise for occasional home use. Single speed model like the Easy Clip Pro means you may have to slow down and be patient if clipping out dense mats. But I don't think you need to spend $500 unless you groom animals every day. If you go with clippers get some extra blades and some blade lubricant so you can keep the blades cool and switch before they get hot and hurt your pet.
I use something like this bad boy. It really grips and pulls the loose hair out. Furminators are good too, but I wouldn't get the sharp-tooth ones because who wants to scrape their dog with that?
This and a FURminator have been my go-to for Ms. Abigail since she was small. I brush her once a week with the rake and every 2/3 days with the furminator.
Can't recommend this enough.
We've bought quite a few and tried various types, but this one is so effective. After we got it, we took our 10 month old (at the time, almost 1 year old now) to a local groomer and they also recommended the same brush. You may be able to find it cheaper than the one I posted, but this is the exact one I pulled from our Amazon orders.
I typically used a limited slip collar. Something like this: https://smile.amazon.com/Friends-Forever-Martingale-Reflective-Training/dp/B072FR7BYJ
This gives the same sound/sensation as a choke chain when you give a correction, but removes any chance/worry of them actually choking themselves if you have to tie them up or if they were to catch it on something.
If you need more control, a full choke chain or a pinch/prong collar can be used. Just don't leave it on them all time and make sure it is sized correctly.
Here https://www.amazon.com/Outward-Hound-Nina-Ottosson-Puzzle/dp/B075KDZ1J1/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Dog+puzzle+worker&qid=1568775237&s=gateway&sr=8-1 I got mine in store from a place called petpeople but there’s the same one on amazon =)
>Thank you! I swear by this stuff -https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01782L0WO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I have the following cars I have used quite well with a pair of Newfs.
SAAB 9-5 wagon
Mazda 3
Tesla Model 3.
They all work quite well as they are low to the ground and its easy for the dogs to get in and out of the car. I have a hammock in the back seat for them and they work quite well in the back. Overall the Tesla and SAAB arent my favorite because of the leather seats. The cloth seats work much better so that the hammock doesnt slide around in the back as much when they jump in. Our girl sometimes likes to go "camping" and will get under the hammock and poke her head in the front seat in the cars with leather. To get around this I am going to attach a small black D ring anchor point like below near the door under the seat cushion and then sew a clip to the hammock so that it cant slide around when installed.
This will make it just about perfect for them.
Crate train for sure. The only downside I found with crate training is that you almost need a puppy crate and a full size crate. We bought the largest crate we could find at first (XL - 48") and it came with a divider. Thought this would be a good size, and it was for about the first year until our first pup would sit and her head would be touching the top of the crate. Probably not awful, but wanted one where she wouldnt be touching, so after some searching came across this 54" crate and upgraded to it. This is more than large enough for her but in all honesty wouldnt work for a puppy at all as you dont want the crate too large as a pup to help with the housebreaking.
All in all both pups (one is 6mo the other 3years) took to crate training literally on the first night. Our older still puts herself to bed in it at night even though her crate is never closed anymore. Our little one will get right in and lay down when its time for bed. Both will go to it during the day for naps with the door open or if they are being anti social (like after a brushing session). Overall I dont view it as a negative. Its their bedroom and their private space.
If you have an area that is easy to clean up, I bought a metal playpen fence instead of a crate for my Toki when he was little. It can be made into a circle or attached to the wall. We just set it up in a circle in our sunroom with tile floors. It has a little gate on it, and has a safety latch. The size is great for a growing newf too, as it's much bigger than any crate you can buy. By the time he was big enough to push it around, he was okay to be left out of it. I'm really glad I went that route, and it's come in handy for other things now too.
As far as beds, mine goes back and forth between tile and bed. They have very nice beds for cheap at costco all the time, so I have dog beds all over the house (I have two non-newfs also.)
For grooming, I'm glad I spent the cash when he was a pup on a high velocity dryer and used it on him randomly. The brushes and rakes are a must have for sure, but the dryer doesn't always come up. It makes bathing much easier, as I can just totally dry him. You just have to use it carefully as to not knot the hair. He loves the damn thing though. I get it out of the closet and he practically knocks me over he's so excited. It's great for just blowing dirt out of their undercoat in between baths too.
The ruffwear life jacket is amazing! Bit more expensive, but you get what you pay for -it's sturdy and gives great support in the water.
There is an episode of Cesar Millan with a Newfie named Storm who was a picky eater and Cesar could help him maybe it helps you too. It is Season 2 Episode 14. Season 2 Amazon.com
I bought this memory foam bed from Amazon. It's right at your price point if you have Prime for free shipping. It's a little smaller than a twin so you can use twin fitted sheets to keep it (mostly) clean.
I have a Precision Pet Two-Door 48" Great Crate that I got from Amazon when we got our newf puppy.
The nice thing about this crate is that it comes with the divider that came in quite helpful as she grew.
She is currently 13 months and about 110 lbs. Its worked well for us, she can move around and lay down in it, but had I seen the Midwest when I was shopping I probably would have gone with that one as she is just getting to the point where when she sits her head is brushing the top of the crate. I wish I had seen this when it was $120 with prime :( maybe I will keep an eye on the price and swap it out as she finishes growing.
Also when ours was that age, she was only allowed out of her crate when she was in the same room with us and supervised. If she started to pee or poo she got taken outside before she had a chance to do anything else 90% of the time. We also picked up from petsmart a scented marker for the yard that is supposed to help with training. Something like what is linked below. I cant say that it made a huge difference, but we always took her out to it to do her business and if anything else the bright color had her drawn to it and would often sniff it.
Based on this I would say she was 85% potty trained within a few weeks.
I am a 5 foot tall female who owned her first (only) newfie in an apartment complex. My partner and I both worked full time and alternated coming home for lunch to take Zelda outside. We religiously took her to three sets of obedience classes. She did pull quite a bit as a puppy but we used a Gentle Leader and this corrected the behavior. As an adult dog, I have never owned a better behaved dog and is an absolute sweetheart.
Financially, we were just starting out on our first jobs after college and we only had a few $100 to spend on her each month (including vet bills). She came down with 5 UTI's in her first 2 years which were around $300 a pop. It turned out the UTI's were caused by her Wellness or Blue Buffalo dog food.
As for dog socialization, our next door neighbor in our apartment complex had a dangerously aggressive dog. Newfoundlands are calm by nature and Zelda would freeze by my side when in close proximity to the aggressive dog.
Our living situation has changed and we now own a large home with a fenced in yard.
TLDR: If you train hard with your dog, set aside a few $100's, take the time and energy each day for care, it's doable for you to own a sweet well-mannered dog.
I have given my newf some calming treats before like before bathing or stressful situations. I'm not sure if this is something you'd be willing to try? http://www.amazon.com/Pet-Naturals-Vermont-Flavored-Chewables/dp/B002FZ147G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1429570947&sr=8-1&keywords=calming+dog+treats
I have a 140 lb newfie. He was good on the leash 80% of the time, but if he decided to lunge, there was no stopping him. He eventually darted after a rabbit and pulled my mother in law down a flight of stairs, resulting in a broken hand and a trip to the emergency room. Trust me when I say I feel your pain. Have you tried a Gentle Leader harness? We had a Halti and it didn't do much. We tried this and love it. Watch the video that comes with it because the way you fit it to them is a bit counter-intuitive. But give it a shot. http://smile.amazon.com/Premier-Pet-Products-Gentle-Leader-Headcollar-Medium/dp/B00074L4RW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424387582&sr=8-1&keywords=dog+head+harness
make sure she has a shady place, enough water, if possible a small pool or pond there she can make her feet wet or lay down. if she's in the apartment make sure there is a cool place, e. g. a room with closed blinds. walk her in the evening or early morning.
as /u/pinktoothbrush mentioned, don't shed her. the fur is their protection against cold and heat.