It’s def another game changer! Melts really slow.
I used Birchwood Casey Aluminum Black Stain.
Originally I wanted just the rim done, but the completionist in me wanted to get the whole outside done.
Things I learnt when doing this. Don't just dab it on, I personaly borrowed an electric sander and sanded the aluminum (The stain doesn't soak in very easily if you don't)
Be prepared for a lot of time for a consistent black. I ended up pouring the whole thing into a glass food dish, and submerged the sides one by one, slowly rotating the aluminum while watching a movie.
Have a thick mask or two, the smell is rank, and it gives off some gases. Be in a well ventilated area, or a fan to blow around some fresh air. Have liquid proof gloves, and plenty of paper towel or fabric you don't care about keeping.
You'll start to 'peel' off micro layers of aluminum, and I found more movement helped speed up the process, as well as spot sanding any missed aluminum bits. Keep going, wash off every so often with cold tap water.
I goofed and didn't realize that this black look oxidizes quite fast, so I should have gotten gun oil or motor oil. Vaseline did the trick, and I did just a quick coating all over to stop the oxidizing from occuring. Worked perfectly.
TLDR; Sand down the outer coating of the aluminum you are staining, Mask up, Glove up for liquids, pour stain into glass basin, dunk in solution and just keep it rotating as it does it's thing. Wash off with cold tap water every now and then. Have a movie or something ready, it's a patient process for metal this large. When happy with the turnout, prepare a gunoil, motor oil or Vaseline to stop oxidizing (quite rapid if not done).
The sliders are just painted. The stand is from Etsy. If you search PCPanel Pro on there it will pop up.
So I have my goxlr sitting on this right now.
I like having storage space below because i keep my headphone amp there. Would you be able to do something like that and add a side for the ppp
After a dumb amount of searching, I was only able to find these (or similar).
+ They're black
+ They will fit the 1.2mm x 4mm shaft
- They have a white stripe across the center
- They're plastic
- Yeah, they're plastic 🙁
Why is a black metallic straight slide potentiometer knob so hard to find???