Hey we cherish your enthusiasm :D
The Pi Grow uses a Linux based operating system, something like ubuntu is great for starters.
/u/The3rdWorld can help you the best.
Again, great seeing people are interested in /u/The3rdWorld's work :)
This is a android and ios app that the raspi docs now recommends called 'Fing' it scans your local network and lists all connected devices with their Vendor details so it's super easy to spot the raspberry pi, you can then copy the ip address into the address bar of the pigrow remote gui.
I've started working on a quick little tool to write the wpa-suplicants.conf file needed to add your wifi to the raspberry pi without having to use a monitor and keyboard, it's a fairly simple process but can cause all sorts of problems if done wrong - syntax is important and it needs to include various bits like the country code due to wifi licencing issues. I had a look and couldn't find any tools to help so i'm going to make a little gui that'll hopefully help the pigrow and wider raspberry pi community.
There are a couple of little upgrades i've added to the gui to test before the next release, you can now run a bash command on the pi and it'll wait until it's finished and return the output - this is really useful for commands like ls (lists the content of a directory, for example 'ls ~/Pigrow/config/' will show what config files are on the pigrow), cat (outputs the contense of a file as text, for example 'cat ~/Pigrow/config/camera_settings.txt' will show you what's in the camera settings file.) and ps (shows you the currently running programs, 'ps -A' will show you all the running programs while 'ps -A ¦grep checkDHT' will show all instances of checkDHT.py or none if it's not running)
I'll be upgrading a few of the tools so it's easier to upload and download files from the pigrow, also been reading and practicing with the picam so will be finishing the camera config for both webcam and picam soon. Also a couple of little features such as archiving grow data, wifi signal strength and some important upgrades to error handling when connecting to a pi, especially one with config file or path problems.
I would love to be able to test some code and help get this feature implemented. I purchased a collapsible 5 gallon water jug as my reservoir. Since its so flimsy and kinda heavy, I've shifted my interest to the float sensor you recommended. I am thinking about purchasing this one and installing one to send me a warning that the water level is getting low (and maybe beep) and another as a check for whether the pump should run or not. Should I shoot you a message once I receive the part so I can run some trials?
No prob. I got these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07W1HD21P and wired them to some things like this: https://www.amazon.com/Terminal-PUSU-Eurostyle-Electrical-12-Position/dp/B07NPQQ77N and some cat6 connectors I had lying around.
Then I just picked some colors of the cat6 and kept it consistent. I'd keep the SDA and SCL cables on the same color pair just in case of timing issues.
Thanks! It does react. So great for troubleshooting. The GPIO will light when active, such as when triggering a relay. I even see the SDA light blink when my chirp was chirping! (Even though it's having addressing issues right now.)