I usually use Fing, but you can also use nmap or arp on another computer rather than logging into your router (which may be difficult depending on the router). See http://www.pidramble.com/wiki/setup/prepare
Whenever I use an AirBnB place, I connect to their WiFi and use an app like Fing, which identifies all the devices connected to the network. It will identify the vast majority of cameras, routers, laptops, phones, etc.
Sure, it's possible that the host could put cameras on a separate network, but I'm sure this would catch the majority of dicks who would try setting up spy cams.
This. They restricted even further with iOS 11: https://www.fing.io/support/mac-addresses-ios-11/#.
I love the iPhone but this is a HUGE reason why I always debate going with a new Pixel every time they’re released.
You can do a few things. But the easiest one is to download this app https://www.fing.io. and run it while you are connected to your WiFi. This will tell you what devices are connected to your network and also some additional information about them. If you don't recognize any of the devices then your are probably right. You can also whitelist the Mac address of your devices and allow only the registered devices.
Fing, https://www.fing.io it's a network toolkit with lots of functions. My favorite one so far and one of the best in the play store IMO. It's handy to have that capability in my pocket, it's not as good as nmap but for Android it's the next best thing.
This is a android and ios app that the raspi docs now recommends called 'Fing' it scans your local network and lists all connected devices with their Vendor details so it's super easy to spot the raspberry pi, you can then copy the ip address into the address bar of the pigrow remote gui.
I've started working on a quick little tool to write the wpa-suplicants.conf file needed to add your wifi to the raspberry pi without having to use a monitor and keyboard, it's a fairly simple process but can cause all sorts of problems if done wrong - syntax is important and it needs to include various bits like the country code due to wifi licencing issues. I had a look and couldn't find any tools to help so i'm going to make a little gui that'll hopefully help the pigrow and wider raspberry pi community.
There are a couple of little upgrades i've added to the gui to test before the next release, you can now run a bash command on the pi and it'll wait until it's finished and return the output - this is really useful for commands like ls (lists the content of a directory, for example 'ls ~/Pigrow/config/' will show what config files are on the pigrow), cat (outputs the contense of a file as text, for example 'cat ~/Pigrow/config/camera_settings.txt' will show you what's in the camera settings file.) and ps (shows you the currently running programs, 'ps -A' will show you all the running programs while 'ps -A ¦grep checkDHT' will show all instances of checkDHT.py or none if it's not running)
I'll be upgrading a few of the tools so it's easier to upload and download files from the pigrow, also been reading and practicing with the picam so will be finishing the camera config for both webcam and picam soon. Also a couple of little features such as archiving grow data, wifi signal strength and some important upgrades to error handling when connecting to a pi, especially one with config file or path problems.
A nice tool you might want is Fing. It's a network scanning app that lets you see the open ports on certain devices. Scan your network, learn what ports are, and learn what the particular ports on your devices are used for. This won't help much but is a place to at least learn some network hacking and security basics.
I usually recommend Overlook Fing, which is multiplatform (Android among others) utiliity for network discovering. It does not have a man page but you can learn its simple use by running it as $ fing --help
. I use it more or less like this:
# fing -r 1 -n -o table,html,report.html
By reading the help you'll know what those options mean, but basically it scans the specified network and writes an HTML file for you to consult, and it looks like this. You have to run fing
as root because of its inherent permissions.
edit, to add what it looks like after hitting ENTER:
11:34:13 > Discovery profile: Default discovery profile
11:34:13 > Discovery class: data-link (data-link layer)
11:34:13 > Discovery on:
11:34:13 > Discovery round starting.
11:34:13 > Discovery progress 25%
11:34:15 > Discovery progress 50%
11:34:16 > Discovery progress 75%
11:34:18 > Discovery round completed in 5.376 seconds.
11:34:18 > Network has 5/5 hosts up.
If you are able, use a screen and keyboard to set it up until you know it works.
First issue might be that there is no network. Look on your router if you see it connected or not. If you are on a Linux machine, use nmap -sP
as root or using sudo. One line might then be:
MAC Address: B8:27:xx:xx:xx:xx (Raspberry Pi Foundation) Nmap scan report for
On a phone, use fing It will scan your network and see if you can find it.
If you are unable to find the IP adress of the Pi, it will not be online. Use a screen and keyboard to run raspi-conf
to set it up correctly. Also set up ssh.
Once you have the IP, it could well be that ssh is not running correctly.
My guess it is network related.
Again, the easiest would be to do an initial setup while connected to a monitor with a keyboard
I remember watching them laying the cable down my garden to the access point under the pavement, pretty sure that was coax. The pavement to the cab I have no idea.
I have a Fingbox on (cool wee toy) and I am averaging 270 which is fine. https://www.fing.io/fingbox-network-security-appliance/
> Kako da saznam ko je i gde?
Skini aplikaciju Fing, i skeniraj svoju mrezu da vidis sta/ko je nakacen. Ako se pojavi nesto ne poznato to znaci da ti je kompromitovana WiFi mreza, i bilo bi lepo kad bi promenio/postavio sifru. Za vecinu ne strucnih ljudi ce to biti dovoljno, dok za ove malo strucnije nece.
Whatever is handing out DHCP leases should show you that stuff. Something like Fing might be useful if you don't have access to that https://www.fing.io/download-free-ip-scanner-desktop-linux-windows-osx/
I use Belkin Wemo switches with Ubiquiti APs and they're working fine, so at least it can be done.
I have mostly 1st gen wall switches and a couple of 1st and 2nd gen outlets.
Have you used a network scanner to verify that the switches are really on the same network as your phone? There's a good free one for iOS and Android called Fing
I'd recommend doing a scan with Fing - if you don't see the Wemos in the scan then they're not accessible from your phone. The AP they're connected to may be on a different vlan or may be otherwise partitioned from the network your phone is connected to.
Wemos use broadcast (and a horrible protocol, UPNP) to find one another. If the network they're on isn't the same one as the network your phone is on, or isn't bridged to it, the phone won't be able to discover them.
So for instance, if your phone is on the Internet via your cellular provider and not the wifi network that the wemos are on, it won't see them.
Once you have them set up the Wemo app can do remote access, though that requires a little more configuration in the app itself.
Well, I didn't try blocking it while playing around but I can say that if you take the FingBox offline for any reason (such as just turning it off) and then try to access things like the mobile application, the web application, etc. you'll notice that they stop you from using the application(s) because the FingBox is "missing" because it's not phoning home and reporting stuff to them. So if I had to guess, blocking that will cause the same issue since I'm assuming that's the connection it's looking for. Let me know if you find out otherwise though.
Also, yes, FingBox uses a lot of Domotz stuff under the hood. See this for details about their companies: https://www.fing.io/best-network-scanner-app-network-monitoring/
If you look at the version of Ubuntu that Fingbox runs it references Domotz all over the place.
Sounds like your network is basic enough that you may want to take a look at FingBox. I’ve been researching it the past few days for SoHo use. https://www.fing.io/buy-fingbox/?utm_source=fingbox%20page
On a Mac you can use LanScan or LanScan Pro. There is a field for hostnames that you can modify and even though the DHCP addresses change that edit stays withit over time as its probably tied to the MAC address.
Fing does the same thing and runs on every platform. They have an IOS app too.
Edit: the network scanner, which seems to be pushed to the bottom of he page since they started selling the fingbox. Just skip that part and try the app. It is really good.
Looks like fingbox will be able to do this
Or perhaps nagios?
Fing has this capability. https://www.fing.io/
For commercial use (read: multi-tenant), you would probably be better off using their parent company's paid products and service, Domotz Pro. https://www.domotz.com/