You could try Bookmooch Last time I was there, You get roughly a point for every book you upload for sharing to others. It's not like readitswapit where you have to have a book someone else wants before you take one of theirs. You just get say 10 points for uploading ten books and books cost maybe a point or two to mooch from someone else. So, without leaving your laptop you could have ordered 3 or four books by offering 10 to the site! Also, I have a few that I'm giving away. I can send them if you like :)
Seems to be less than easy and/or cheap, but this might be a way:!&x=40&y=5
Maybe you can contact the author and she could send you one? Could be worth a shot...
They have used editions on Amazon for $1.45. Or new for $3, that doesn't seem too much.
I second the suggestion to read On Writing by Stephen King. It's an incredible book that's part autobiography, part instruction manual for novel-writing. He gives both general and very specific advice for how to craft a well-written book and I love that he shares his personal habits (down to specific word-counts per day that he aims for and times of day he writes).
Wow, this is incredibly generous of you! If you happen to come across any of the books in this list at thrift stores and don't mind sending to Australia, I'd love any of them. Alternatively, the website this wishlist is on ships free internationally.
Wow! This is awesome! Great offer! You have inspired me to give as well, now I'm coming up with a pile of used books to give away. Well I don't know how to properly link on my phone, but here is my list if you're interested! Thanks again!
If someone ships you an encyclopedia, hurrah!
If not, you're maybe still in luck. Encyclopedias are being shed by libraries, schools and individuals. Place a request on your local Freecycle mailing list, watch the Books and Free sections of the For Sale category on Craiglist, and attend Friends of the Library sales.
You'll see people hoping to score big money selling an encyclopedia set on Craigslist. They won't. Send these people a polite e-mail explaining that you can't buy their set, but if it goes unsold, you'd gladly take it off their hands rather than see it dumped (which costs the seller money!). Maybe work in a tidbit about how you first looked at thrift stores, but they don't accept donations of encyclopedia sets (most don't!). These sellers really have nothing except a costly dinosaur on their hands.
For other large books, also scout out the Friends of the Library sales. They'll often hold a regular sale, then an X-bucks-a-bag sale where they dump their unsellable books. Either way, both will have large books for little cost.
Thanks so much for your interest! Damn, not really...not sure why it's doing that. Maybe your web browser or something? It's up for pre-order on Amazon though if that might work for you!
I'll send you (or anyone) a free copy of my book "Meditations: 50 Meditation Techniques" if you are interested.
Here's a link to the book at amazon:
Hahahah I feel like a lot of people love The Dark Tower, and funnily enough I was just about to ask around online to see if anyone has old copies of Narry Livens Ring World Series they wouldn't mind parting with hahah. My friend recommended the series to me, said he WOULD give me the books, but he just can't part with them. (They are what inspired him to become an Engineer).
Yea, I heard Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is surprisingly great and helpful. I've been jammed up in life, so when I remember someone recommended the book to me I decided to go on a mission to get it.
The nook with Glowlight is the greatest thing I've ever got. I highly recommend it....I'm a bit ahead because a few have been pretty small or youth oriented, but so far my list is: 1: Ready Player One -( very good!) 2: The Graveyard Book 3: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 4:On Writing by Stephen King 5: Fahrenheit 451 6:Guns - SK Essay 7: Odd and the Frost Giants
Awesome, I'm studying abroad in Costa Rica in a few weeks and I don't have any literature to settle my racing mind.
Angles of Attack by Marko Kloos
I am on mobile and bad at it. I would love this book. As it is the next in a great series and won't be released until tomorrow.
Ebook would be great.