I'm curious if we'll be reading The Metamorphosis all in one go, or if it will be spread over 2 weeks. I just bought the Norton Critical Edition version, which are on sale for $5 in ebook form until the end of the year due to COVID. See here: https://www.amazon.com/Metamorphosis-Norton-Critical-Editions-ebook/dp/B0163CP85A
Anyway, I'm itching to start, as it's the first since P&P I haven't read.
Hi! If you have Kindle Unlimited they offer three different versions for free. This is the highest rated one.
Fun fact: This is only one out three of Dickinson's 1780+ poems that she titled.
Well! Apparently this isn't about winter snow flakes:
[1] Snow flakes:: summer snowflake, a plant with white, bell-shaped flowers. [2] counted, danced:: she counted the number of petals that fell jigglingly. [3] slippers:: the only suspicious word in this poem, snowflakes don't really look like slippers. [5] rebels:: those petals don't dance. [9] jig:: a dance like the way petals fall.
THE SUMMER SNOWFLAKE Has a large, oblong bulbous root, crowned with several long, flat, broad leaves; and amidst them an upright, thick, hollow stalk, fifteen or eighteen inches high; with many white flowers, on slender foot-stalks, drooping downwards; flowering in May. ─ The Christian Miscellany (1854)
Here is an unusual way to present a poem analysis:
Here's the link to the Canadian amazon for the book as it's in stock there and I'm also Canadian and it defaulted to the .ca : https://www.amazon.ca/Emily-Dickinsons-Poems-Preserved-Them/dp/0674737962