"While you can use the physical debit card to purchase tickets at the box office and in advance, the only way you actually skirt the fees is if you use it to purchase a ticket at the box office day of at the time of showing for a showing that you’re planning to attend" says Lifehacker even though the article is unnecessarily negative
This why you should use a virtual credit card provider like Privacy or similar that generates a unique card number for each of your services in a browser plugin optionally authorized for a specific amount or limit each month. Even if the number were stolen it couldn't be used with any other merchant nor could it be used for any other amount but you would still be notified as to which service leaked your info. Any time you want to cancel an account you can just delete the card from the dashboard.
Fill out this App Feedback for each account's registered email. Leave a basic comment (no more than a couple of sentences) mentioning the error; no need to leave a complicated message because they never respond anyway. Hopefully a automated reset will reactivate your account almost immediately. Stop the app if it's already running, wait a few minutes, and then try again.
If that doesn't work after a few minutes, blast them on Twitter @SinemiaApp and @SinemiaSupport. And drop a honest review on Trustpilot.
Then when all else fails, file a chargeback to get your money back and terminate your account(s).
To get up to $10 and your free 2D, 3D, IMAX tickets in any theater, join Sinemia by using my referral link: https://www.sinemia.com/R/9JDJNX
To get up to $10 and your free 2D, 3D, IMAX tickets in any theater, join Sinemia by using my referral link: https://www.sinemia.com/R/9JDJNX
Which is why you always use a single-use credit/debit card number for this kind of transaction.
When a business tried to reuse the card number to renew your subscription without your permission, the transaction would be declined because the card was no longer valid. Then business would have to contact you to try to get another credit/debit card number from you. Then you as a consumer would have the power to decide and leverage. If the business already got your money, then it would not have much of incentive to negotiate or refund. Nowadays, with businesses and corporations given so much power and so often acting in bad faith, you as a consumer have to take measures to protect yourself from businesses and corporations.
I had issues last week, but it eventually went through. I tried again today on Fandango to get my VIP points, and it worked on the first shot.
To get up to $10 and your free 2D, 3D, IMAX tickets in any theater, join Sinemia by using my referral link: https://www.sinemia.com/R/9JDJNX
If it tells you to update the app. Just download the old apk Version 3.5.4 from Chrome. This only works on Android.I had the same issue. I wasn't able to use it for almost 3 weeks now. It works now for me. THEY ARE FUCKING SCAMMER AND DOING EVERYTHING TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM USING IT
If it tells you to update the app. Just download the old apk Version 3.5.4 from Chrome. This only works on Android.I had the same issue. I wasn't able to use it for almost 3 weeks now. It works now for me. THEY ARE FUCKING SCAMMER AND DOING EVERYTHING TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM USING IT
Are you sure you downloaded the right version? Here is the link that I used to download version 3.5.4.
Try clearing your cache and data files for the app and turn off the auto update for now so it doesn't automatically update sinemia while you are using it.
GIMP is a free open-source image editor. Pretty robust, been in the game awhile, and trusted (if you are a tin foil hat type). DISCLAIMER: MS Paint is easier, but this tool is really powerful.
After loading the image (File->Open and choose 'Keep' for all dialogue windows (rotate may be the exception)), click on the 'Rectangle Select Tool' in the upper left (looks like a dotted rectangle around a filled in rectangle; hover over the button to display the name of it to confirm). Move the cursor over the image, left click and drag to outline the area you want to remove. Once you release, you can adjust via the boxes that appear on the four corners when hovering, or click elsewhere to reset and try again. When you are satisfied with the area to remove, hit the 'Delete' button on your keyboard. Use Ctrl+Z to undo a previous mistake.
Your final step is to export your image back into a required format. GIMP can do them all. I just went with JPEG.
Use File->Export As... At the bottom of the window is a 'Select File Type' option. Click on the '+' in front of it. Scroll down and select 'JPEG Image' file type. Then select where you want it saved via the folder window area.
Click the bottom right 'Export' button. A dialogue box should pop up. Bump quality up to 100. After hitting the '+' by the 'Advanced Options', uncheck 'Save Exif data'; 'Save thumbnail'; 'Save XMP'.
Please ensure all NUMBERS on the card, besides DOB/house number, if you are already indebted on that front, are removed (I left the Expiration date, too). DLs tend to replicate the number in smaller locations elsewhere on the front of the card. Check the bottom or left-hand side (vertically) for some or all of your license number.
Once you think you've Michael Westen'd it, go get that service you already paid for.
Are you on an annual plan? Why keep paying for services not rendered?
Customer support will likely not respond. Hound them on twitter, but they may respond that the issue is fixed, yet the app is still broken.
Another venue is a review on TrustPilot
Fill out this App Feedback for each account's registered email. Leave a basic comment (no more than a couple of sentences) mentioning the error; no need to leave a complicated message because they never respond anyway. Hopefully a automated reset will reactivate your account almost immediately. Stop the app if it's already running, wait a few minutes, and then try again.
If that doesn't work after a few minutes, blast them on Twitter @SinemiaApp and @SinemiaSupport. And drop a honest review on Trustpilot.
Then when all else fails, file a chargeback to get your money back and terminate your account(s).
lol, I understand the frustration with the verification of IDs but this is ridiculous now. It's yandex metrica( as someone said already) It is an analytics tool.
I'm probably going to put a hold on any kind of movie subscription based service until the next award season. After using Sinemia I realize I really only go to the movies during that time, and then I git a huge lull. I guess I need to look into this privacy.com, I know nothing about it. Thank you!
Dispute resolution with privacy.com successfully credited partial membership fees for services not rendered. love privacy.com. Virtual card closed. Another chapter closed, good riddance.
Privacy.com allows you to set spending limits on digital cards ($1 charge). I created one for Sinemia because they were double charging my gift card and credit card on file. Get $5 when you sign up: https://privacy.com/join/ZAAKU
The only problem with privacy.com is that you will authorize direct withdrawals from the account you identify.
Citi/Mastercard have Virtual Account Numbers that provide peace of mind when compared to regular credit cards. VANs are only for online and telephone transactions. I can post more, but it is a bit long, unlike my usual posts. <laugh>
I was in the same boat. Made it through the mass culling a couple weeks ago only to get the 'pop up' of death while trying to book my ticket today. 'Coincidentally' I just recently passed the break-even mark. And maybe didn't even make that if I go back and add up all the fees.
I just checked Trustpilot and they are getting flooded with termination reviews today. So it appears this may have been the second big wave of terminations... or maybe its just Friday and a lot of people attempted to see a movie?
Don't forget about the army of fake accounts on Trust Pilot either.
Like look at this one:
>They have removed 30 movie days plans, I was mad but now Sinemia Limitless is something even better. I'm just waiting for my limitless physical card.
Wow something even better? Who knew that paying $120 for $100 worth of moving tickets was even better!!!
I must mirror /u/grizzlebizzle1 sentiments on this. Sinemia rep's do seem to respond, albeit unhelpfully, to comments on Trustpilot. Sinemia does pay for this service here.
Though it seems like there are the regular paid reviews here, too.
I must mirror /u/grizzlebizzle1 sentiments on this. Sinemia rep's do seem to respond, albeit unhelpfully, to comments on Trustpilot. Though they pay for this service.
Though the site does seem to have some paid reviewers, as per usual.
For future reference, you can use an app like https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.amaze.filemanager to backup your apps as .apk files before accepting an update. Root isn't required.
Sinemia seems to be partially web based, so some pages may change even if you don't update to the latest version. They may also break older versions and force us to update eventually.