I found this stuff this season, works great for turf and dirt.
I use
2011 28oz Worth Mutant Which I like better because I get more flex out of the two piece.
2013 28oz Worth Resmondo UnlimitedGreg Connell Player Series Bat
I like the Mutant better since I have had it longer but these bats are awesome bats and will only perform as well as you perform. These bats are also end loaded compared to being balanced models. I am 250 5'8" and a 28oz is my preference. if you ever become a softball guy you'll understand. also if your gonna play for longer then a year and you think you might be interested in getting a better bat later, I would buy a better bat.
I'm a little late, but I suggest you join meetup.com and start there. If you find casual softball players on there in your area, then you can start there. There's a good chance that some of them also play on teams.
Sorry if I wasn't clear. This is the ball we are using:
Rawlings Official ASA NFHS Red Dot Fastpitch Softballs, 12 Count, PX11RYLA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JPFBKJ0/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_6SMKJNNF9K6HEZZZDWF7
I used to have the same thing, I got these batting gloves that have padding right on the impact spot, which basically solved the problem.
Gallon zip lock bags and this - Sam Wrap (R) Stretch Wrap 5" x 1000' Roll, 80 Gauge Extra Thick Durable Self-Adhering Plastic Wrap for Moving, Packing Wrap Industrial Strength, Clear Plastic Pallet Shrink (2 Roll) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0741CCQR1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_QR35ZWKPC08FTGBP8W26
Totally know what you mean. I have a small discolored splotch on my knee where I've had that injury a thousand times.
I use these and they work like a charm: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Q1R2LQC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It seems the price has gone up a lot since I bought them like three years ago. Maybe something similar that is less expensive.
I use the Louisville Slugger Black Flame, new $200. This is a mechanical spring loaded machine so no electricity is needed. A big plus is it can be used with standard softballs. You don't need the special dimple balls. It also doesn't need electricity so you can use it anywhere. It is light enough to be carried with one hand. Draw back is it tops out at 44mph. The should be fine for 12u rec ball. We have faced one pitcher that can throw 50mph, but the vast majority are around 40mph. I make the pitching motion with my left arm and pull the trigger with my right. This helps the girls on their timing.
Another plus is it can easily be changed to throw pop flies. This is great when you are running drills training muscle memory like the drop step so you want to put the pop flies consistently in the same area.
I also wouldn’t worry about breaking in a new glove anyway. I do them in about a day for the team I coached before the shut down.
Has to be quality leather though.
You pretty much steam it and get it wet in a hot shower then beat the $hit out of it with a mallet. Hot Glove Mallet for Glove Break-in and Shaping https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002BZQIBM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_HVhkFb9HCMV0C
Put the ball part where you want the pocket and slam the stick end on the ground.
It’s pretty easy if you have the muscle. Kids don’t throw hard enough to get a good break in quickly by just oil and playing.
I had this issue, but was finding my hands were so large that I was damn bear overlapping my fingers on themselves around the bat.
I grabbed these Grip-N-Rip handle grips (one symmetrical original one, and one called the "trigger" which has two finger slots and a tapered palm side) off of Amazon for a few bucks a piece for my bats, I now have a more comfortable grip, and the butt no longer rests against my hand.
They've been durable through two seasons, and go on easily with a little soap water. Avoid adhesion on the inside for the tapered grip, you will want to rotate which part of your barrel you contact with everyone couple months at most.
Hope this helps you too, I spent a solid 10 years of my "beer-career" with hand pains.
Batting gloves are also an option if you're not yet using any (your hand may just be irritated slightly from it being a soft area of skin)
these shin guards
i would get the catcher chest protector, something like this
since it's cheap investment to protect your chest and your medical bills for the just in case moment.
That's a baseball net, but I'm assuming the setup is similar. https://www.amazon.com/Bownet-Portable-Pitch-Softball-Practice/dp/B007CY77IK/ref=sr_1_23?ie=UTF8&qid=1487568846&sr=8-23&keywords=pitching+screen
Standard isn't one size fits all, as you said you can't fit your hand in some. I just gave you my two cents. Your absolute best bet would be to go to a sports store and try them yourself.
EDIT: This is what I have personally https://www.amazon.com/Mizuno-GPM1403-Slowpitch-Softball-Right-Handed/dp/B00LEVN2MM/ref=sr_1_1?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1472679943&sr=1-1&keywords=mizuno+14+inch+softball+glove