I bought these $14 ones off of Amazon and they've been great and have held up well for 2 years. Here's a link. I think I ordered the standard medium size and they work well with eyesight. I flip the sun visor to keep them in place and the fold up nicely if you learn to sort of twist and fold them in one smooth movement https://www.amazon.com/EzyShade-Windshield-Size-Chart-Hassle-Free-Reflector/dp/B018ERRLU2/ref=mp_s_a_1_fkmr0_1?keywords=EzyShade+4.3+out+of+5+stars+2%2C403+Reviews+EzyShade+Windshield+Sun+Shade+%2B+Bonus+Item.+See+Size-Chart+with+your+Vehicle+%28E...
Thanks. I really like it 3 weeks in. Was a little nervous as even two days before I said, “I’ll never buy a new car”.
Not totally sure on the rules about outside links, but this is the bed we got. Dog Bed
I have a 2015 2.5i and 16’ scamp! Two things that will make your Scamp tow better for you (if you haven’t looked into this already) are
You will have to weld or drill on your frame of the Scamp but it is totally worth it. Harbor freight sells a cheaper version by about $20. The sway bar works like brakes do and make the Scamp and Outback feel more like a cohesive unit.
Enjoy your Scamp, we love ours!
BoxWave Screen Protector for Subaru 2020 Legacy (11.6 in) [ClearTouch Anti-Glare (2-Pack)] Anti-Fingerprint Matte Film Skin for Subaru 2020 Legacy (11.6 in), 2020 Outback (11.6) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DJCJHD3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_DGP711ME7XYC5MACT0NE
2015 with 70k miles here.
Follow the maintenance schedule, especially the big milestones like 60k, 120k miles. Use high quality products like good oil and air filters. I do almost all of my own maintenance. The only thing I couldn't do so far is the transmission fluid change at 60k. So if you like working on it a bit, and have time, it can save a lot of money doing it yourself.
I have read that the stock batteries can be kind of crappy. So if you have the money you may want to replace it with a higher quality before it leaves you stranded.
Some people have said they have high oil consumption in this generation OB, but I have had no problems. Still, check the oil regularly to be sure.
I also use Lucas Oil Upper Cylinder Lubricant regularly. I just add it to the last tank of fuel before an oil change, that way any gunk it loosens will be flushed out with the oil change. Not sure if that is the best way, but how I use it.
I use 303 Aerospace UV spray on all the black plastic cladding to protect from UV damage. This is a big problem where I live, in the desert. I also wax every once in a while to protect the clear coat.
Do you live in the ghetto? Serious question, if not don’t bother. I’ve seen WAY to many people instal these and lose the key to be worth it. I used to work at a tire shop in a better off community and have NEVER heard of these helping. In most cases, you can use a wheel lock remover to take them off a few minutes quicker then you can with the lock itself. Would not recommend.
EDIT: 5 Pcs Twist Socket Set Wheel Lock Nut Removal Extractor Tool Kit 1/2'' Drive https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089YH8HG5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GK7K2B4F7S3YBCG85AVA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Wheel lock removal kit for $18 on Amazon.
BoxWave Screen Protector for Subaru 2020 Legacy (11.6 in) [ClearTouch Anti-Glare (2-Pack)] Anti-Fingerprint Matte Film Skin for Subaru 2020 Legacy (11.6 in), 2020 Outback (11.6) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DJCJHD3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_DGP711ME7XYC5MACT0NE
I bought a Bluetooth 12 V transmitter, stuck it in the center console and forgot about it. Phone auto pairs when I turn on the car, and it cost $17. It sounds perfect, haven’t had any interference either. Maybe my ears aren’t picking up the bad sound, or maybe the tech is better nowadays?
This is the one I got from amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B018E0I01I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_DWRnBb2QBZR12
Nice! May want to incorporate a slit in part of it for the psychopaths like myself who take a mug of coffee in the car on occasion. I bought myself this one a while ago:
Thanks. I'm looking for something more like this. I'm looking to sleep in the car at trailheads and want to be able to leave the windows open for ventilation while still keeping bugs out.
I got the EKR custom fit seat covers on Amazon. I had also looked at Covercraft and Coverking. Both seemed okay. But if you want water resistent it gets expensive fast.
Wrt the ones I got on Amazon. The front are excellent fit. They seriously look like I just have leather seats. The rear look great from the passenger area as well. An issue is that the front and back of the rear portion are supposed to meet under the seat and connect to each other. But on the OB the rear of the back seat connects directly to the rear hatch floor, so you cant connect under the seat back. I got around this by putting the front part under the seat and safety-pinning it in place. That has held great. Another issue is that there are no cutouts for the child seat anchors on the seat backs. That doesnt matter much, but I do have the rear seat back protectors which have holes for the anchor points, so when those are on too, you just see the seat cover through the cutouts. Finally, the holes on the rear seat back covers dont align well with how the seat backs click into place in the upright position. I have to pull the cover out of the way to engage it.
I still plan to do some alteration (cutting and sewing on reinforced bordering) to make the anchor cutouts and latch cutouts correct.
Overall, I love the front and am happy with the back for the price. The fitment is very accurate and looks like leather seats. But defnitely weigh the issues I mentioned.
From the video discription, it is this one. However, he is using a discontinued Thule box that is a bit narrower than anything currently made by Thule or Yakima so you might need to track one of those down to make it fit. I think he is using a Thule Sidekick.
i use one of these in my 2013 outback, (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077ZGWNKD/ref=twister_B01EOOP9V2) fits perfect and trunk closes with ease. R-value 8-something, very well insulated. slept like a baby in 15 degree weather. a bit on the pricey side, but for me, you cant put a price on good sleep.
I just did this... again! So here's what I'm thinking of doing to out smart myself. Replace regular bulbs with LED bulbs because they use much less power, or remove the bulbs permanently and use a 12v plug-in map light and keep it in the glove box. (Amazon search term; 12 volt car map light)
For a better answer to your question maybe you could check/ask at http://www.subaruoutback.org/forums/ Good luck... reply if you find a solution...
Edit: more info...
You can get a dash panel adapter that works for single or double din on Amazon for $20, and just about all makes and models of cars use this type of combined dash configuration these days. Mine has an aux jack inside the center console in the compartment under the armrest.
Link to dash panel: SCOSCHE SU2025B 2005-09 Subaru Legacy/Outback Double DIN or DIN w/pocket Install Dash Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EBJTK6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_x4.1AbJ642KGW
Thank you.
The camera view is really tight, as another Redditor pointed out and I can see my own bumper. I have a section of 2" PVC pipe that I am going to use to mock up the rally bar.
I had picked the same amber lights as you (or they look the same). Are these it?
It looks like your car is in a shop. Did you install the rally bar yourself? Any special considerations not to break any tabs or clips when removing the bumper or was it straight forward?
There is this gimmicky thing. No idea if it really helps or not and does take up one of your main front vents
Got them from Amazon for $17. Was great because we slept on a blowup mattress in the back and had the window half way down during the night for fresh air.
Of course!!
That is true. You’d probably be able to see the bar and lights, but I still think it would be usable and useful even if you add the bar.
The ones I got are the Nilight brand from Amazon. The same goes for the light bar.
That is actually in my own garage! I was installing the 2” LP Aventure lift in that picture. I did install the bar myself. The instructions that come with the packaging was super straightforward. They even give you two extra clips if you happen to break any of them. I used the Auto Clip Fastener Remover Tool from Amazon which made the process a breeze.
If you have any questions or concerns just hit me up and I’m happy to help in any way I can!
I got one off Amazon for $30-35, similar to the one linked below. Super easy to install. Just as easy to remove if you need to use your back seats for people. I opted for something like this rather than a fitted seat cover because these have side flaps that help protect your doors. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZ41C3T/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Y6J4Eb7SN3AGX
Go get a bottle of 3M adhesive remover. Works great on decals, stickers, labels, and all sorts. It's like Goo Gone on crack.
WD 40 has several formulations. you don't want the regular one,you want this one.
I'm using this one. It does the job and works well paired with a coiled USB to lightning cable for CarPlay.
i got one of these and superglued the metal plate to the back of my case
Front Doors should fit up to 6x9s, rear doors will fit up to 6.5s and the tweeters can be upgraded with the Kicker 3" kits that you can find on Amazon (here).
I upgraded my Outback with Kickers. 6x9's up front and 6.5's in the rear with the kicker tweeters up in the dash. Sounds way better than stock.
I've got some expertise here - I did a TON of research and ended up with these two:
Its not the most robust in the world but for $30 - IF your dog doesn't try to fight its way into the second row, this one works well. We started with it and our rambunctious 2 year old realized she could get past it.
Is what I'm using now. I prefer its robustness but, it took ordering and returning FIVE of them until I got one that was not damaged in shipping.
One call out about that model, if you're sensitive to noise - it rattles a bit
Weathertechs are over priced IMHO
I think ive seen the thule aero and yeah i agree. I was thinking something more in line with modifying these to fit:
I have a 14 which is basically the same model. It does pretty good on its own, when others were getting stuck I was still able to get around just fine, just be light with the braking. When the snow or ice started getting a little deeper or slicker I got a set of snow chains like these
You don't need them for all four tires, just get a set for the front tires since they do the steering. I had a steep hill to get into my apartment complex and one year it snowed so bad people just parked on the street rather than attempt to get up it. I was able to get in and out just fine.
I've had a couple cars where replacing rear bulbs burns other ones out. I'm an electrical IDIOT so it's all magic to me.
But I've never had a problem with my Subaru light housing assemblies. They're pretty easy to take the assembly off, and test while they're off the car. Yes, probably most cars have a screw type turn signal bulb. I believe you're looking for an amber 7440A. I know, perdón the offensive question, but you're definitely turning your nighttime lights ON when it's dark? Running lights are only permanently on in the front.
As for proving that the shop screwed something up, I can't help you there. First step is to see if the shop is incompetent, or they're right when they suspect there is an electrical issue.
Here's my 2.5 Premium towing a ~1700lb popup
Make sure you get a class III hitch, ideally one of the hidden ones like this that don't have the ugly horizontal bar sticking down.
That plastic is very flimsy because no one ever sees it, and the only time it's ever accessed is when mechanics need to access the car computer, the ignition wiring, steering column, etc. In many older cars, they didn't even bother to include a plastic clip panel.
I always take panels apart for custom car audio, so I bought a whole set. If you don't foresee the need to buy a whole set, I think you can walk into like an AutoZone, Advance, etc. and buy individual clips.
Honestly, it will probably never be a problem without that one clip
There is a port under the dash.
You plug one of these in, and it'll tell you the issue.
But at <1000 miles, you may have a warranty where the dealer can check and reset at no charge?
Genuine Subaru H631SFJ101 Tweeter... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00PV6F8I2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I got the CS Series for front and rear
I ordered this one:
Word on the Subaru Outback Forums is that the 31mm also fits, you just have to bend back the metal ears a little bit.
Yes, they're standard festoon bulbs, so that's the one you want - it's just a little longer than the stock bulb.
I chose this one, and it has held up very well. Had the same in my 2011 Outback , it lasted several years. The leather under it was in perfect condition when I sold the car.
I would also flashlight or two.
I have a 2020 Toyota Corolla SE 6MT sedan that has factory Apple Carplay. I would love to share this item. The unit was sold by Ottocast and shipped by Amazon. I bought it for $79 a month ago,
link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09Q59XY7Y
This very small unit EASILY converts it to wireless Carplay so I can use my iphone. I no longer have to have a cord connected from the center console to my phone to enjoy Carpaly. Love this product! It was truly a plug-n-play item, just played it in, found the blue tooth name and it was set right up.
Highly recommend this unit for anyone wanting to upgrade a wired carplay vehicle to wireless.
I have this one. I really like it so far. Also has an option to add a rear camera.
I don’t have any suggestions because I’m in the same boat. I’ve gone through 4 in the past 2.5 years probably. Seems like all the ones on Amazon are made by the same cheap factory just rebranded every couple weeks. I have had this one since April and it’s already falling apart: Dog Car Seat Cover for Back Seat,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09F8N8HHC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Medium/large 75lb dog
This is what I have. It is decent. Maybe sometimes when the weather is hot, the edges will bubble but easily fixed by smoothing out.
I have something similar to what you linked - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0776R4H4P.
This has worked great for dogs, surf boards, lumber, concrete bags, etc.
I keep a Gooloo jump starter in the car exactly for times like this.
Haven't had to use it on my own car yet, but have helped plenty of others since.
I use a cheap bike mount like the one in the following link:
I use a mount similar to the ones in this link to attach them to the crossbar:
I have these attached to the cross bar and use two toe straps to strap the rear wheel to the other cross bar. It’s super simply and cheap. And sturdy. I only have two of these, but I bet you could get four on top of your Outback. It’s not going to have that Thule badge for everyone to see but it will get your bikes to trail head.
Nice! I caved and just bought this on amazon. Works great though!
This is my setup as well, and I originally bought tweeters on Crutchfield but the install was so complicated and required drilling and soldering (I don't have a garage to keep all of these tools). So I bought these Kicker tweeters on Amazon and they are incredible.
Genuine Subaru H631SFJ101 Tweeter... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PV6F8I2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I got these for the Vanity Lights, these for the Cargo Area Light.
Garmin 57. Small enough to tuck behind the mirror and not interfere with Eyesight.
Using a Dongar adapter to tap into the switched power for the auto-dimming mirror.
I got a Rove R2-4K that I used in my previous Hyundai. It's been hanging up in the Outback for months now, because I'm waiting for these to come back in stock to wire it up.
These do the trick, hundreds of makers out there m, you can see the parking lines while reversing. I had them on my Honda:
I have a 2013, I picked up: https://www.amazon.ca/FANHAY-Removal-Fastener-Automotive-Interior/dp/B08927LDHR At the time it came with clips and the clips matched my Outback.
The store sells these: https://www.amazon.ca/FANHAY-Universal-Bumper-Fastener-Retainer/dp/B089VPTQZL
Which looks similar to the ones I got in the package.
Better off pouring something like this into the rad.
I recently had a tear appear on the seat of my 2018. My SO got a leather repair kit that did an amazing job of fixing the tear and hiding the damage. I just asked her for the link to the kit she used and I'll paste it below.
I use this cord and tuck the phone in the side shelf on the passenger side of the console. It’s perfect
OPT7 Aura Interior Car Lights LED Strip Kit-16+ Smart-Color, Soundsync, Door Assist, Show Patterns, and Remote-Accent Underdash Footwell Floor, 4pc Single Row https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OU5LOT2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_APBZK36WTDW6EF582VYC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It's a good price and very easy to install
Just an FYI most portable air pumps have a chance of blowing a fuze in your car. They are also generally pretty slow and not designed to last or do more than one tire and can struggle with higher pressure tires. I recommend this one: https://smile.amazon.com/Viair-00088-88P-Portable-Compressor/dp/B005ASY23I/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=viair+88p&qid=1654029757&sprefix=viair+88%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-1 I've had mine since the beginning of 2014 and have never once had an issue. I've used it in all weather conditions, from blizzards to heat warnings and it has never once even struggled. (It can get hot if you're inflating all your tires in the dead of summer but that doesn't affect performance at all) It also has it's own fuze so you don't have to worry about blowing yours and can inflate tires up to 120 PSI. I've probably used this over 250 times and lent it out on various occasions to other people when they were having tire troubles, it has not been babied and holds up like a tank. It doesn't seen to care if you are just topping off a few PSI or totally inflating a tire and it's stupid fast compared to the competition. This is very much a "you get what you pay for" category of Item. I have never seen another portable air compressor that comes close to the build quality and performance of a Viair. They also regularly go on sale for around $60.
I got a cheaper brand off Amazon for my 2017. I love it! No wind issues or sound issues. Didn't pay enough attention to gas. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0821WZ7YL/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_073XTW1CE5G5XF9XYX69?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Dawn Enterprises RBP-004 Rear Bumper Protector https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N812T74/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_M6NYMRN6PRRR41PG4HSC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It's for a legacy but it fits the obw perfect and matches the asthetics
I replaced the rather anemic rear cargo incandescent lighting with a couple led panels. Similar to these: https://smile.amazon.com/EverBrightt-White-Reading-Festoon-Adapters/dp/B0191MU732/ref=sr_1_12?crid=1914WY9624SG1&keywords=12v%2Bled%2Bpanel%2Blights&qid=1653059728&sprefix=12v%2B%2Caps%2C326&sr=8-12&th=1
If you want something a bit nicer than foil you can use this, works the same -
Faraday Key Fob Protector - 2 Pack Mini Anti-Theft Pouch Key Fob RFID Signal Blocking Faraday Bag for Key Fob https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092PQQ5J5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_N7KNTR8QQK7JGA0G8CYX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
(Also does the listed function of preventing cloning of the key)
Just did two nights on one of these, with some other blankets for padding. It worked great. I have a full size folding 4 in mattress topper, I’m gonna try next time. ProsourceFit Tri-Fold Folding Thick Exercise Mat 6’x2’ with Carrying Handles for Tumbling, MMA, Martial Arts, Gymnastics, Stretching, Core Workouts https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ENULZ7E/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_VY384W07VMJ2B61HK0C9
I can't recommend these enough, keeps the plate from being directly on the paint
Seat protectors that you can put in back of front seats or on top of rear seats depending on whether your child carseats are front or rear facing.
You can buy them in pairs for fairly cheap. Their little boots & spills will go on this instead of your carseats. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MXQJWRA/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_ZQYJFJWQ2H1KCF105XT9
It won’t necessarily keep drool from the windows but I use this cargo liner for taking the dogs. If I could afford two of those kennels, that would be my first choice but it will have to wait a little bit. In the meantime, I use the below and it works well.
F-color SUV Cargo Liner for Dogs,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0755DRHSL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
While this is definitely not the cheapest option, it seems pretty viable to me. We have the ABE cover for the backseat and it's awesome. Covers the foot well but doesn't block the rear vents.
The 4knines I do not have, but that could go over or under the other pad and take care of covering the back seats while they're folded down and the cargo area.
Then there's always learning to just love the hair and slobber.
I’ve seen these elastic sunshades recommended for car camping. They stretch and cover the entire top of the door. Haven’t tested them myself, but they looked like they would do the trick.
I have camped in mine. I use the weather tech deflectors (although after the fact I think I would have preferred the kind that stick on the outside vs these that go in the window channel) and some cheap nets off Amazon [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SRNXW51/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_N23XWJEFA458DTN781WC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1](Amazon.com)
They work great
If you're looking to do some offroad adventuring, I recommend you get a decent recovery kit, which should include:
For air compressors, I recommend one that hooks directly up to your battery rather than a 9v outlet plug. The 9v compressors are really slow, and can overheat which can make them even slower. I have this compressor.
The above will let you at least have some control over your own ability to get yourself out of a situation even if you don't have cell reception. The jump starter/compressor/plug kit/shovel will let you patch tires, or deflate a little for extra traction, or dig yourself out. The tow strap and soft shackles will let you hook up to any kind stranger who is willing to give you a tug.
All of this will fit inside your spare tire well (I have everything above and more tucked in there).
I have:
Sunglasses go in the overhead glasses compartment. You can buy 90-degree USB cables to improve the accessibility of that compartment while a phone is plugged in. There's a 9v outlet in the glove box and in the center console, too, as well as 2x USB ports behind the center console, so you don't necessarily have to plug both phones in there - I only have one USB cable in that front section.
The other thing to do is stop using up-front storage space for occasionally-used items. Do you have your car manual or tools or whatever in the glove box? Take it all out and stuff it in the spare tire compartment. Frankly, an umbrella is one of those things for me - if I need it, I'm going to know I need it, so I'd just put it under the front seat or even in the trunk rather than taking up the side compartment.
I don't disagree with your assessment - the space up front isn't ideal. But there's plenty if you prioritize it right.
I bought this and I find it useful.
JKCOVER Interior Inner ABS Black Fuse Box Coin Container Storage Dash Tray Compatible with Subaru XV Crosstrek Forester Outback Legacy Impreza WRX STI Ascent (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XRKTCTY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0E36RAKKEGTKN1JHS024
I couldn’t find a kit that had them all, I bought them separately. I got these for the Vanity Lights, these for the Cargo Area Light and I haven’t found anything for the map lights.
I have this, and it sits in my drivers door cup holder. Works perfect.
Seven Sparta Car Coin Holder Universal Change Holder for Car Compatible with Most Car Cup Holder Time-Saving Coin Holder Organizer for Car Home Office https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PHGG7NP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BRN2R84MTRAK19TF3GBW
Top ones: LED Round Offroad Lights,BANSIT... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093BTY812?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Bottom ones: BIGLION.X 5Inch Led Driving... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09G5W3JQN?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
It's really just looks.
The higher lumen bulb will consume a little more power, but it's not a meaningful amount more and it's less than the incandescent that's in there anyway.
I ended up buying two packs of these, which fit both the trunk light and the backup lights:
And a pack of these, which fit the door's puddle lights:
At the time, Diode Dynamics didn't have their fitment stuff updated for the '22 Wilderness model so rather than guessing, I went with what some of the people on the Subaru Outback Forums were using. I'm happy with them. Haven't done the vanities or the dome light yet, but they're next on the list.
I have a Hollywood similar to this one—Hollywood Racks - 2-Bike Hitch Mounted Rack, HR200Z Trail Rider Platform Style Bike Rack - Fits 1.25 and 2-Inch Receivers https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IHR0H1K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_G1RWF0CSWFA7WCJ2YMYF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 On my Outback. I found it on marketplace for $100. It has been one of the best hundred dollars I’ve ever spent. The solid design and ease of loading/unloading bikes is fantastic. I will warn you it is fairly heavy.
Well, you were correct, changing the reverse light bulbs is about as easy as it gets. I went a much less expensive route with the iBrightstar 921 LED Bulbs. Definitely a big improvement.
Use seal buckles on the back seats, my dogs triggered the seat belt alarm constantly and was driving me crazy.
I’m loving it so far. I found these. They were easy to install and fit perfectly. Tape-On Dark Tinted Side Window Visor Deflectors Vent Rain Guards Compatible with Subaru Outback 2020 2021 2022 Premium, Limited, Touring https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TMGSKS9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_V7KPRCZ7RAD1C30K15MD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Nilight - 90021B Led Light Bar Mounting Bracket Front License Plate Frame Bracket License Plate Mounting Bracket Holder for Off-Road Lights LED Work Lamps Lighting Bars, 2 Years Warranty https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073V2NDQY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_ZR8RTA1XMBBPWN39H03C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
AUXITO 9006 HB4 LED Fog Light Bulbs, 3000K Amber Yellow, 6000 LM High Brightness, 30W Play and Plug, Super Penetration with 12 CSP Chips, Waterproof, DRL Bulbs Replacement for Cars, Pack of 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KNBG6PZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_DN2G4TJ0H5BS9FDMCJFF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
AUXITO 9006 HB4 LED Fog Light Bulbs, 3000K Amber Yellow, 6000 LM High Brightness, 30W Play and Plug, Super Penetration with 12 CSP Chips, Waterproof, DRL Bulbs Replacement for Cars, Pack of 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KNBG6PZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_6DBGZB3H4ZMG9Z7CYZSP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I've heard good things about this product https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YP6Q437?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
I ordered it but am waiting for the warmth of spring to try it out as it's instructions indicate you have to rinse it off with water and it's winter here.
I use this 300W 12V inverter to plug in my baby's bottle warmer and my wife's nursing pump while in the car. BESTEK 300W Power Inverter DC 12V to 110V AC Car Inverter with 4.2A Dual USB Car Adapter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004MDXS0U/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_3KP5QYYMKEH7CWV8HK1D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I'm cool with using a cooler. I have these fake ice packs that stay frozen/cold for 2 to 3 days and use little room in the cooler: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XH9GB75/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_dl_AEGAZ8Q7ATXNTXR7QMX0
I say return them and get much much cheaper boards, like under $100 and get other gear. I have them, have never used them, but always bring them. No wait, I used them once to level my car out to sleep inside and I used them as a foot for my jack.
I have these https://amazon.com/gp/product/B08JCTVWTL
You can definitely use the cables mentioned above or you can purchase a USB C to USB adapter:
Syntech USB C Female to USB Male Adapter Pack of 3 Type C to USB A Converter Compatible with iPhone 13 12 Pro Max iPad Air 6 Apple Watch Series 7 AirPods 3 Samsung Galaxy etc. Space Gray https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085VT1VJT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_CPGYQKJR2QVXJ0VDR3AM
Metra 72-8104 Speaker Connector for Select Toyota Vehicles https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002BBP7Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_JkHruIZkLhIpr
Metra 82-8146 6" x 9" Front Speaker Adapter for Select Lexus and Toyota Vehicles https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IIC6CPE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_yIgsi7AS5UXWM
You’ll also need these
Take a look at the headlights and see if they are foggy/etched/yellowing, instead of clear. It's very likely that they are.
If so, you can buy a headlight restoration kit. There are lots of them out there, but whatever you get, make sure it has a headlight sealant because otherwise the lenses will just yellow again. That'll be a big help in improving your visibility - I did this to my 2002 and was amazed at the difference.
It'll probably take 15-30 minutes per headlight, depending on how bad they are. I believe I used this kit, but I don't know much about what kits are available so you don't have to take my advice on that one.
You can buy a brighter halogen bulb (don't buy an LED bulb, the reflector housing on these aren't designed for LED lights), but you'll end up with a shorter headlight life. Clean up your lenses with a restoration kit, then see if that's sufficient for you.
I have a 21 Outback Limited and my 80# dog constantly set off the back seat alarm on long trips. I bought seatbelt inserts on Amazon and it did the trick. JUSTTOP 2-Pack Car Metal Tongue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P366Y7G
Tape-On Dark Tinted Side Window Visor Deflectors Vent Rain Guards Compatible with Subaru Outback 2020 2021 2022 Premium, Limited, Touring https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TMGSKS9/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_6H7EET08DP6XX3VF0B4V?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
That is the easiest way to go, and here is a link to the kit:
You could also buy vinyl wrap for about $10 and cut to fit yourself:
I highly recommend this as an alternative to a ladder. It's super compact and really allows me to get to my ski box on top. I'm a short dude and I thought a ladder would help at first. But this is way better.
I keep this one in the glove box. It’s basic but tells you the codes and clears them which is all I need
I have a street guardian camera and it’s been great for the couple years I’ve had it. I have mine plugged into a usb….the issue is if the usb tries to draw data it can mess with the camera’s functionality.
I use this and a long monoprice cable with the ferrite on it.
Limited-time deal: Anker Roav Bluetooth Car Adapter and Car Charger, Power IQ 3.0 Type C PD, Bluetooth FM Transmitter for Car, Wireless Calling with Bluetooth 5.0, Noise Cancellation -T2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0813L778N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_dl_MY8CHFD7X4ZGH7SMJBPV
Dashcamtalk is a good site to browse everything dash cam related.
I found the item on Amazon and according to the information there it draws 45 watts .
I found the item on Amazon and according to the information there, it draws 45 watts .so those plans were cancelled. I figured I would try to drive that day but would want warm food with me because many places are closed.
I need to be able to run the dashcam which is 5V-1.5A. Charge my Pixel 6 Pro which is my personal phone, power an Octopus Gaming Tablet which is a LG Android tablet and my Cargo Box which if I recall correctly uses 7.2 amp's
I'm not going to have time to have an inverter hard wired. I did order https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B094VHMLMR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 at Amazon a little while ago and can return it if it wont work for me. It's an inverter with USB built in so I don't need a splitter..
I have this blackvue cam and it works great. You can hardwire if you like, but I just use the cigarette charge in the center console. I route the cord up behind the mirror, through the A Pillar by the windshield, underneath the wiring behind the steering wheel and up to the console so the wire isn’t visible except about an inch or two. similarly I mounted the rear cam at the top of the rear windshield and routed the wire through the head liner around to hook it up front. I am not a cat guy by any means, but I was able to do it all In a couple hours with some fiddling around and YouTube searches for best way to remove a panel or two.
Like the other commenter noted I just have mine mounted up against the bottom of where the rear view mirror meets the glass and you can’t see it when driving and it doesn’t have any effect on eyesight.
Time to get yourself one of These guys. Good luck, but it sounds pretty suspect to me