Once you download it you'll see a blue little gear in the top right corner of Reddit, hover and click on RES settings console. Then go to 'subreddits', then click on 'filteReddit' and there should be an option to block out subs by name.
Why does /u/dota2_ss talk about machine learning lol?
>Damn it feels good to win, sure, but if you are curious[1] &[2] . p.s.
Are the bots exchanging information on how to get smarter?
Any subreddit which doesn't opt-out and isn't quarantined will show up on /r/all. If you don't like seeing a particular subreddit on /r/all, there are a few ways to change this:
I assumed that at first, so I did a little digging.
Apparently it's from a game called "Legend of the Cryptids" which is a card game / mobile game (I'm assuming based off of Magic - I haven't played it, though), and the creature in the artwork is known as 'Servants of Impurity', which I found on, created by 'Concept Art House'.
edit: and apparently OP posted it a little further down the page, hah. Oh well.
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