KISS 100 Acrylic Plain Nails (2 PACK, Active Oval) That is the nails I use happy with them. And gel polish I really like
Depending on how big you need, sling bags, chest bags, crossbody bags might be right. I have this one and really like it for work. Most of them are listed as "men's" but a lot of them look quite andro if that's what you're looking for.
I'm currently going through gender questioning at 46, and I've read of others doing so in their 60's, so you're not alone. I found this book to be very helpful:
There’s plenty of inexpensive head wraps on amazon. You might not want to use them long term or for an event where you’re aiming for fancy or sexy, but they could at least be a short term solution.
And while opinions can always differ, but speaking as someone that’s biracial and the spouse of a cancer survivor, I don’t think they are an act of appropriation.
I have a couple of sets of these that I use for working out, in the yard, or when I just don’t feel like futzing with my hair. They hold up to wear and tear surprisingly well for a no name Amazon product. And even manage to help me feel feminine - pulling all of my hair back rather than having it be a mess around my head.
Obviously your situation is different but might be worth a cheap experiment.
Regardless, good luck!
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less:
I'm pretty sure it works. Obviously nothing is fast enough! But when plucking my face, sometimes hair just falls out. Big scary guitar string looking mo-fos, too. Sometimes, the zaps really really suck and other times I can smell burnt hair.
On auto mode, it zaps every 3 seconds. It's counter goes down from 500,000. I've used 10,000 zaps and use it everywhere below my eyes. Every week, I try to spend a couple hours over two days zapping everything I can. When we did a road trip, I took an inverter and a blanket and zapped in the passenger seat.
Of course Hon. We all help each other. I hope I didn’t come off as elitist yesterday. I just got distracted. BTW, I like this stuff. I’ve used it on a pair of blue suede boot with cute white fur at the top 🥺🥺🥺 and the converse🥺🥺🥺. no discoloration at all.
Kiwi Select All Protector (Large Can, 7.7 Oz.)
Attending a group can be so helpful and powerful. I know it's really scary but the first time I met another trans person like me I just felt so validated and so strong. The queer community has been through hell - and because of that (by and large) everyone is EXTRA welcoming because they know what it's like to feel exactly what you're feeling - like you don't belong. Like a freak. Like you can't believe your own feelings. The first step is going. If you never go, it may take longer to meet her. The her inside of you. 💗✨ Don't feel the need to dress up or look a certain way. You can wear a Tshirt and sweats. That's ok! You can always chicken out and say you're an ally to a friend / kid / partner you know. The trans community loves meeting supportive allies at these groups too. That excuse can be your "escape hatch" in case you are too scared to be your authentic self just yet. Take it slow. One step at a time. I believe in you!
There's a great book my therapist has me working through called (You and Your Gender Identity)[] - I got it through my library Hoopla app for free. Please take a look. It is SO validating. There are loads of humans in the world just like you. You aren't crazy and you aren't alone.
I was in this exact position last year, including being 36 yo. (Though my partner and I have only been together nine years :p)
It depends on having really open and good communication with your partner. My wife is supportive of my transition but has also been on her own journey as a result. There are times when I have prioritized her thoughts and emotions, and times when we have prioritized mine. Each of you needs time, space, love to adapt.
You're in a really tough spot right now, and it honestly will get better if you can start making small transition steps, up to and including getting that prescription filled. I took me months to recognize, but it's a simple calculation: I am happiest when I am being fully myself--which means, my femme truth. I get increasingly depressed and dysphoric when I slide back into old pre-transition habits.
The first steps are the hardest. Each step you take, you build a little momentum, and things get a tiny bit easier. There is an element of comfort, but there's also an element of "just do it." Coming out to the 20th person is easier than the first. Getting your blood drawn for the 5th time is easier than the first. You worry about sprouting breasts your first day of HRT and wonder if you need to socially transition then; by month four, you get impatient, wondering where the hell your breasts are....
You can do it. :) You might get some value out of this book. It's loving and supportive for girls early in their transition.
TAM WARE Women's Casual Slim Fit V Neck Snap Button Bodycon Mini Dress by Tom's Ware
It was a flash sale I noticed they don't have it in my size anymore disappointing but hopefully you'll see something else from this company that you like
TAM WARE Women's Casual Slim Fit V Neck Snap Button Bodycon Mini Dress by Tom's Ware
It was a flash sale I noticed they don't have it in my size anymore disappointing but hopefully you'll see something else from this company that you like
I'm only 6 months in and not out everywhere yet, but it does feel so good. Like a weight lifted that was hanging over my life causing a weird depression. Even though i had a happy family, great job, etc something just felt off. i could be happy when i was busy / ignoring it, but if i let myself think about it i hated myself / body. It's a strange feeling thinking you have everything that should to make you happy but... you aren't.
Scheduling an appointment with a therapist and talking about it helped me feel like i wasn't crazy. They affirmed that this is dysphoria and gave me diagnosis which i could then tell the conservatives around me (if i wanted) ... its real!
Viewing timelines helped me see that it was actually possible not just some weird thing and ill never pass. I too live rural and don't see any trans people around me. There is a lgbt group in city an hour from me with people of all ages though i hope you can find something like that.
If people really love you they want you to be honest with them. No want wants to be with someone who is constantly lying about themselves. It benefits no one to keep being fake.
There is much more queer acceptance and representation in media now. Kids don't care that much i think as long as you don't just disappear. if your children are young you can read this book.
I'm a women's 15 shoe. I have been getting them on Amazon. You can apply a search filter by shoe size, or add "size 15" to the search text (not as consistent results.
Couple shoe tips:
Get a shoe stretcher. These things can make a tight shoe wearable. Example:\_yo2\_dt\_b\_product\_details
Another tip for shoes is to put a zip log bag full of water in the shoe, and stick it in the freezer. As the water freezes it will slowly expand, and widen the shoe. I was extremely skeptical this would work, but it works great. Just make sure you don't spill water all over your shoe, and that the ice doesn't expand out of the opening. You kinda need to pack it in there. Do it a couple times and you'll figure it out.
I wore a men's tall shirt size. Standard women's shirts are too short for me. So I add "longline" to the search, and I make sure their shirts are 30" in length. I've also searched for "tank minidress" and turned those into tank tops with my sewing machine. Sigh... I have such a long torso.
Walmart has a lot of the same clothes that you see on Amazon, but a lot cheaper. I'm really not impressed with the clothes at Target.
I'd recommend a copy of this: It's helped me and many other trans people a great deal.
ForeMode Fashion Women T-Strap High Heels Bow Platform Round Toe Pumps Leather Summer Lolita Sweet Shoes
The ForeMode store on Amazon has a few in larger sizes. My wife really like the same pair in Red, but I went for the black as they will go with more of my outfits.
I got them on Amazon UK. Vollence brand, and they were their GG size (no longer listed) which were the perfect size for a 50” band size, C cup (UK cup sizing).
I expect start HRT on Thursday (blood work done, so hopefully I'll leave the clinic with a prescription).
I have prepared for the "nipple issue" with a pack of these:
> Loneliness after divorce is definitely a thing that I think would be there whether or not we were trans. We just added some more fun on top of it!
Definitely true. I was married for 25 years and I did not expect that to end until a couple of years ago.
> Dating in your 40's just kind of sucks. The apps definitely weren't made for us.
I did not intend to date and don't use apps exactly, except for ... I was looking for friends and have made a bunch of those. I met her at one at a brewery and wow, we just have this amazing chemistry (her words). I came out to her right away, and we've been friends ever since. She doesn't want to "date anyone", so she's not my girlfriend exactly, but we've been on about ten "not dates" outside of meetups and are pretty intimate, so I guess we're taking it slow? I don't know what we have exactly but I smile just thinking about her. She's a very complex, very smart person and quite addictive. That said it hasn't been all rainbows, seeing her has had its challenges.
I use and go to events where people share the same interests. It's a nice organic way to make friends, and I find that if I'm with people who like the same stuff, it's way more likely to work out than people I just happened to share DNA with or went to school with, etc.
I personally don’t see anything wrong with your shoulders! Wish mine looked like that (my delts / biceps look too big). Like the Cicilia said, clothing/ boobs will help to draw attention away from your shoulders. Even in this pic, if you just add a simple scarf, loosely worn so that it spreads out towards the tops of your shoulders, you won’t notice them.
I’m pre-hrt too, so something that’s helped me in the boob area is this combo, or something like it (also very inexpensive):
Nomolen Sports Bra for Women... (…or something similar that has pockets for removable foam inserts; I put the silicone inserts into these pockets)
Silicone Bra Inserts, Gel Breast...
For me, this made my appearance more natural, less artificial than breast forms.
Hope this helps, Sis! 🙋🏻♀️
Can PM me for sure! Right now, I’m just trying to take one day at a time and not worry about what other people are thinking and carrying on as if nothing is different. I’ve being wearing this yoga sports bra under my normal work clothes and it’s been working really well hiding my breast growth while also not being hard to hide as it doesn’t have the usual telltale bra straps that would typically be a giveaway. I’ve been letting my hair grow and nobody at work has said anything even though it’s last shoulder length at this point, I do work as a software developer though, so it’s a pretty relaxed atmosphere even though I’m in a really conservative Southern state, although it is a fairly liberal city.
I use this stuff here. It's perfect for it and it lasts forever. Clean the application area really well with alcohol before you apply, and wear them for as long as they're comfortable, applying a new one every 3.5 days. Congrats on starting your journey!
If you get one, get an Emjoi. They are rated really well and you can cover lots of ground. The down side is that epilating hurts like hell. You have to build up to your whole legs. I did a small patch and made it bigger each month.
I have this one. Cheap one's don't have many tweezers which tends to make it worse.
Thanks! It's from here: :)
I wear these if I’ll be away from home long enough to need to pee: SILKIES Gaff Underwear - Thong - Tucking - Crossdressing - Transgender For tight tucking (leggings, tight jeans, bathing suit) the best deal I’ve found is this flexible tape (can swim in this!!): Sparthos Kinesiology Tape - Bulk Large Jumbo - Free Kinesio Taping Guide! - Support for Pro Athletic Sports and Recovery - Rocktape Waterproof Tex Rock Gold Tapes - Uncut 115 ft Roll (Beige) Also, two pairs of small underwear do reasonably well under jeans, there’s a bulge, but girlbulge is cute too. For some outfits I still tuck to achieve the most feminine lines and silhouette, but we should be proud of our transgender bodies! I wear the gaff thong if I’m in tight jeans so my bulge is a smooth mound instead of a giant camel toe, but under a skater skirt or an A-line dress I wear two thongs and just pull everything back enough to minimize. I don’t want to be improper but I also love my body so I’m getting used to having a pretty unicorn mound. Lol I don’t call it that, but I might start.
Spray medical adhesive…available on Amazon and at medical/surgical supply stores.
I have a little bit of fat that I pull together with these filling the bra…
Feminique Silicone Breast Forms | Prosthetic Breast for Transgender, Mastectomy, Crossdressers, and Cosplay | Fake Breasts
This book was recommended to my mom. Not sure if she read it so I can’t comment but it looked promising: Trans-kin: a guide for family and friends of transgender people. Amazon link
I can't seem to find the exact one I bought, but here's a very similar one.
Women Tea Dress for Vintage Cocktail Party, Modest Aline Dresses, Church & Prom
Help is out there, but this is the wrong sub! It’s for timeline pics only. Try r/MTF r/trans or r/mtfhrt . But now that you’re here…
Since you don’t have access to therapy, there’s a good book specifically written to help teens who are gender-questioning sort through their feelings. It has been helpful for lots of people, even for myself when I was first transitioning.
The Gender Quest Workbook: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults Exploring Gender Identity
Also, if you just need an ally or want someone to ask questions to, you are welcome to DM me any time!
Amazon of course ☺️. Kayhoma Extra Long Cotton Thigh High Socks Over the Knee High Boot Stockings Cotton Leg Warmers, 2 pairs and yes they are very comfy
I don't think links are not allowed... but here it is on Amazon! Get it girl!!!! it's sooo cute
also after you shave, use something to disinfect to prevent the red dots. like after shave, or remedy soap
if you have lots of red dots in shaving area, you may have folliculitis. Maybe see a dermatologist, or try the remedy soap everyday (that worked for me). consider a scar cream if there are marks after it clears up, like mederma advanced scar gel.
for nice softer skin overall, consider using a sugar scrub when you bath every so often (lush has a really nice one).
Once I got the breast forms and bra from Amazon, my decision was made. Wearing a dress and those and wow, I was home.
I bought these C cups from Amazon and love them... I haven't peeled the back to expose the glue, I just slip them in my bra. And for bras, I love this one because it keeps everything in place when I have to lift things at work.
None of them prescription. DermaNail on Amazon. The little tube of cutemol runs out quickly and i already got a big tub to replace.
Wondering if this is spiro related and can get better if spiro is dropped or replaced.
Thank you so much. I have gotten so many compliments that I have bought a couple of other shades but I love my white and black polka dots:
...i ordered this from Amazon and it fits nice and snug with very flattening results when needed...mostly only use for when I'm at work now...but it's excellent quality for a great price...also very smooth seams so it doesnt show through very easily...
I bought this one and have been using it on my beard/moustache for 4 weeks as of yesterday. Darkish skin(native american) and black painfully coarse hair. Every 3 days 2 passes at level 3. I've started to notice tiny areas are not growing back. All of the hair that is growing back is thinning out to the point it no longer hurts. According to the boxes schedule, Tuesday or Friday, I will be moving to once a week for a month. These are similar to the ones I had got(pre HRT). Very realistic. Amazon has a very good selection of nips and forms. Were you saying that you place the nip over the pasty? Thats a good idea. One time I had a nip go MIA and thought that it may have slipped out of my top, but found it in the waist band of my pants/skirt, dont recall. Similarly when wearing heavy(silicon) forms be sure and wear a full cup support(underwire), or pocket bra as they can easily slip out. I had my heavy forms on w/ just bralette while I was shoveling snow, and it too went MIA, and thought it might have ended up in a snow pile somewhere, but again it had just slid down,,. I also used to use a set of cheap foam forms, which are very light weight, to place inside the stretchy top of a sundress or in a support camie when I was just "slumming around" the house. Since that time, Ive been blessed w/ a beautiful set of my own natural D cups :) The initial feelings of the weight and texture of silicon forms filling a bra is most exhillerating and validating, and well worth the investment :) Try to resit the urge to over do it and get huge ones(C/D, 400cc>) right off. Stay w/ something more conservative. As you may already know, silicon forms come in different shapes; Teardrop, Triangular, and asymetrical(triangular). The teardrop ones I had I went wayy over in size. I called them my "big bertha's", but the triangular ones were far more realistic B/C sized. Interestingly, I gifted my silicon forms to my SIL, after she had a mastecomy.
I shave a lot and its not enough. i am prepared to have to removed from my chest, belly, legs even some from under my neck.
I am not really familiar with the other modes of gender. I’ve just recently realized that a non-surgical/non-chemical transition is possible. From what I have read, the HRT is of interest to me. Perhaps low dosage.
ZowBinBin Cat Ear Stud Earrings Freshwater Pearl Cat Earrings Sterling Silver Cat Ear Earrings Perfect for Women and Girls these are the earrings I am looking at. I wonder if conversion is possible.
Thank you I will do more research. Thank you so much. ❤️❤️❤️
Resocialization takes a while. If you don't already have friends who are women, I would suggest making some. For voice specifically, I use this book, though I also take lessons from the author's studio. Just the book alone is still pretty good though.
But again, mannerisms and resocialization takes a while. And cis women vary quite a bit in terms of how they walk, how much they use their hands while talking, etc. I think that most of it comes by osmosis and social feedback over time, though, rather than conscious practice.
I've done really well with this book:
Granted, I'm also taking classes through the author's studio, but even the book alone is great.
I have also found this book extremely useful (it has exercises for trans masculine people as well). I'm also taking lessons from the author's studio, but the book is still pretty good on its own:
The good news is that Swiss army knives coming a variety of colors and patterns to suit your needs.
Thank you. ☺️🤗💙💖🤍💖💙 The anklets are from etsy. SUPERARMBAND. The socks are from amazon Jormatt 6 Pairs Women Lace... They were more pink until i found out that the towel that had been washed many times bled blue. 🤦♀️
I pretty much get everything from Amazon these days. Makes it easier to find things I like that actually fit.
Grats! Also, if you're growing your hair, have the back trimmed every 2-3 months until the front catches up. I didn't do that, and it looked messy until I did. I also just discovered the magic of hair clips.