Use something gentle. Preferably something with no dyes, fragrances or addatives.
Maybe something like this:
Please, please, please don't use bleach. That's a good way to get chemical burns, and end up in the hospital
fortunately you don't need to clean your colon, just the rectum, the small portion of the colon just before the bend. just eat a lot of fiber for a few days prior and you'll be good, but if you're super anxious, get one of these.
but also, i understand why you're worried and it's fine for you to be worried, but if your boyfriend is also paranoid about this and absolutely doesn't want to get any shit on his dick, i advise you to retire the idea of anal altogether. it comes with risks, if you can't handle those risks, it's not for you.
I can’t financially help unfortunately but one of the best things invented is the period panties. Invest once from someone here who’s offered to help financially and get a few pair and you will not regret it! Or some other reusable material. You’re doing the best you can and that counts! ❤️ Bambody Absorbent Panty: Period Panties/Maternity & Postpartum Underwear
Tend skin is wonderful stuff. There are other similar products on the market. Just use them for a couple of days after you shave.
Tend Skin The Skin Care Solution For Unsightly Razor Bumps, Ingrown Hair And Razor Burns, 8 Fl Oz Bottle
This one, but Amazon has lots of options now! I also ordered a size bigger because i want them to be comfortable and they are!
I use to have frequent UTIs for 5 years until I began religiously using D-Mannose supplements. I've recommended this to countless of people, even a woman who chronically had UTIs for 20+ years. Please, PLEASE give it a try. I've attached a link to my favorite brand (
I prefer Harmony over other brands, because its one of the most potent. Take 2 capsules everyday for a few months and wean off it, taking it afterwards only as needed.
Years ago I paid $32 for a diva cup. Three years ago I switched to Blossom and it's almost an exact replica for less than half the price ($13)
Have you tried exfoliating? Using a washcloth to scrub, helped my armpits to return to their original color after they got darker from a new deodorant. I quit using the deodorant, and I just exfoliated daily during my showers, and eventually they returned to normal.
I also occasionally put lemon juice in my armpits and leave it there for approximately 15 or so minutes prior to showering. I do that for antibacterial properties, though.
When your period stops due to energy deficit, this is called hypothalamic amenorrhea. You should expect your blood tests to show low estradiol (a form of estrogen), no progesterone, and potentially low LH (likely LH<FSH). Contrary to popular opinion, HA can develop at any weight. It's caused by energy deficit, not by low body fat.
The best, most evidence-based resource out there to understand and learn to recover from this condition is a book called No Period Now What by Dr. Nicola Rinaldi. You could also check out the Endocrine Society's treatment guidelines.
I also have mixed African American skin, more on the oily side though. I have found that Banana Boat is the way to go for me. Most of their sunscreens are in the neutral PH range, so they won't cause burns or damage your skin. It's also water and sweat resistant, so you can wear it all day long outside and at the beach.
Alternatively if you can't find a sunscreen that works for your body/face, I would recommend at least getting yourself a nice sun hat so you at least reliably protect the skin on your whole head without having to worry about applying sunscreen. There's a brand named Caramber that sells special UV-Protecting Sun Hats, but you can find them everywhere. I hope you find these useful!
I use this mineral sunscreen for my face/neck. It comes in a bunch of different tints, spreads nicely, good coverage and stays put!
Yes, I recommend looking on Amazon and sorting by price low to high, and then, limiting to 4 starts and above, so you get high quality without wasting too much money. I got this 4 star rated cup, but it was also only $6.99, so at least I didn’t sink too much money into it: LEASEN Menstrual Cup-Health Care Soft Silicone Lady Cup-A Perfect Feminine Alternative to Sanitary Napkins(Purple,Small) It sucks because I was able to use it for about a day and a half before the cramps kicked in and really liked it at first. I hope it goes better for you! Good luck!
Hello! So I have had BV several times before, even prior to getting married. Antibiotics would help for a bit and everything, but it's just kept randomly coming back. I started taking probiotics at my gyno's recommendation and bam! All better, no joke. Here's the one I bought, not affiliated, but the big thing she said was to make sure it has acidophilus in it.
If you have reoccurring yeast infections you should try boric acid suppositories. You can get them on Amazon here and they really helped me after I was getting them on and off for months
Luteal phase vaginal progesterone (continuing until the placenta takes over) and baby aspirin helped me keep my pregnancies after having failed implantations. I don’t have PCOS, though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you need meds for that as well.
Do you track ovulation? I recommend at least getting LH test strips. Temping and cervical mucus checks can be helpful, too.
The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant is helpful if you don’t have time to read Taking Charge of Your Fertility.
There's a shave gel by the brand Bikini Zone that helps immensely.
I have pretty sensitive skin and I use this wherever I tend to get razor burn. The type of razor also makes a huge difference for me. This is the only one I've found that really works for my skin:
My routine is pretty simple: Shaving cream for most of my legs, the shave gel for extra sensitive areas, frequent razor rinses, and switching blade cartridges every couple of months.
Felt exactly like period cramps for me, they just kept lasting on and on and I kept expecting my period to come and it just didn’t. After a week of that I took a test and it was negative. It continued for another week and then I tested again and it was positive.
Honestly pregnancy symptoms and PMS symptoms can be practically identical. The only way to know for sure is to pee on a stick.
Directly after your period ends can be a safe time for many people, but for those with shorter cycles 27 days and under it can also be the beginning of the fertile window for many women. So it’s doubtful you’d be able to predict it one way or the other at this time. I would suggest getting some pregnancy tests from the dollar store or order on amazon and test weekly until you get a positive or your period comes just to give you peace of mind.
(Amazon 25 pack for $8 ClinicalGuard® HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 25)
Thanks. Are you talking about this AZO product that contains methenamine ? AZO Urinary Tract Defense Antibacterial Protection | Helps Control a UTI Until You Can See a Doctor | #1 Most Trusted Urinary Health Brand | 24 Tablets
Girl, you are one strong woman. Im sending all the good vibes I can right now.
I suffer from a few chronic illnesses (autoimmune nonsense) and one of them is fusion of my spine, which causes a lot of pain in my lower back. I know it may be hard, but try to stretch your back out just a hair if its okay with your doc. Also, if you're allowed, try putting a heating pad under your back. That always helps me a TON.
You're clearly a fighter and just know we're all in your corner rooting for you. Fuck cancer man.
P.S. I once saw these on amazon, they're basically temporary tattoos for your eyebrows. No needles, just some water and patience. Hope this helps.
Try amazon smile to donate to charity automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^preformed ^^^automatically.
I bought my own boric acid and gel caps as it was much cheaper per pill to do it myself. Granted at the time there weren’t a ton of prefilled options. You can find boric acid on amazon as well as the 00 gel caps. Vitamin world and places like it also carry the capsules in store usually.
I personally use URAL, and it does work if you get it fast. It is available from Amazon too. Yepeeee. Meanwhile, keep drinking water to help flush out your kidneys.
Any Urine test will be fine. The tests they sell at the dollar store are the same as they use in doctors offices. Honestly the biggest determining factor is time past conception as HGC rises the test will become more clear. I’ve personally had great luck with the packs on amazon. You can see pics in the customer section along with dates past ovulation to give you an idea of the sensitivity, you’ll see that every day the line will get a little darker. Plus you really can’t beat the price. ClinicalGuard® HCG Pregnancy Test Strips (Individually-Sealed, Pack of 20)
If you want the most accurate 100% for sure and earliest possible test, go to a doctor for a blood test.
I’ve had a rough year and UTIs were the cause.. I’m not a doctor, nor do I claim to be one.
I’ve been told to stock up on vitamin D (for kidney health/support… I also have a deficiency), D-Mannose. Asupplement containing 36mg of PACs (proanthocyanidins) Utiva is a great brand but out of my price range, I ended up getting CranCap which you can find on Amazon or Walmart. And a probiotic for gut health like: Her Own Probiotic this one specifically has 11 strains, 5 billion CFUs, and prebiotic fiber. These have helped plenty, but if you’re taking D-mannose and PACs remember to space them out because they work great on their own, but you don’t want to pretty much cancel them out. (Hoping that made sense..) I take them in the morning and in the evening.
I hope this helped a bit!
>Using an antiperspirant will stop you from sweating. No sweating = no smell. It’s not like a perfume that would attempt to ‘mask’ the smell as you said. The bad smell of BO is caused by the bacteria, not sweat itself.
Sweat is your friend, but it doesn't have to stink!
<strong>Armpit Detox Scrub</strong> by Berlaney works to eliminate odor caused by bacteria. This product is definitely worth a shot.
Make sure wearing 100% Cotton!
I've been using it 2x/week and have seen a difference. The smell is of peppermint and it leaves a cooling sensation on your underarms.
<strong>Berlaney armpit detox scrub</strong> allows the body to continue to sweat through the underarms minus the bacteria, and that is a natural way the body releases toxins.
Antiperspirant works, due to Aluminum within deodorant which clog our sweat glands. The problem is our bodies naturally detox through our armpits by sweating.
Great link! Those stretches also help me reduce neck and head pain while working a desk job. I would also recommend installing this free computer light management app called Flux. It works really well at reducing the eye strain headaches I get from reading text off a screen all day.
You could try some lanolin cream that is made for breastfeeding. I usually find it in the "baby stuff" aisle at the pharmacy. A lot of people also use it on their lips so nobody will think anything of it.\_1\_3?crid=328PHERSYGHSJ&keywords=lansinoh&qid=1664709924&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI1LjI5IiwicXNhIjoiNC44MyIsInFzcCI6IjQuMjYifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=lansi%...
Dear OP - you’re GF is lucky to have you! Ditto to a lot of what was already said. Heating pad for sure but my hubs got me this one with massage and it’s been a game changer
$30 for a pack of 5. I think these are a great thickness, personally. Only complaint is that the cups move around when washing and you get a uni-boob because the pads will stack on top of each other. But they're easy to remove/move around as needed. Like I said earlier, I stopped wearing bras 24/7 years ago, so I hope I don't lead you astray and they're good for every day use. The days that I have worn them for 8+ hours though, I've had good success.
Hi again. Here's the excerpt from the book I mentioned earlier (I transcribed it for you) —
"Throughout most of human history, women experience later ages of
menarche, more pregnancies, and significantly longer time spent
breastfeeding. These reproductive health patterns (accompanied by more
physical lifestyles and lower protein diets) resulted in dramatically
fewer menstrual periods during the average woman's lifespan. Today, in
developing countries across the globe, women's dietary, lifestyle,
childbirth, and breastfeeding patterns still more closely reflect those
of our ancestors. In many of these societies, women normally menstruate
as little as four times per year, on average."
"Millions of indigenous South American, South Asian, or African women may
menstruate only 100 times during their lives. In contrast, their
Western counterparts will typically start menarche earlier, have very
few children, breastfeed for shorter periods, and eat diets rich in
calories, estrogen, and meat protein. As a result, the average Western
woman can expect to experience four times as many menstrual periods —
more than 400 of them between menarche and menopause. This relatively
sudden lifestyle shift — in evolutionary terms— has given Western
women's bodies very little time to adjust to these massive changes."
"Some women's health experts propose to correct this pattern by
artificially inhibiting women's menstrual cycles through the use of
synthetic hormones. Unfortunately this strategy rarely delivers lifelong
wellness. In fact, long-term suppression of menstruation through
artificial means generally strains the liver and creates additional
health problems."
It's from the book
Book link:
i only use the white dove soap bar- original or sensitive for those private areas. make sure you are not going inside of your vagina or your bumhole, just along the exterior. also i agree with other comments mentioning the bidet- its a lifechanger! Theres even small portable ones you can keep in your backpack/purse when you're on the go!
From personal experience, Vaseline only locks in moisture, I have been struggling for many years with dry lips. I would suggest a couple of things. Firstly try a lip scrub. You can buy them ready made but they can be expensive or you can make one pretty easily (brown sugar, honey & a drop of olive oil) “scrub” your lips and the leave on for a few mins and then wash off. Then apply the Vaseline.
Alternatively, buy some neutrogena lip balm link
Think of Vaseline as a top coat rather than a solution and you’ll get by better. Also drink more water, eat less salt :)
hair loss right at the end of my cycle, and very low energy through my period. (my periods are very heavy). You should supplement iron, and I'm surprised the doctor didn't recommend this. However, do some online research to find ones that will be most absorbable, as many iron pills are made of iron that is not very bioavailable.
Also, its important to note that supplements are not regulated in the US, so you need to look at the labels to make sure you are buying a brand that is independently 3rd party tested. That will ensure it has the quantity it says it has and isn't contaminated with anything else. Look for NSF or USP logos on the label.
I use the one in the link below, but a friend of mine uses one from a German company she swears by and says its the best and goes out of her way to use it. I will try to find out what it is.
Sounds like the white build up in your labia is smegma. It’s a build up of sweat, dead skin cells etc.
You can use a mild unscented soap in the folds of your labia. You can use scented if you want but it just leaves room for possible irritation. You don’t have to use soap if you don’t want to, you can use just water, but if you’re having a bad build up then a mild unscented soap is a good idea (I was in the same boat, thought it was a yeast infection)
I would also highly recommend a pull down hose shower head so you can easily wash down there. If you can’t install one buy one of these, hose
No. Mouthwash will not prevent UTIs. That's garbage. It might cause increased clitoral stimulation, possibly painfully. The alcohol in most mouth washes and the mint is natually metholated, so all I can think is, "Why does he want to hurt you?"
I used to get UTI's every time I had sex. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. A walk-in clinic doctor told me to go pee after sex. Immediately. That helped a little, but I was still coming back frequently, so she suggested I take Azo Cranberry pills. Daily. This is the one I use. I have had 1 UTI since I started taking these in 2019. She said that there is something in cranberries that coats the inside of your bladder and urethra so the bacteria just slides off like food slides out of a teflon coated pan.
Amazon At least in US but possibly available elsewhere
Also they have a couple on their website. It’s probably a good idea to keep some on hand if your young and without funds and in danger of getting pregnant without access to safe abortions now.
I used this and actually got into a normal range. I was so low I was losing hair and felt awful
Organic India Shatavari Herbal Supplement - Supports Hormonal Balance, Immune and Inflammatory Response, Vegan, Gluten-Free, USDA Organic, Supports Reproductive Health - 90 Capsules
I am taking these ones currently.
An antifungal treatment lasting 7 days is the foundational treatment. It needs to be 7 days and not 3 or 1. Yeast is like bacteria in that if you treat it for a few days you might get some of them and have a little bit of improvement in symptoms. But the second you stop, they explode out of control. It’s the same concept with people stopping their antibiotics when they feel better, only adding to growing antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Anyway, that is step one. I always like to use an anti itch cream too. And use both the treatment and anti itch creams ANYWHERE you feel itchy, even your anus if need be. You skip one spot and it’ll travel and spread. You can also try a boric acid based treatment. I’ve used this one several times with success:
YeastGard Advanced Homeopathic Yeast Infection Vaginal Suppositories - 10 count Box
They also make an anti-itch gel that I find to sting less than some of the other brands of creams.
Finally, if you’re having trouble getting in to see your doctor, try I had the same issue, a persistent yeast infection, and I had scheduled to speak to a doctor the next day around noon. She called me that night around 8pm and asked if I wanted to go and talk. She gave me three rounds of Diflucan, sent it to my pharmacy, and it all took like 10 min. All for $48 because I was out of pocket at the time.
PURA D'OR Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil (16oz) USDA Certified 100% Pure & Natural Carrier Oil - Moisturizing For Face, Skin & Hair, Men & Women (Packaging may vary)
Try this! It’s specifically for skin and hair and stuff. It’s not as thick and it’s liquid so it’s easier to apply. I use this stuff all over and never had any issues!
I always use womens tea and drink daily. You can put a yea bag in your water too. Traditional Medicinal Healthy Cycle Formerly Female Toner Tea Don’t ignore the above advice though. It’s all excellent. I also use portable heating pads but they get expensive. Rael Natural Herbal Heating Patches - Cramp Care, Heat Therapy, Ultra-Thin Design, On The Go Size (2 Pack, 6 Count)
>For her to say she doesn't know anything about how testosterone affects women is kind of concerning. She wasn't able to answer a single quesion I had about it.
Testosterone in women is simply something not much studied by doctors. I mean, they barely study hormones at all unless it's a direct specialty, but testosterone in particular is almost completely ignored in women in mainstream medical education. There is literally no testosterone approved by the FDA for use by women, doctors are taught there is no reason to supplement testosterone in women, and few doctors will prescribe it or even have any idea how to prescribe it. If you're concerned about your doctor not knowing about testosterone, then it's a concern for the entire medical community, it's not a unique deficiency of this particular doctor, which means finding a doctor who is knowledgeable could be a challenge. As long as there is no testosterone made by big pharma that is prescribable for women, doctors aren't going to be taught about it except to learn it's not necessary.
I recommend you read the book The Savvy Woman's Guide to Testosterone by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet. That should answer all of your questions.
I cried when I saw a lot of dilators for $200-$300 bucks. I went on amazon and saw a ton of them and this one had really great reviews so I went with it. I realize it might still be a lot of money, but I just wanted to make sure I sent you this so you can hopefully not freak out thinking you had to buy $300 dilators.
Also physical therapist saw them and approved 👍🏼
Silicone Pelvic Floor Muscle Dilator Exerciser Trainer Set by VWELL (Complete 5 Kit System)
Have you tried different antibiotics? Example- from Macrobid to Keflex?
I have found out that when i touch myself while my partner and i are being intimate, I tend to be prone to getting a UTI. Now, i dont "assist" unless we are straight from the shower, with clean everything. Also, I began taking these, 3 every morning, 1 after each time we make love:
I finished that bottle and i didn't develop a UTI at all, for the first time in 1 decade! Now I'm trying these just to see if there is more of a difference:
I also began drinking an apple cider vinegar mixture once or twice per day. 1 & 1/2 shots of ACV, cold water, a splash of cranberry concentrate, a sqeeze of lemon and a turn of sea salt. (At night sometimes I add 1 & 1/2 shots of tequila). I no longer drink beer or wine...just clear liquor :'(
Also......maybe unrelated.....but BV gives me the EXACT SAME SYMPTOMS as a UTI. Foul smell, burning sensation relieved by peeing, bloated. For 6 months i was on macrobid because my urine samples were coming back positive. But it ended up being that i didnt have a UTI at all. I then took flagyl for 7 days, 2 pills of diflucan during that and inserting boric acid suppositories all at the same time that everything finally cleared up for me.
Really, it kind of sucks I have to make all of these lifestyle changes. I so wish i could be as free and relaxed as (i assume??) plenty of women do. I don't imagine many people having to deal with the same amount of gynecological problems for their entire lives. I wonder how women handled this back when medicine was not as advanced.
Person here whose had chronic UTIs for over a decade. I find ClearTract pills work well for me! They’re on Amazon and cut my symptoms and issues within a day or two ( ) there also might be other pills for cheaper with same ingredients but I haven’t researched that myself.
Mine tend to crop up every few months and I find taking these is good. Also making sure your “bits” can breathe when possible (such as commando in shorts when in bed if you can), acidic drinks can set some people off (like lemonade or orange juice, so maybe track stuff like that to see if there is any correlation), and make sure to drink water— not soda or alcohol.
So the bottle form I definitely use but it’s not a pain reliever. Here it is: Cystex UTI Pain Relief, Maximum Strength Urinary Tract Infection Treatment, Relieves Pain and Urgency of Urinating, 20ct, Twin Pack
It is literally the holy grail. I’m not kidding. Only thing that truly numbs it. I really hope it works for you. I know how it feels to be laying on the bathroom floor after sitting on the toilet forever. Especially when it’s middle of the night and you can’t get relief from a doctor for hours. It’s worse than any thing I can imagine. It’s not like it’s painful it’s more the annoyance and irritability. I pray this works for you 🙏🏼
One of mine is substantially (1.5-2 cup sizes larger) than the other due to scar tissue from chest tubes when I was a baby. I buy bras to fit my larger breast and then put extra padding into the other side to even them out.
If it is a bra with removeable padding, I’ll move all padding to the smaller side, and still put one of the extra padding into the smaller side to fully even them.
I’ve been using them for years and replace them a few times a year. They don’t show when I wear full coverage bras or sports bras. Plus, they come in nude and black, so it blends well with most of my bras if they do happen to slip and show at all!
I used this years ago as a substitute for my usual intimate soap (had to replace it because of an ongoing allergy to previous pads).
Don't know if it's available outside of Italy, but I can guarantee it's phenomenal. Freshly balsamic but not too much, was so mild I could use it also while on periods. pH is slightly less than 5, well tolerated by burning, itchy and wounded skin.
It's similar to that one, it's the epaderm emollient so it's really thick, kinda like lard lol
Epaderm Emollient For Dry Skin - 500g
If your GYN told you that you are engaging the correct muscles then that is a good first step! I suggested the pelvic floor therapist to make sure you are using the right muscles.
However, like any muscle, it takes time to strengthen. Not one day. Not one week. But constantly over time. Especially if you are starting from a fairly weak muscle contraction. So don’t fret! If your muscle can squeeze a little bit now, that means it can squeeze harder over time with strengthening.
You don’t have to invest in a fancy machine to practice your kegels. If you aren’t sure if you’re doing them right, you could look into pelvic floor weights. They are like little eggs that some in different weights and you put them inside and hold them there using your pelvic floor muscles. The stronger you get, you can use a heavier weight in the set.
This set is $50 instead of the $150 you mentioned in your post.
This might be a good place to start and it’s a little more affordable. And it’s easy to track progress by how much weight you can hold and how long.
Just imagine this problem like anyone who is first starting out at the gym. It’s a struggle but it just takes consistent practice!
Thank you so much! I’ve never heard of epaderm, is this the one you’re using? link
I also don’t shave my armpits and wash with dr bronners soap. There are a couple things I notice that causes my armpits to smell. One is non breathable material such as polyester, and the other is if I didn’t let my armpit hair dry properly before getting dressed. I am allergic to most deodorant and natural ones tend to be made with coconut oil which seams to make my odour worse not better and makes me break out in my pits. I use a product called Lavalin. [lavalin cream deodorant Amazon](;psc=1)
It is pricey but works well and you don’t need to apply it every day. I usually get a three pack on Amazon and it will last me a couple years. Also it doesn’t bother my very sensitive pits and if you already smell it completely eliminates odours when applied but isn’t too purfumey. I love it so much. I have never tried anything else even close to this good.
You might be using the wrong kind of soap. My gyno recommended me dove’s hypoallergenic liquid body soap for sensitive skin because I had recurring yeast infections and it’s helped a lot.
Dove Body Wash Hypoallergenic and Sulfate Free Body Wash Sensitive Skin Effectively Washes Away Bacteria While Nourishing Your Skin 34 oz 3 Count
I haven't heard about this but I use some random brand off Amazon. They were the most affordable option and have been lifesavers. I'm dealing with a large fibroid so bleeding gets really bad (going through an Ultra tampon every 90 minutes at my heaviest), and these have been a godsend for bedtime leaks.
Yes I am in the US. I ordered this test from amazon. It showed my water was hard, which I had suspected. I got a filter to put on my shower head which helps some
I have absolutely had this problem. Riding a bicycle for hours doing delivery in the summertime my pussy smelled really strong! I highly recommend this organic punani spray, shower or baby wipe (only use natural ones), spritz, then let it dry a bit before you put your clothes on. It’s helpful to prop one leg up when you spray so you can get in the folds. Also take women’s probiotics, and a good natural pussy wash is amazing to get a good clean without messing up your ph. Good luck!
pHresh All Natural Feminine Spray - Supports Symptoms of Odor, Itch & Irritation! | 100% Yoni All-Oil Blend Made with Tea Tree, Lemongrass, and Orange Essential Oils | 2 oz. Spray
I used to get them annoyingly frequently. Sharing my advice from another question I answered about the same topic.
Get established with a urologist. Urine culture testing to determine the type of bacteria present. Treatment will depend on that... not all UTIs are caused by the same kind of bacteria. I see that you're waiting on an appointment for one. Can you request antibiotics in the interim until you see the urologist?
Get a high-potency D-Mannose supplement and take it DAILY (not just after sex). Take cranberry supplements DAILY. I actually have a supplement that combines D-mannose with Cranberry and dandelion (NutriFlair D-Mannose 1200mg, 120 Capsules - with Cranberry and Dandelion Extract - Natural Urinary Tract Health UTI Support - Best D Mannose Powder - Flush Impurities, Detox Body, for Women and Men
I'd also suggest getting on a good probiotic formulated for women's health that includes the strains L. Rhamnosus and L. Reuteri, in a potency of at least 15-30 billion live cultures.
Wipe front to back after using the bathroom. Clean up really well after sex.
I wish you luck. UTIs suck so bad. Patience and adjustments should hopefully put this to an end.
These 2 are THE BESTTT Quick fix until you can go to the doctor. She can literally take this overnight and it will eliminate the odor effectively. You can find them at Target or your local grocery store!
I had just ordered a cheap set of them on Amazon since I do ‘t want to spend $30 on something that might not work well for me. The one I am using now isn’t available anymore but it looked like this one
I suggest you read the comments. The first one I saw on this page gave tips on finding the right cup
Best of luck
Evening Primrose Oil (1300mg) 120 Liquid Softgels ~ Cold-Pressed with No fillers or Artificial Ingredients ~ Non-GMO & Gluten Free
Go with The Flow Hormone Balance...
tree to tub I love this stuff, the scent is light and doesn’t stick to your skin. Ph balance is perfect for me.
At this point it may be worth investing some $$ or time . I wish I had done it sooner . I put this fan at the bottom of me bed and blow it under my sheets . But there is a System . Also to check out are Chilled mattress toppers around $200.
This setup also looks like the best tutorial for dyi on the sheet fans ( which can be like$500) and This Lasko U12104 High Velocity Pro Pivoting Utility Fan for Cooling, Ventilating, Exhausting and Drying at Home, Job Site and Work Shop, Black 12104 12.2 x 9.6 x 12.3 inches
DO NOT put cortisone alone on your vag alone! Steroids can make fungal infections WAY worse. For lotrimin, they stopped making their vag-safe brand, but the same stuff (clotrimazole vaginal) is on Amazon for cheap and you can use it internally or as an ointment. For immediate relief, try the vagisil cream with benzocaine 5%. They also make a benzocaine 20% if your itching is severe. Also - try reducing your sugar, alcohol and dairy intake until you heal up. If you have a yeast infection these things will only make it worse. Good luck!
This is the clotrimazole:\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Right now I'm using bambody from Amazon
What cut are you wearing? It sounds like you might need to size up in that style or you may need to keep the size but a different cut.
I like my Natori underwear. These are pricey but comfy. The same size and cut has fit me for years and different weights, the elastic has been great.
Amazon basics briefs are pretty good and are fairly affordable if you need to buy different sizes.
Boric acid is great (inserted vaginally -- toxic if ingested) is great.
I discovered that sulfer; regular, yellow-powder sulfer inserted into a capsule and pushed into the vagina takes care of my yeast infections.
This shows it's safe for skin although it's cheaper to just buy the powder, encapsulate it and insert it. Good luck!
It sounds like you think you are obligated to have sex for your partner’s sake and not allowed to “withhold” sex for any reason. These are not healthy views and I’d dig into that. Do you orgasm even though you’re pushing through the pain? I could maybe understand that.
I can’t speak to negative outcomes if you choose to ignore the advice of your care provider, but id definitely recommend reading The Great Sex Rescue by Sheila Gregoire.
Sorry I’m so late to the thread but I was reading and felt I should leave this here in case you’re interested! I use these tests and they come in bulk for cheap.
I bought the Philips Bikini Genie and i’ve never had this issue since. It’s a bit loud though, so i use it when my partner has his headphones on playing COD 😂 (or is out of the house etc)
I used to shave like that, but like you, it would itch like crazy and the ingrowns started causing scarring. So I just got one of those trimmer/razor combos. I trim my pubic hair but shave along my bikini line. To avoid razor burn and itchiness, I use this stuff. I put it on a few minutes before I shave in the shower, then shave, then rub more on after (without washing it off). Then I apply it on there the 2-3 days after shaving to prevent ingrowns. It doesn’t say to do this on the bottle but it has literally been such a game changer!
I used to randomly get yeast infections after sex. I read things that were rough/ got a little dry/ nails etc could cause microabrasions & then a yeast infection. Once I realized what was causing them, I started being able to tell the day after sex that something was up and I started using boric acid capsule suppositories at night for a few days any time I felt that way and I haven't gotten them since. I also usually fill a separate capsule with coconut oil and use it the same time as the boric acid to cut down on irritation.
My sister suffers from boils and cyst often. She’ll rotate between hot and cold compress, loose clothing, keeping it wrapped with gauze in case they burst and using PRID
For those that don’t come out so easily, definitely check out this Amazon short read. It’s very informational and hilarious! Most of all, it helped me get the condom out.
Okay, I’m black and have very coarse, curly hair. I get ingrown like no ones business when I shave. Itchiness and scars were so unattractive to me, I hated myself and my confidence diminished. I would never let anyone see “down there”, nor would I wear bikinis or be caught dead in my underwear.
I tried nair, and that worked for all of… a day or two. And then the iTunes and I frowns would read their head.
The only thing that has ever worked is <em>this</em>
I was extremely skeptical, but I haven’t had a single ingrown hair, nor any itchiness. I only use it in the front, I’ll shave around the bottom since it never gets itchy there. I recommend the GOLD since it doesn’t smell nearly as bad. Just leave it on for about 7-10 minutes. (It also makes your hair grow back slower!)
Yes, I take one every 2 to 3 weeks. I have an IUD and I don’t have regular periods. I am right there with you, I want to find out ASAP. Don’t worry about what other people think.
Here are some really cheap ones. I know they work because they are the ones I used when I found out I was pregnant with my baby girl at 6 weeks.
Limited-time deal: AccuMed Pregnancy (HCG) Test Strips Kit, Clear and Accurate Results, 99% Accurate, 50 Count
I think it's actually great for women's bodies. I grew up in Korea and in every postpartum center (btw postpartum care center is a HUGE thing in Korea and it's a place moms must go to after giving birth) they will have vaginal steam or sitz bath in the bathroom and make you get steamed or sitz bath regularly. Almost 3 times a day. They make sure that the water or the steam is not too hot, that will make matters worse but if it's warm enough, it'll only do good! Here's the one that I use to get steamed and it's the most widely used herb in Korea! Mugwort soak
There is a nonprescription med you can get on Amazon or in drugstores that can help prevent a full blown UTI if you take it when you just feel tingling.Azo urinary tract defense
This is life changing and makes such a difference in how good my hips feel. knee pillow
Olive Leaf Extract by Healths Harmony
Olive Leaf Extract (Non-GMO) Super Strength: 20% Oleuropein - 750mg - Vegetarian - Immune Support, Cardiovascular Health & Antioxidant Supplement - No Oil - 60 Capsules
Aw I understand honestly I’ve literally had mental breakdowns over this lol. I’ve been struggling with BV for four years but only recently have been having better luck. We really have to try everything. It sucks that doctors are also so dismissive of this. You’re not alone though, many people with vaginas deal with this! This is the brand I get for the oregano oil - it has to have Carvacrol. I recommend going on YouTube and looking at the candida diet in correlation to BV. I literally only just discovered this and I think this may be the source. Again you’re not alone, please don’t feel alienated I think a lot of people struggle with this but we’re made to feel like it’s taboo or shameful. It’s totally normal and it happens. I wish you the best and I’m always here if you’d like to chat more <3
D mannose always helps with my UTIs and it’s over the counter. I normally order it online since it can be hard to find in stores. It works amazingly for some people and I like to keep it on hand for when I feel a UTI coming.
NOW Foods Supplements, D-Mannose 500 mg, Non-GMO Project Verified, Healthy Urinary Tract, 120 Veg Capsules
I use this one here and you can change the notifications and I only use it to make sure I'm not late. You can track symptoms with it too.
Exfoliate your underarms once a week. I use a sugar scrub but one of those exfoliating washcloths or gloves works too.
Shower at least every-other day, especially after you get sweaty.
Find a deodorant that works and use it at least once every 24 hours. I have sensitive skin and use this brand because it's gentle but smells good.
Give your clothes the sniff test. Sometimes fabrics hold on to body odor and need to be washed with warm water and baking soda to get the stink out.
If your struggling with frequent UTI PLEASE try DMannose tablets, I got mine from amazon! I take 2 grams daily and haven’t had one since. I used to struggle with UTIs monthly, especially when having sex and I have been on antibiotics a few times but really didn’t like using them. I did all the precautions similar to yourself and couldn’t get rid of it. Used d mannose tablets last time I had one around 3 months ago and haven’t had one since! I got relief in the 2 day of taking them. I’ll attach a link and do your own research but I cannot recommend these tablets enough! Hope you feel better soon
These are the tablets I use:
D-Mannose Tablets | 1000mg X 60 |...
Hello ♥️ I first want to say that I wish you all of the strength and support that you’re needing. I can only imagine the emotional as well as physical toll this must be taking on you. Do make sure your iron levels are not plummeting from all of the bleeding. You might consider an iron supplement...and rest, as much rest as you can take. High stress levels are a key factor in any health issue. I don’t have much logistics to offer but I do know of a book that could really benefit you:[Wisdom of Menopause](
Also, you might consider looking up Dr Uma Dinsmore-Tuli’s work.
I have RLS as others have mentioned in this thread, and for me, it was due to a magnesium deficiency. I started taking a liquid calcium magnesium supplement and that helped a lot!
This is the one I used.. hope you find some relief soon!
D-mannose in cranberry juice is what helps get get rid of some UTI bacteria but only if it's caused by E-coli. You have to drink alot of juice to get a good amount of d-mannose so I prefer the supplement! I like this one. Also d-mannose and cranberry pills are not the same thing. You need to specifically look for d-mannose supplements.
My naturopathic doctor had me take this which helped me as well.
But of course everyone is different so it's so important you don't like it progress into a kidney infection. I was drinking alot of water, taking d-mannose every few hours, and also the cranstat supplement. That was under my doctor's care so always be careful for your own needs.
I ordered them from Amazon and the brand is Nutrablast. Here is link.
I would take it after your period for 7 consecutive days, once a day, preferably at night. I still take 1 after my period or when I notice things are off.
I hear you. I finally got fed up and have started laser hair removal because I had the exact same issues. Milan offers payment plans that are quite affordable and in the long run it'll save you money (and pain and time and suffering etc).
However, if you want to try one more thing for shaving something that did help me quite a bit is this shave cream.
Idk how but it makes a pretty big difference! Still didn't want to do it for the rest of my life though.
I would check in with the reviews on Amazon and see what people are saying about it. That’s why I like shopping for products like these online, so you can get some perspective.
After some research, I got these to try and they work fine for me: BoriCap Boric Acid Suppositories Contain Only Boric Acid, Gelatin Capsule, Helps Maintain Vaginal Health, Easy to Insert, Made in The USA, 30 Capsules
Great! Try out an OCD workbook and see if it hits home for you. If not, maybe just a general anxiety related workbook
The hair growth from PCOS can be absolutely insane! I have found that there are ways to help manage this type of PCOS that actually help. One of the biggest is trying to maintain a healthy weight... which is a challenge in and of itself, but it does a lot for the hormonal balance aspect. In the overweight type of PCOS, doing a keto type diet has actually been super beneficial for lots of women. The next best thing that helps with the weight loss and the hair growth is daily supplementing with a combination of D-chiro and Myo-inositol. This helps with the insulin resistance aspect. This product is the easiest to find in my opinion. It is pricey but it is a 90 day supply. Actually, since the recommended dose is one scoop and that contains 2000mg of Myo-inositol, you could actually start off with half a scoop since 1000mg works well for a lot of women. That would extend the product to 6 months supply, making it rather cheap. The third thing I have found helpful is resistance training exercise for at least 3 days a week, 30 minutes or more a day. This type of exercise can help lower testosterone and increase androgen receptors which are responsible for the male pattern hair growth. I have seen this work for many women but it does take commitment. Good luck to you.
This is a completely personal choice on your behalf if you want to try it or not. While the douching will help rinse some of the blood in the vagina walls, it will not stop the blood from exiting your cervix so the douching may not make a huge difference anyway. That being said, the pH of water is not the best for your vagina so, if you decide to do it, I would actually add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of water so the pH is closer to the natural acidity of your vagina. Alternatively, you could try a Softcup meant to be worn during a period for the purpose of mess-free sex. It will take a little practice to work around the IUD strings but it might be worth trying.
According to the ingredients on their normal and sensitive wash, neither have artificial scent so unless you are sensitive to the lavender in the normal wash, you should be ok. That being said, your vulva is self cleansing and doesn’t require anything else other than water and gentle friction from clean hands to be clean. If it is your preference to use a soap, you could use the honey pot ones or a soap with fewer ingredients like this one
Garden of Life RAW Probiotics Vaginal Care Shelf Stable - 50 Billion CFU Guaranteed through Expiration, Acidophilus - Once Daily - Certified Gluten Free - No Refrigeration - 30 Vegetarian Capsules
And now that I’ve been taking it consistently, I only have to take it every other day. It’s nice to keep the cost down, as well