Amazon! (like everything else in this world)
I recommend waiting for a deal, but it's certainly a quality piece of clothing. I grabbed it on Prime Day for an extra 30$ off or so.
It's from Eizou Hakusho, a bunch of extras/OAV specials that were released back in the day in Japan. There are a bunch more like this (you can probably find the clips on YouTube) like everyone taking a photo and Yukina being afraid plus some weird dream that Yusuke and Botan are married etc. Pretty good stuff. They also came with animated music videos for the main four's character songs.
...I actually think Funimation put the whole thing on DVD recently, too.
It is available to buy but it is part of the 4th season Blu-ray set release in Japan that came out at the end of October. You can purchase it directly from Amazon Japan and shipping is fast. There is no English subtitles though.
October 8th, there was a special screening in Shibuya hence the release date.
Amazon Japan link:幽☆遊☆白書-25th-Anniversary-Blu-ray-BOX/dp/B078FBZXS7
Thanks for the update!
Here are the Google play store link and Apple app store link.
There are apk/app downloaders out there to pull them for you.
Amazon has it in black, if you don't mind buying online.
~~Black Friday only. Ends at 11:59 CST. 47mins from now :O~~ Still alive. No idea for how long.
Yessir! Here's a link.
Aww, thank you! :D I practice a lot and am still learning. I draw using an old version of Photoshop and a program called Aseprite and also use Illustrator sometimes to rough out shapes and silhouettes.
If you're interested, also check out GraphicsGale which is totally free
I don't do commissions yet but I might try and set up a kofi or something for some in the future. (⌒_⌒;)
I just started a channel on that has season 1 of YYH, along with other shows. I'm working on uploading the rest soon and I can sahre the google drive folder with you that has all the episodes if you'd prefer. It's the dub, and if you're not into that you can check out 9anime which has the whole show either dubbed or subbed.
The original opening. This one in particular’s saying A flat. Which is literally right next to G. Which is why I was saying.
“sure there’s a margin of error if it’s A F or G, because they sound so similar, no point in arguing”
But you doggedly stuck to E b and I can only assume it’s because you saw that piano video, saw the notes, and assumed it was only possible to play the song in one key, therefore that had to be it.
I found it on amazon they have like 6 left .
$10 For volume 1 on Amazon. I’m in the United States, not sure about you. I have the first 1-4 volumes, all bought new from Amazon. They are all under $10 buck. Link
Couldn't agree more about the art style and music. You mentioned HxH 2011 piquing your interest, but I figured you would've been a bigger fan of the 1999 version after those comments.
I envy you. Watching this show for the first time. Savor it :)
FYI, the blu-rays are on sale at amazon.