I’ve tried several different ones, but the Japanese fit Dragon Shield (Matte) are the best I’ve used by far. I still use others occasionally for aesthetic reasons (gold sleeves for Eldlich, of course), but overall there really isn’t a competition in my mind.
I use an app on Android that works great. It's called Ygo. You can search cards by level, a range of levels, type, atk power, and a lot more. Pretty much anything you would want to filter it by.
You can also save all your cards in it so that you can look through your "trunk" without actually having to physically look through them.
Another thing you can do is make decks in it as well. It makes it easier to build decks and see how they would work with the test draw feature before you spend any money on actually building it.
Just make sure you sync it everytime you make changes so that it stays up to date. You can download it and and it will use your Google account so that it will carry over to any new phone as long as you use the same Google account on the new phone.
If you have any questions about how to use the app or advice on it to feel free to ask anytime.
Try this yugioh deck manager app. You will not be disappointed. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.okasoft.ygodeck
I mean they have 3x Shaddol for a little over 100 on amazon. Chances are you can shop around online and find something a little lower give or take.
Depends on you. Inner sleeve with dragon shield is good and keeps the deck smaller. Jap Dragon shield and outer sleeve makes the deck a little bulky. I use art sleeves so I use these Kmc character guard
First before you even look at buying products look at how to buy products.
Sealed products, singles, 3rd party pre built decks.
Before buying sealed product learn what’s in it and understand that outside of structure decks and promotional cards they are a complete gamble.
Singles is the preferred way to buy for a majority players. The main place you go is “tcgplayer.com” and “cardmarket.com” if you live in Europe. eBay is an option but not suggested for small purchases it’s great for larger sets and
3rd party constructed. These are readily available and are a near complete or complete set of cards. Usually at above retail the main advantage is that it has it all in one order and no managing 10 sellers trough tcgplayer.
Buying from tcgplayer is unique. It involves looking up a card, a specific set, condition then 1st or unlimited edition. Then after all that a new seller. It sounds complicated but really is not. Understand near mint is what you want but light play is fine. And always make sure you get what you ordered. It’s a process that took me some time to understand but it works.
Here is a deck you may want to look up. They are relatively cheap but have a higher spending ceiling.
Altergeist. It’s a trap based strategy and has a lot of learning potential on managing effects.
Dino’s is actually a very competent strategy.
I bought this for my cards.
The back pouch where a laptop would go fits 2 ultra pro 9 pocket bidners. Then where those Lens are, I have 6 deck boxes. In the middle I can fit 2 Playmats rolled up. And then I have free space at the very top where I put stuff.
Unfortunately Amazon in the EU (Germany and France) seems to be the only place that has them constantly in stock
If Amazon doesn't ship to where you live, or the price is too high, your best bet would probably be checking ebay for these sleeves once in a while.
Dragon Shield Dual Mattes are the best sleeve for what you're looking for.
I use these, they're white and matte. All you need to do is look up "white card sleeves" lol
Dragonshield makes actual inner sleeves for Japanese-sized cards that fit into their Japanese sleeves. Amazon Link
Hi, I'm not super experienced, but you could grab the cyber dark dragon structure deck and then buy a little support from tcgplayer (maybe some bosses).
You can use these Akashiya Card Sleeves to protect them. People use these for their extra deck as they have a nice border around them.
Here's my inner: Dragon Shield Arcane Tinmen DS60J Sealable - Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FDFPPNN/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_GVN8VA07QCBEQV097GT3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Here's the outer: Dragon Shield 60 ct Japanese Matte Outer Sleeves Clear 60 ct Card Individual Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HSSQFHM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_ENDYSRACDAJDFXTWY12P?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It says both perfect fit on the inner and Japanese size for both, so I'm with this combo is the wiggle room just something I should live with?
Well, it looks like the link is broken, but if it's this, then no. There's several banned and Limited cards in the list, and it's because they're on the banlist that a Zoodiac deck isn't really competitively viable anymore.
(1) Forbidden cards have certainly been allowed back into the card pool. This was a very frequent occurence prior to 2010 but now is less common. Raigeki, Harpie's Feather Duster, Imperial Order, and Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning are all cards that were forbidden for over 10 years before being changed to limited. Konami also tried this with Snatch Steal, but placed it back on the forbidden list just a few months later. Salamangreat Miragestallio and The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche were both recently changed from forbidden to limited.
(2) KMC Hyper Mat sleeves are very high quality and don't accidentally slide off the top of your deck. Since trying these several years ago, I've never gone back. Make sure to get the "mini" size. Many players also swear by Dragon Shield sleeves. Again, make sure to get the ones for "Japanese size cards".
I made my first podcast guys, it got stuck in new but ill post a comment here too https://www.buzzsprout.com/800567/2423687-episode-0-of-the-not-your-father-s-yu-gi-oh-podcast
Na mate, it reminds me of the sacred band of thebes which was an army composed of gay lovers. I just thought it was a really interesting strategic concept.
Also constellars are called 'sacred' in ocg so they might be gay.
And an army of flexing dudes in spandex is just amusing.
Yep, they're clear. Here's a couple of links for ya Japanese sized: https://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Shield-Japanese-Sleeves-Individual/dp/B09HSSQFHM/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=WD9X09SI2V85&dchild=1&keywords=dragon+shield+outer+sleeve+japanese&qid=1634679042&sprefix=dragonshield+outer&sr=8-2
Id you use the official Konami sleeves from Japan, those are a little taller than what we get in the states, so you'd want these instead https://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Shield-Sleeves-Matte-Clear/dp/B01G25NEW2/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?adgrpid=56123761615&dchild=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw2bmLBhBREiwAZ6ugo9KC9HvR6VTKS4TQVUT3Kn7dduYLMM1BuICr2qIsvTkNnV-IlAnbnRoCkjMQAvD_BwE&hvadid=274722940013&am...
If you ask at a card shop, they likely have one or both of these in stock.
No, those are standard size. They are used for MTG, Pokemon other card games with those sized cards. Yugioh cards are smaller and require the mini size. If you are looking at Amazon
Maybe the Egyptian Gods x3 then and the Shadoll x3
£40 for x3 of each
Thanks Zarma, appreciate it.
What do you think of the suggestion from FatefulEncounter?
Is this a good thing to get?
Since it sounds like you're early in the series, you're probably going to want to get the two Legendary Decks sets. They're both out of print but available on Amazon.
The first only has Yugi's cards and includes a full foil set for Exodia.
The second has Yugi, Kaiba and Joey and includes a "common" non-foil set of Exodia cards. This one is out of print and hard to find online without a markup but I see this set at big box retailers like WalMart all the time. Check there before you buy online because it's going to save you about $30.
It’s a little late for an online order outside of amazon but my personal preference would be an ultimate guard boulder. This is their online amazon store I have bought from numerous brands but for a generic gift that is solid quality that’s the place to go. I love their binders and boxes.
The specific item I have bought for myself in different colors. I personally like this one and I have bought two of them. They actually fit a large amount of cards so it may be too large but the size is still very useful for a collection of cards.
It can never hurt to get nice sleeves or a new deck box. I've had my eye on the Ultra Pro Tower boxes. Make to search for japanese size/small size/yugioh size etc if you look for sleeves.
i use KMC. KMC 100 Pochettes Card Barrier Perfect Size Soft Sleeves, 3 Pack/Total 300 Pochettes [Komainu-Dou Original Package], Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NU5F7U0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_4Eo0FbPMY04PH
These are actually a much better price than what i bought them for
There is also this box yugis legendary decks that has three decks in it. They are not legal decks as they have under 40 cards but they are really well balanced against each other and have three decks that you guys can play with.
Hi, I'm looking for Maximum Gold and came across this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Yu-Gi-Oh-MGTB-Maximum-Gold-Tuckbox/dp/B08JQ9GMLS/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=yugioh+booster+box&qid=1605584066&sr=8-5 .
Is this what you were talking about?
The TCGPlayer App allows you to create "collections" of decks or just cards that you have and it also allows you to scan your cards thru your smortphone. I have an android so im not aure about apple but heres the link for the play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tcgplayer.tcgplayer
I actually like yugipedia deckbuilder. It's for android, but the searching and readability is really good. It has a hand test function, but no play testing against AI unfortunately. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.logickllc.yugipedia.android
If you are looking for something nostalgic and not competitive at all, maybe just entry, easy dueling with friends or kids, try this.
They make phone tripods, something like this (like the first one I found on amazon) that you might be able to put on a stack of books or something to raise it up. Honestly you’re kind of limited with just a phone.
Amazon does carry sealed product. They already have a listing for the 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin.
TCGPlayer and EBay are also popular choices for sealed product. Just make sure to buy from high-rated sellers to avoid scams.
I just buy boxes off of Amazon. Unless you have a card shop near you that will cut you a deal. Though for the record, it's much cheaper to decide what deck you want to build and buy singles instead of packs. As far as holding cards you could get a couple of these.
are these two the same ones? Because they are different prices but they look the same. 1. https://www.amazon.com/Yu-Gi-Oh-TCG-Circuit-Special-Single/dp/B07754FHMX/ref=sr_1_2?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1515917095&sr=1-2&keywords=circuit+break+special+edition 2. https://www.amazon.com/Yu-Gi-Oh-Circuit-Break-Special-Mini/dp/B077961C3J/ref=sr_1_4?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1515917095&sr=1-4&keywords=circuit+break+special+edition
That's what you're looking for. It comes with the Dark Magician, Cyber Dragon, and Pendulum Dragon decks I mentioned.
Cool. I've been looking into getting some sleeves for when the cards get here and found these. Reading online people mention some sleeves have matte and some don't and all that mumbo jumbo. None ever explain what they mean, just that some sleeves don't really show your card rarity and some do. Do you have any opinions on the sleeves I pick and what I should look for?
If you are willing to, I'd say both honestly. Saga gives you the maiden and Azure Eyes synchro which are very helpful for a basic blue eyes. And also includes - your 3rd(?) Blue Eyes - Dragon Shrine - Silver's Cry - One for One - Trade-In - Cards of Consonance - White Stone of Legend That are very close to vital in a Blue Eyes Deck, plus there's a handful of other cards that help a non-competitive Blue Eyes Deck.
Rise of the True Dragons has more General dragon support that are important, namely: - Return of the Dragon Lords (you want three of these, so this at least gets you one and they're about 5-8 dollars each as singles so for a few extra bucks to get the structure deck, you get the card and a few others. - Trade In (you ideally want 3) As well as other helpful dragon cards and generic deck help (call of haunted, terraforming, breakthrough skull)
If you had to pick just one, Rise of the True Dragons - if you want to make a generic Dragon deck. Sage of Blue Eyes - if you want to make a Blue Eyes Deck.
I would also suggest getting Legendary Decks II. Yes, it is 30 bucks, but it comes with a Yugi deck (for your nephew), a Red Eyes Deck, and Blue Eyes support: -More blue eyes white dragons -Dragon Spirit of White -Protector with Eyes of Blue -Master with Eyes of Blue -White Stone of Ancients (This is a must for a Blue Eyes Deck) -Azure Eyes Synchro -A Maiden with Eyes of Blue And basic deck help from all three decks included
There's actually a lot of cross over between Legendary Decks II and Saga of Blue Eyes so it might be worth getting Legendary Decks II over Saga of Blue Eyes.
I use this for bulk cards. Throw your extra sleeves and bulk commons in that and stow it away under your bed.
I live in Canada now. Is this the one you're talking about? I was thinking about getting it. http://www.amazon.ca/YUGIOH-DUELIST-BATTLE-BOOSTER-PACKS/dp/B00ZZDMH4O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1449872401&sr=8-1&keywords=duelist+pack
Amazon is a good choice. Inked Gaming has ones with custom art if you're into that.
You mean sealed presumably, not limited. In sealed play, all duelists involved open the same amount of sealed packs and build a deck of a certain number of cards. The "battle" packs mentioned are specific sets designed for this type of play. The latest one, battle pack 3, introduced a new rule. All monsters are all types. (This is at all times and all locations). A box (of 36 5 card packs) is about 24$ on amazon . With this you could play 9 packs a person twice. Which is basically only 6$ for the 9 packs each game. Every xyz monster goes into the extra deck, and you would play 30 card decks with every extra card becoming the side deck. Also even after you open the packs, you could shuffle all the cards together and deal a certain number of cards to each player to play random cards without buying more packs.
Easily my favorite one. No frills, no gaudy design, no diving into menus or unintuitive button combinations.
Also a good one if you have Internet access, has ready access to rulings and keeps a log of events.