Thanks for sharing!
2 suggestions that would make this much better for me:
Instead of asking OAuth2 permissions (which many users won't give you), give users an option to give you a service account. It's harder to set up initially, but then allows a lot more flexibility on what teams decide to share with 3rd parties. See how does it.
Please no zebra stripped tables.
Btw, who's behind this project?
Not sure which connector you mean, you might have just connected your Firebase and GCP accounts.
If you want to export your Firebase data to BigQuery and keep it automatically sync'd then the Official Extension is a good first step -
Are you using the Firebase Extension to perform the sync from Firestore to BigQuery? if setup properly then that should be in real time. By the sounds of it you have a custom script doing the daily sync, which will be the limiting factor speed wise.
The extension also has a 'backfill' script for doing a sync of a whole collection -
> Not my RUM: Benchmarking the web for fun and profit with the Chrome UX Report
Yeah that's the reason it won't let you connect via the explore link.
No worries! Like this:
Basically just setup a blank report (or copy the one I linked above) and give it an hour for the Data Studio cache to get some data in it.
Hi! Indeed, using Google can benefit your business in so many ways. Not only it helps you avoid sampling in Google Analytics, but it's also a great tool for data consolidation and reporting. Unfortunately, export from Google Analytics to Google BigQuery is only available to Google Analytics 360 accounts. If you’re using the free version of Google Analytics, this feature won’t be available to you. There's another way to get unsampled data from Google Analytics into GBQ without intermediaries, and almost without coding. Perhaps the following information will be useful to you:
If your private network is on range 10.x.x.x you will need to setup setup ip-masq-agent properly
You will need some understanding on networking and how kubernetes does it. Reach me if you need some help, I have some how-to on ip-masq-agent setup written somewhere that I can search for you
You can use an email gateway. Sendgrid and others can do this.
Basically you have the emails go to them and when received it will post the info to a URL you define. That web site needs to turn process the body of the email and push it into BQ.