Hi yeyey... I tried out a site that does those calculations and the Gforce it came up with was 415 G's. What do you think.
cheers Kev
Portuguese here. It's Portugal. He says "Pneus slicks", pneus means tires in portuguese.
Also, the LED panel at 00:37 says "Com chuva, modere velocidade" - with rain, reduce speed (it's impossible to read in the video, but it's a common message on those panels).
And the song is the intro of "Orbital Mix 4", which is this CD. It's from a portuguese radio station.
It may not be the filter, the website is down http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/bimmerpost.com.html
The guy's comments can be found, ridiculed, on jalopnik .com http://jalopnik.com/how-not-to-explain-why-you-crashed-your-car-via-this-b-1677523538
For after. I have it set to record 5 min loop with a crash recording stop feature. Also if someone reverses into me while parked it records the plate if they got the front of me.
This has great night vision also https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742J69SQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CXFFEWQW2K57FSS8651D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Beware those $50 cams. When it comes down to it, they often do not have the resolution to read license plates at speed, distance, at night, or in bad weather.
Pony up for one of these, they are #1 rated on dashcam sites. I have two and they are awesome.