If will be personally your cellphone has a voice recorder, if you want record a call, try this app:
Before you do anything else, go on Amazon and order a couple spy cameras that look like phone chargers. Get the micro SD card version. Plug them in and wait. They record on motion detection so you won't waste time reviewing video. Something like this:
Bad idea. Practically nobody reads newspapers anymore. Is the boyfriend in his 50's? If you go that route there is also the possibility of being sued for libel. Make sure you have evidence.
Google has a service where you can get temporary phone numbers for text messaging. Use that. Text or voice. Definitely tell the boyfriend.
Hi OP I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Also if you buy " Handheld Bidet Sprayer for Toilet " you don't need to shower anymore after pooing . It saves a lot of time and I think washing after pooing is a good thing . This is the Amazon link https://www.amazon.ca/Handheld-Bidet-Sprayer-Toilet-Attachment/dp/B087WF8PQC/ref=asc_df_B087WF8PQC/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459552051106&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16641073387254149780&hvpone=&hvptwo=&h...
Get a copy of Not Just Friends by Shirley Glass
It also covers emotional infidelity, warning signs and red flags.
OP, do not give this Whoer another chance, after everything she said and did..... A whoer like her will keep on cheating on you and even if she gets pregnant, you would need to take multiple Paternity Tests to be sure that the kid is yours...........
Also, the nerve on her to say, she can "fix" whoering with her boss by taking you to Maldives??????
OP, though this was not your best moment as being a marital partner your are just human and can learn from your mistakes. However the fact that you've stopped yourself at that moment and brought things into perspective was your saving grace. At some point you will need to come clean with your husband, otherwise living with this guilt will eat at or hinder the growth of your relationship with him. Also, if he were to find out by any other means than from your mouth the damages will be far greater and will put to question everything about your and the validity of your marriage. Not to mention your co-worked (EP) is a POS so I would not put it pass him that if someday he decides to black mail you or gets bent over anything related to work or you and starts telling others - it's just not a good position to find yourself. For your own personal growth, and to understand why you acted or made certain choices you might want to read this it might help you make sense of the whole thing. Happy that your doing the hard work in getting your relationship back on track, congrats on your success so far and best of luck to both of you. cheers.
Yea I think that they did. I think that you need proof. I would order those iPhone chargers with built in Wi-Fi and a camera and place them around the house. usb phone charger Remember have proof or you have nothing and you won’t get closure. It will be denial after denial.
By this and put them or something similar around the house. You need proof before action. Clear your head, quit the poor me, dig in and make a stand. Say nothing, remain calm cool and collected. Maintain your bearings. Then get the evidence you need. You might need to talk to the 1SG and get a room in the barracks. Her mind is made up, now get your ass in gear. If he is a soldier too, then he can be brought up on charges. Get proof. Amazon usb spy camera
May I suggest a power bank for your phone. It might help if you can leave location on.
Now you're asking the right question! I don't know what you should do but I know if I were in your shoes, I'd seek a good therapist to help me work through these feelings. We are ALL emotionally challenged by one thing or another. I've yet to meet a person who can deal with everything in life without some problems. I suggest you read <em>The Road Less Traveled</em>. It's a great start to self-reflection. Good luck. Reach out by DM if you want to talk.
There are lots of ways to expose a cheater without hiring a PI. You can go to <strong>Truth Finder</strong> and do a deep search on her. It will expose social media accounts you may not know of and any credit cards she could be keeping on the sly, a typical way cheaters hide things. Another way is to get a full billing summary on her cell phone to include call logs and texts. And finally, you can put a <strong>GPS tracker</strong> in her car and watch in real-time where she is. They are really cheap.
I’m glad to hear you have trusted people to lean on.
The book that jumps to my mind for both of you is: Not Just Friends. Seems right on target for your situation.
Detail link. Get wherever you want.