If you tap AR-threads into the front sight, you can use AR front sight posts with no problem. You may have to shorten the length of the screw, though.
The pictured post is this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01JSQ9IGS
These are also my other favorites to use. The build is really not that far off from the magpul flip ups. Maybe I can’t tell the difference between premium polymer with a magpul stamp on it vs unbranded polymer but they work just the same. Plus the fiber optic tips are really great at drawing in a focal point.
If there’s one thing not so great about them, it’s the screw. It’s a little longer than needed so about 4-5mm protrudes. Nothing a grinder wouldn’t fix, but it doesn’t bother me enough to do that work.
TXTactical Remote Switch Cable Organizer, Tape Switch Cable Management (Pack of 6 for MLok) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093K4Z7GQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_W2EQXJD0TD97ZDAE5C7T?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
BattleTorch V1 Flashlight Gun Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F8V6RZ6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_758A5Y7NJ2K83E28F4BB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You’ll need to add a bit of pic rail to mount it, a search for ‘mlok picatinny rail’ will bring up a bunch of options. I put mine on the lower right side which puts the on/off at my fingertips when I grip the hanguard.
This is what I use. I like it because it's quick and easy to apply and will get down into the parts I want to lubricate. I like grease for slides but I usually just use this stuff.
No problem, I know that we all tend to be snobs when it comes to our guns and accessories, especially if our lives depend on them (hope that never comes to be). But irons, I think we can afford to skimp on. But I won't skimp on optics, to me that's a no go.
What really opened my eyes up to these knock off sights, are the sights that came with my micro conversion kits that retail for $70. They are pretty damn good, though I like true iron/metal sights. I searched and searched trying to find the equivalent without having to pay Magpul prices or even CAA's $70 price tag. I've ordered many of these polymer variations on Amazon and these sights are exactly the ones that come on my Roni/Micro Conversion kits for my Glock and S&W with out their company branding.
For the most part, the varios types you'll find on Amazon are all still comparable and acceptable quality.
Where you might have hit or miss quality are the aluminum ones. I've found some to have QC issues and may wobble here and there.
Mentioned this in another thread and I think some folks asked for pictures. Figured I'd pop my post cherry. I've got medium sized hands, the yeti was way too narrow for me. This is what I picked up https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004WYH00S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_5CHN76KEK7ZKKHMXDV98?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Lube up the overgrip with some warm soapy water to get it on.
I fought with mine for a week with various dremeling and drilling to little effect. Then I bought an end mill from Amazon and it took about sixty seconds to get the weld out.
Thanks. I got the sling from Amazon...Estobi Outfitters Rifle Sling 550 Paracord - 2 Point Adjustable Gun Strap W/Metal Swivels - Rifle Shotgun Crossbow - Hunting Shooting https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N8TH10F/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Here you go! Amazon Bag
I'm very happy with it, for under $40 it will do everything I need it to do.
I bought these cheapos off Amazon and they seem to be holding up well. The retention straps are velcro and can be removed, ita a snug fit with the Magpul 35 rounders so I doubt the strap is really necessary.
$13 on Amazon for a 3mm pin wrench and that did the trick Universal Black Finish Steel Adjustable Face Spanner Wrench Pin Pliers For Round Nuts with Drilled Holes (3mm) - - Amazon.com
You really can’t go wrong with one but if you’re wanting to double check to make sure your can isnt walking off you may want to grab a pair of durable gloves (I have two pairs of these) to prevent burning yourself. I say that because sometimes suppressor wraps can slide/rotate and if you’re checking to make sure your can is tight you may be tugging on it and think its secure but you cant get a good feel because of the wrap being between your hand and the can. You can also try using thread tape to prevent/stop a lot of walk off, it’s worked perfect for me and my suppressor on my pistols.
Start gathering files, start with a simple role of PLA and start printing stuff.... Learn from Reddit and your mistakes.
Otherwise for $10.99 you can buy a sheet of sticky rubber by Talon Grips on Amazon.
Wrapping the switch lead in F4 tape or other silicone tape might help protect it against heat from the can. F4 tape is cohesive rather than adhesive, so it bonds to itself but doesn't get any glue or residue on the wrapped component if you remove it later.
My favorite upgrade on my Scorpion was the grip. I couldn't stand the stock one. Check out the Apex grip. Link for convenience.
I found that these work pretty well when I was looking for something to organize all my magazines. Had some extra space in my AR mag box that figured I'd give it a shot.
I used a 1" socket wrench.
Could not agree more on Savior bags. I use this 28" bag for Scorpion pistol and carbine. Great product at a good price.
Must have went OOS recently Holosun AEMS 1.22" Low Profile Mount Adapter Plate for Absolute Co-Witness on Picatinny Rail Systems https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09V7C4J9J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JEJZMQG30R6ZEJ6MMWBW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
iExcell 50 Pcs Metric M4 x 20/25/30/35/40 Alloy Steel 10.9 Grade Hex Socket Button Head Cap Screws Bolts these work like a charm 🫡🫡🫡 Assortment Kit, Black Oxide Finish https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078L45CF5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_MVGAS5YWTHRDZZ09FB1R?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
That's nice. I have too many mags (of all types) so I bought 2x .30 cal ammo cans and foam inserts for my pistol mags to go with the advice box for my pistol mags.
Case Club 12 Magazine Holder .30 Cal Ammo Can Foam (Pre-Cut, Closed Cell, Military Grade Foam) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00X8TZWI0
I actually use something very similar for my AR mags and pistol mags, but I don't use it for my scorpion mags. Case Club 15 AR15 & 10 Pistol Magazine Box with Extra Storage Compartment https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086RC9ML9/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_4K0A0B1R49K7E3RYG9M0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Definitely a good option, though my shelf isn't flat enough to let those really shine.
I tried a few mags in the box I have for AR mags and decided it works well enough, so I ordered a second one.
Case Club x20 Magazine Storage Box Lockable, Water-Resistant with Top Storage Compartment https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DCZNW7D
I have the one below. I think the only part it wasn’t long enough for was the pin for the mag release but at that point it was almost completely out and I pulled it out with my fingers. Everything else was fine.
W WIREGEAR Punch Set Elite Tool Made of Solid Material Including Steel Punch and Hammer with Bench Block Ideal https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZH3NK37/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DHMBW20VRDTSK1SQ8MY7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
+1 to inforce
Specifically this one:
It goes perfectly with the look of the gun AND is ergonomically just right.
With the low mount and the stock irons off the 3+ it looks like a lower 1/3. My buddy on here has it. But other than that maybe some flip up ones or maybe these...Sniper Front High Profile Sight and Rear Iron Sight Combo Set for Picatinny Rail System https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06Y1NLPYT/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_BZ27955XBMXD9132AB1J...idk
As far as the screws go, not many places sell the Aimpoint OEM ones. They're M5x6 so you might have to order a few generic options online and see what works. Or just cut down your current longer screws.
I personally would try this:
I recommend gaffer's tape. Feels a lot like athletic tape, won't leave adhesive residue all over. Real USA Professional Grade Gaffer Tape by Gaffer Power, Made in The USA, Heavy Duty Gaffers Tape, Non-Reflective, Multipurpose. 2 Inches x 30 Yards, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GZE3UJ8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_VT2AR7RNHYQ5WW6M2QNQ?psc=1
I prefer the Midwest industries tool over the hbi …. They are in stock on Amazon surprisingly enough
MIDWEST CZ SCORPION BBL NUT SOCKET, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QC11D6H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_8CCJ754EJFY2SC92H346
I assume you mean this based on the description?
Using a crescent wrench and it's scratching up the nut. Tried putting a rubber band over it and breaks pretty quick.
I would recommend buying a tool for that purpose. Is did it with vise grips using a towel to try to protect it and still marred the nut. That thing is really tight so the tool will be worth it.
Bob Smith Industries BSI-161H UN-CURE Super Glue Debonder, 1 oz.,Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0166FFC96/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_W3HFZGT46S1JFKQ2WA0Z
You didn’t start with it in the vice. If you did then you’re holding it by the receiver and not the barrel. Cut off that hand guard. Clamp the barrel going lengthwise in the soft jaws, get as close to the nut as possible. Heat it up the nut. Put a extension on your wrench handle. Then use your muscles.
I went with this one. It looks great on the firearm. And I can't believe how bright it is.
Streamlight 69450 TLR RM 2 Compact Rail-Mounted Tactical Lighting System with Rail Locating Keys, Tail Cap Switch, Remote Pressure Switch, Mounting Clips and Two Lithium Batteries, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084T3RPX4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_RNXMR5XSACNKRRE6T7NC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I put a trs-25 red door with no riser and it works great for absolute cowitness.
And you might like this light and remote. Streamlight 69450 TLR RM 2 Compact Rail-Mounted Tactical Lighting System with Rail Locating Keys, Tail Cap Switch, Remote Pressure Switch, Mounting Clips and Two Lithium Batteries, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084T3RPX4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_GX8EBKB4Q2QM9MQ4MAWS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
To close this one out, this did worked great at cleaning up the threads on the stock threads:
HSS 3mm X 0.5 Metric Right Hand Round Die, Machine Thread Die M3 X 0.5mm Pitch for Mold Machining, Alloy Steel, It Can Process Steel, Cast Iron, Copper And Aluminum. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NXNBSW6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_HK0RR605F6RSQEAMPTZ3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Ultimately though shout out to u/yetisoldier for hooking me up with a 28mm screw that worked perfect! Even better than factory, to be exact 😎
For the Holosun 510C users. I highly recommend this rubberized protective cover for it.
Dream Plastics Scope Cover for HoloSun 510c https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B089DNPB4J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_QZ1038BGW17ZV7ZGKWF1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
12.99 on Amazon. Rubberized but rigid. I’m happy with them.
Magpul makes same style 1913 ladder rail covers but I think the quality here is good and I have plenty extra for replacement if needed.
Hand Protector Section Panel 1913 Resistant 8PCS https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08DHT5HQM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_12Z973FT42MDM2HZJQZV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Magpul Industries MBUS Generation II Sight Set Front & Rear Color Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XKTQVG5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_MHG1GR2P24MS3HDM913Y
Again. Do some fucking research man. Good lord.
Looks like the creator of that handguard does not want to release the step file. You could take it and remix it in Tinkercad though. If you can find a step file for it I can work on it. Otherwise, it is a ground-up design and as much as I would like to do that on the side, I do this shit for money lol.
CVLIFE Two Points Sling. Off of Amazon, cheap as hell but honestly effective. I bought two for $12.99 😂 holds my full sized AK fully loaded and my heavy AR no issues, and works perfect on the Scorpion, though I prefer my Magpul MS3 but this Sling works perfectly fine tbh https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WQS1CTP/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_KQ01MXFM6AZ6NJJKPKNR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Peak Case CZ Scorpion Evo 3 S1 Pistol Covert Multi Gun Case https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VFXH8TP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0M5A6ENX35TSFJ47MZ4M
This is what I’ve got in my back seat for my scorpion.
I use this brass catcher.
It’s a clone of the Caldwell version but is about $15 less and is pretty sturdy. I doubt Caldwell’s is much better.
It works great and you can buy multiple pic plates to mount to various rifles and can just swap the catcher easily. It has a double ball detent to keep the catcher in place.
I usually use a Bore Snake, but recently purchased a Real Avid Bore Boss. I really like the product and convenient packaging. Now my new favorite.
The correct tool for this job is a drag link socket. You can also use it to reinstall with a torque wrench at 30-35 lb-ft, using a thread locker like Rocksett or Locktite Blue. You may also need shims if you want to index exactly.
These bad boys work almost perfectly. the heads a little bigger than the OEM bolts so they stick out about 2mm
Best to use a dead blow hammer like this one. Just make sure the button is depressed and use a punch if needed.
Just a cheap one link
I found these on Amazon... They're the right thread pitch and length and look pretty close to the Stock screws... Will Update when I get them next week
Use a mini hack saw like this and cut a cut so you can fit a flathead in it like /u/Jhl1023 said. It will come out just might take some force.
I love this case! It's not small, it's not airline approved, but it offers a lot of protection and customization as you add more.
The tool of last resort. They served me well as a mechanic for swollen wheel nuts on cars and rounded off u-joint bolts on trucks. Seat the socket with a hammer so the teeth bite, spin it off with an impact. Heat makes a difference.
These Larue index clips include ones that are specific to wire management.
AmazonSmile : Larue Tactical IndexClips, 72 Piece Set (Black) : Sports & Outdoors
I wish I had seen this one. But I also recommend the smaller version for not packing as heavy.
Because it is a tri lug. You can run it without. Just remember always clockwise taking it on, and taking it off. So you are always tightening it.
That said.... bro.... $20 for 10 lifetime supply of rocksett on amazon. Why take the chance of fucking a $1000 suppressor over 20 bucks?
The raised edges actually help distance the light a bit from the handguard.... which in turn, slightly improves the charging handle pull. Yes it still feels a bit crowded... but I'm fine with it.
This is the Kinetic Dev mount I used, it's a QD MLok pic rail attachment:
Yeah they're painfully expensive... but I'm actually moving all of my furniture to this mount. Eg, I got the pic rail version of the magpul bipod for my AR and this mount lets me keep it stashed in the bag vs permanently mounted. Also, their GoPro Mlok mount is awesome... again, not cheap though (believe you can only find it on their actual website).
If you don't want to use up ammo getting zero on your Holosun, I found this item helpful . Just adjust your red dot to match this laser and I found it to work great for me. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GGWJSJ6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_Fc83Fb6Y0B6R0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I put a Streamlight TLR-1 HL and have been happy with it! Just need some pic to mount it to and if you'd like a PressurePad also with it, setup works great for me!
Uncle Mike's Tactical Submachine Gun Case, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00067ZQS8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_g78VFbEQPVB1W?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Works great and the padding’s really thick. The longer 35rd mags fit pretty snug but they do fit. Was really happy with it and the price too
I got this set from Amazon. Great for smith work.
I got this one. Scorpion just fits with a mounted osprey45. Haven't had it long, but seems to be a decent enough bag for the price
I dont go to indoor ranges much, but they should have something on their website about their rules, if not call. Unloaded and bolt locked open wouldn't be a bad call though.
I tried that case but with the collapsed stock and compensator on my specific configuration it was 3/4" too small. I ended up using the monoprice from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SSFAPVI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VVuICbGPKN4EZ
Just finished a week of exhausting research to find this backpack. Couldn't really get it dialed in via spec sheets and/or online pictures.... so I went ahead and ordered the 10 best contenders (then later returned 9). Also put my hands on all the popular options from Vertx, Oakley, etc in local gunshops. All of them failed by being way too heavy, overly tactical in appearance, or missing a critical feature. This bag nails it. Posting here to save others from my misery.... enjoy.
Thule Accent Backpack 20L, TACBP115
Required features: - Discrete, slim, non defense related brand (Thule). - side width spacers on rear sleeve for the Micro. - gap below bottom stitching of rear sleeve to ensure gun doesn't touch floor - stands up on its own - easy access to two pmag ev9s mags - comfortable straps with center buckle - fast cable-lockable zippers, big pulls, wide open mouth when unzipped - space and sleeves for other unrelated items - padded/strong handle on top
Bonus: - hard shell compartment at the top for sunglasses and/or phone
Here's the Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07588722Z
Edit: I bought the 20L version. Looks like they also have it in 23L and 28L if you need a bit more space.
Haven't done it myself, but you could try something like a suppressor wrap on the barrel underneath the hand guard. I thought about doing some motorcycle exhaust heat wrap on mine but I don't notice the heat much now with my VFG. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011B99B0I/
Definitely get some BSI Debonder, it breaks down the CZ perm threadlock in minutes:
Savior Equipment American Classic Tactical Double Short Barrel Rifle Gun Case Firearm Bag - Suitable for Subgun Bullpups Carbine Shotgun SMG SBR AR AK Pistol, Available Length in 24" 28" 32" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FNF7RCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BXMuFbRC0XDB1
The only issue is that its meant for two firearms, so you’re going to have to buy something else to fill the void.
Inforce WML Gen 2 400 lumens. I caught some grief here for having it on the side opposite the charging handle, but it’s comfortable and accessible for me.
Here is the limited edition Red Scorpion!
Also side note: I can design anything and put it on a t-shirt that is usually ready in a day. There are a couple of things I won't put on a t-shirt, no curse words for sure. A man's gotta have rules. Shoot me a message if you're looking to do something custom and I will make it happen.Red Scorpion T-Shirt
This bag fits my folded CZ like a glove and I can carry 10 30rd magazines. I could even slip a P10C in the hidden pocket. It's a bit heavy all loaded up but it's by far my favorite setup
I posted the design the other day, it's still up. Some of the guys didn't want the rifle on the front with triggernometry on it. So I wanted to give them an option.
It's just this adapter SBR M4 adapter and the Gear Heads Works Tailhook mod 2. I'm going to be putting the tatical law on this week. I'll do a post of everything there. Though with that adapter you can put just about any ACR stock/brace.
My 9mm bore snake was nasty and I found this from Real Avid on Amazon. Highly recommend. Also, Break-Free CLP and oil, toothbrush and paper shop towels.
Depends on where you want to mount. I know a lot of people like pistol style lights. What I’ve found is pistol lights tend to stick off the side a little far and not fit the lines of the firearm, like I wanted. I ended up going with a 45 degree mount and a barrel style light. (See Amazon link.) This light met my budget with features I wanted. So far it’s holding up grandly.
Wurkkos Tactical Flashlight,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PWWYJ82?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Optic showed up. Was pretty excited to see that in a pinch, the OEM sights are still visible through the Romeo! Also ended up trying out a cheap carrying case from Amazon ($39), HERE.
Still haven't had a chance to shoot it, but the HB Industries trigger and spring are going on tomorrow, along with a safety delete for the right side. Hopefully I can sneak off to the range this weekend.
I use LaRue index clips. Cheap, versatile, include 72 total clips, 60 regular and 12, designed to hold tape switch wires along the rail's edge. Just $14.95 on Amazon.
Hey man, question if you got a second. I ordered this same light, and it doesn't seem to want to fit on the bottom pic rail on my scorpion. Did you have a hard time getting it on at all? Yours is the M1-C model, right?
Edit Amazon link
I just ordered one off amazon! This one to be precise CZ Scorpion Midwest BBL NUT Socket https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QC11D6H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_kqrbFbZCMSA4Y once it comes in and I get my Handguard situation sorted I’d be glad to help ya out with your situation! We all gotta stick together! Where in NC are you?
A bit more info: I purchased a 5x7 sheet of talon grip tape from Amazon:
The Moss color is almost a perfect match to FDE.
I picked up this guy.
Peak Case CZ Scorpion w/Flash Can Ultralight Multi-Gun Case https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D3ZPK2S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_PD4FDb80ZBGWW
They have different models for each possible factory configuration.
Sorry, it's actually a Kriss mag pouch but still works great. Also works great with my 33rd glock mags. Comes with the option to use bungee or velcro straps for retention
Really like the idea and look of that. I have a Switchback as well and I use the thick backstrap (my thin one is broken anyhow). Are you using the thick with it? Think it would fit if not?
Got thos 24inch cloth pack off amazon. Extremely well made and i can carry around12 magazines, glasses and earmuffs in it. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KX73NSY/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_i_aSamCbK9Z3TDX
I replied to the comment above you, but in case you didn't see it. "You can always throw a few desiccant packs in the case, they are super cheap in bulk. This combined with storing the case in a climate controlled area should go a long way towards moisture control."
In fact, $100 even right now. All the inforce pistol lights are more.
What about blue loctite?
Hard to strike a balance between "not permanent" and "won't move without you noticing". You may need to wrench the puppy off if you use this, but it shouldn't walk out.
I picked up a midwest industries M-lok QD mount for the front end and I'll be getting a PMM rear QD mount
the MI QD I got is this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00TIFKP26/
I like that one as it's slanted and it won't stick out to catch my hand on it when using the charging handle in a fast motion like the side clips that are there by default.
I'm going to go with either a Haley Strategic or a Savvy Sniper, I like the way they can do 1 or 2 point quickly. I'm leaning towards the HS though...
My Fastfire 3 was absolute cowitness. C-More railway gave me 1/3 and IMO looks way sexier on the scorpion.
It is a Burris Fastfire III. Initially, I planned to get the cowitness mount from cz-custom for true co-witness.
Out of the box with the factory low mount (pictured), you can sort-of get a lower 1/3 cowitness... but getting a cheek-weld on the blade brace was challenging. So I scrapped that idea.
I started experimenting with this mount : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BI0I9AS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It allows use of the factory sights through the mount and gives a good height for the Fastfire with a cheek weld. Not sure if it's the final solution yet.