In case anyone is not aware, the tweeter, Kevin Kruse, is imo one of our greatest living American historians, currently at Princeton University. His book <em>One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America</em> is a must read for anyone truly seeking to understand the origins of the left/right divide in this country. It's a history of an insidious intrigue to oppose any social program, which Kruse has laid out with meticulous documentation. It really is breathtaking the way he handles the material.
Imo, you really can't thoroughly understand where we are now, with out reading this book. I can't recommend it enough. Here's his webpage, which has a link to an interview he did with Terry Gross on NPRs Fresh Air. The interview was great and it gives you the gist of the book:
This is the issue with saturation of news and hive mentality. The press is feeding on the Russia story and shows like Rachel Maddow are overplaying their hands breaking "news" like tax returns that really don't amount to anything. This gives the false illusion that Trump will be impeached "any day now".
The reality of the situation is that, as far as the public knows, there isn't a smoking gun yet; just a shitload of circumstantial evidence. Flynn's request for immunity over testimony doesn't mean he has the smoking gun, it just means that there might be some things that he may testify about that might lead to more circumstantial evidence in relation to this case, but might implicate him in some other unrelated crime.
Long story short, realistically it could take years before the intelligence services have a case that will impeach Trump. The Watergate scandal took about two years between the break-in into the DNC offices and Nixon's ~~impeachment~~ "voluntary, uncoerced early retirement by his own free will and choosing", and he probably wouldn't even have ~~been impeached~~ taken "voluntary, uncoerced early retirement by his own free will and choosing" if the Senate wasn't democratic majority. I expect this story to take as long, if not longer, to come to a conclusion.
edit: cleaned up for grammar, apparently I was typing on my cell phone using my feet.
edit 2: holy shit you guys are anal :\
edit 3: guys...
definition of "smoking gun" on websters: something that serves as conclusive evidence or proof (as of a crime or scientific theory)
definition of "circumstantial" on google search: (of evidence or a legal case) pointing indirectly toward someone's guilt but not conclusively proving it.
If you're using the phrase "smoking gun" to explain circumstantial evidence, it's incorrectly being used.
Something similar happened in 2003. Cheney & friends blew the cover of the top MI6 spy in Al Qaeda because they wanted something to brag about on TV. He was instantly retired & never worked again in intelligence.
The Trump junta is even more callous and careless than the Cheney group was. Nothing is sacred to them, including the life-safety of the people in the field if it goes against their narrow interests. America has been an untrustworthy ally for espionage - especially now.
The U.S. Constitution defines treason, and its definition would be used in a trial: >Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
EDIT: not saying 'overthrow[ing] the government' wouldn't qualify as treason, just giving exact constitutional definition that would be relevant in a trial. Also, it's best to start from the original definition than to paraphrase; otherwise, we risk a telephone-tag game of extrapolation, going further and further from the core meaning. It's up to the jury/judge to interpret the second clause and figure it out. Of course, if Trump is found guilty, get rid of the fool.
And yes, the phrasing of constitutional stuff is often frustrating to decipher. But the "adhering to their Enemies" clause would equate to supporting or showing loyalty to the 'Enemy.' So you could expect an argument to be made that Russia is not our enemy.
No. Voter suppression is a garbage tactic for garbage people. Here:
There's a whole book of dirty tricks that democrats should pull.
Also: automatic voter registration. That's our answer.
Yes it would. Job Donohue, a Stanford law professor did a study of CCW laws and found this:
>DONOHUE: The basic finding was that the net effect of allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns was an increase in violent crime, which essentially rose to about a 15 percent increase after 10 years of existence of the right-to-carry law.
No, it isn't.
You're confounding marginal rates with effective rates.
Since this is total income and total taxes paid, Trump had a ~25% effective tax rate. A single person making $40k in 2005 would have a 25% marginal rate, but their total effective rate would be something in the neighborhood of about 16% (before deductions).
Trump's income would have fallen into the 35% marginal tax bracket.
Edit: Worth noting from their returns for context: Bill and Hillary Clinton paid about a 36% effective tax rate. Bernie Sanders paid about a 13.5% effective rate. Source.
> People in cyclical poverty generally aren't voters.
Then why was there a literacy test that was basically a trap to prevent poor black people from voting in the '60s?
And this isn't even about just the poorest voters anyway. Look at all the Texas school books that have tried to suppressed information about certain historical events.
> inner city as a "bunch of illiterate thugs"
Except that that has always been a dog whistle for black people... you don't hear anyone calling Manhattanites "inner city people".
I think only Phase 1 matters here. I've read this plan before on a lot of different places, but I haven't followed up on any of it.
A SUPER valuable resource here is because it let's you generate an anonymous credit card and set a credit limit.
I'm super busy at work this week, but am down to help research Phase 1 to identify easy locations. PM me and maybe we could set up a chat.
Also because sex offender laws are only about 25 years old:
> Prior to 1991, law enforcement did not have an organized, compiled list of sex offenders. So when 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling was abducted in St. Joseph, Minnesota, and a search for him was launched, law enforcement did not have a comprehensive list of sex offenders or their locations to work with to help them with their investigation.
I did some math for Jason Chaffetz's personal case.
He is a resident of Alpine, Utah. Alpine is in Utah County, UT. He has a wife and three children and is 49. I use the listed premium at age 50, so his actual costs might be a little bit lower. makes data on plans and premiums available publicly on their website:
I assume Jason does not want a catastrophic plan. If he buys the cheapest available Bronze plan available for an individual in Utah County, UT (ignoring the fact that he actually gets the nice Congressional plan), he would pay $336 per month for himself. (This is the "Molina Marketplace Bronze" plan.) That's $4148 per year, which is... 6.2 iPhones, assuming he wants the 32 GB iPhone 7 with the 4.7 inch screen off contract ($649). Jason will have to sacrifice his new-iPhone-every-other-month habit to afford health care for himself.
Suppose instead that Jason wants to insure his whole family (including three children). Here it seems that the cheapest plan has a monthly premium of $1,047.92. That's $12,564 for the year, or a little over 19 iPhones (same model as before).
Both of these plans have a deductible of $6,650, which is about 10 additional iPhones.
Jason Chaffetz must be Apple's favorite customer if he thinks that "no new iPhones" is a reasonable analysis of this problem.
This year isn’t relevant. I made about 8% margin trading for fun, as opposed to doing the indexes or mutual. I run a company, so anything other than play money I reinvest there for actual returns.
Anyways, no shit we saw massive gains due to speculation this year and then tax reform. If you think the market isn’t going to inverse and bear hard, then you’re financially blind. Literally every major economist and investor is cautioning people to find the door soon. But hey, if you don’t believe me, why don’t you listen to TMF or Goldman instead:
Which piece are you interested in?
If it's negotiation theory, the current wisdom runs against the Trump/Kushner model, instead emphasizing driving value for both partners. Check out Getting to Yes for a sense of this.
If it's the Gilded Age, read some biographies of the great robber-barons. Almost all of them cheated the shit out of their workers and business partners—and most considered it good sport.
There was a great episode on On the media episode on WNYC about this.
Even if fox news lost all of its advertising it still would be profitable because of the carrier fees.
Slaying the Fox monster
Fox News has been stoking rage on the right for decades. As the former president faces an impeachment trial for his role in the invasion of the Capitol, some are asking whether Fox News also bears responsibility for the violence. On this week’s On the Media, a look at the arguments for and against the de-platforming of Fox News
No, I mean how can you tell that she isn't changing her mind? There are plenty of examples where she's changed her position and even acknowledged it. Like voting for the Iraq war, she flat out said, "I was wrong."
That doesn't sound like someone only interested in optics.
They have a good setup guide on their website.
In all honesty, the only use I have for it is using it on public computers, like getting around a 15 minute limitation thing at a library by flat out not even using the OS that's on that pc.
All traffic goes over the TOR network unless you use the Unsafe Browser, so it an be slow. It's just something nice to have in an emergency. It comes with keepassX on it as well so I can use my already in-use password manager solution.
Regulatory capture is a form of government failure that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or political concerns of special interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
Walmart can, still, fuck off. I did my part by buying one of these pins. I'd like to think of using Amazon as an extra way of saying fuck you to Donald.
His dwindling base sees his constant lies as a sign of strength. They think it is out of his playbook from studying The Art of War. They think it works on negotiating and controlling the narrative. What they don't realize is that they are the ones getting swindled and duped. Everyone else sees through it.
Reddit runs on AWS, and the AWS acceptable use policy forbids various types of content including content that may be harmful to Amazon's reputation.
So the real question is: why is Amazon Web Services hosting hate speech, promoting white nationalism, and enabling radical right wing terror and murder?
He may delete tweets, but I archive them all :)
You forgot rape and domestic abuse, too.
I reserve the right to be pissed off at the lack of action toward taking down coal power plants. They are far too detrimental to our society to leave running even just for a little longer. And I can make this argument without even bringing up global warming, their emissions are truly toxic.
To be fair, most people that get classified as “evangelical” aren’t really evangelical. Actual evangelicals are not what pollsters have been classifying as evangelicals.
Hey all, there are so many great resources coming out right now for engaging in politics that it has become difficult to keep up with all of them. I made this toolkit to organize everything in one place so we can discover tools that empower us to act instead of react. If you or your friends are using any great tools in your #resistance practice, send them my way and I'll include them. If you like it, please share and up-vote on Product Hunt:
Happy resisting!
> You are off your rocker.
I was there. They redesigned their site after that in a feeble attempt to re-create the userbase that they had.
Censorship marked the slow decline and eventual end for digg.
You would be correct.
I haven't done it personally, but there are so many tools and tutorials built around this.
That and serverless AI on demand from AWS etc, can make a pretty impressive content scraping 'journalist'.
My crystal ball for the next 4 years tells me these right-leaning states (especially in the South) will continue to enact laws to restrict abortion, voting rights, free speech, and other liberties. Sure, you get to keep your property and your guns, but you'll give up certain liberties for the sake of security.
I recently read an interesting book, Dying of Whiteness, and it's all about this idea of "backlash conservatism" in which working class whites are resoundingly voting against their own best interests because of racial resentment--even when their own health is at stake.
I believe we'll start to see some stark contrasts in terms of freedom and liberty between blue states and red states, fueled by an increasingly polarized and targeted media infrastructure that continues to fuel the fire.
“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
In other words, we shouldn't underestimate him just because we don't like him. It's comforting but false to think that your enemies are stupid just because they're your enemies.
Also, even if trump had a single digit IQ not everyone involved does.
Yeah, I like him as a person. His book "On Writing" was my favorite read. I've only read maybe... 5 or 6 of his books but that one really stood out to me. Especially the part about the accident and the aftermath.
Will the real Herschel Walker please stand up?
Herschel Walker, a candidate for all of us. No really, there's one for everybody.
Definitely check out Mary Trump's first book if you haven't. A quick read and an insight into their crazy family and inevitably how a psychopath was created.
Good on you. The design is great!
The design you created is THE perfect caricature of what we are up against and because if this it is THE perfect trolling sticker. From my perspective I rather buy a whole bunch of cheap ones to place everywhere I go, than buying one for my laptop.
I think that this is the general sentiment here in the comments.
Would you consider also offering lower priced versions of the same stickers on less expensive paper/material or a decent quantity discount to minimize sending customers to those competitors, while giving those of us that are looking for them an legit option to buy?
Unfortunately this is what we are competing against, 100 pcs for just $6.99:
This book goes into great detail about it.
Also the author's Canadian so he can give an outsider looking in persepctive.
That's not true at all.
>Your household size and income, not your employment status, determine what health coverage you’re eligible for and how much help you’ll get paying for coverage.
Ich** uu**ihu*Uhus Uhrzeit zum Tipp churchuhPlay store link: Sync for reddit
>!!<TG zg*zgh*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"No puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet."
Yep, you and Trump - you're right for each other, you know?
By the way, you should read this list. It might sound real fucking familiar.
Above article is a great summary. One of the reasons the ACLU fought Obama on the ban of people deemed mentally ill who had not commited violent crimes to be banned from their 2nd amendment right.
that is not the definition of fake news. This event happened in the real world which makes it news. You can say that in your opinion this is not relevant or not newsworthy but since it was not made up it certainly is not fake news.
By the way: Please do us a favor and keep thinking that events like this are good for nothing - we will put the time you need to understand what kind of avalanche you bozos kicked off to good use. I promise you we will stuff our pitchforks into your collective selfish uninformed dumb asses - Impeach #45 --
> authority
the moral or legal right or ability to control,
the group of people with official legal power to make decisions or make people obey the laws in a particular area, such as the police or a local government department source
Who are people supposed to listen to?
1) Healthcare professionals, scientists, and other experts who have many years of education and even more years of experience with diseases and disease prevention, or
2) A dude who doesn't read, who's made at least 14,000 false claims to the public in the past 3 years alone, and who thinks windmills cause cancer?
Call me crazy, but I'm going to listen to the experts.
Speaking of which, Johns Hopkins CSSE has the best COVID-19 tracker that I've found so far. It's informative, easy to read, and it gets updated multiple times throughout the day.
In the Showtime horror anthology series, “Masters of Horror,” Joe Dante directed a political-satire zombie episode called, “Homecoming,” with an Ann Coulter-based character called Jane Cleaver.
The Coulter-esque character is a deranged, sociopathic, sadistic dominatrix (in a bad way — no kink-shame).
Yes, it was horrifying... thinking about Coulter in this way.
It’s currently streaming for free on Tubi right now.
Important note: Thea Gill, the actress that plays Jane Cleaver is 10000-times hotter than Coulter and she gives a great performance.
> returning a search result is far more CPU intensive than returning a simple web page, unless it's been cached
It's really not that CPU intensive. All the hard work is done up front when the content is indexed by the search engine, so that search queries can be processed with inverse indexes held in memory. For example, here's what Elasticsearch's hardware guide has to say:
> Most Elasticsearch deployments tend to be rather light on CPU requirements. As such, the exact processor setup matters less than the other resources.
If you look up the cost of Amazon Web Services Elasticsearch nodes, you'll see it's not expensive to run a few of them, each handling around 10K searches per second.
>That’s all great news for Facebook, who has a unique opportunity to turn its new feature — Instagram Reels — into a TikTok replacement for markets where the app gets banned.
>It’s also great news for FB stock, which remains positioned to rally to $275 in 2020.
I just searched and the only real Swamp Thing mask I could find was on Amazon and is kid size. The link at the bottom takes you straight to the mask she had. So I guess she did her best. Amazon's Choice!
lol, look at th first comment on the tweet. This isn't a precedent, this is an advertising move for NordVPN at best, and they're hardly FOXNews' biggest advertiser. Also you couldn't fix the title in the x post?
The article is discussing actual scholarship. Your copy/paste from a fundamentalist website has been disproven for over a century.
You believe in a literal Jesus and claim I am the one being "pranked hard"?
Bless your little heart, sunshine. You must be knew to the world.
If you're open to it, you might find this book interesting. I agree with you. There is some absolutely awful history in the evangelical and Southern Baptist past. Instead of focusing on evangelizing, they've just focused on social issues. As times have changed, the Religious Right have simply shifted their messaging to be against whatever the latest social concern is.
And I'm not whining about it. But it should also be pointed out that threads like this are exactly the evidence used to point out supposed persecution of Christians in America. It's easy to look at something like this with no context and simply shout "Look, those godless liberals hate us and want to destroy us!"
Kinda. She also used the somewhat different policies and platforms of places like Romania, which don't have much in common with the American Christian right. Her argument was that nothing happens in the novel that hasn't happened somewhere in the world. If you put them all together, they're kinda incoherent.
Also, the American Christian right aka the "Moral Majority" isn't anywhere near as powerful as they were in 1985. All of the major players from 1985 are dead. Nobody's called themselves that in 15 years. I'd go so far as to say that they're nearly powerless. Trust me, as a formerly conservative Christian, I watched it happen around me.
That's why you've got serious conservative Christian writers writing books like this about how Christians may just want to give up on influencing society altogether. So, the same kinds of things that more moderate to liberal Christian writers have been saying since the 1960s.
Remember when everyone was afraid George Bush would implement a theocracy in like 2001?
here's a book that considers these questions from a solidly academic yet nontraditional POV:
i'm not going to try to convince you that consciousness cannot be neatly located in the human brain (which scientists sloppily refer to sometimes as "mind" -- as if that word has ANY scientific usefulness -- and this just speaks to the hugely imprecise way scientists speak and think about these things). if you're interested in the topic, i recommend the book above.
but let me ask you. what is consciousness exactly?