This looks like pure paywalled clickbait.
*edit: it is confirmed. The article is so poorly written, try this one:
> The most recent hope for a reversal came in 2008 when then-Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, a Republican at the time, announced the state and U.S. Sugar had reached an agreement under which Florida would buy out the company, including it’s land, about 180,000 acres, and send the water south again. Toxins would be laundered naturally as the water made its long journey through grassy swampland to the Florida Bay. The natural order would be restored.
> "I can envision no better gift to the Everglades, the people of Florida and the people of America — as well as our planet — than to place in public ownership this missing link that represents the key to true restoration,” Crist said when he announced the deal with great fanfare.
> But state officials, citing the severe financial impact of the Great Recession, purchased only one-seventh of the land. Eight years later, the state shows no interest in exercising its option to buy the rest, an option that’s good through 2020. This, despite an economic recovery and an overwhelming vote by Floridians in 2014 to accept a tax specifically to buy the land. The tax, a documentation fee on real estate transactions, is being collected but the legislature isn’t using the revenue to buy the land.
I assume you don't know that their models are superior historically than the US ones.
I went with a Veckle Mini 0906 for the duel front + back cam coverage and a 64gb microSD, so about 8 hours of recording time. The original quality is actually better, but I had to mess around with converting it until Reddit would accept the upload, which lowered the quality.
East coast of Florida has green algae. West coast has red tide. We are ready for Christmas.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RED TIDES AND BLUE-GREEN ALGAE Although often mistakenly used interchangeably, red tides and blue-green algae blooms are very different. Red tides are naturally occurring algae blooms caused by Karenia brevis that form in marine water. Blue-green algae blooms are caused by cyanobacteria and form in fresh water. According to the FWC, blue-green algae blooms originate from runoff containing human waste and fertilizers from nearby farms and neighborhoods. Nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as other nutrients in the polluted runoff, can act like fertilizer for the algae, creating large and long-lasting blooms. Red tides, on the other hand, occur naturally and typically develop 10 to 40 miles offshore in Florida. The Marine Laboratory and Aquarium notes that there is no direct link between nutrient pollution and the frequency or severity of red tides in Florida. However, when red tides move closer to shore, they are capable of using man-made nutrients from runoff for their growth.
See. The weather channel article 8/10
For info on red tide see
It just lowered to category 3 for 8 AM Friday and now it's barely gonna be hitting Orlando if at all. I guess I got worried over nothing.
This is really great to hear, regardless of big wig politicians involved, this is a big step in preserving biodiversity and our continually dwindling natural resources.
If any of you are gardeners or interested in the environment like me, I highly recommend this book-
Which talks about wildlife corridors and how more private land owners(Even folks in the city or suburbia, as long as you have a plot with dirt... Or sand...) can get involved by replacing some of their lawn with native, regenerative plantings.
There is ZERO human risk from these mosquitos. The ones being released are all males, which do not feed on blood. They are modified in a way that all female mosquitos die early in the juvenile stages or in the egg, leaving only males which also carry the female lethal gene and spread it to future generations. It's called a tet gene driver system. Current sterile insect releases use radiation sterilized males and females, these cost twice as much to breed and are 1/5 as effective as GM sterile releases.
There is an outbreak of screw worm in the keys right now. They are using the radiation sterilized insects for control. There is a current effort to move to GM sterile screw worms too.
This paper is way complicated but I'll post for any interested parties.
If you don't quite understand how gerrymandering works, you might like to play a (not kidding) very fun game where gerrymandering is the mechanic of the game.
This pic isn't the current Hurricane Michael. Michael is heading up the gulf with predicted landfall in the panhandle sometime Wednesday.
What an interesting "feature" :)
Perhaps one of these links might be useful:
I double checked on and Leon County has the second most college educated people, per capita. Alachua is at 15%, Leon is at 12.4%, and Orange is 10.9%.
Think about it, Leon County is the home of FSU, FAMU, TCC, a large portion of all the state's professional staff, and hundreds of government-related organizations -- almost all of which require at least a bachelor's degree for employment.
Data file here:
Biodegradable balloons y'all.
In the Florida Keys/Monroe county, to be specific. Also, the order is stayed until July 22.
Edit: YAY! I'm from the keys and I NEVER thought this would ever ever happen here. So cool.
Edit2: Here's a link to the opinion that a friend of a friend who is working on the case sent over!
Here's some facts. Ice caps are actually melting faster than experts predicted. It's going to shit fast and we are already seeing the consequences with flooding in the Midwest. By the time everyone agrees to do something, the consequences are so severe that it's too late to do anything without completely changing our life's. We are already at the point where need massive changes that will be costly. But the cost of waiting even longer is unimaginably bad.
The reason why these warning sound dire is because they are dire.
>According to the National Hurricane Center’s classification of Category 4 wind damage, this is what can be expected where the eastern eyewall of Michael comes ashore:
>Catastrophic damage will occur: Well-built framed homes can sustain severe damage with loss of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls. Most trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.
That doesn't sound good for Panama City.
I would reference you books and articles on Latin American history but I’m sure you’d hate it
Yes, Marxism was popular after it bled into LA from Europe, and inspired revolution and workers rights to stop Neo-Colonialism
Chile even elected a socialist president before the cia attacked militarily and put in a military leader who started a US-backed hunt for the desarecidos (torturing, hunting down, and killing marxists. Like a Holocaust.)
Feel free to never read this:
Enjoy rewriting history to your own preference. Won’t work for anyone who actually knows full history for the Americas.
Latin Americans: oppressed by Europe in colonialism, then by the US and those who were put in by the europeans in neo-colonialism, and now by their own people in many countries post-revolution
All authoritarians.
May Latin Americans one day get the leaders they deserve in every country. Not oppression and authoritarians who hurt their own people for personal gain.
East facing communities on the Apalachee Bay are predicted to get a disastrous storm surge.
Hopefully everybody has evacuated.
Don't listen to the person who said sonny's for bbq--it's a shitty chain restaurant with more sugar than tomato in their bbq sauce.
In Orlando, there's a place called 4 Rivers Smokehouse that's famous for having the best BBQ in town. If you can handle the drive, you absolutely should go there.
Most bars will ID you, especially the better hole in the wall specialty beer places (for some reason). You're less likely to get carded at crappy sports bars, but most of their beer is bud/miller/assorted macrobrew piss.
If you buy some beer at a store, try some of our local brews. Orlando Brewing company's red ale is pretty good (their blonde ale is garbage though--avoid it), Orange Blossom Pilsner is nice (made with real florida orange honey!), and Cigar City Brewing makes a heavy brown ale called Maduro which is one of the best I've ever had.
If you're going to be here on labor day weekend (first weekend of September), expect extra carding; they crack down on holidays.
Wear one of these: Glacier Tek Flex Cool Vest with Nontoxic Cooling Packs under your suit.
Irma just stirred it up this season. This issue has been decades in the making. Little long but a good read:
If they're not already on your list, two groups to consider supporting are Portlight and Hurriup. Both were founded by members of the Wunderground community (Weather Underground's former blog) and help those affected by catastrophes like hurricanes. More info here:
Have you been to Vizcaya in Miami? It's a museum, very cool Edit: so mobile sucks, here's a real link
Just a memory from growing up in Florida. Any google search brings up the game or some unrelated South American tree.
spiky orbs, about the diameter of a quarter, brown unless fresh, then green. If you shake them, sounds like there are seeds inside? I don't know, I grew up in Central Florida and we always called these things monkey balls.
Edit: Oh here's one. Apparently from a gum tree?
Context from reddit comments just wasn't quite enough, so Urban Dictionary to the rescue.
I now have a name to attach to one of the big reasons I want out of Florida.
The CEO of PT’s parent company takes a $700k salary and stock options.
Menu prices are increasing 6% - and his greedy ass is blaming workers. CEO logic is absolutely bonkers.
From that very article:
"Though sea-level rise cannot be stopped for at least the next several hundred years, with aggressive mitigation it can be slowed down, and this would buy time for adaptation measures to be adopted," the scientists added.
Hardly "slants." This is all part of a national campaign against human trafficking in the US.
I have a history book called "Tales of Old Florida". The link is for Amazon. It's stories from 100 years ago from people who came to be sportsmen. Hunting, fishing, touring around. I found it fun to read.
So it's not that you didn't try to buy votes, just that no one took you up on your offers for payment?,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=1fd43cb807f10463&biw=1043&bih=878
/u/Tallyhawk already mentioned Robbie's, and I second that recommendation. My SO and I nearly always swing by Robbie's for a beer and a bucket of tarpon bait.
Also worth doing/trying:
If you're into fishing or watersports, there's tons of options for that. Key West has plenty of places to party, but there's not much between Miami and Key West for night life.
Pinecrest Bakery has opened a Key Largo?...they're very popular and open 24/7, so a nice place to stop off when you're making the trip back late at night and want something better than Circle K.
Also, while you're still in the Miami area, make sure you eat some Cuban food and drink Cuban coffee (and/or Jupina or Materva, if you're not into caffeine and not opposed to diabetes).
If you're looking for sandy beaches to sunbathe and ogle sexy women, you may want to hit up Miami Beach, as the Keys are not known for those types of beaches. When I first moved down here, I stupidly told my visiting friends and family that we didn't really need to go to the beach (where I live) because we'd have plenty of time for lazy beach days when we got to Key West. Oops.
I'm not a jet ski person, but there are almost always one or more advertising a Groupon.
If you search the local sub ( r/321 ), you may find other suggestions.
Good luck!
If you make it to the Gainesville area and enjoy the outdoors, most of the spots I recommend here have historical or educational interest:
Firstly, Universal is about an hour from the nearest beach—so if you want a beach house, you'll need to drive an hour to get to Universal. :) Usually those are two separate vacations—beach vacation, theme park vacation. Or you could split it up into a few days at each place if you're willing to do the work to find 2 different places to stay.
I would totally recommend looking into Airbnb, if you haven't already. I'm in my early 20's, and friends of mine and I have all been able to rent apartments or houses with various hosts without being 25. The problem is that with a group that big and those ages, a lot of hosts assume you'll be using it as a party house (increasing likelihood of damage/spills/cleaning).
Took two hours on hold, but I managed to clean my entire house and wash my dog while waiting. Got my PIN changed, tried to log in today and got maybe 10 pages in before the site reset. Gonna try again later one even though I know a lot of people are doing that, too.
The lady who answered was super nice and I could tell she's exhausted. Just asked me for my phone number, address and email from the last time I signed up and gave me a temporary PIN. The call's "waiting messages" has one saying it's only a number for PIN resets and identify verification, though. So anyone with any other thing they need take care of won't be helped.
Thanks again, OP. Totally worth that gold.
Definitely not, not beeline highway anyway. The Beeline has tons of trucks and lots of commuter traffic, it also has a railroad running along it. I mean, I guess you could bike if you had to, but it's very rural and would take a long time.
If you have a job offer where I think you do, you'll be coming up around here. If you follow the beeline north, you'll see it's very rural.
As for living. You could choose Palm Beach Gardens, which can be a bit pricey. Northlake Blvd. runs through there (though the link I sent puts you right at PGA national which is very expensive). PGA Blvd. to the north is also part of Palm Beach Gardens. You could also live up in Jupiter which has a mix of housing and nightlife in an area called Abocoa that is young and has a lot of things in walking/biking distance.
You could also live in The Acreage which is a very rural area, but you may be able to rent a house for $1000 a month or so.
Upvote for JB's. I'm a NewSmyrnan, and it is a bit of a ride, but completely worth it, and completely worth the wait. If you're coming south, you may also want to check out Boston's, or Off The oysters on the east coast. Great late night happy hour, too...$1.25 PBR FTW. Yum, oysters and beers! That's where I'm going tonight.
You can often see dolphins in the bay, however it may take a while to spot them.
They have these loud ass parakeet kind of things along the water in coffeepot bayou. Locals hate them, but they are beautiful and pretty neat.
Sandhill cranes and gators can be spotted with some level of frequency, but I'm not sure the best way to find em.
in addition, this site seems to have some good suggestions
Did you happen to read this book by any chance?
I’ve met the author once. He leads the preservation of a historical civil war fort near Mobile, Alabama.
You can get some 'bug barrier' - most can be used both inside & outside - spray it around the windows/doors/floors/etc.
For doors you can get a 'draft stopper'.
You can try putting putting some tape around the A/C to help 'seal' it more.
Yeah just plug the things straight into the generator. Most have outlets, and you can buy extension cords that plug into the generator and run electronic things off it. The generator does not need to plug into your house.
> sciatica
Unger Professional Nifty Nabber Reacher Grabber Tool and Trash Picker, 36-inch
I own two of these and they're awesome, I got mine at Home Depot. It also has a magnetized tip for picking up ferrous items, I use it every day.
The panic buying is definitely annoying, and not super necessary for this storm, but SouthWest Flrorida is in the Hurricane Path
"It’s one of the most populated areas on Florida’s Gulf Coast, but hasn’t had a direct hit from a landfalling hurricane in 100 years"
Welcome to Florida!
Take thunderstorms seriously! If you hear thunder, even far in the distance, you're close enough to lightning to get fried! Summer is storm season, you'll get rain almost daily.
Florida ranks #1 in, unusual categories, and leading the nation in deaths by lightning is one of them!
When you hear that rumble, duck and cover.
>Hazard lights can actually reduce visibility making other drivers think you are stopped or stalled. They make it difficult to see if motorists ahead are tapping on the brakes and they don't allow you to use your turn signals
Since you said it's a saltwater pool you also need this:
Don't be scared by all the bottles. Testing your own pool with all this stuff only takes a couple of minutes total.
Realtor here. Maintained my own pool for years.
That's a terrible test kit. You need something like this:
It make a huge difference and isn't nearly as vague or reliant on shades. The only test of the 5 that does is PH and the color shift is quite a bit more significant.
For the remaining tests it uses various buffers and catalysts where it's basically on off. For example, Free Chlorine test turns the sample dark pink, and you count the drop of acid mix in until it goes fully clear. Calcium is, "count drops until the sample changes from Green to Red". There's no middle ground.. one second it's green the next it's red.
Our experiences have clearly been vastly different. My first crush on a guy was in the third grade and I spent years knowing I was different and thinking there was something wrong with me because the only messages I got were that it wasn't ok. My husband knew he was gay even younger.
The Don't Say Gay law does not only apply through the third grade. That's where it is focused, but it goes further as long as it isn't "age appropriate" with no guidance on what that means. Who decides what is age appropriate? And it includes reading books like And Tango Makes Three which have the simple message that it is ok to be gay and that it is normal. Those messages are important to gay kids. We've literally seen the impact of these books as the suicide rate for gay teens has dropped in the last 10 years (down 14% in 10 years).
We are absolutely a diverse group. And I know conservative gay people. I get that. I stand by what I said. You can't say you love or care about someone and then vote for politicians who are actively causing harm. It doesn't work that way. DeSantis is literally the most antigay politician Florida has seen since Anita Bryant. He opposes equal marriage. He opposes discrimination protections. You can't support him if you think gay rights are important.
Man in the everglades is the book that covers EC and Choko
from before the turn of the century, to when they make it a National park.
I was watching that storm it was relatively isolated and smacked right into your area. There is probably a better radar image somewhere but this is the first hit on google:
This is the time of year for that kind of thing. I had one years ago that blew open my front door and scattered hail in the entryway. This had never happened before and hasn't happened since, just a luck of the draw I suppose.
I am a native Floridian who has lived here my entire life. I have lived in both North Florida and South Florida. This has been a debate at least as long as I can remember.
I don't think splitting the state would be advantageous, but I do think that we need to reallocate voting power throughout the state. The southern part of the state generates the majority of the state's revenue. ([Some 69% according to this relevant article.]( However, the northern part of the state seems to get more say in how it is spent.
That's not to mention the very different political climate and priorities each seem to have. Go to Miami and discover how little contention there is over the idea of global warming as fact. Go to Tallahassee and suddenly it's up for debate.
I do believe this state deserves better representation than it often gets.
Your baseboards might be made out of MDF, which can swell.
Might want to replace that.
At a minimum, yank off the baseboard and take a quick peek. You can use something from Amazon
I have never understood why people buy bottled water, at all, unless their water comes from a well, and they know it is contaminated. Taking cases home just seems silly. The city water is safe to drink, and a good carbon-block water filter removes any remaining impurities that might be present.
We have several 5-gallon camping-jugs, like these . We fill them with filtered tap water just before a storm arrives, if there is a possibility that the city water might stop.
Whole life in Florida, and never understood the bottled water obsession. Yes water is life, but your tap still works today, and it would work tomorrow. Have a few 5gal containers (, and fill them from the sink.
Try a pour over coffee maker. I have one for our RV I use if we boondock and I don’t feel like turning on the generator. Tastes just as good as any coffee maker! OXO pour over coffee maker
When we bought our house in 2017 we got hit bad. The lesson we learned was about the trees. Keep an eye on any pines that look a little worse for wear up top. Make sure anything in the yard is tied down or stored somewhere (We use ties like this with ratchet straps for our chicken coop) and make sure to cover your windows if they aren't hurricane proof to protect them from debris. As a native you have an idea what supplies you'll need so you should be good there and other than that just stay indoors and if it gets rough stay away from the windows.
Is there any way you can reach out to a community of vets on social media? There's got to be resources out there I'm sorry you're going through all this No humans should go through this.
When I was desperate I would go to Facebook, craigslist and found apps
There are apps out there for people looking for roommates, download every app you can find on your phone and post your story friend.
I wish you the best of luck
Realtor here.
As someone else mentioned, read if you're trying to DIY this.
But for the basics:
You pretty much just need bleach to kill stuff, acid or base to adjust ph, and CYA to protect the bleach from sunlight.
Levels of these chemicals will need to be checked every day or two in summer and adjusted. In the winter you can get away with every 3-4 days.
Tabs a lot of times has CYA which will protect chloringe from sunlight so you need some but over time can build up to the point where the chlroine can't kill microbes, so as CYA increases you need to keep more chlorine in the pool to compensate. How much depends on your specific pool.
You do not need algaecide to kill algae, you just need chlorine, and keep pumping it in there once or twice a day. Algaecide usually has copper in it which is what turns things including your hair green so don't put it in there.
You also need an accurate test kit. The model they sell at the pool stores sucks. You want a FAS-DPD test kit... the ones at the pool store are missing the some key tests (CYA sticks out in my mind).
If you don't have pets, dumping in 10 or so boxes of borax (Mule Team) will help to add some buffer before the algae gets going in case you miss a day or two.
Calculators for all of this are on You can do it but it's something you have to be willing to mess with a few times a week. If that sounds terrible to you, then pool services are the way to go :).
You heard me. Loud and clear. No stutters.
It doesn’t end with allowing doctors to turn away patients, allow bounty hunters to sue people who show minor that anyone lgbt exists, calling accepting parents of lgbt children child abusers, or calling anyone who accepts lgbt minors groomers like pedophiles, and enabling people to storm in and harasses people experiencing drag story time in a library
What’s next? Gay people must wear a pink triangle
Learn some history….
Yes. I can confidently say conservatives want to remove lgbt children from their families if they are accepting, or remove children from lgbt parents, and justify giving them to others
Call people child abusers and that’s what it means = removing children to end the “abuse”
-- Check out this rental home I found using Trulia's Rental app:
Download the Trulia Mobile App Now!
Knock yourself out I guess lol
I’ve kayak camped this twice, and there are tons of places to camp. The first leg of the trip up to I guess around Ichetucknee River is almost entirely unpopulated and open to camping. Once you start getting into the area with powerboats and houses on the river it’s not quite as open, but even then it’s still not very challenging to find a spot.
I used Santa Fe Canoe Outpost both times and would use them again. They’ll provide you with maps and make suggestions for the best camping spots, have a dock for loading your boat, are near the river mouth if you want to paddle upstream to see that, and will drop off your car in any number of popular spots.
My advice would be to bring these extras: fire starter wax since dry wood can be difficult to come by, a backup paddle, lots of beer, bug spray, sunscreen, a hat for shade, Bluetooth speaker, and power banks to charge things. I also carry finger spools because they’re super useful for everything.
Boar are an issue there, and I treat them like bears: have a handgun in a drybox, and string your food and waste up from a tree away from campsites or other people.
Watch out for the herpes monkeys and the naked man.
The amount of hate, prejudice, deathly confirmation bias, aggression, calling for a crime and lynching…
What a horrible human. They have no business having their position
They’d happily be in Nazi German forcing anyone lgbt to wear the pink triangle they had to wear while being murdered and tortured
When people show you who they are, believe them
Vinegar and bleach can cause oxidation on the evap coils if they're used in the evap drain tray.
There are tablets that work great for keeping the condensate drain clear.
Yea and the nazis in Florida were dems in costume to make republicans looks bad /s
And the liberals want to take over /s
And Florida handled Epstein well /s
And the biggest threat to children are people trying to make them gay /s
And liberals want to take ALL the guns and remove the second amendment /s
And Florida isn’t less affordable as nyc. Nyc is worse due to its taxes. Florida just has a free market /s
And teachers want to indoctrinate /s
And Florida is infiltrated by socialists /s
Biden caused world-wide inflation /s
If republicans were in office then EVERYONE would be better - not just some. /s
If republicans were in office then there’s be no inflation. And if there was, it’s still the fault of dems /s
Crime is high because of single mothers /s
And there’s Jewish space lasers (I know that was Greene and now a Florida state gov talking point)
Believe who you want…. Won’t change the fact that kids are actually abused by protected, wealthy pedos in Florida who only get cause by other states and en masse by religious figures far more.
He couldn’t give a crap about kids. It’s about ensuring conservative rule over society, making liberalism punishable, and making the lgbt community persecutable like in Russia. Maybe he’ll make them wear pink triangles again, or call for the Muslim registry system to be discussed again - which he wouldn’t denounce during Trump’s time
This book may save your life. Seriously. This is coming from a former, HEAVY smoker.
Waxing your car won't repel them, but it'll definitely make it way easier to wash off. There's also some good bug removers like this that come in handy. Definitely don't let the bugs bake on the paint; their guts are acidic and ruin the paint permanently!
Desantis is trying to outlaw a community that was targeted by the Holocaust as well (lgbt),
When someone lgbt was sent to a camp or prison by the nazis, they had to wear a pink triangle
Texas is going after the law that mandates schools to teach all children. Texas says it’s unfair to pay to educated non-English speaking children who are “5, 6, 7, 10 years old”
Your power company provided an estimate for what the electricity could have been used for. Your power company just knows how much you use but not what you got connected and how much power each device uses.
The best you can do is listen to what is running more (a/c or fridge) to find out what is broke. One of them are the most likely cause. If you can't figure out by that what it is then you might need to measure what is using your power. Products like the Emporia Smart Home Energy Monitor ( can tell what electrical circuit is using how much power (might need an electrician to install).
Children must now have parental approval for getting professional help at school.
My friend was married off at 16 to a man in his 30s due to “religious freedom”. The youngest marriage in Florida was 11 - she’s now a leading advocate against child marriage in the state
Pedophiles like Epstein paid parents to abuse their kids. Now, those kids who seek help need parental permission
My first crush: kindergarten - which a boy I steered clear from since it was scary yet I liked seeing them and hearing their voice.
My first flirt - 3rd grade with secret love notes that were reciprocated. But we both didn’t do anything in person. Too young! But we felt.
That will not need to be reported - as mental issues.
Protect all children with civil rights. They deserve freedom and professional help and safety. Even lgbt children
Children are humans. They deserve civil rights. They are not the property of parents.
Getting this out there. From another post of mine:
*So, that example is Blitzer Precalculus, 6th Edition by Robert F. Blitzer according to the right wing organization Parents Defending Education whose own source is... Twitter.. . A book (supposedly) in Arizona. Not Florida. So their only example was from a book not even proposed to this state from Twitter?
Edit: After some digging, this is a college text book. FDOEs' (and Parents Defending Educations') example is a college text book...*
I have commented about this example before on another post. I'll copy it here:
So, that example is Blitzer Precalculus, 6th Edition by Robert F. Blitzer according to the right wing organization Parents Defending Education whose own source is... Twitter.. . A book (supposedly) in Arizona. Not Florida. So their only example was from a book not even proposed to this state from Twitter?
Edit: After some digging, this is a college text book. FDOEs' (and Parents Defending Educations') example is a college text book... Limited-time deal: FVOAI Fly Trap Indoor, Fruit Fly Catcher Mosquito Killer Insect Trap with Sticky Glue Boards (Blue)
Bought this, seemed to work
[25 Pack] Fentanyl Strips for Rapid Detection, Urinary Drug Testing, One-Step Quick Results, Easy-Read Urine Drug Test Strips, Synthetic Opioid Detection Drug Testing Strip
GAC and the Mackle brothers marketed vacant land casually via post cards at northern restaurants and in northern newspapers and directly via boiler-room sales operations and outside sales to the military. I'd imagine specific marketing efforts were directed toward the developments where you see people from the same geographic location up north.
Anybody with even a casual interest in how Florida got the way it is should read the great, great book The Swamp Peddlers by Port Charlotte native Jason Vuic. He details all the land-rapey building efforts and shady sales tactics to sell questionable and even undevelopable vacant land in Florida in the 50's-70's. See if your local library has it in Kindle format. I read it and immediately bought a copy.
To monitor how things are going with treatment, pick up a couple lighted glue traps like this one as they draw fleas really well. Good luck in your battle!
Flea Trap,Sticky Dome Bed Bug Trap ,Indoor Pest Control Trapper Insect Killer with 2 Glue Discs and Light Bulbs for Bugs Fleas,Flea Infestion Natural Treatment, Non-Toxic Odorless Safe for Kids/ Pets
Get a lifesteaw
Definitely do! Just know it takes like 10-15 minutes for it to heat up and become effective, but once it is going you’ll get a 15-20 foot radius that is a 100% skeeter-free zone! When I go out in the woods once I park I start if up and stick it up on the roof and chill I’m the AC for a bit before venturing out.
I use the portable, but they have a lot of different tabletop designs or integrated with lamp versions.
Definitely this, however buy some reusable 5 gallon jugs to fill for drinking water and leave the tub water for flushing the toilet and other washing needs. You can buy some collapsible water jug that store flat and you can yank them out as the storm is approaching to fill up and avoid the mad rush for bottled water.
I have a couple like this:
While you may or may not want to start with a GroupOn, if you change the location to the different towns and search on surf, you'll find several surf schools, surf lessons and board rentals along with links to their websites, so you can look at the other packages the sell.
Not really. It can be any doctor doing a BS evaluation. I couldn't find the original Groupon I saw here's a link to another one. [Medical Cannabis of South Florida ](http://Initial Consultation or Follow-Up Visit at Medical Cannabis Center of South Florida (Up to 59% Off)
Hopefully someone has a good direct link they can share with you, but in the mean time you might want to explore here:
Legit camping stores might have detailed topographical paper maps of Ocala National Forest, too.
Edit: might be worth checking out, too. It's like Google maps but it's more of a community project, so your results may vary depending on how active the OSM community is in the region you're viewing on the map. If you play around with the different layers, you might find some points of interest. The "Cycle Map" appears to have a lot of hidden features mapped out, but the labelling isn't great.
Nah, Shutterstock is fine too. There's just a difference between stock photos (used for demonstration/promo) and editorial (news footages).
Someone on the Nextdoor app just posted one behind the rock work facade of her house.
I recently took up metal detecting as a hobby. If I find something underground, I use an orange pinpointer to help me find it. If ibis are around, they will investigate when I am poking around at the ground.
There is a discount of $8 checking the box in the item. If you buy more than one, buy them separately.'s severe weather tab gives the best hurricane information.
>A broad area of low pressure in the southwest Caribbean could evolve into a tropical cyclone over the next few days. October is the prime season for tropical development in the Caribbean, where waters warm to some of the highest temperatures in the Atlantic basin.
...... >In its tropical weather outlook issued at 2 PM EDT, NHC gave the Caribbean system a near-zero chance of development through Thursday, but a 20% chance during the period from Thursday through Sunday.
I'm in Palm Beach. I've had the opportunity to wear a hoodie about 10 times the whole year. I haven't used a coat at all, and haven't turned my heat on once. It's been a warm winter so far, but there's a chance we'll still get a cold snap in Feb. It's only ever snowed here once, and that was like 40 years ago. People still talk about it.
There are palm trees everywhere here. You can't build anything in Palm Beach County without planting a couple of dozens of Palms as part of the process!
Looks like Sunday night will be a little brisk (good football weather), but pretty nice other than that:
North Carolina is second to Florida in hurricanes. According to this quickly-found post, eleven hurricanes made landfall in Florida between '95 and '17 and seven hit North Carolina. Those are only counting direct hits, the numbers for coming close are also similar. And, I don't have time to look for the statistic, but I'm pretty sure I've seen somewhere that more hurricanes come within X number of miles from Cape Hatteras than any other point in the United States.
Apart from few days getting above 90F earlier in the week, May and most of June is looking below average highs. Rarely seen 90F.
June is shaping up to only be in mid-80s.
> It's not like there's transparency.
Many of these companies have very transparent and good privacy policies.
23 and me is a good example, they even say outright:
>We will not share your data with any public databases. We will not provide any person’s data (genetic or non-genetic) to an insurance company or employer. We will not provide information to law enforcement or regulatory authorities unless required by law to comply with a valid court order, subpoena, or search warrant for genetic or Personal Information
Government procurement of software is insanely cumbersome -- building the Golden Gate bridge to try and cross a stream. Integrations with mismatched legacy databases across multiple agencies and poorly defined goals and specifications. This is not unique to Florida nor to Republicans. Here's a story from down under of a guy who replicated license plate recognition software on his own shortly after his gov't spent $86m on a solution.
Still unacceptable, but not unprecedented.
Do a jigsaw puzzle or learn a new language. here’s a link to over 450 online courses you can take for free to occupy your mind.
Have beer in your yard, enjoy the sunset. All this will help your mental health.
Eat vegetarian for a while. You won’t die. selfish choices will kill people.
I don’t believe you’re a bad person, I think you’re frustrated that you’re being forced rather than choosing to do something for the greater good, and perhaps you’re not used to it.
Please follow the advice: do your part for your fellow citizens my friend.
ExpressVPN literally had their hardware seized by Turkish police from a data center in Turkey and there were no logs.
You have to do research and shop around, and sure some VPNs have been caught keeping logs, but not all of them do.
It can be similar in Feb to Ann Arbor (for the comparison I selected).
Make your own comparison with this site:
Windy is a good site to check the storm.,28.188,-76.003,5 , This one doesn't look so bad , don't worry about leaving unless your in a flood zone or have some one elderly that needs power for meds ext. Candles batteries and water, ice, Full tank of gas.