If the head is trying to conduct the down down, going through announcements or general penalties and two people are off in a corner talking about something else (imagine two junior high school girls gossiping), they are called out for "canoodling" and must drink.
Dean Karnazes is an ultramarathon runner whose memoir begins with him getting drunk and running 30 miles. He's not a hasher though, but just a very long distance runner who knows how to market himself with stunts, challenges, and self promotion.
Anyways, congrats on the weight loss over the last few months! You also mention running 13 miles with it being the farthest you've done. Have you been running or training to where this makes sense, or do you not run ever?
I am curious because you mention depression, then a big feat of unexpected endurance which you say might be psychotic. I once knew someone who had a similar situation, where he got excited and ran ten miles out of nowhere, just feeling great all along. That's how he was undergoing a manic phase of bipolar disorder.
I might be looking too much into it, but this did strike me as concerning due to familiarity.
Anyways, look up your local city's Hash House Harriers. Depending on where you live, your nearest "kennel" is likely at a nearby town with a military base or a major metro area, but there are kennels all over. We meet at different bars periodically, some cities its monthly, weekly, several days a week, or even daily. Its a great social group, we tend to have a couple beers, go on a scavenger hunt type of run, and find a few drink stops along the way. Some kennels are more about running, others are more about drinking, each has is own personality.
If you don't mind my asking, where do you live? We might be able to help get you in touch with a nearby hash group.
A nice handheld bottle. I see idiots fiddling with countless fannypack bottles, massive hydration packs, or just carrying bottles by hand, rendering their hands useless. Just get a damn handy-pack and bring 18 oz with you. I have been hashing with mine for two years. It's starting to stink.
I personally have the Grand Trunk Skeeter Beater Pro and a cheap hammock specific tarp all in my setup cost less than $100 US. I got the tarp on woot.com it's a yukon outfitters, but the noah's tarp is a good option too.
I'm setting up a 'Fried Fish Hash' for our kennel this week starting at a local famous fried fish restaurant. I'm imposing a SC (shot check) using this game.
Going to be making a 'sweedish fish shot drink' for it.
Also going to have a FC (Fish Check) and there will be a couple cans of sardines there for the poor bastards. :D