miter box
They're called bails, specifically I think these are called hexagonal bails. And I'm not having any luck finding them either. I know there has to be some where to get them.
You can buy the whole pendant, crystal and all from this site.
Polish them back up and then store them with anti tarnish strips so it doesn't happen again.
Once I've finished a new piece, it gets a good polishing with Renaissance Wax to protect it as well.
I have a few outlet timers like this floating around for when I want to plug something in and really, really don't want to forget to turn it off. Very handy with pickle pots, slightly terrifying but highly effective old space heaters, etc.
Just a quick amazon search: torch. You want the butane refillable ones. Even the cheap ones will work but don't get the tiny cigarette ones. Harbor Freight (if available in your area) has a cheap one that's around $10.
I'll show you two tools. One of them cost us a few dollars and one costs $200.
There probably exists a cheaper version of the fancy one.
Is it like this one? Deluxe Solid Wooden Jewelers Bench Workbench Station with Utility Storage Drawers for Jewelry Making
This is one I’ve considered I just don’t like some of the issues listed in the bad reviews. But the one comparable to this at rio grande is sold out unfortunately.
I checked all of Facebook and Craigslist within 500 miles and haven’t found anything yet.
Rio Grande gift card would be solid too but a nice set of pliers is always a good start, don’t go cheap on your tools, you’re as good as them so make sure they’re top notch
Edit: I love my tronex pliers
Pliers – Tronex Flat Nose – Short Smooth Jaw (Standard Handle) • P544
Yeah, thats knotting cord, and it does stretch, regardless of the statements that it wont. Hate knotting the crap, it just slices your fingers...I found that stuff works well for things like ladder bracelets.
If I'm knotting, I will only use silk... I figure if Im doing that level of work, why use level down supplies.
Knots do add a lot of length.
But, S-lon will rock your world and hold up till we go extinct. And will not stretch. You would loose your metal clasp before the nylon gives up. The other key to longevity is having the bead holes as tight on the string as possible. With S-lon, 18, you could double up the cord which i think makes stringing easier. I use a foot length fine diameter beadlon halfed as a needle. It doesn't add much bulk which is why I prefer it to a real needle. Then, it slips out and you don't need to cut the cord to remove it. Remember there will be no stretch, so leave a little slack in the length.
Doesn’t it suck, no matter the project, you always find you need something else...
I believe it's a slide bail or tube bail. Amazon link
They make plastic covers for people with allergies, a simple search came up with these from Amazon. They are cheap and can be reused.
I have been meaning to buy this. Then I watched the video and realized we already had this product but a much cheaper version from amazon! thermomorph
Sorry that came across so dickish. ZBrush is used for a lot of jewelry. There's also ZBrush core. You can get a refurb wacom tablet and ZB Core for like $160 off amazon.
You can file off the circle pieces. Then you can glue on a bail like this with something Epoxy and put any chain you want on it. The filing would be the tricky part but you can probably do it yourself. Just find some YouTube videos if you're nervous.
There's a little tool that helps you make the knots between the pearls, so they're as close to the pearl as possible. You don't absolutely need it, but it's helpful. Apart from that pearl silk thread and a needle, you can even get threads that have the needle attached, although I'm not sure if you can get them in this length.
Knotting tool:
Pearl silk thread with needle:
Although you'd need a larger length than this.
I also found these rings that come in a larger diameter
Bought off Amazon, no mention of lead whatsoever within the description: lead free solder wire
I bought this tumbler on amazon for my friend with an image of Donald Trump and the words "best friend ever", it's so fun, and she can drink water with this gift. I think this is a good choice.
I'm assuming you are talking about the bits in the handpieces? The first one is called a cone square bur. The second is some kind of abrasive rod, probably something like this.
Ok you convinced me. I’ve been on the fence about trying this. But I actually ended up purchasing this Beadalon sterling silver French wire
And I also picked up some of these hook and eye clasps to try
So we will see how that goes.
I have never seen an extant piece where any effort beyond a cursory one was made to line things up neatly.
I recommend this book for more historical inspiration:
I found them on amazon! Let me link them for you The flowers
I will let you know they didn’t come pre sorted or in a container just a big bag with a bunch of smaller bags so make sure you have a place to sort them!
Tumble with steel shot and grated ivory snow bar (don't use any other soap or detergent, as it will react with the rubber in the tumbling barrel)
You want the steel shot designed specifically for jewelry polishing, not the type used for ammunition. They come in many shapes, but here is an example:
You need a decently flush cutter, Like these
Then make sure you cut your wire end at an angle, 45 degrees or so. Doesn’t have to be perfect, just close. This helps the wire end meet itself when you make the round part so you have a better chance of make a perfect circle. Most jewelry makers don’t know about this and is the usual reason it doesn’t work properly for them.
Please upload pictures of what you’ve done so far so I can see what other tips might help.
PandaHall PH Wire Guardian, 540pcs 6 Colors Brass Wire Guards 5x4mm Wire Cable Protector U Shape Wire Guard Loops Thread Protector Loop Wire Protectors for Earring Bracelet Necklace DIY, 0.5mm Hole
The thread snapped because it looks like they didn't use beadalon thread. If u wanna be the best friend ever you could remake the whole thing using beadalon. Also much easier to work with then regular thread.
Hey guys, coo! I’m looking to recreate this. I’m not married to iridescent wiring to wrap around the bird, but it jumps out to me as my best option. I’ve found this but I need it sooner than 3 weeks. Can anybody point me in a direction? Sell me some from their personal collection?
Ok so first you need a set of tools. They have different types of needle nose pliers that u will need. I don't know ur budget butt this is a good one for beginners.
It has all the types of pliers u will need.. the rounded one is used for curling wire at the end. Wire cutters, flat pliers, and long needle nose.
Then u will need some wire. Craft stores (and amazon) sell various gauges of wire and colors. Usually if u want to follow a pattern on YouTube they will tell u what gauge they use for what. However, I would suggest first buying the cheapest 18 or 20 gauge and 26 gauge. And just learn the different wire weave techniques. This is a simplistic tutorial I found..butt u may find better ones just looking around.
After you have learned some of those basic techniques it will make it much easier to create ur own designs. I usually find a stone or something and sketch on paper a general idea of what I want to do, and just kinda go at it.
After u master how to use the tools you can dive deeper and purchase better quality wire.
There is also this tool called the lazee daizee u can purchase to make viking knit with wire. It's really easy and fun. Tons of tutorials on YouTube on how to use it. It makes very interesting looking necklaces and bracelets. It's kinda one of those things where people are amazed u made it and u feel guilty for how easy it was.
There are tons of other techniques for making jewelry. butt this was my introduction into how to make jewelry. After u learn to wire weave all the other stuff will be that much easier to learn. On a side note: local libraries usually have a ton of books on jewelry making.
Please post what you make, I am really looking forward to see what u come up with!
They're these cute little two hole guys
There are also 4 hole versions for chonk beaded cuff style designs. Not really much to explain tbh, they just have extra holes and are adorably useful :D
It looks like Byzantine Chain on top. A google search for “Byzantine chain ring” fond this which is similar on Amazon
Would a sparkle welder like this work? 2 in 1 Pulse Sparkle Spot Welder,200W Jewelry Welder for Necklace Gold Silver Platinum 110V(Shipping from USA)
Macramé. Or make rolled paper brads from magazines if you have a place for them to dry undisturbed.
I did a project at a women’s shelter with tiny bottles that came with a cork lid & eyelet loop. They added tiny beads & very little shells to the bottles and wrote a short message to themselves on paper strips that they rolled up & added to the bottles. Then we glued the corks on & threaded long thick waxed cotton cord through the eyelet. We made sliding knots to fasten the necklace, which also allowed them to adjust the length. I pre-cut the cord. tiny glass bottles w corksThey really enjoyed it.
Your work reminded me a bit about someone i’m sure you know about, Daniel Brush. His work is in another league. I can’t recommend his book Gold without boundaries
I got mine off Amazon, here is the link. It takes about 45 mins.
TOAUTO Upgraded Gold Melting Furnace, 1+3 KG Electric Digital Melting Furnace Machine 1400W 2100F PID Smelter Kiln Kit Casting Refining Jewelry Precious Metals Gold Silver Copper Aluminum
I have a beautiful book called Creative Stonesetting by John Cogswell that has tons of great ideas for just what the title says. Here's a teaser on the post/wedge process. There's a whole section on setting pearls, spheres and beads.
Small hand drill and bit like this $9 one. Probably find even cheaper if look dome
Bastex Precision Pin Vise Hand Drill with Twist Bits - Set of 11 Pieces. Great for models and Hobby.
Stainless Steel Round Shaped Locket Style Statement Party Wedding Pendant Necklace
Here’s what I bought. It’s a pretty thin gauge
Somthing like that is what I use for a third hand
Do you need a smaller one that you can take back & forth to classes? Or a large mechanic’s type chest? If you need a very large metal tool chest, check estate sales & auctions. If you need one you can take to classes, maybe this one? Keter - 241008 Masterloader Resin Rolling Tool Box with Locking System and Removable Bins – Perfect Organization and Storage Chest for Power Drill, Tape Measure, and Screwdriver Set, Black
I’ve been looking into how to do this as well and found a template in Airtable that might be a good starting point for you to look at.
Hey guys,
thanks for opening this post in the first place. I have no experience with jewelry making at all so sorry for any incorrect wirds or general dumbness.
That beeing said, here is my problem:
I got this amazing necklace from a shop overseas as a "silver Onyx Pendant choker". When I saw it I was a little confused cause the stone looked like there was some resin cast over it (and it definitely is). Sadly when I first put it on, the stone fell out.
After some googeling on how to get it back in the best way I stuck (haha, pun not intented) with a seemingly pretty reliable 2-component-glue, that arrived yesterday.
I figured it would be best to roughen the silver and the backside of the stone which I did with an electric nail drill (I know, not the most professional equipment, but it worked pretty well :D).
That was when I really started to doubt that the black part is an actual onyx if even an actual stone. Because the backside is all that greenish stuff and working with the drill on it it really felt like plastic to me. I tried to drill a bit deeper to see if and when I would hit the stone (cause maybe the green stuff is just glue or filling?) but stopped before I got since I was worried to break it. (You can see the mark in the last pic.)
So my two questions here are:
1) If it is possible to judge from the pictures: do you think it is a real stone and/or would there be a way to find out without breaking it?
2) How much glue do you think I need to glue it back in and how do I apply it best? Like, a big drop in the middle or better a thin layer all over the socket (including the edges)?
Thanks a lot for reading to this point and helping me!
That's just InstaMorph! It's simply polyester thermoplastic that is moldable at low temperature (150 degrees Fahrenheit) and solidifies at room temperature. There are other brands with other names, and cheaper than at the amazon link.
That's a fantastic idea, and I actually have some of that stuff. I bought it years ago just to play with it and see what it can do (never needed it though). I'll have to come up with some sort of handle to 'mount' the plastic and stones to though. I'll think of something. Thanks!!!!
Ah, I use ‘easy’ or ‘extra easy’ solder wire, rather than the paste and flux separately. (Solder Flux | 30g and I would say yes to using a gun with paste, although I haven’t tried and am not an expert… I reckon if you can keep the iron away from the join/where you’ve put the solder it’ll be fine. Remember that you’re heating the metal, the heat from the metal is what makes the solder melt rather than needing to apply direct heat, that will, as you’ve discovered…just cook it lol
I use uv resin. It will be less likely to yellow over time. I get some open backed bezels and stick it to some resin tape (I tried packing tape and it leaked and I tried duct tape and it left a hatch pattern). I've also poured the resin into a gem shaped mold and put some flowers from my garden that I dried and pressed into the resin as well. Then I take a very small drill bit and drill a hole to put a jump ring through
Hi, thought I'd post this. It's a way to keep an engagement (or other) ring safely on a necklace. The design lets you loop the ring on and off without removing the necklace, yet is still secure.
for more details if anyone is interested.
Casvort 6 PCS Stainless Steel Ear Piercing Stretcher Plug Fashion Tunnels for Dangles DIY Ear Gauges One pair per Color
To add to the other comment - I dry mine in silica gel. Completely cover for minimum of 7 days. Link to the one I use:
"Gemstones of the World" is an excellent book, got great info, the in depth moh's hardness scale is very useful.
And i recommend Andrew Berry on YouTube to get you up and running with soldering and general workshop basics.
i remember seeing an instagram video of them.. they were almost like these, but less bulky i think:
as a coffee table book i'd recommend 1000 rings.... it has, as you would expect, images of 1000 different rings, with details of the materials and makers but nothing else.....
i often open it if i need to design something and want some inspiration to get started....
if you want something with instructions on how to make jewellery then i'd recommend Jewellery making manual by silvia wickes
Im from the Netherlands, so i bought it from a dutch website. But i found something similar on amazon
Xuron tools. They are all great except the round nose pliers. I am a professional, and they are my go-to tools. I can’t speak highly enough about them. Here is a set of the ones she will need most. They include flush cutters, and two styles of flat nosed pliers.
Just order a ring sizer.
Ring Sizer Measuring Set Reusable Finger Size Gauge Measure Tool Jewelry Sizing Tools 1-17 USA Rings Size
This is what I bought for myself (I dont like wearing my ring while doing dishes). Its held up pretty well.
It's not exactly what you're asking for, but might help find something more suitable.
I, uh...have this set... lol
I have a cheap loup. It's not perfect but I can see well. But when sanding the ring looks...smeared? Hard to explain, but it's busy. I rotate the buff stick along the profile of the ring (All my wire is half round) to preserve the shape, but it still leaves, I guess they're small facets behind.
It's called a bead tip, if that helps.
Maybe you can restring with a new one, but I have always thought they are prone to breaking. They are mostly useful for hiding the knot.
If you are adverse to restringing it, you could maybe get ahold of a "side fold" bead tip that will fold around the original knot. I'm not sure how durable that would be.
Are you adverse to restringing it?
Alternative ideas:
You could glue an end cap over the small bead on the end and use a jump ring to connect the cross
I haven't got a YouTube tutorial but I learned from this book.
I have some photos on this Instagram post of another choker I did in this style that has kind of step by step photos. I use 0.5mm wire. It can be done in Sterling although it's more tedious because you don't have to solder fine silver but you do with Sterling. Even this short chain has 52 links which have to be individually shaped.
I use silicone polishing wheels after I'm done with the hand files.
I don't use this brand, but a starter kit like this would work well
You can get clear as well.
Based off the pictures you've shared, this may sound silly, but I bought my husband a metal clock making kit off Amazon that came with a pair of pliers that look very very similar. They are a bit smaller sized, but might help.
Also I don't know if you're needing it for holding or cutting, but based off what you're describing flush cutters might be more useful.
I think what you're looking is round nose pliers and you can in fact find them on amazon
Here's a link. Hopefully it'll work.
Well, basic wire cutters like these will work on most thin gauge wire, but if it's bigger than a 16 gauge (a little more 1.5mm) you may need something different. The smaller the gauge number, the thicker the wire will be. It's kind of weird that a beginners kit would have rods rather than wire. It's just harder to work with. I definitely think you need a good set of wire cutters just for future projects.
I ordered these a month ago. I have only worn them 2 or 3 times but they seem good. I have a metal allergy and have had no problem with these so far.
Ah no I'm using one like the one on the right here I take it that's not what that's for?
You’re WAY tooo kind.
I got the bench from stuller!! stuller link! If you don’t have a stuller account though this one is pretty much the same! Amazon link
And everything else I added on. I do A lot of measuring, so I took clear packing tape, stuck it down flat and then copied a ruler in sharpie. Next I took another clear packing tape and sealed it. That way I can always have a ruler and I’m able to wipe off the top still !!
The chain spool is actually on a cut and bent coat hanger lol. I bent it around the edge of the bench so I can easily take it off an off and add new spools when it’s used up!!
Hi, I’m just learned to knot between pearls and gems myself. This book has been quite useful (link below). It’s not difficult but it takes a lot of practice to get the knots nice and even. I’m practicing with nylon thread and cheaper beads, saving the nice silk thread until my knots are more uniform.
For the adjustable length it’s not hard, a short piece of chain can be added to one end. There are also necklace extenders for sale if you don’t want to get into working with chain. A closed spring ring or lobster clasp will be the easiest to use with an extension chain. Best of luck!
It works on any metal, period. It's available as a brush-on liquid or an aerosol. Here's the Amazon link to it:
I've seen some segmented mandrells (imagine tiers of cakes instead of a taper) online as well. I'd Check Amazon or Fire Mountian Gems and Beads, both may have them.
EDIT: Something like this?
Okay, for some strange reason, Amazon can't find its own stock numbers, so here is the full URL instead:
I just wanted to share that this eBook is FREE on Amazon for the next 2 days (until august 28th): Available on amazon. I like the blue transfer paper also available on amazon. I use a plastic container and use a sharpie as a resist. Sometimes I use the acid straight other times a 50/50 mix with water. You’ll have to experiment to see what works best for you.
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Paola, Yo diseño de joyas en plata de ley 950 e incrustaciones de piedras naturales y energéticas. AZRIEL DESIGN es mi empresa de diseño en Perú, trabajamos en un taller en la ciudad de Tacna. Este es uno de mis diseños. Para dar a conocer mi trabajo me uní AMAZON Handmade. Puedes ver los detalles de esta pieza en el siguiente enlace.
Thanks! I love making chains as well! The larger the better :) this chain In particular has such huge heavy links in the front! Took some serious muscle to get them into shape lol. I got this box on amazon. It’s really great and has built in led lights with a dimmer which is very helpful
If you don't mind damaging them a little, you could try punching holes in them to add rings. This hole punch does get through metal thicker than the kind you squeeze so it might work.
This is the only chain I've bought on Amazon: it comes in a big roll (33 feet). It's very fine, so you'll have to decide whether that works with the earrings you want to extend - there are some pictures in the reviews. It also comes with clasps and jump rings which is a plus. if you need to buy more jump rings I would make sure they are thin enough to fit through the fine chain - maybe 22-24 gauge.
Yep, I agree, new hobbies are my only plus of covid -- I've been learning how to silversmith! (:
Hope this helps!
There are a lot of cheap options on amazon and similar sites like this
I believe they use the terms ring sizer and ring size adjuster
I make jewelry by hand... My business is called Belladonna's Jewelry. I recently started bead weaving. I made this bracelet a little while ago, but I'm absolutely in love with the way it turned out!! Check out my page on Amazon Handmade!! I'm on FB as well @belladonnasjewelry, and my email is for custom orders ❤ Thanks guys!! 😉
Serpentine Woven Beads Crystals Bracelet
>The last piece of jewelry available. 950 sterling silver and inlaid energy stones extracted in a city of Cusco, Peru.
There are inexpensive jigs out there . Use one of those and a clamp and I think you’d be set. if the wax is soft enough you can use string to cut it:
Search around the internet for “split rings”, like another commenter said. Amazon has some pretty good looking ones, like this. But definitely browse around for something you like. You could probably also find some at a hobby shop. They’re also used in fishing around that size, but I can’t vouch for the quality.
Edit: it’s still very hard to make out a lot of detail. It almost looks like the fastening on the chain is where the charm is mounted.
The rings could also potentially be jump rings. Make it how you like. You don’t need to make a carbon copy. You might end up with something even nicer.
a kit like this would get you started with the main items you need. You will also need brass/copper/sterling sheet metal and/or wire and a metal ring mandrel to make the forms. You may decide to invest in an acetylene torch, if you do, double check with your states/home insurance rules about having that type of torch in your home. In my state, it voids a home insurance policy if a fire starts in a residential home due to a torch.
Once you move into bezel or prong setting, you may buy bezel wire or make it yourself, same goes for the prongs and prong settings. You will need jewelers files and a flex shat (or small hand-held rotary drill) to help with the polishing and various grits of sandpaper/polishing compounds to get the finish you desire.
This book is a great resource.
The best protective coating for metal is a product called "ProtectaClear" ( and it's 4 ounces for $24.95. It's extremely durable. The next best thing is probably "PYM II" ( which is an aerosol, 12 ounces for $25.50. PYM II will protect practically anything and gets fabulous reviews from everybody.
Whoops - I purchased this guy yesterday to try it out:
But if I end up liking it, I will get the full tin, as you say. I guess what I've been doing when I polish is applying the polishing compound on the cloth disk, and giving up instantly as soon as I see that it is turning my pieces grey and cloudy. I'll give it a bit longer this time. Thanks for your reply! All the best.
That’s the single most informative book I’ve had. Tim mccraight has a little beginner book that’s used a lot too, but it’s less in depth.
If you’re interested in a specific branch of jewelry (enameling? Casting? Stone setting?) there will be books for those too with more info, but Oppi is a good place to start.
If shes not into beaded jewelry kinda thing maybe try something like this? its a basic kit for necklaces and earings not limited to beads. She could try wire wraping stones or even just shopping for loose pendants and chains. I hope this helps.
I LOVE this book. It only discusses ~~ten~~ nine gemstones, but it is so interesting. The author traveled the world to study each of them.
If you want it to look simiar to this...
Close the loop on the left. Open the loop at the bottom of an earring hook. Place both loops from the earring in the hook loop. Close hook loop.
50-PieceFoldOverCordEndsforLeather,3mm,Silver As well, you can make a loop at the end, make a 90 degree turn, and neatly make loops around the the two cords together (so the loop is at the end) and then crimp your own wire. This way you can make your own colors, and make it as long or short as you need, and add another loop if you want to add another bead.
Classes are how I got started and now I've been making jewelry for over 15 years. A gift certificate to a local bead/jewelry store that has lots classes would be good. If you want something to wrap for under the tree and a little less expensive than the Otto-frei kit, here is the basic tool kit in the brand I've been using since I started. These are good basic tools no matter what kind of jewelry making she ends up pursuing.
this is the flux I got: I was trying to solder fine silver bezel wire so I could set a stone, there wasn't any light coming through, and I was soldering on a charcoal block. So definitely not big stuff. And no matter what I tried, the solder wouldn't flow. I bough solder from two different people off amazon and tried the whole range, easy through hard. Nothing.
I already wear glasses, so I use something like this.
You could always get her a Dremel work station like this one. Then a pair of soft jaw pliers. Why soft jaw pliers? Well it gets her hand away from the cutting/drilling edge, important if she is working with small stones. And the soft jaw wont mar the stones. In addition to that gripping small things when you have arthritis can aggravate the condition, with the pliers it will take longer for her hands to become fatigued.
So this anodized aluminum mandrel is the kind used for checking the size of rings but not for pounding on them - like a steel mandrel might be used, is that right?
Best of luck to all who chose to participate. is a really good resource and defiantly one of these
plus the tanks that you will have to get locally and also the regulators for the little torch, which you should be able to buy with the torch and hoses. if you live near a scrap yard go and get a bunch of little scraps of copper and/or brass. like 0.5-1 mm sheet and a bunch of wire. get some silver solder or even brass solder+flux. some sort of pickeling solution, nono toxic option is citric acid powder that is used in canning. a ballpine hammer, jewellers saw/ blades. a regular, flat/half round file combo and a couple of needle files.bent needle nose pliers, wire snips, parallel pliers, aviator snips and a bench pin.
thats like... the abridged version and more than enough to get started for a hobbyist. obviously you can blow yourself up with the tanks so dont fuck around/you may not even be able to get them depending on where she lives. in a pinch you can get little propane torch things form a hardwear store but for serious work a little torch is a great start and professionals even continue using them. you can use oxygen and propane for them.
pretty much everything else can be improvised. like a soldering surface with fireproof tile. wood scraps to hammer stuff on different metal bits (small steel block ish thing from scrap yard) to hammer on. absorb all the youtube stuff and instructions, get someone who knows what they are doing to teach you how to set up/ use the torch. books are handy but you can pretty much find most of the basic stuff online if you google hard enough. the equipment is the most important bit of the equation! GL