Everyone should go and read the book This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed by Charles E. Cobb.
It's a fantastic book that lays out perfectly the necessity for firearms in self defense of Civil Rights leaders. Let's remember, they were breaking the law. The crazy gun control laws of the south were put in place to ensure that black people could not own guns. Many counties across the south required an affidavit from a white person for a black person to legally purchase a fire own. The white person had to swear that this was a responsible black person, who deserved to own a gun.
Still today, NC requires "purchase permits" to even be able to BUY a handgun. The permit is given through the sheriff's department, and must be picked up in person at the sherrif's office. It is a Jim Crow law to stop black citizens from owning hand guns.
Also, read up on Deacons for Defense and Justice. They have a fascinating history, and provided a life saving service to the people of Louisiana.
Anyway, I'll stop now, I could go on for hours.
The main thing you did wrong is not having a good, bright light handy. I carry one of these everywhere, with or without a firearm. It lives on my desk at night, a step away from my bed. You don't ever want to be armed, in the dark, unable to properly illuminate and identify targets. If you had a good, bright light, you could have lit that person up through the window and probably sent them running.
Lights are cheap, in the overall scheme of things. You shouldn't be deploying a firearm without one.
I hope you called the police and reported this incident.
For anyone who wants to hear more stories like this I recommend This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed, by Charles E. Cobb Jr.
Rice's father is far from the only black southerner who used firearms to keep the Klan away and his family safe.
It's made the rounds here before: This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed - How Guns Made The Civil Rights Movement Possible.
Accounts of literal anti-black terrorism, the indifference of government, and how individuals and communities organized arms to resist it. Funnily enough, some of these hooded assholes were a lot less bold when their intended victims had teeth.
That's a pretty interesting concept.
The prices might be above what OP's considering @ $40+/month.
I'd suggest a trigger lock and giving that key to a family member for safe-keeping. Don't have to tell them what it's for.
Where does this version fit in? But yeah it's super frustrating getting lumped in with far right wingers just because of some overlap in being pro gun.
Australia has no freedom of speech, no online privacy and no freedom of movement. It seems like gun control is working as intended there.
I'm from Michigan, I think I know somebody who would be up for that. You should at least have a facebook page and website with annual potluck, summer BBQ, Gay Pride Day marching drill, etc. Even if people don't join it would be a great troll.
I'll donate a flag and maybe come to the parties but my health prevents marching.
The instructions on how to make explosives are online if you look. Hell you can buy a book of it from the US government on amazon.
Attempting to regulate people breeds resentment. Convince someone they have no reason to want or need C4 don't point a gun to their head and tell them no.
I used to carry a multi-tool in school and used it quite regularly. I pulled splinters, scraped dried glue and gum from desks, tightened eyeglass screws, pried open battery compartments, fixed wobbly tables, opened cartons of paper that were wrapped with heavy plastic strapping...
I use my Leatherman just about every day, and I go through a utility blade on my Gerber EAB every other week.
I don't think it's reasonable to prohibit students from carrying a tool with a nail file, tweezers, multiple screwdrivers, scissors, pliers, wire cutters, can opener or a saw, simply because that tool also has a piece of metal honed to a fine edge.
For anyone over the age of 8, knife bans are utterly ridiculous.
> and I'd be shocked if there's a US Attorney out there who's willingly going to go "yeah, you know what? I'm going to push for a weed conviction rather than going after heroin / coke / opiods / meth."
You're confusing the symptoms with the problem. The driving force behind the drug war isn't attorneys or even really politicians specifically, it's law enforcement agencies going after that sweet, sweet grant money. And MJ busts are quick, easy ways to make a buck. It has virtually zero impact on the actual crime rate but it looks good on paper. Radly Balko's book "The Rise of the Warrior Cop" is a really good breakdown on this subject.
Attorney's, politicians, and even the president himself can talk all the talk they want, the reality is until someone cuts the purse strings, this problem doesn't go away. And I have yet to hear even hint at limiting these grant programs.
> I think the fellow with the AR is a stock photo
Appears so.
When he died, no. But before then almost certainly. You should read "This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How guns made the Civil Rights movement possible," it's a great look at how important armed self defense was to the freedom movement and black communities as a whole in the post-Civil War South.
I don't see why you'd but hearing protection in this form that wouldn't solve this problem. I never wear double ear protection, just muffs because if you buy decent ones they will be more than enough. That being said.
This is what I buy and have several of. They allow for, let's call it, loud noise dampening. So gunshots are quiet and normal sounds are amplified. Can't recommend them enough.
Before I moved out of NY the range I went to had this rule, for them it was just about maintaining good relations with their neighbors and not making waves. The fact is if the neighbors of an outdoor range get motivated to shut it down, they have a good chance of being successful, and it's going to be expensive even if you win. The range itself was outdoors and close the road, shooting off into a ridge. When you drove by you could see the targets people were using.
They just recommended sticking a regular piece of paper for center of mass and a 5x7 index card for the head on a target frame if you wanted to do drills.
If the threat model is persistent intruder, then you might have an issue even with a safe that's not secured to the location.
If the thread model is "kids/guests", then any sort of lock box is going to be just fine.
As you say, a quick-access safe in discrete concealment might meet the best of both worlds. A GunVault Micro at 8.5" x 11" x 2.5" is going to need a pretty big "book" to conceal. The "Nano" line is only 8.2" x 6" x 1.8", a bit easier.
Also, there's plenty of in-plain-sight furniture (shelving, tables, &c.) along those lines.
I’d say Trump’s election also pulled in a lot of low income white people as well, anxious to make sure their spot in the pecking order (just slightly above people of color) doesn’t move. Basically some people fell for the same line of BS that worked back in the 1800s, when the system held “white” people were better than the Irish immigrants who were still better than black slaves. Read, “Making Whiteness” Making Whiteness: The Culture of Segregation in the South, 1890-1940 https://www.amazon.com/dp/0679776206/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_B206Ab58NM6FE
His trigger discipline isn't always great. But who needs trigger discipline with guns like these????
Here are a couple of excellent books about blacks using firearms to defend themselves against white supremacists.
Exactly this. Black male here, I've recommended this book to several people over the years. My family and friends from the midwest and south, all support gun ownership and rights, but I grew up in Orange County, CA and I can count on one hand the number of friends (black white or brown) who are gun owners.
Jesus Christ dude you obviously don't know what you think you do. https://www.immigrationequality.org/get-legal-help/our-legal-resources/asylum/applying-for-asylum/#.WyozuHMpAwA
Ohhhh... a word was used in a certain way 150 years ago... if we use it today, it MUST mean the same thing! Like awful used to mean worthy of awe, so it absolutely can't mean something terrible. Like gay must mean joyous because that's how it once was used... Like egregious must mean something awesome....
The fact is, that meaning of snowflake didn't spread out of Missouri and didn't endure. The definition of snowflake as it is used today comes from the book Fight Club
>"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone, and we are all part of the same compost pile."
Especially since gun control forces people to rely more on the cops for personal protection. And frequently, the police prove that they have no qualms in violating the rights of minorities.
My Criminal Law professor showed us a report this semester that detailed the NYPD's abuses against New York's LGBTQ community.
Their language is definitely partisan but they're very much focused on the gun rights. GOA's ratings are based on actual positions and votes. Weakness on gun rights will actually hurt a Republican's GOA rating and Democrats don't score poorly on party affiliation alone. Hell, fucking Barbara Feinstein has a 33%! (That also makes me think that the handful of 0's you see are probably just not graded.)
Additionally, they stay in their damn lane. GOA is all about the gun rights. they're not complaining about who uses what bathroom or giving Ajit Pai awards or any of that shit.
And most of all, GOA is active! Look at the gun cases working their way through the courts and you'll see GOA is very involved. GOA was also a major force in driving Heller and MacDonald, not the NRA who sorta jumped on board at the last minute.
So yeah, I could definitely do with less "liberals this, liberals that" in the mailers they send me but I'll keep donating because they're actually doing the work.
Why are you using a Lead-acid battery as your reference? They have terrible energy density.
This LiIon car battery has a 864kJ capacity in 6.6 lb.
Consider this as a secondary support purchase- How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety:
Here is a great story of a victim of domestic violence who used firearms and firearms training to rebuild https://www.amazon.com/Heels-Holster-surviving-relationship-discovering-ebook/dp/B089JDZGTK/ref=sr\_1\_1?dchild=1&keywords=shirley+watral&qid=1624823338&sr=8-1
Buy some cheap plastic ammo cans on Amazon and some padlocks and you’re all set.
Plano 131250 1312 Ammo Box https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005IURN5M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ZXYEBbZN1GHSW
Lion Locks 5PLS Keyed-Alike Padlock, 1-9/16-inch Wide 2-inch Shackle, 12-Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016QR4NIA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_XYYEBbDS3TQ59
I saw them on amazon too but I ordered straight from armalaser. I got the green instead of red laser (brighter and better battery life) so it was 150 instead of 100. This is the one:
ArmaLaser Designed to fit Bersa Thunder 380 TR16G Super-Bright Green Laser Sight with Grip Activation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N7GL5DG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ePgiFbRVQJEGK
One regulation Trump got rid of allowed residents of nursing homes to sue if they are abused. Now nursing homes can abuse the elderly without repercussions. Some people consider that good news, but I don't.
This review provides some pretty solid evidence for this.
I highly recommend this IWB Kydex because it covers the magazine release. It's amazing how many holsters for the LCP2 don't.
Also a Hogue grip.
Love my LCP2. Awesome firearm. Congrats.
To add - it looks like you're using a self-signed cert for your personal website (which has since been suspended) which doesn't match shootliberally.com. You should be getting a legit cert from letsencrypt.org. Depending on your host, they may even have a one-click wizard for it.
> and not an apocalypse. Words mean things
I qualified it twice. I can't think of a word that sums up 'being thrust into the state of nature in a hostile environment for a certainly temporary but potentially long period of time'.
Likewise, every dictionary I've checked defines 'apocalypse' as an event that causes widespread destruction. The Cambridge Dictionary specifically uses Katrina in it's example.
Something else that you can get for practice without spend $$$ on ammo is getting one of the laser snap caps ($20-$100) and the apps that track it. This is one that I got for practicing with my pistol ($40 right now) in my place. Couple different apps out there but I feel like it definitely helps me. Now I just need to find one for my AR as well. They're also helpful for getting an optic 90% zero'd
So this? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MQEA9CR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_weoiFbMT4ESN7
What other parts would I need to connect to the stock? And what exact type of sling? I feel like such a noob lol 🤦♂️
That's what years of training (read: watching The Price is Right when home sick from school) will get you.
Edit: the example shown is probably this one. My guess is "vet owned company" is what sold them, despite the fact that you can find this exact sight from multiple different vendors, and they all come from China. A bit ironic, honestly.
> But it's not.
>A: Bullshit. B: Taken off the street does not mean confiscating all guns
Shit if you got a way to get the guns from the criminals without taking them from law abiding ctizens I'm All ears! cuz you'd be a rich man if you had a real solution!
Take a look at this one. If it is large enough it should fill the rest of your requirements. You'd be hard pressed to find a lower price.
PhysiciansCare by First Aid Only 90294 Titanium Non-Stick First Aid Bandage Shear, 4" Bent, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007D7ZU3A/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_18F5NAJWY0FEG9NJ287V?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I own 2 P320 and multiple other Sig. I also own many different guns was in the military and have done extensive training since I have been out. I carry an Sig P365 every day. Many people have different opinions on what safety is on the gun or preference of how to carry. The truth is everything comes down to training. To train at home you can find dummy bullets (fake bullets) they are called snap caps https://www.amazon.com/ZOOM-15116-Luger-Precision-Snap/dp/B0002IKANW you can use these to practice using the slide to chamber a round or drawing from a holster and firing. You can also buy dummy rounds with a laser that comes on when the gun is fired. These can be used to practice accuracy without going to the range. These are ways to practice until you become comfortable. Many people suggest having a round in chamber and no external safety because most people don't practice enough and in the heat of the moment when you have to use a weapon brain processes fail (this is scientifically proven) and people get hurt or killed. I would have to look it up but a guy (greg ellifritz) did a study in 10s of thousands if real life gun fights and pretty much all of them were over in less than 3 seconds. Remembering to take a safety or chamber a round in the heat of the moment can be over come by thousands for hours of practice and firing more ammo than you can probably afford. By practicing that much it becomes muscle memory and your body will move faster than your brain can process. Also the number one safety is your finger NEVER PUT YOUR FINGER ON THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO FIRE. Also my wife used a waist band soft holster with no issues. For the P320 Sig even did studys due to military and police using them now and without pulling the trigger it is near impossible to accidental discharge that gun even if you shirt or something gets caught in it while holstering the weapon. Also if you have any questions feel free to ask and welcome to the Sig club.
I feel like people advising you here are speaking from a place of...having money. Sometimes you just need the bare minimum that will get the job done in a pinch. I'd love to have a Holosun red dot and a high end Streamlight on all my guns. But I can't and will not be able to for the foreseeable future.
My Olight Baldr Mini 600 laser/light combo works great. It's not beefy enough for my AR, but works great for pistols and even my PCC. I use it on my P320, and everyone is saying it's inaccurate but...it nails nearly dead on 10-15 yards. I don't think I could shoot a fly out of the air with it, but if you put that laser on someone's chest they're going to get hit when you pull the trigger. Way faster than using irons in a stressful situation.
And I tried a few garbage Amazon flashlights for my AR, and this one has been the best. I'd like to upgrade eventually, don't think I'd trust this one to long-term survive the apocalypse, but it's solid, still works after a ton of rounds have gone past it, and at the end of the day it does what I need it to: it throws a lot of light where my gun is pointing. I'm not deploying to Afghanistan with it.
If you’re just worried about trigger safety, this nifty little thing allows you to index correctly and not have the bulk of a full holster. Just grip it and rip it on the paracord: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07JB4QWJF/?coliid=I1KV6B9OH454WD&colid=3LANXSN0MXTRV&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
This one - a little practice and you can load a mag in a couple seconds.
Sure I went to Jax yesterday in the market for a soft case and all they had were hella expensive Voodoo bags. Walked over to look how much more the Pelican ones were going to be since I have a pelican case for my MacBook, this one was $150 same as the Amazon price. And if this specific case isn’t long enough (this is 14.5” barrel” the V800 is only $200. And I mean a case isn’t where you want to cheap out, you just spent (ballpark) two grand on this whole beautiful machine, protect it!
I second Guerilla. They are family, so to speak(left leaning) However, there are multiple cheaper options on Amazon, since it is a more popular hand gun. Unless you want a light bearing option, this is the way to go. This one is highly rated, and affordable.
Amberide IWB KYDEX Holster Fit: Sig Sauer P365XL Pistol | Inside Waistband | Adjustable Cant | US KYDEX Made https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085KW9H8C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_19TH8DV3Y9NV3YBHD9SX?psc=1
You can only make it to the range once I awhile. But there is a way to practice at home with a pistol that both feels real, Is very accurate at ten yards. I'm talking dime and quarter size groups. It also has a excellent trigger. A single stroke pneumatic that shoots .177 pellets at 415fps. The gun will cost you including a tin of pellets about $40
Now you can practice anywhere at anytime.
Beeman Sportsman Series Deluxe Air Pistol - Model 2004 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000W30UAA/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_glc_fabc_Z2JJ4MSE87CTW5ZK8TXB
All cable locks will let it open.
You're supposed to use a padlock on those front corner holes to keep it closed.
(I just usecheesy $5 luggage locks, because the plastic case is the weak point anyway)
Cable lock would go through the holes on the hinge side of the case, and be used to secure the case to something, like the seat bracket in your vehicle when you're transporting.
I use a Concealment Express IWB holster but I'm super limited because Jericho 941s don't have many holster options. There are definitely MUCH better options for you having a Glock. Every company makes glock holsters and that's one of the reasons I might get a glock next year because of the endless accessories and upgrades you can get. Some companies only make Glock holsters. Someone else would be better at giving you holster recommendations.
However, for a belt, I have two of these https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081581FXG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share and they're awesome. Made in the USA and use genuine Cobra buckles. I recommend buying a size larger than what the fit guide says you should get. You want more slack if you're going to carry IWB.
Taking a class from a reputable instructor to ensure good fundamentals and get an unbiased eye on your draw, grip, and trigger pull would help too.
This is also a good book for keeping yourself sharp when you can’t access a range.
The Dry Fire Primer https://www.amazon.com/dp/1983427535/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BSKcGbNJK8GXW
This is actually the fundamental argument against "crony" Capitalism that Robert Reich makes in the book Saving Capitalism.
The summary is that as long as you agree that a democratic government has any role in anything, there can never be a clear delineation about what should and should not be allowed which is to say, that everyone favors some amount of control and socialism. We just bicker about how much. The real Constitutional challenge is to distill it down to the most basic elements of what the government should and should not influence.
Get the Howard Leight Max earplugs. 200 pairs is $20. As far as I am aware they are the highest NRR ear protection you can find. They get an amazing seal. I do a ton of competition shooting and used to get headaches after matches but have not had any issues since switching to these. I suggest pairing them with some basic electronic earmuffs like the Howard Leight Impact Sports or Pros. Adding muffs only adds 2-3 Db reduction, but muffs help a lot of concussion, which you'll want indoors.
Hearing only goes one way so it is extremely important to protect it with the best offerings available. The super expensive electronic ear pro are often worse at actually protecting your hearing and are also much easier to unintentionally break the seal on. Highest rated muffs I am aware of are the Howard Leight Pros, which have a NRR of 30, but again, NRR doesn't stack linearly.
The important thing to check is the Noise Reduction Rating (NRR). It's in dB, and the higher the better.
I use Walker's XCEL, which are rated at 26dB.
The rating that you need will depend on what your range is like. Especially if it's an indoor range, you may want to double up with foamies under the muffs.
I've been carrying an extra pair of magazines for my 43X IWB at 9:00 with these for a couple of months.
I put this on my mlok AR, its flashlight with mount. Seems to be OK enough quality, and you can swap out the switch types.
I’d spend a bit extra $ and get something like this:
As far as an actual sling...? So many choices. Do you want some stretch in your sling? Going 2-point? Do you want to adjust it on the fly? I saw a pic on this sub a few days ago where it looked like the poster knotted an old-style marine-rope sling. That’s why it’s like a Barbie: you’ll buy one thing and then see something else that may suit your purposes better.
Keep asking questions, looking at other’s submissions, peruse gear online, and TEST YOUR GEAR. You can’t tell if something really works until you’ve put some rounds through the rifle.
I got me a set of these about a year ago and they are awesome. I haven't used them at an indoor range yet (I hate indoor ranges) but I would double up on plugs as well regardless if it was electronic or not.
No need for another picture. You have a couple options. You can do an OLD SCHOOL web sling. Or you can do a sling with clips. There are a few REALLY cheap one out there stop stay away from. I've broken the plastic hardware of a couple, and one I've busted the stitching on. I swear I'm not an abusive man.
Currently this one I run. Beefy material, beefy stitches, vegan-like colors. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076LZVX2G?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Savior Equipment American Classic Tactical Double Short Barrel Rifle Gun Case Firearm Bag - Suitable for Subgun Bullpups Carbine Shotgun SMG SBR AR AK Pistol, Available Length in 24" 28" 32" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KX7SN4N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UGlgFbEMV56R5
Savior Equipment American Classic Tactical Double Short Barrel Rifle Gun Case Firearm Bag - Suitable for Subgun Bullpups Carbine Shotgun SMG SBR AR AK Pistol, Available Length in 24" 28" 32" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KX7SN4N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UGlgFbEMV56R5
If that paracord sling gets uncomfortable, YSK that the dirt cheap ones on Amazon tend to hold up just fine. It's this style of import sling, and if you poke around you can find them under $10. However, don't skimp out on the QD mounts, the cheap ones are a very common failure point, so pony $30 and get some Bravo Company Manufacturing ones.
Get a safariland 7ts with ubl mount. Should cost you about 60ish total. They have them on amazon and on safariland.
That should get you what you want (fyi that's a left handed). Also, drop legs genuinely suck. They flop around even if tight and are a lot of added mass on your leg when moving.
I determined a while back that either my basic morality must change (unlikely), or my political position must shift to agree with it. That's how I ended up voluntarist (anarchist) today. I stopped advocating for policies based on what I thought of them at first glance in a vacuum, and started seriously examining my own basic morality, and consequently whether any policies were in conflict with it. Only then did I move on to studies of economics, with which I've become fascinated. For a thorough, yet layman-accessible examination of ethical/moral principle and the legitimacy of the state, I highly recommend Prof. Michael Huemer's The Problem of Political Authority. It is very dispassionate like a good academic publication should be, but I still found it riveting.
So I don't advocate the Libertarian party either, though in my studies I see significant merit to the associated economic policies even aside from their moral benefits. I highly recommend Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson.
I am also against taking one's shirt off on stage during a political convention. However, I of course will not try to stop anyone from becoming as nude as they wish. ;)
Haha, alright, my pitch is over. :)
Maybe? Sometimes? I dunno. Sounds like what I used to believe, so perhaps you'd find interest in modern American left-libertarianism? Also, though one should obviously not overly rely on a political quiz, I'll mention that I found the Vote 1 app to be uncannily good. Maybe check it out.
Link to app:
>The Vote 1 political spectrum is not just progressive left wing and right wing, but builds on the work of the political compass to give a two-axis spectrum of political ideology from collectivist (eg communism) to individual and from liberal(eg social democracy) to authoritarian(eg fascism) positions. Similarly, it shows the difference between progressive liberalism and conservative philosophy is not primarily economics, but attitudes to civil liberty. It allows anarcho capitalist and libertarian philosophy to be properly placed as an extension of liberal politics, not of Donald Trump and Republican Party's conservative philosophy. This spectrum also allows for the trains of radical progressive Marxist and communist thought which followed Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin(Luxemburg, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao) to be appropriately separated from liberal positions such as Hillary Clinton's Democratic Party. Similarly, it allows the true direction of national socialism to be identified as a radical reactionary extension of centrist populism to the left of fascist Mussolini, rather than just being radically conservative. The differences between the positions of the Democratic Party of Hillary Clinton, Republican Party of Donald Trump, Libertarian Party of Gary Johnson and Green Party of Jill Stein as well as others like the Constitution Party can be clearly displayed to assist your 2016 election vote for government, president, senate and congress.
Chest holsters are worthless for concealed carry, because most take two hands and are very difficult to avoid printing or flagging. Have you considered shoulder holsters? I know many people who carry that way and love it.
Chest holsters are more for backpackers and campers in bear country.
If I had to recommend one it would be this:
It's a derivative of the M3 holster that can act as a shoulder holster or a chest holster depending how the strap is adjusted. Shoulder holster is better for concealment; chest holster is better if you're wearing a backpack.
I love this one in particular because if you can sew enough to redo one seam, it is universal for every pistol I own. It fits a Glock 19 or p320 with or without a flashlight and all kinds of 1911s. Didn't break during an entire deployment carrying an M17 with a flashlight in it.
But there are a lot of shoulder holster designs that are entirely one handed, that would be better for EDC than this.
Best bag I've found is a tennis racket bag like this. My Sub2000 fits great, and so does my Extar EP9.
There are competing products, and this one seems to have some QC issues judging by some of the reviews…but I’ve at least had good luck with mine.
1.5 rifles? Is that like 2.3 kids and 1.7 dogs?
How many gatcats do you own? Asking for a subreddit.
OK, serious answer though:
If you can't do some kind of locked-case-under-the-bed deal that you're comfortable with / will fit your planned purchases my recommendation would be a variant of the Stack-On case with an alerting system added on to it. In my case I have a Stack-On cabinet with a basic Z-Wave door/window sensor inside tied to my home automation system - when the door opens the sensor registers it and pages me.
Other solutions are available that do their own paging if you don't have a convenient home automation platform to do it for you.
Owning a Stack-On gun cabinet I would note two things:
Like all gun safes/cabinets their capacity estimate is "optimistic"
Some of us don't want our guns so packed in they bang against each other when you want to get one out.
Carpet the inside of the long gun safe.
Buy some carpet tiles or a roll of low-pile scrap and some clear "no-foam" Gorilla Glue & cover all the spots you might bang a gun into taking it in or out. Even being pretty careful I'm constantly bumping my carpeted edges. (Plus the carpet makes the whole thing sound less flimsy and crappy when you touch it).
My second choice would be the gun safe in the guest room/office/bedroom, possibly set up with a similar alert-me-if-someone-opens-you system.
As far as "discreetly storing ammo" mine is discreetly taking up a whole-ass shelf in a closet, and if you're poking around in my closets without permission you're already in trouble. A hardwood chest or doors in the bottom cubby of an Ikea bookshelf would work too though, and it wouldn't take up precious closet space. If I weren't already using the bottom of my Ikea bokshelf for something I'd probably do that myself!
> So, how do I bring a gun into the shooting ranges? Do I need a case?
As others have said, definitely get a case. It can be anything from a cheap Allen rifle case through any of the various Savior cases, or even a hard case. I'd suggest one of the Savior two-rifle case that you can conveniently throw your .22 and whatever gun you get next in for a range day.
> I also plan on getting some safety classes as well, but I need some advice for my first time at the range
My best advice here, aside from bringing your guns in cased, is "Go with someone else who knows the range and its rules." If that isn't an option the next best thing is to let the range staff know you're new to the range and to shooting: Someone will give you a basic overview of the range and the rules, and they'll probably keep an eye on you in case if you have any questions or problems.
> Does a gun count as an asset? So do guns add to someone’s net worth?
If you own it free and clear, yes - it is an asset.
You're really asking "Is it a meaningful asset?" though, and a modern-production .22LR rifle probably isn't a meaningful asset: You're not going to sell it for more than you got it for (accounting for inflation you'll probably sell it for less than you got it for), and if you flip it quick you're not going to get enough money to cover a major life emergency or anything.
(There are guns that would be meaningful assets, but unless you've got way more money than I did at 19 you're not likely to be purchasing them. )
Overkill for you ATM, but many people, including myself, have this one. Never seen a complaint.
Lots of room for anything else you're bringing.
I just figured this out myself on the same rifle with the same handguard. I ended up with this light on this mount. I like it a lot.
Lol, the pistol came with a HK bag that has a spot for a Velcro patch, I got this for it https://www.amazon.com/Nakatomi-Plaza-Security-Morale-Attach/dp/B07TQLKHT3/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=CCKNEFRLIZXY&keywords=nakatomi+patch&qid=1670719509&sprefix=nakatomi+patch%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-2
No milling required. I have an identical RIA 1911 10mm with this slide attachment and a red dot. I’ve shot hundreds of rounds with this installed and so far so fantastic.
Ade Advanced Optics Tactical Mini... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01L97361W?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I first saw it used in the 1980s in gun magazines and it seemed like it was created by gun manufacturers to sell military style guns to civilians. I’ve still got a copy of this on my shelf. But they’re all too happy to pretend it’s a term made up by anti gun politicians.
They’re great little guns. Very few people have anything negative say about them.
The one problem that usually gets reported it the front of the recoil spring eating into the slide, and possibly causing a crack.
The solution most of us went with:
Not too much for a little added security. Or you can switch out for a TX22 Competition slide. They run about $200 on the Taurus website.
You must be new.
I’m sure your realize the A+ is paid for… look at the reviews.
When you don’t know what you’re talking about, close your mouth. I attest these guys are far right shits. The evidence is clear they are an awful company. You’re coming onto the INTERNET bitching about personal experience/statements not being enough for you. You’re a bag of tools and likely drunk.
For future cleanup, I'd suggest trying a plastic bristle brush and either some isopropyl alcohol or CLP.
Acid brushes are good semi-disposable dusting/cleaning options. Cut the bristles to about half length to stiffen them up a bit and they work great and are cheap enough to toss when they start losing bristles or get too gunked up.
I'm not super worried but I did arm up a bit more. It's simply unpatriotic to kill your fellow citizens because of a difference of political opinion.
It is patriotic to care for your fellow Americans.
That being said, I got my American Flag and rainbow flag up. I don't support businesses that plaster their lawns with Trump signs and I encourage the women I know to take hand gun safety classes that are offered for women only.
The guy that asked at one of those Repub conf "when do we get to go all second amendment on them" really had me worried. Unpatriotic filth he was.
I encourage all the true patriots, on here, to read Drew Westen's book: The Political Brain
Yes. There are lots of hard cases that come with a kit so you cut the exact dimensions of whatever firearm you have. I don’t have a gun safe so all mine are in individual cases locked up tight. Here is the Amazon’s link: https://www.amazon.com/Case-Club-Pre-Made-Waterproof-Accessory/dp/B01LYF1O8U?pd_rd_w=u423h&content-id=amzn1.sym.fea327c4-5fbe-469f-b9dd-c809442d925d&pf_rd_p=fea327c4-5fbe-469f-b9dd-c809442d925d&pf_rd_r=8DEE7RF0TV79J46YRPKX&pd_rd_wg...
Generally true, but if the manufacturer has their own store on Amazon then you should be fine.
For zeroing, consider getting a laser bore sighter - one like this is about $30 shipped and made zeroing easy enough I finally got through my backlog of inherited rifles that weren't even on paper at 100 yds. 5 minutes with a laser replaced 30 minutes at the range.
For spotting scopes, I don't have any great recommendations. I'll be watching this thread since I'm also thinking about getting one to skip the jog out to the 300m target line.
Reloads are fine, as long as they are done properly.
The brass expands after fired so it should have no dents after being fired, and the reload should press the brass back in to shape. Any half-assed press should compress the entire casing back down into proper shape. 178-184 vs 180-184 is really not that big of a difference. that like <1% change in the variance.
However if these are mixed and sketchy looking they could contain vastly different powder at the same weight.
Get a very cheap backlit microscope:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00XNYXQHE/ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SR7YPV5
And you can check everything everyone else is suggesting, just 10 times easier.
https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Shooting-Training-Benjamin-Stoeger/dp/B08T43T7KM^ for shooting. Fastest actual program to getting to an adequate level of performance.
If she can pull it off, appendix is recommended. PHLster enigma since she's a woman and fashion is a thing. P365XL is incredibly popular due to the adequate shoot ability, great concealability, comfort, and capacity.
And don't forget several thousand rounds of ammo to get good.
I have a Monstrum compact light on my Mossberg Maverick Security. No complaints!
These grips (standard 1911):
Cool Hand in Coyote - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01I90267W
And these adapters (so the GSG will take 1911 milspec screws)
NicTaylor 1911 22LR Grip Screw Bushings for Sig and GSG https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SGGXN3B
I don't really have a recommendation, it depends on the style of glass you wear as there are different shapes of them. I have these though (no longer wear glasses but still use them as regular eye-pro) and they worked well, but if you have rimless or different shaped glasses there are ones like these. There are lots of options though, just make sure they are at least ANSI Z87.1 certified, or for a bit more protection MIL-PRF-31013 (the first one I liked are).
It's the type that resembles a rifle cartridge, similar to this one:
I don't see how the units that fit multiple calibers could be accurate enough to be worthwhile.
But you can get speed loaders for it, if you want.