Here's it's SourceForge page. If you're using the KXStudio repositories you can find it there also however not sure if it's the newest version. It's a neat little softsynth. Here's a formant demo (by Nicholas Pasty). I tried it out by with an LFO switching the formant on 16th notes and it sounded pretty tight.
If you are using an internal instrument or sample in LMMS, you can automate the pitch knob , which it's set to 1 semitone i believe, but if you change the range value (the number that it's next to the pitch knob set the amount of semitones -12 for a full octave-), you can make an extreme pitch bend.
You can check my tutorial on how to make a Riser on LMMS (which includes a pitch bend) to see how it works -->
If you are using a VST/synth, try to see if it's possible to automate the pitch via an LFO inside the synth (with Vital is very easy), you can have more control.
If you're in the piano roll editor, your computer keyboard should automatically act as a piano.
You can find more information on the bottom of this page:
Here's a direct link to the key mappings:
Do you know how to use lmms piano roll? You need to add the following instrument plugin in your project list of instruments :
Then you can open the plug in and click on it to choose a sound font file to be processed by lmms and choose which instrument you can use.
Try to look for "lmms sound font" on YouTube to see the layout of a project using that kind of instruments. It is pretty simple once you learn where the plug in buttons are.
from the official website:
> If your distribution offers VST support (requires the installation of Wine) it is generally offered in a separate package. For example, using the KXStudio repository, run this command in a terminal. > > $ sudo apt-get install lmms-vst-full
Alternatively, if you're not running a debian-like distro, you can compile from source.
There is a VST version of Zyn, but I'm not sure if it will run into the same issue as the built in version:
No synths will sound particularly good until you learn some sound design though, so I wouldn't dismiss the built in synths.
Yes. If you want to use a premade one, you can look through the themes on the LSP here and download + unzip one.
If you want to make your own, make a copy of the default theme file (from your installation folder).
Place the theme folder you downloaded or copied somewhere outside LMMS's install directory (so it won't be removed if you uninstall LMMS), then configure your "Themes Directory" in LMMS under File > Settings > Directories.
Now you can edit the icons and style.css file in the theme folder as you wish.
Usually the drivers of USB keyboards expose it as a MIDI input. Check if your drivers are working I guess. If they are, set the MIDI input for an instrument as usual.
I started using LMMS without knowing anything about it, what helps you is to play with the controls till you understand how they works. But yeah, there is a wiki in the official page explaining how they work (btw that page needs more information).
Hi, you can create an automation track and attach a control knob to be controlled to it. See this link.
For example, you can create an automation track. Press control and drag the Song's BPM over the automation track. Now every change on that track will change your song's tempo. You can for example make your song a bit slower like I did in this video section.
By using an automation track you can also change the song's tempo. Create another automation track and drag the tempo's number holding ctrl over the new track.
It is weird that your song is starting with the tempo 5/4. Are you using a pre-made project? Maybe it is already using an automation track or with the global automation track editted for this tempo. If you have more questions free feel to ask here.
If you download this file and remix it, and post it at, you'll officially be part of our collaboration.
I'm High On, Calro is remixing my track "ideality" right now, when he's done with that, we'll want you to remix that too.
If you have any mmp files you want to add to the project, just post them on that site and I'll remix them right away.
The LMMS wiki is very useful, I found this page with tested VSTs that work with LMMS ( I actually don't know how to use them XD ), most of the time playing around with plugins helps get a feel for them. Looking up words like "bandwidth" ( or some term you don't know ) on Google helps a lot too. ;)
for some stock synths, you can use the pitch bend function in the piano roll to wobble the pitch rapidly to achieve a vibrato effect. i believe this option is only possible for NEScaline, Freeboy, Bitinvader, 3xOsc, and maybe one or two more. this can be done for almost any other synth/instrument as well, but will require the use of a pitch shifting effect plugin and an automation track.
i have a chiptune track on the sharing platform that uses this method, you can download it and check it out here
you can ad effects via lmms but record via audacity.
also this: is a good site for finding free open source software for specific tasks like the one you are asking
I know the image is scuffed but you have to trust me, this is not an ordinary LMMS track.
This was the longest song I've ever made and the longest it has ever taken me to do so after taking a step back and reevaluating this whole production thing.
I know it's not trap, hyperpop or speedcore, but you are still gonna want to listen. It's definitely a song in which I thought outside the box (and that might as well be my identity at this point.)
Lastly, I don't know if this is against the rules (I couldn't find a statement saying I can't do this), but here is the actual LMMS file. If everything was done correctly, all 47 song tracks should already be in your LMMS library if you choose to download the song.
There are programs that take off the borders of windows to make them full screen, you could try that.
Here one I found on github
So, quick question. Do you want to play a different instruments or different samples? If it is the latter, you can use the Grace plugin (its free).
Here is a link to the website to download it:
And here is a link to a youtube video showing how to use it: (At about 1:20, the person shows how to map samples to the pads/keys.)
However, if you mean the former, I am not sure that you can have the keys playing one instrument and the pad playing something else. I have the Akai LPD8 (Pads and Knobs) and I can assign the pads to the grace plugin and assign the knobs to control something else like the volume of another instrument. But if I link my LPD8 to two different instruments, such triple oscillator and futurebass, is plays them at the same time.
I hope that's a little helpful.
In addition to what Corby said, you can try using Zyn via VeSTige. The VST version is available here. Then you might be able to use the "Control VST Plugin from LMMS host" feature (wrench icon in the plugin window) to automate parameters.
I always recommend this whenever people ask about synths. It's versatile, easy to use, and had a bunch of pretty cool presets
Helm is a pretty beasty synth, good for dark/heavy music or FX, with LOTS of options to play with, and like, almost too many presets, but in a good way. I usually pick one of them and news around with it until I get what I was after
Personally I use the Helm synth. It's a rather basic synth, but I like that you can add envelopes and LFOs to literally every parameter it has. It also outputs much better quality results (IMHO) than any built in synth, save ZynAddSubFX, which is about 100x more complex to use than Helm.
EDIT: If you don't mind getting your hands dirty with compiling code yourself, Zyn Fusion, an updated version of ZynAddSubFX is a good thing to have as well. Functionally it's the same than the built in one, but the UI is more modern looking and, more importantly, not split into a million different popups. I've lost count of how many times I was desperately alt-tabbing through all the ZynAddSubFX's popup windows in the search of the one I needed.
Creating a soundfont file could work. A lot of soundfont drum packages have kits with different sounds for each key. Here's a rather detailed tutorial someone made on creating custom soundfonts. I hope this helps somewhat!
It's not that the built-in synths are bad, it's more like you need to have a good understanding of how synthesizers work and what all the sliders, buttons and settings do to get good sounds out of them.
I found it a lot easier to just use one of the presets that come with LMMS and tweak them to get the sound I'm after.
Or even better, use soundfonts! LMMS has a great built-in soundfont player and there are great soundfont files floating around the internet for free (and legal too). Check the bottom of this page in the Musescore manual to find out where to download them:
You can get pretty amazing sounds by combining soundfonts with various effects as well.
Not sure what kind of soundfonts you're looking for exactly, but GeneralUser GS is what I use most of the time - it fits all kinds of different styles, it sounds great and it's free.
Also check out the bottom of this page by Musescore on soundfonts:
There's a sharing platform made by LMMS: Here you can download other's projects and learn to make music. You could search for tutorials on Youtube, too. For the sound effect, I recommend researching for samples(audio file) on the internet, making sound effects by yourself when you were just a newbie is extremely hard. Good luck on your future game.
Basically ctrl and drag the pan pot to a point you create in the automation track. You'll need to create a pan point for each point in the left to right.
More on using automation here:
It's just like adding a regular effect to a track, except you're using a VST not a LADSPA effect. You should be playing the soundfont 'through' the effect, not trying to play the VST effect itself (this would be like trying to 'play' a reverb setting).
that was my first thought. if that's the case, without having to reinstall LMMS< he could grab another theme from - , but provided the file menu EDIT-->Settings is accessible - and if the audio path widget is accessible or visible still! (may not be due to the theme missing). -- perhaps he could try the control panel's add/remove programs and see if LMMS has a 'repair installation' option (i use it in lmms, so i can't check)
I am new to LMMS as well and I have been reading the manual:
It's clearly laid out for someone with no experience. I would highly recommend reading it. Happy beat-making!
Have you tried to use the latest appimage instead of installing lmms from your distribution's repositories ? The appimage you can download it from LMMS homepage download section
I think you can use a lot of the standard computer hotkeys in LMMS.
So while the piano roll is focused (like, you click on the piano roll window), you can do (on windows) Ctrl-A to select all notes in that piano roll element.
Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V also work (copy/cut/paste). You can also hold down Ctrl to drag select in a rectangle shape.
Here is a fairly complete list of hotkeys and keymappings in LMMS:
Edit: quick check: are you running the 32 or 64 bit version? Is your OS 32 or 64 bit?
Hmm. That's a very good question. If you're on 1.2.1, it really should be stable. If we can't figure this out it should be a bug report.
For starters though, you could ask in the #support channel of the LMMS Discord:
I'll try to check in tomorrow to see if you've figured it out, but hopefully someone else can help you before then.
This seems to be a workaround to automate parameters using a chosen note's velocity as the source of the automation. The idea is to use a very low note (that you can filter out later) and every time it's played a MIDI filter will send its velocity as a signal to a control channel, that will actually control the parameter you want. It's a bit complicated and I'm still figuring it out, meaning I couldn't get it working yet. I decided to post it anyways, because maybe someone more experienced have done it before or can get it to work and we can help each other. It looks like a very useful workaround.
If it works for you please let me know, so I can figure out what went wrong here!
If you go to the LMMS foruns, and you will find a list with all the tested VST's that you can use with LMMS.
Virtually most VST plugins are compatible with LMMS, so this should not be a problem.
Like any other application, you will have to learn the basics of how many of the basic stuff work, like EQ, compression, etc... So take your time to learn that as you are producing your own melodies.
Not every VST works 100% correct for LMMS. If you want to use a new VST its best to do a little test save to see if anything gets corrupted. Thats still not a sure way to avoid this but it will better your chances. It also kinda depends on the OS you are using, you can check this list to see the status of tested VSTs.
I lost projects to this before too, making backups and otherwise saving often will minimize the pain :/
You can try with automation, basically you decrease the instrument volume at the wished time (during the last note of part one) May be worth a try More on automations I don't know which instrument you are using, does velocity does nothing to it? (Like on the piano)
Stuff I see float around a lot here is "What are good free and LMMS compatible alternatives to [X plugin]?" Could be a good idea to throw this list in there for ease of access to that sort of thing.
Sometimes if you're looking for the more extreme form of the "autotune" effect there's the vocoder among the LADSPA FX. Perhaps not a true autotune, but it still has potential to produce that "singing robot" like sound.
Make folder for vst in your home folder and ensure that fisrt you have wine installed and ensure you point to right folder in lmms preferences.
Heyo, lmms can get hick ups with certain VSTs. If you want to see wich VSTs definately work look at this chart (Overture is not in there I looked)
I had problems loading DSK VSTs before, so I guess their products are a bit more problematic than other VSTs... Havent found a workaround yet and Im not sure if thats even possible :/ Maybe we´ll have to wait for a new version
Any VST made as a DLL for Windows can work if you also have Wine installed.
See: Tested VSTs list and and VeSTige
I personally recommend TAL Noisemaker and MinimogueVA.
I think you made a great choice. You can do great music with lmms + good sample libraries + vst plugins. I would take a look to Audacity and Ardour too.
Here you can find A GREAT compilation of video tutorials:
Have fun!
I could provide some examples (/explanations) of stuff I've done with TripleOscillator tomorrow if you'd like, but probably nothing useful for eurobeat (and maybe not to your taste at all).
You can probably solve the clicking if you turn your release up a bit and then turn the sustain up until the clicks stop (in the volume envelope). Clicks at the start of the sound can be solved with a short attack.
I can understand avoiding WINE, it does seem a bit complicated to me. Maybe look into carla in that case.
There is a button in the Piano Roll Tool Bar that looks like the Play and Record buttons mixed, I can't remember if it plays the whole project while recording or just the segment of instrument track.
sizemore0409 offers advice for this. It also works for DSK instruments and ZynAddSubFx samples. If you import them as waves, you can open them in the audio file processor.
>The beta is bound to change more before release, and that is bound to break/change things in your projects
No. Moving from 1.1.3 to 1.2 doesn't break projects, and neither does going between 1.2 beta versions. I've updated the beta version several times with no issue. The remaining changes before 1.2 releases are all minor issues (mostly bugfixes) that won't affect project files.
>Even the LMMS download page says: > >"Downloads labeled Beta are pre-release software, stability may suffer."
The key word is "may". I'm well aware of what beta means, but in the case of 1.2 it really is more stable.
I would not recommend upgrading until it's actually a stable release. The beta is bound to change more before release, and that is bound to break/change things in your projects, if you are using the beta versions. That is not stable.
Even the LMMS download page says:
"Downloads labeled Beta are pre-release software, stability may suffer."
Also, I don't think version 1.1.3 has a metronome. I know, a DAW without a simple metronome is just stupid, and a bit of a glaring oversight. Or maybe I'm just stupid, and missing it? Thankfully they've fixed that for 1.2.
However, if you are using v1.1.3, you can simulate a metronome using the BBE (Beat+Bassline Editor). Just add the "sidestick01.ogg" drum sample that comes with LMMS (sidebar > my samples tab > drums folder) to the BBE, put a hit on each beat, and make the first hit (first beat) a little louder than the rest. You now have a metronome.
The SF2 player is just one plugin to play sounds, you can use others as the ZynAddSub and many more, take a look at the following link to see LMMS native instrument plugins:
Used: ChoriumRevA.SF2, SGM-V2.01.sf2, Titanic 200 GM-GS SoundFont 1.2.sf2, 459-GuitarSetPasisHeavyAndClean.sf2, Dethmetal.SF2, kbh-real_choir.sf2, Watsyn and ZunAddSubFX Project link:
The sample is just a sound file (like .wav) and a preset is a file that loads the instrument (plugin) and contains all kind of settings for make a sound.
Edit: This site contains good samples for your works:
And there are presets available in the LMMS sharing platform:
The LMMS forums deleted my post, so I assume this is what they're already trying to do with the LSP and the forums in the first place.
So... I've already remixed 10 different people at, and I think what really needs to change, and actually has changed since I started posting there, is for people to remix each others' tracks for the most part instead of posting their own original tracks.
If we all just stick to remixing and sharing our project files, we can make this happen. I don't think any of us working on our own is going to make it the way all of us working together could.
If you want a solid starter controller, I can recommend the X3 Mini. It has 3 octaves of 95% keys. They feel quite nice, and they have adjustable curves for velocity detection. It's basically all anodized aluminum, and it even has a full-sized MIDI DIN connector on the back (as well as USB). I suck at playing, so I haven't used it as much as I would like; however, it's an awesome piece of kit to start out with.
What is your budget? I own a 25 key alesis vmini midi keyboard. Though it is good, I felt it would be best to have at least 49 keys. This way the lower octaves are easily accessible. So I would suggest you go for something like this -
I would recommend such headphones: Superlux HD681 (, They are not expensive and the sound quality is really good. I use them and I've heard the problem with the drums exactly ;)