Muneeza a MM practitioner recommends some things for period cramps. This is all MM info too.
She recommends these base liquid supplements to bring down viral inflammation in the pelvic area as a foundation for healing period problems over time. - B12, Zinc, Micro C, Lysine, Cats Claw, Lemon Balm, and Licorice root as a base line. On top of that should be Nettle, and Raspberry leaf, lots of curcumin/turmeric supplement, Magnesium, and passionflower and California poppy.
She says that a high dose curcumin/turmeric supplement combined with a good dose of magnesium can knock out period cramps easily. What dose curcumin/turmeric are you using right now? Are you using the vimergy brand? If so how many capsules are you taking? What about magnesium? Are you taking that at all?
The Curcumin/turmeric supplement can be taken in high amounts for cramps (10-15 capsules as a high dose) Same using Lemon balm liquid supplement. We can take up to 16 dropper full a day if we needed to for relief. So sometimes using only a small amount of a supplement is not enough to make a quicker difference.
-Moist heat packs: Moist heat pack
You can use this on the place of the cramps. Muneeza says this helps too. (No Dry heat packs like a heating pad).
A potent period cramp tea is a Nettle leaf, Lemon Balm, and Red Raspberry Leaf tea combination.
I am so happy you found relief with the tea! It has help me so much too. I still drink ginger lemon balm every night before bed :) Sometime mix in another like licorice or nettle.
There is no podcast he says canker sores are not from HSV1 or HSV2.
If you have any type of canker/cold sore/fever blister in or around the mouth, he says that is HSV1 100%.
Strictly following the protocol for 3 months is not going to stop HSV1. Especially if its constantly being fed adrenaline, and outside chemical toxins like perfumes, colognes and air fresheners. HSV1 feeds off those things. Doing the MM protocol strict doesn't automatically stop flares from happening. It takes time to knock down the virus using MM tools and cleaning up the body from viral neurotoxins.
Are you under a large amount of stress? That can cause flare too. There are lots of triggers to learn about and navigate over time.
Tips: Stopping using chemical scents/ chemical cleaners, and environmental toxins.
Making sure you dont have any food at all that feeds the virus. Each time you give it a no food fuel, if you ever do, thats another month or 2 it has a stable food source in the body. Which means more potential for flare.
Packaged products that have the label that it shares equipment with no foods are 100% are cross contaminated. Keep that in mind. And try to avoid this.
Supplements that kill off HSV1:
Fresh Aloe vera leaf: 2 in or more daily. (Just cut open the leaf and fillet the gel off the skin and eat or blend in water) You can also rub the gel on the sores multiple times daily.
Propolis daily internally and used topically on sore as well during flares.
Vimergy Micro-C, and L-lysine are very good at killing off HSV viruses and all viruses.
You can also put raw potato held on top of sore for a bit to help. And steaming them and eating internally is fantastic for killing off viruses.
If you want the full supplement list for HSV1, you can find it in the supplement chapter in "cleanse to heal".
CJ is a really important tool when using MM info.
SOC and AW wrote a whole book on the CJ. I recommend giving a read to this book.
It will tell you everything you could possibly want to know about CJ and why it helps us. And how it helps heal hundreds of conditions.
I dont think its really possible to summarize CJ for how much it helps us. Give the book a read :) Its the shortest of all the MM books.
/u/zzlin713 Yall should watch AW's rumble live he did today :)
May help you understand better about protein and muscles.
Keep up the hard work! Eat as many carbs, glucose, and mineral salts as you wish for the muscle gains. Cant wait to see how you progress over another couple months :)
Yeah I believe he did say it was ok to but not for long periods of time. if you have telegram he talks about them on there I believe.
This is what AW recommends as replacement! Coconut aminos. Its not a healing food, but its not going to feed any bugs like soy. I used it for my first year and half into MM. I loved the 3 variety he has listed.
Officially, this is AW's recommended brand:
In the glass bottle--not aluminum.
I've also heard good things about the Whole Foods 365 brand.
Are you able to get this one?
This is what he has on his supplements directory.
Vimergy doesn’t actually carry mullein anyways😮
interesting, he mentioned it in essential oils:
so those capsules are ok I guess but don't ingest pure oregano essential oil. I've shotrly placed tiny amount of wild oregano oil mixed with water in my mouth and it burned like hell.
Oh shoot I've never heard that explanation before, but that makes so much sense.
I've dropped the smoothie for a little while now, but when I did make it, I froze bulk HMD smoothies in silicone ice cube trays so that I could just pop them into a jar w/ a lid & let them thaw while I got ready (took a couple tries to find out how many cubes = proper serving).
Once I was at work and ready to eat it, I just shook the jar and it broke everything up into a great consistency. It kept it super fresh and cool, and it made my life a lot easier.
If it sounds like it would help you guys save some time, this is the ice cube tray I got, and they'd probably fit best in a mason jar:\_yo2\_dt\_b\_product\_details
They are not good thats for sure. I think coconut water is an amazing switch. Try to opt for the small taste nirvana glass coconut water in a glass bottle. Also you should try getting a bag of navel oranges, cut in half, and squeeze with hand into blender. Having fresh squeezed OJ will be a powerhouse compared to simply processed OJ. Its not to hard I promise. No seeds in navels either.
I use these 2 brands. 1st one is taste nirvana glass bottle premium coconut water (only safer one in the line of coconut waters they have). And next one is called cocosymbiosis. Both of these are recommended throughout MM community.
I discovered this brand when looking for a reef safe sunscreen for Hawaii & I have used it ever since -- on face & everything:\_1\_5?dchild=1&keywords=Kokua+Sun+Care&qid=1622141254&sr=8-5
I think it might be difficult to get mineral sunscreen in a lower spf just because the zinc oxide is SO protective. I am super super sensitive to any kind of sunscreen, so the only kind I’ve found that doesn’t cause me any issues is Australian gold botanical but it’s spf 50. Maybe they have a lower spf one available?
Store bought it fine if it is clean cold pressed juice with ZERO additives. No citric acid, no nothing except 1 ingredient OJ. If its not than you should be squeezing an orange instead of the OJ. The fresh orange squeezed in will be more effective than bottled juice so that should be first option if really wanting to heal quicker. If no option to use oranges a clean cold pressed juice is next best thing.
AW likes lake wood organics for there clean juices.
My opinion is it's part of personality. He is only a year and half so he will be jumping off walls for a while. Very normal cat playtime for healthy cats. I have two kitties. 1 of them is extremely playful and always running around. He is almost 5 and has been like this since kitten.
AW recommends these two brand cats foods. This will help ensure the lowest amount of toxins and fillers entering his body. The less heavy metals the better.
ORIJEN Dry Cat Food, Grain Free, Premium Fresh and Raw Animal Ingredients - Hard food
The Honest Kitchen Human Grade Dehydrated Grain Free Cat Food - Wet food
I recommend using ceramic or glass bowls to prevent metal exposure. These are the only two products of both these brands that AW recommends for cats. The others have some worse ingredients. For example there are 2 flavors of the honest kitchen wet food and the chicken is recommended. Not the turkey due to the larger number of eggs in the mixture.
My boy cat plays with my girl cat all the time when she is not having it. Just cat things.
I would be more concerned when the kitty becomes lethargic and not playful.
I actually bought the below juicer. You do have to work it a little, but I’m pleasantly surprised by how much more juice you get than by hand. You can control the amount of pulp as well!
I definitely hear you on the full dish rack, haha
Cuisinart CCJ-500 Pulp Control Citrus Juicer, Brushed Stainless, Black/Stainless, 1 Piece
I agree with Dandy Blend. Been drinking it for a year. I was so dependent on coffee and now I’m free! But it’s nice to have something that “tastes” like coffee. I get my Organic Dandy Blend from Amazon. I recommend to use a HEAPING tbsp! Lol.
50 Cup Bag of Certified Organic Dandy Blend Instant Herbal Beverage with Dandelion, 3.53 oz. (100g) Bag
Hi, I squeeze one or two full lemons per 28 ounce water bottle that I drink out of, and I usually add about a tablespoon of honey. The honey really helps cut the sour intensity of the lemon. Here’s my absolute favorite lemon squeezer I’ve tried to date: Zulay Extra Large Lemon Squeezer... I love that it’s a lot bigger than the typical squeezer it really juices the lemons empty so you get your bang for your buck. Just cut the lemon in half and throw it in! Good to keep one at work or wherever else you are during the day as well.
I make my lemon waters in a blender bottle with a lid so that I can shake the heck out of them and get the honey all mixed in when I want to drink them fast. If I make it the night before though, i’ll just give it a quick little shake and then shake it again before I drink it since the honey will have been kind of dissolving all night. It’s so yummy and makes me feel amazing. The more lemon honey waters I drink in the morning the better the day goes! I do it throughout the day too and it provides a serious energetic shift. It’s like a good reset and a kickstart of motivation to keep going 🍋👍 also the more honey you put in the less you will find you need as much food throughout the day, which when you’re busy can be really helpful. Like if I am out and about for a few hours and won’t really have time to eat I can essentially live on a high doses of honey and I’ll feel great. Adequate glucose and it’s super clean and gets me through until when I can have some solid food. Anthony does this as well. He’s had lives where he has been cranking out books and been really busy and he’ll pour like half a bottle of honey in his tea ha ha. I am totally that way it’s so good for you! Its not sold by aicok anymore but theres same ones on amazon without the logo. I still use the aicok when doing heavy juicing, like a watermelon or blueberries or lots of oranges. I use the omega for celery juice and making date butter which helps me eat more dates, like 20 a day when its in paste form.
Yeah for the more severe migraines it is difficult to treat. Did you try Nature's Answer Kava tincture? Can be good too, sometimes in combination with other things
This is the one I use:
There is a little video at the end of the pictures that shows how its done. Its a tiny bit labor intensive, and not an automated machine. But very helpful compared to trying to deseed with hands. I dont think it will require too much strength other then cutting the pomegrante.
Feverfew, White Willow Bark and Meadowseet. This is one he recommends with the first two in it:
Personally, I don't like the berkey shower filter- that's if you can even find it in stock. I use this Aquabliss one and usually replace it every few months b/c my city water is bad.
i would recommend one of those hand squeezer tools like this one: you can find them at local grocery stores with the kitchen tools. it makes squeezing lemons very quick and easy. if you're only using half a lemon you can put the other half in a container in the fridge.
it's best to consume the juice fresh squeezed. i think i heard that the vitamin c in orange juice oxidizes in about 15 minutes once squeezed and i assume that applies to lemons too. i'm not sure if putting it in the freezer helps since you might lose a lot of the vitamin c before it freezes but you would still get some benefits like the minerals.
The best lemon squeezer I have ever used: Zulay Extra Large Lemon Squeezer...
Its significantly larger in “bowl size” than the typical citrus squeezer you find in stores. I feel like I’m getting a lot more juice out of my lemons. It’s so quick and easy and I really only have to wash it once a day at most. Usually at night before I go to bed and make my last water but you could probably get away with going longer. I’ve also pre-squeezed several lemons into a water bottle with honey and enough water to fill up the bottle, and then I bring that with me to squeeze into my second water bottle which I refill with water throughout the day. Basically a super condensed version of the lemon honey water that I can add on demand to my plain water. I just make sure to use it within 24 hours. I’ve also premixed a 1 gallon jug of lemon water for on the go but it’s harder to carry around depending on what you’re doing. The gallon works for keeping in your car though. Saturated small bottle is my favorite though and then you can just make an extra strong water at the end of the day if you need to use it up.
I have used this around my garden for the wasps. It worked as intended and is safe to use. Although It wont catch spiders. I personally like the spiders in my garden. The wasps were killing all the spiders that helped my garden.
I have never seen frozen fries with healthier oils in my health food stores.
I think the best way to make this work out is to invest in a french fry cutter. Then all you have to do is plop the potato in cutter, and bam u have a bunch of fresh oil free fries you can put into oven right away.
Go to the link and type in cancer in the q&a search bar. This is one of the comments- Some of us are using this for cancer treatment… So anyone sitting here saying that you can “overdose”… Has done absolutely no research on cancer patients and melatonin. We are taking 60 mg three times a day at the least amount.
If you type in radiation, there are more.. One is this- Melatonin is at the top of all supplements. It is used for cancer treatments, supression and prevention at dose of 180mg and more (depends on the cancer stage) (sometimes, in late stage of cancer is given 60 mg around the clock) with no side efects (mices are given 200 mg/day for years with no side efects). It is the best anti-radiation protection, according to US army (use 300 mg 2 hours befor radiation treatment or x-rays). It is used for treatment of Parkinson and for dementia protection and it is the best anti-oxidant, that you can find. All researchners, whos articles I have read are taking 180mg/night
Wild Chaga by Wild Foods triggered the strep purge. My friend who suffers from acne had a similar experience.
Regarding strep busters, sorry I made a mistake. Strep is normally the cause of SIBO, sinusitis, acne and more. As an eg. if you're affected by sinusitis, look for Sinusitis, Sinus Infections and Lung Infections on Pg 544 of Cleanse To Heal.
Nature's Answer Propolis Resin Extract | Herbal Supplement | All-Natural Immune Support | Vegan, Alcohol-Free & Gluten-Free 1oz
> ionic trace mineral drops
This is the trace mineral drops:
But its not necessary to use the trace mineral drops if we use the lemons and limes! The choice is yours.
I wouldn't think it's great. I have never heard AW speak on it but he recommends this to come off caffeine, there is caffeine in it from green tea but very good for weaning off coffee
Thank you! I appreciate hearing from someone who's also suffered from vertigo and tinnitus; they're such awful symptoms.
By his first book, you mean this one correct? That seems like a good first step, as I'm still honestly very confused and overwhelmed about which foods are truly "no" foods.
Nature's Answer Alcohol-Free Sarsaparilla Root Liquid , 1-Fluid Ounce | Natural Cleanser & Detoxifier
He has reccomend this brand of tinctures before, Natures Answer, and I have been using this alcohol free sarsaparilla and others for a while along with vimergy, i like it. 👍 Their alcohol free line has some that vimergy doesn't like red clover and burdock. But just double check that it is alcohol free because I have accidentally bought low alcohol before (they offer both low alcohol and alcohol free burdock tinctures).
Ah I see. So the vitamin C you used is "ascorbic acid" which is a very harsh on the stomach form of Vit C. And it doesn't surprise me it would cause so much burning and reflux. We want a more gentle buffered and higher quality vit C which doesnt burn the stomach and throat like that.
I would highly recommend holding off on using Vit C shock therapy until you can grab the recommended brand MM shares. He recommends Micro-C. This form is Buffered form of Vitamin C, with calcium and magnesium ascorbate, and are less acidic than traditional forms of vitamin C.
For the rest of the safest recommended and high quality products you can check this directory.
MM is not sponsored or affiliated with the supplement companies. He just shares the ones that work.
He recommends this heating pad on his website under personal care!
They are ok to use affected areas and they do help.
I believe he’s recommending you use this stuff:
it’s not concentrated juice nor is it watered down. Just straight juiced cranberries! Obviously you could juice your own too!
That ones not a good alternative.
If you can get this specific one its a good alternative and has the right kind of B12. Its cheaper than vimergy too.
Would you be able to get the global healing center b12 that doesnt have the "hydroxocobalamin"? Because it has this ingredient it wont be able to be used by the liver without converting like the vimergy. Its a pretty big difference with that 1 additional B12 type.
But they do have a b12 without that form of b12 and the correct form of Methylcobalamin & Adenosylcobalamin. And that was the recommendation before vimergy came out.
Its this one thats the correct form of B12:
It's awesome and super easy! I use the Kitchen Crop, but Anthony recommends a few different types on his website. I'm growing alfalfa right now.
Also, since you mentioned barley grass, just remember that Anthony recommends barley grass juice powder.
For mushrooms I'm talking about using something like this product, not for taking for supplement use but for using for flavoring foods such as sauces or soups. Ingredients say only mushroom on it. Would a concentrated form such as this be harmful? Or are all natural glutamates even concentrated fine?
I dont think I have ever heard him talk about ceramic knives. I have only seen him recommend and use the Wusthof knives. Which are high quality metal knives. I have a set and love them.
I dont think we should worry to much about using metal knives to cut our food when we are detoxing metals using HMDS. The knives he recommends work great. Not sure if ceramic knives good or not sorry.
I recommend getting Book 1 revised and expanded of the MM series and read that first. It goes into ADHD, and Depression, and other mental issues.
Its a great book to learn how to heal those things, and how they happen in the first place.
From what you say about Kate Deerings "how to heal your metabolism", its very very different to what MM teaches about how to heal those conditions.
If you want to understand what MM says about metabolism, I suggest listening to this radio show. It gives a lot of insight into what metabolism actually means, and if it holds any merit to how any knowledge about metabolism can help us heal.
If you want some meats, one of the best is Organic farm raised turkey, that you can trust the source. And the other meats chlobro444 listed that are safe according to MM information.
You can definitely heal your symptoms and mental struggles! Dive in to that first book and you will learn how :) Here is Berkey water filter system.
And here is fluoride filter addon for the system.
Berkey Shower Filter with Massaging Shower Head - Reduces up to 95% of chlorine Here is the one he recommends, if not in stock on Amazon check their website. It’s definitely worth getting rid of those contaminations out of your water. You also don’t have to replace the filter that often.
When I got nail fungus, while using Anthony's info, I began to see it heal but it has really been a slow process. Sorry if this is TMI - it's been like 9 months since I got it, and the fungus/dead nail part has moved from the very bottom of the nail to halfway (with a new healthy nail as the bottom half). I'm guessing it will be gone next year, so I'm just trying to continue to stay diligent on using the food/supplement recommendations. I think that staying consistent with anti-pathogen supplements has really been what has helped me.
For example, I like to alternate between an oregano oil supplement and an olive leaf supplement (a lot of folks on here will say you should take breaks on oregano oil, since it is pretty potent). I bring those up because, out of all the supplements I use, I remember reading reviews where people did mention that it helped them with their nail fungus (Oil of Oregano, Olive Leaf).
When ever this comes back in stock you can grab this.
Also having lemons and limes is one of the most powerful ways to restore calcium. They are RICH.
Hi. Thank you for your response. So the product that I am referring to is Barley Grass Juice Powder and not Barley Grass Powder. Here is a link to the product for your reference and anyone else that is curious:
Triquetra Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder
I noticed Anthony’s list of recommended and alternative supplements as well. But my question is if the product comes from the same land, same farm, same process and protocols, what exactly could be different enough for it to be not recommended? Genuinely curious over here.
How much water are you drinking? I am super sensitive to detox toxic waste and have had to be super careful over the last 2 years. Definitely worth it cause I’m sooooo much better now. I try to drink 80 oz of water with lemon daily, plus herb teas (not counted in the 80 oz. goal amount). Did a lot of hibiscus, licorice and nettle teas. Whenever I got the least dehydrated the brain fog would kick in.
I think EBV was my biggest problem so I focused on that first. I took Cats Claw (and still do) with all the other stuff which I think did a great job. Started w one D twice daily, then increased to two twice daily. I alternated other slicers on the EBV list.
I have found glutathione helps get the toxic waste out, which is what causes the brain fog and tiredness. This is the one I take: S-Acetyl Glutathione GOLD - 120...
Hang in there and if it doesn’t improve cut back on the HMDD or elixirs.
Then my next question would be: when is the last time you had eggs, gluten, dairy, cheese, corn, wheat, barley, rye, or canola oil?
How long have you been trying to heal your strep using the healing foods? Do you still have any of the foods I listed above? Do you drink caffeine? Do you eat grains daily?
I would also add in raspberry leaf tea:
He used to recommend it. But no longer does anymore because there are better options. Here is his old recommendation if yo want to try it out.
I would recommend "Neuro Mag"
Which is a good option to help with the brain issues too.
This is the MM one I use:
And AW recommends when we use soap to clean the celery, all we need it a dab of soap into a bowl of water with the celery in it, then we can wash the celery with our hands. Rinse it good, then juice!
If its a clean vegetable wash with no harmful ingredients, yeah its not a problem! You can use either if they are a really clean product.
I’m kind of looking for something more like this to put on a hob
Tower T80836, 3 Tier Steamer, 18cm-Stainless Steel, Silver
Do you know if stainless steel is acceptable?
AW actually has this one on his list of recommended supplements, so if you really feel the need to add protein powder, I’d do this one!
Hello! I am doing ok, today was my trip to the store to pickup my food for the next week and half. So I am exhausted! But happy to be fully stocked and not worry about it for a few weeks. I hope you are feeling ok as well <3
Vimergy does not have an Atlantic dulse product. But if you are talking about this one that AW recommends ( Then that is the correct one.
You can get the flakes or the whole leaf! I have both types! They are the same ingredient and both can be used in the HMD smoothie!.
I do make the detox smoothie for myself. Everyday! And have been for years now. Its helped me a lot. It says 1 tablespoon but for you I recommend starting at half a tablespoon for the first week of using it till your body is adjusted to how healing it is!
I love dulse.
Healing Hugs! <33
As usual, thank you for the in-depth reply I really appreciate your passion for helping others heal and for MM information. I will use the Magnesium ascorbate, haven't used it much until now I just intuitively feel it is time for extra Vitamin c now.
I was wondering; you said that Sodium ascorbate is the wrong kind of vitamin C, but is this form not in the Micro-c by vimergy? Bit confused here..
So that American health Ester-c is not good quality? Damn:(
Also, does this look ok/clean for magnesium ascorbate, pretty cheap. The micro-c is not affordable at the moment, this one looks pretty ok:
This is the one he had listed. I have used this everyday for years.
Which I assume taken down because no longer available.
He does have an instant pot listed, So thats a quick steaming option.
And you can also use the frying pan with lid he has listed or any of the green life pans with lids. If you just fill the base with some water and put lid on you can steam that way too.
There are bamboo steamers, but I do not know much about them so cant really comment on that.
Grab this, life change, clean with ease.
I use Traditional Medicinal brand that AW recommends and uses.
Green tea has caffeine and would render the gingers medicinal properties useless when combined with caffeine in the gut. So I would drink it on its own or with the lemon balm tea is great.
I get my aloe from my organic foods store. They sell single organic aloe leaves. You dont have to try it if you dont want to. Try cutting a small 1 inch piece and eating that when you feel ready. Or make the Aloe water by tossing it (no skin) in the blender with a cup or 2 of water and bam aloe water. Try it out when you feel ready, I too used to be sensitive to aloe but as my healing progressed I can eat large pieces and feel soothed. Its great.
You can harvest many plants the "wrong way" and kill them. There are techniques to prevent that from happening! But I dont grow any aloe right now. Just get nice sized leaves from store.
I would recommended upping the Spirulina and Spinach. AW does not have a recommended iron supplement nor is it as important as the trace mineral iron you get from Spirulina and Spinach. So you are better off spending your money were it is safe and effective than on a iron supplement.
He also likes pumpkin seeds for iron.
AW recommends this product on his supplements page.
If you are unaware this NOT a MM recommended supplement. It is the D3 that OP said they are using.
This is the Spirit Recommended D3 Below
Thank you!! :)
No worries at the Costco recommendation! I’ve heard great things. Unfortunately, I’ve never lived close to one. Sam’s Club would be our equivalent, I’ll keep an eye out to see if they are ever on sale.
This is actually the ninja I have:
It’s not even their “proper” blender, but it may work for what you are looking for.
Ill be honest that doesn't look like something I would consume and I would prefer the Maine coast sea vegetables brand to this. I would try out the Maine Coast brand and get a bag on amazon. I think its a really really small chance it will come moldy especially during summer and if it does you can get it reshipped for free through amazon.
Just my opinion.
Here is another brand I use besides maine coast sea veggies when their out of stock.
They have always been really good quality for me. And I love this brand too.
First of all - thank you for being kind despite the fact that you consider me to be a total moron. ;-) I was having a lot harsher discussions on this subreddit and it's nice to meet someone with whom I can disagree politely.
Now let's go to the point of Anthony's message. Mainstream medicine labels a lot of conditions as "autoimmune", which means that your body is attacking itself (as in type 1 diabetes). Anthony says it's BS. Your body does not attack itself. It tries to protect you from a viral infection. And this virus can be destroyed which ends your type 1. Now, of course, I do not expect you to believe me, but if you'll ever find the message "my body fights for me and will never attack itself" as appealing, this book will be a good place to start.
Good luck on your path to health!