I haven't really noticed. But I depend on black hat SEO for my business and Google's increasing incompetence has made that easier. For search, I sometimes also use Yandex.
Valuing insurance companies is a specialized skill involving evaluating risk exposure. Warren Buffett did this. I wouldn't recommend investing in an insurance company unless you are willing to acquire this skill. The safest thing is to buy a broad market fund. Read this book.
As a programmer, I want to understand all important areas of programming. That is why I am reading about cryptocurrencies. I want to understand the technology. And if I happen to find a sensible investment, I would buy it, but I am not holding my breath. But just from what I have read, I could design a sensible cryptocurrency indirectly backed by a world stock market ETF through an ethereum contract. This would be financially equivalent to owning the ETF in the worst case of no traction, but would be much better than the ETF if it gained traction. Anyway, I am tired of writing up good ideas and having them ignored, so I probably won't bother.
Either homeschool them or send them to a mosque school. I homeschooled my kids and I support my mosque school. For physics I used Basic Physics. There is no reason why homeschooling or a mosque school shouldn't be better than public schools.
The idiot Christian mod /u/ezk3626 deleted my post, proving that modern Christianity is just as bad is Judaism. I hate modern Christianity just as much as Judaism and I won't post anymore to Christian forums. I will just focus on supporting Islam which will wipe out these intolerant degenerates. Below is the deleted post:
Jews are not Israelites. The Israelites were a nation/people that followed the Old Testament. Jews are an ethnic group, some of whom follow the religion Judaism which is a racist religion based on the Talmud, not the Old Testament. Modern Israel is an ethno-state. Christians who support Israel are just useful idiots for Judaism.
ezk3626 asked me to defend this post. Let me start with his criticism of the word "idiots" in the last line. He misunderstands, this is an idiom "useful idiot" as described here:
I can't think of a better term to replace this with. This perfectly describes how Christian supporters of Israel are viewed in Judaism.
About Jews and Israelites, anyone who thinks Jews have special rights due to ancestry obviously believes that God is a racist. The Old Testament is full of evidence to the contrary. For example Numbers 12 where Moses marries a Cushite (black) woman and Aaron freaks out (like a rabbi) and God punishes Aaron for this. God does not like racism.
The horrors of the Talmud are too numerous to cover here. I highly recommend this book.
The author is jewish, and so am I.
What I am saying is that one doesn't have to change the Quran to change Islam. One only needs to change how the Quran is interpreted. You don't have to be a Muslim to understand this. Just read some Muslim history. Here are some books:
There actually seems to be significant debate within the Islamic world right now about what to do, but it is in Arabic which I can't read. The Islamic world seems more dynamic right now than the West is.