I'm in.
This is really cool, count me in. This
Leatherman - Sidekick Multi-Tool, Stainless Steel with Nylon Sheath https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005DI2QTC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_X4vczbCE0PRK3
Can never have too many leathermans! Awesome of you to do a giveaway
I've been eyeing a victorinox one handed for a while:
Victorinox Swiss Army One Hand Trekker NS Pocket Knife https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001DZT0M0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_z.JczbC5APETJ
Thanks for running this promo!
I love this thread if for no other reason than I get to see what multitools people choose! Here's mine:
Leatherman - Squirt PS4 Multi-Tool, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0032XZW9G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_FruczbMXE50E3
Thanks for doing this, I'm in for the Farmer too: https://smile.amazon.com/Victorinox-Farmer-Pocket-Silver-Ribbed/dp/B0007QCOO2/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1493782671&sr=8-7&keywords=victorinox+alox
You're so generous for doing this! I've always wanted a nice multitool but I don't generally have a huge amount to spend on knives and cool gear like this. I really hope I can win! I would love to put a leatherman into my daily carry.
Thanks again and good luck with your website! It seems to be pretty well set up.
I would love this one! https://www.amazon.com/Leatherman-Sidekick/dp/B005DI2QTC/?tag=parametrek-20
Wow this is an awesome giveaway! Thanks so much, so here's my link: https://www.amazon.com/Victorinox-Swiss-Army-Cadet-Knife/dp/B014STZH9W
I've been eyeing different Victorinox tools and I've been meaning to pick up this cadet. I love how thin it is and I like that it is more traditional instead of tactical, makes for a great EDC piece in any situation.
I do not have 100 karma (you know what to do), but I would like to submit an entry nonetheless. A Leatherman Micra, please.
I've been looking for a multitool to replace the Miss Army I was gifted as a teenager so many years ago. This looks nice, though admittedly I'm very attracted by the fact that I can hook it onto a carabiner for my purse. No belt clips here!
Thanks for the giveaway! Link
Oh, neat! I didn't even know Victorinox made this: https://www.amazon.com/Victorinox-Swiss-Army-Small-Orange/dp/B00BFO2AF8/
This would be so much better than the flip out bit kit from the hardware store that fills up my pouch.
What a great thing to do! Thanks for all the effort you put in to helping people find great tools.
I would love this:
Good luck to everyone!
First of all: I need 61 comment karma. Would be nice if you could help me! A Sidekick would be great. https://www.amazon.com/Leatherman-Sidekick/dp/B005DI2QTC/?tag=parametrek-20 By the way: I realy like the parametrek search. The kind of searching is much better than the one from eBay or Amazon. Edit: Only 56 comment karma missing. You are awesome!
First, you're damn awesome for hosting this, THANK YOU /u/parametrek <3
Kind of torn between the sidekick and the SAK ranger, one is more pocket friendly, but the sidekick has pliers which it seems I'm always hunting down for a while when I need a pair. Then on the SAK, I just miss my old little one and that has most of the things the leatherman does...bah, decisions.
Go with the Leatherman https://www.amazon.com/Leatherman-Sidekick/dp/B005DI2QTC/?tag=parametrek-20https://www.amazon.com/Leatherman-Sidekick/dp/B005DI2QTC/?tag=parametrek-20
Unless you can give a reason for going with the SAK Ranger aside from more easily pocketed?
Is my account old enough to enter?
It's utterly boring and predictable, but I like this Leatherman Sidekick:
Thanks for the giveaway.
Congrats on your new site! Search feature is pretty killer, very nice way to sort. I had no idea there were that many options for multi tools.
I recognize your name from lurking and occasionally posting in /r/flashlights. Keep it up!
>Hosting costs money
You should add an ad or a donation button.
It's fulfilled by Amazon if you buy it from here. It might save you some money on shipping.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Awesome, I'm in!