Ricardo Vargas does a great job of outlining the entire process map as well as ITTO in his ridiculously gigantic document (I think I printed this out on 4 8x14 pieces of paper and taped them together and it was borderline legible :)
I actually have a colleague who had this painted on one of his war room walls - great idea and I would say it's a great representation of the flow + the ITTO -
just a suggestion - from my experience on the exam - I didn't see much of any ITTOs but rather a large emphasis on the "what is next" type question - I'd spend a decent amount of time understanding WHY you have the inputs you have and the common TOOLS to most processes and where your INPUTS flow into rather than memorizing them all as it's not that significant to the overall scope of the exam
I passed the exam with 3ATs in June and my exam felt like at least 60% or 70% were about agile & hybrid. I found it impossible to memorize the ITTOs. This was what I did: (1) Memorized that one page from the book that listed the process groups and knowledge areas. Understood them on the high level. (2) Skimmed over the ITTOs in this book (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1734133457/ref=pe_1098610_137717230_cm_rv_eml_rv0_dp). The way that book lays out these processes works for my learning style, and makes it easy to recognize some patterns. The mock exams are great for waterfall & ITTOs portion but despite what the title says, there is no agile in the book. So I would highly recommend that book only for the non agile part of the real exam.
PMP Exam Prep 6th Edition. The question bank is large, I did hundreds of quiz questions, and 4 tests and still saw questions I didn't recognize. You can do untimed, timed by test or timed by question.
Depends on what you're looking for and your industry, but here are some I liked:
I used the tia 35hr course it has the mindset videos https://www.tiaedu.com/training_pmp_course_nyc.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAkfucBhBBEiwAFjbkryvYtkzSoYCGpLUzEA_g6xd9YV5Uh9Nbl-KRczG1eiSkrATAeXPs5hoC70cQAvD_BwE
If you purchase the book the course is free https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SBFTXQT?ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_2DZ80JVQDZ49ACJYS7E2
PMP Exam Prep Simplified includes a code in the back of the book to access his 35 hour course and practice exam for free. It's the same as his Udemy course, but not hosted on Udemy
Thanks for that. The link to AR's Udemy course is for 2021 exam though, you think it's still good?
I was thinking of buying this one, which seems to be the book + the same Udemy Videos https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SBFTXQT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_H43Z4YZ83WAYWVJ073K4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks for that, I'm in the same boat, trying to set up a study plan.
Questions for you:
I had completed PMI-ACP , even before I had started contemplating PMP.
Below were the materials.
These should be more than enough to ace PMI-ACP in couple of months.
Happy to answer questions , if any.
I bought this book from Andrew Ramdayal based on Amazon reviews, and it comes with access to the TIA course. I read the whole book and did every practice question. The questions are MUCH easier than on the actual exam, but it did help me build my knowledge base as well as my confidence. PMP Prep Simplified
I also used the Pocket Prep app, which were a bit harder. Loved the instant feedback, and how you could just do a few questions whenever you had a moment.
Finally, I also did the free PrepCast simulator, which was helpful.
But the main takeaway for your question is the last bit: > Even though many people are confused by these terms and consider them the same, they are slightly different. A sprint is a short, time-boxed period, during which the scrum team needs to complete a designated amount of work. Sprints are the very heart of agile and scrum methodologies, and getting sprints right will assist your agile team in shipping a better product with fewer headaches.
>On the other hand, an iteration is a defined time-box applied in an iterative project model. In this case, the entire solution is developed throughout a project. Simultaneously, snapshot views or "work in progress" are presented to stakeholders or sponsors for feedback at the end of each time cycle or iteration.
PMP Project Management Professional Practice Tests: 2021 Exam Update by Kim Heldman
You're saying these questions aren't any good?
I'm looking for a solid practice question bank, I've been using Percipico/Skillsoft practice from Barb Waters program, since Percipico/Skillsoft is free through work so far. Was about to start Heldmans questions. I plan on writing on the 22nd..
Listen to this podcast, covering the exam content outline. It's the same material but just 50% agile and about 80 questions covering "People".
Here is the link
Do any of these allow you to export the questions? I want to put them in a spaced repetition flashcard tool. (The best way I've found to study for anything. ref: https://apps.ankiweb.net/ )
well, my study guide is convenient since it offers many problems in each topic to help you practice and fast apply the equations in the questions that require them. please check it out here https://gumroad.com/l/oguo
That is why I wrote this book which have many EVM problems that you can practice and help you apply them fast enough on the questions that require them. more than 50 EVM exercises that must get you comfortable with these type of question after practicing them. Please check the book out https://gumroad.com/l/oguo
I found the CBT Nuggets videos on earned value to be really helpful for understanding the formulas. I have access through my work, so I don't know how much their videos cost to access, but there is a 7 day free trial.
The videos I used are under the PM Playlist, the PMP for the PMBOK Guide by Steve Caseley.
Thanks for the suggestions. Does udemy.com count for the required units to take the test? I think I'm going to get the the Prepcast simulator no matter what. I felt I had good results with Prepcast in regards to the PMP.
I just created a topic with this in it, but: on sale for $50
Here is one set I found online - not a great sample as the answers are right under the questions - you might be able to use this with some sample scrolling, but overall not a great site. I'll work on getting some better sources added to a sticky thread.
Here is a link to the physical book. Not exactly what you were looking for, but it's a step!
Pmp exam prep simplified book.
PMP Exam Prep Simplified: Covers the Current PMP Exam and Includes a 35 Hours of Project Management E-Learning Course
This is the only book I used. The quizzes that go with it were good. I hear some of the other quizzes sites are good too.?crid=9SLN4ZUWFY6F&dchild=1&keywords=the+pmp+exam+how+to+pass+on+your+first+try%2C+sixth+edition&qid=1626410042&sprefix=pass+the+pmp+on+your%2Caps%2C194&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzSDlNMVRCUDNHQjE5JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwODY4OTY1MlY1MEZRRENZUUsxSyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwOTEyNDUyMjdWVFlSU0JUU1hQMCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
This is the only book I used. The quizzes that go with it were good. i hear some of the other quizzes sites are good too.
No, I didn’t try Cornelius. For the agile prep, I did what I mentioned above. For the entire exam in general, I took the prep course with TIA (https://www.tiaeduonline.com/training_pmp_course.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrNiXwYuf8QIV1Ap9Ch3JWQnkEAAYASAAEgJ0NPD_BwE). They provided a PMP simplified book (in pdf format only) written by Andrew Ramdayal, which I used for my study, not the PMBOK. It looks like the book is on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/PMP-Exam-Prep-Simplified-Learning/dp/B08SBFTXQT/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=pmp+exam+simplified&qid=1624028228&sprefix=pmp+exam+sim&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExMDVMUU...). I can’t guarantee that that is the same book though because again, the school gave me the pdf version and I don’t recall seeing that cover page as the one from Amazon.
Googling the terms or concepts that I always got wrong was also helpful. Also watched Aileen Ellis and Andrew Ramdayal on YouTube. That’s all I did. Passed the exam 3ATs. I’d switch up between studying the knowledge areas and agile just to not get bored, but I don’t think it makes any difference exactly when to study for what. Any mock exam you do now should also contain questions on agile/hybrid, not just the knowledge areas, which means you do need to know agile materials.
Hey, This app is great for practicing for the PMP Exam Prep. It has questions broken down by domains which was helpful in contextualization
Hope it helps you! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abc.pmptest
According to Amazon, it will be released on March 31st, 2021.
If you have android phone then this is a good app. I don't know if this is available on ios or not.
I passed the exam this month by mostly using free resources. You can check my post.
This app has over a thousand practice questions if you have an android, it helped me a lot.
Since you're a couple of days away you can dive right into the tests on easy mode and it gives you the explanation of why the question was right or wrong.
It shows you your score broken out at the end.
I just got pocket prep pmp on my phone. I'm so friggin busy with work and the kids at least I can get in a quick 10 questions a couple times a day. I don't know if it's great or not, but the explainations seem solid and I really like the interface.
I would have ordered prepcast already if it had a mobile app.
Try this, It's avaliable on Amazon for $20 paperback, $9.99 for Kindle and provides access to hundreds of quality questions, answers, and explanations... on online simulation tests:
Updated for 2020 PMP Exam Content, yet still retains current exam question sets and simulations through the transition.
Avaliable on Amazon for $20 paperback, $9.99 for Kindle, both have access to online simulation test sets:
thanks for checking it out...
Updated for 2020 PMP Exam Content, yet still retains current exam question sets and simulations through the transition.
Avaliable on Amazon for $20 paperback, $9.99 for Kindle, both have access to online simulation test sets:
thanks for checking it out...
PMP Test by ABC learning is good
I believe they also have iOS version.
Besides that you can try Udemy, you can find courses for exams for < $15.
Practice as much as you can. It's easier for you to approach knowledge by practicing 15-30 questions at a time. Use this tool I highly appreciate this PMP prep exam app. Practice part by part like a game and with each specific knowledge area. Try it again guy
I'm also confused if I should pay for Pocket prep. I'm now using a free app and I find it so useful and easy to learn because it's let me learn part by part. You can try it before pocket. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abc.pmptest&hl=vi
Hope it's also useful for you
Oh common guy. Be relax, you seem too nervous. You can try practicing 20-30 questions once. Or you can try this app to practice part by part. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abc.pmptest&hl=vi
It's free you can try in parallel with Prepcast. Best of luck!!
I'm using this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abc.pmptest&hl=vi . It's free. Try it. I found it cool
Same feelings as I tried for first time and then failed but now I passed it. It's okay just be positive. Get prepcast and start taking practice tests. You can try this app too: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abc.pmptest&hl=vi. Practice each knowledge area in this app in parallel with prepcast. It's useful for me so you can try. Good luck next time
The latest is the 6th edition which is 2017 IIRC. That being said, do you feel that the PMBOK is not in layman's terms? There are a couple of exam prep books which summarize the processes, but they skip a lot of material that is in the PMBOK: Rita Mulcahy or Andy Crowe.
This set of practice questions and online simulation tests have been updated to align with the upcoming 2020 changes. Questions will test both knowledge and application of traditional project management concepts, along with Agile methodologies and frameworks, and an increased emphasis on leadership skills. The current cost is only $20, but in the spirit of PMI's 20% discount for pilot applicants, it will also be discounted 20% to $16 paperback ($9.99 kindle/ebook) through 12/31/2019.
This set of practice questions and online simulation tests have been updated to align with the upcoming 2020 changes. Questions will test both knowledge and application of traditional project management concepts, along with Agile methodologies and frameworks, and an increased emphasis on leadership skills. The current cost is only $20, but in the spirit of PMI's 20% discount for pilot applicants, it will also be discounted 20% to $16 paperback ($9.99 kindle/ebook) through 12/31/2019.
This set of practice questions and online simulation tests have been updated to align with the upcoming 2020 changes. Questions will test both knowledge and application of traditional project management concepts, along with Agile methodologies and frameworks, and an increased emphasis on leadership skills. The regular price is only $20, but in the spirit of PMI's 20% discount for pilot applicants, it has been discounted 20% to $16 paperback ($9.99 kindle/ebook) through 12/31/2019.
Thank you for the information!
I ordered the CAPM/PMP exam guide book and have read a bit of it already.
CAPM/PMP Project Management Certification All-In-One Exam Guide, Fourth Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/1259861627/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_kl1rDbSDPD1BS
So far besides terminology I know all of this information already.
I used the PMP Exam Simplified book. I have a review on my review post. Below is a web link to the book.
PMP Exam Prep Simplified: Based on PMBOK® Guide Sixth Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/198572829X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_aE0ZCbTQW59QQ
Which Andrew Ramdayal book did you get? Amazon has two of them:
PMP Prep Simplified and PMP Exam: How to Pass on Your First Try
Invest $10 to nail ITTOs, EVM, CPM/Float, Situational and Professional Conduct type questions that are certain to appear on exams: https://www.amazon.com/Project-Management-Practice-Questions-Exams/dp/1984187376
Finding trustworthy free materials will be pretty challenging. Whatever you do, don't underestimate the difficulty of the exam! If you can find a little bit of a budget then I would suggest Andy Crowe's all-in-one kit. It's usually around $130 on Amazon and includes his textbook, flashcards, audio CDs, a laminated quick reference guide, and limited access to an online e-learning course (including practice questions). Great value. Full disclosure-- I work for Andy's training company, Velociteach, but I have also personally used each of those resources so I really do believe they are great resources.
Another tip-- become a PMI member, it will give you free access to a free PDF version of the PMBOK and save you a little bit (PMI Member fee is $139 + Members rate for exam is $405= $544 total versus the non-member rate of $555).
Good luck!
Actually implementing it, or for the purpose of the test? Aileen Ellis has a mini book that covers it very well aimed at the latter: https://www.amazon.com/every-Earned-Value-question-right/dp/1502494760
What training did you attempt last time?
The two I'm working with are Joseph Phillips' Udemy course and Mike Griffiths' book.
Not a podcast but I found these cd's very helpful for the same reason. It was a great way to maximize my study time: Conversations on the PMP Exam: How to Pass on Your First Try