This is very interesting! I just discovered your Emacs for RPG series, but I have thought about using org-mode (that I practically live in, at work and at home, anyway) for rpgs. I have worked for a while on my own minor-mode for emacs for rolling dice and other random stuff, up to and including random sentences from a random table. There is a very old version on github:
Here is a thread on bgg/rpggeek where I first came up with the idea and posted the link (August 2014):
The idea is to run that minor-mode inside of org-mode to have instant access to lots of random-generation by just pressing ? followed by different letters/digits to trigger various calls (sometimes followed by having to input something in the mini-buffer, often with tab-completion). I have only tested it solitaire a bit, but I think it will be a nice gm-tool as well. I will try to shape it up a bit to post a new version because it has a lot more functions now than it had last time I posted it. Actually I can post a snapshot of what I have now if there is any interest, but I don't want to make a proper (public) repo of it until I have cleaned up the messy code a bit more.
OK, sorry for misunderstanding then. In that case maybe you could correlate some of the words with another, or make it ask some additional questions afterwards. IIRC you would need something of the order nr-of-selection-categories * log (number-of-spells-total) questions to pin-point search result. Something like that is a principle behind Akinator*
I can look it up later if you would like. Or maybe someone who recently had to work through A&DS course will come by.
EDIT: *) Or so I suspected. Apparently it is a secret that quite a few people tried to reverse-engineer.
Looks pretty interesting, I would love publishers to include something similar to all tabletop RPGs.
Having said that, I got a vibe of old Fighting Fantasy 'choose your own adventure' books, relatively recently re-released on Kindle and other ebook readers. It it would be of any interest to anyone, there is a pretty good programming language for creating them: Inform 7.
Saw it before. Not sure if/what I would use it for. You do not seem to have done much other than to clone their repo or what did you change? (I have used Tiled for doing hex maps. Making a hex tileset for it based on graphics similar to what that tool has would be useful. I might try that sometime.)
Oh, this is nice. I just recently started a play-by-post game that is being run on as many random generators as I can find. I used for a bunch of things (like dungeons), and a random world map site that has some surprising details. I like how you can have it generate additional details (like "What's on the menu?") in response to queries or other interest.
One issue on the layout -- whenever you click on the button to add a building, it makes that pane reload, which doesn't initially lead one to realize that something got added.
Also, could you possibly move the gigantic newsletter-subscription block somewhere less intrusive? You have to scroll past it to see the actual results of your random town.