Hi for the ivermecting treatment you can it without a prescription if you are fine eating horse paste. Its what i brought after permethrin didnt work. I live in scandinavia and ordered it on the internet from the USA and it didnt get confiscated in the mail.
I have eaten it twice now and nothing happened.
I don't think it's a demodex, they have a different shape, more like a catepillar and they are smaller. And the pic is from a leg, not face. I suppose mine
is a nodular scabies, they stuck like common ticks 2/3 of body length or more burrowed vertically in the skin and don't move much.
Sometimes it looks like goosebumps. Disgusting shit.
This is the microscope I bought: https://www.amazon.de/USB-Digitalmikroskop-Bysameyee-LED-Vergr%C3%B6%C3%9Ferungs-Endoskopkamera-Tragetasche-Metallst%C3%A4nder/dp/B07SR7YPV5/ref=sr_1_6?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=hand+mikroskop&qid=1622748188&sr=8-6
Put on benzyl, then wear that suit, then put clothes on over the suit. Do this 3-4 days out of a week. Feels yucky but you get used to it...
You seem quite informed. Best guess would be that after 2 weeks of 2nd perm treatment it might still b there for you, but I’ve read of reactions lasting up to a month. I would personally do the sulfur lotion treatment. The sulfur treatment is supposed to be 3 days in a row of wearing it 24 hours from after you shower. You can do 12 hours if you want but I’ve seen studies that work on both. The key thing is 3 days. Then repeat in 5 days after the last treatment.
I would also do a round of ivermectin paste. Ppl have been talking about and using this stuff for years to treat scabies because it is much cheaper and more available. But I don’t know it’s true safety. Ivermectin is known to be quite safe, but you should still consult with your medical professional as a disclaimer.The real thing is, you must be very careful to dose yourself properly. The dosing is 200 micrograms per kilogram, or 200mcg/kg. There are 1000 micros in a milligram, and 100,000 in a gram. So a person weighing 150lbs, is 68.18 kg. Multiply that by 200 to get micrograms and divide by 1000 to get milligrams(instead of 13,636 micrograms) gives you 13.636 milligrams(mg).
Also ensure to do another round of cleaning when you retreat yourself. Steam vacuume is about as good as it gets, but don’t forget you could spray your car or other non vacumable cloth surfaces w a child and pet friendly spray from amazon like this one https://www.amazon.com/BED-LICE-MITE-KILLER-SPRAY/dp/B072YVN9XW.
Have you tried the Kleen Green Enzyme spray? I have been using that (1:7 water ratio, but I add a little more enzyme personally), with a few drops of tea tree oil and spraying my sofa and bed with it/wiping stuff down. I remember your post from last week - we both thought we were in such a good spot! Agh. I woke up this morning with a bite near my armpit and what looks like a burrow and I'm just like damn is this ever gonna go away... Anyway, Going to keep my eyes on this thread for other suggestions as well..
Here's a link by the way, I'm about to order a bigger bottle though: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002R29DHK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
ETA: May i ask if your partner is still dealing with it too or if you are the only one that has it/keeps getting it?
The brand is "Harris 100% Neem oil, cold pressed." Not sure they are all gone, but I have gone from 100s to just a few. I know I can beat this now.
Here is a link, I bought it on Amazon. You might be able to find it cheaper where you live, but I live in Alaska, and the opportunities are not as good for this sort of thing.
Try DMSO liquid 99% pure as spot treatment where you see them. Rub on with Q-tip for about 10 minutes. It absorbs into skin quickly and kills them.
Dimethyl sulfoxide is an organosulfur compound with the formula (CH₃)₂SO
Amazon link:
It kind of drys up and thins the skin so if you rub with a q-tip for a while it also dries up the scabie.
ja jos ei viäkää parane ni ivermektiini+benzyl benzoate sit pitäs ainaki lähtee. tommosta suositeltiin laudalla ja toimi :D https://www.amazon.de/Antiscabiosum-25-Emulsion-200-g/dp/B00ELR7X58
Google lotion back applicator a lot pop up on Amazon.
just to cover all ends. I know I've sent this to you already :)
It was pleasant to use. but make sure you rinse it all off. I accidentally left some on one of my toes and now it's permanently numb. Which of course is way easier to deal with than scabies! worth it.
yes it helped the most. and this stuff.
the sulfur lime I used once every 3 days. because once every 7 days was not enough. and once every 2 days was too much.
2 cups warm water and 4 teaspoons sulfur lime dip. applied with a sponge after a shower. if there is any remaining, poured down the scalp backwards. let dry for 2 minutes.
Instructions say do this every 7 days. but that wasn't working for me so I did it once every 3 days. done more often made me sick. but every 3 days was fine. don't shower in between. change sheets after every new treatment. on the 2nd day if you get itchy.. I applied lotion with neem/lavender/clove drops. or DEET bug spray, but that stuff can be pretty nasty overnight.
2nd night might be a good night to use this as well.
it was super pleasant and easy to use. as strong as permethrin. but only has to be on for 3 minutes. If you are dealing with this. I wish you the best of luck..
Nova Nutritions Certified Organic... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0882M932X?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This is the triphala powder that i bought. I read that your supposed to take a teaspoon of it in water - i bought capsuls and put it in the capsules. A teaspoon= about 7 capsules- i round up and take 10 capsuls a day
That sensation happens with permethrin because it overloads the mites nervous system in order to kill them. It affects our nerves also. I had the same crawling and tingling after from permethrin and it is really hard to tell when it’s possibly one or the other. I think try to distract yourself, keep your environment cool and dry, use triple strength msm cream, clean daily and drying at least on the highest setting for at least a half hour—have them in the dryer with it running for thirty minutes when the laundry is already dry.
You can use this on a couple of off days…or something like it…from Amazon. This will take a long time to ship because it’s from the UK:
Triple strength MSM and colloidal silver cream https://www.amazon.co.uk/Triple-Strength-Silver-MSM-Cream-60/dp/B006XG6H0W
This one from Amazon will ship quicker: Kleen free https://www.amazon.com/Kleen-Free-Naturally-Eliminator-Additive-Concentrated/dp/B000HKXV90/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2I5JH0SB6HD7Z&keywords=kleen+free&qid=1655163331&sprefix=kleen+free%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-3
Tea tree oil and water or colloidal silver and water will kill them on the couch etc…you could even try the Kleen free.
I found one that's already in capsule form and looks a good price.
Question is if it's potent enough, it says extract equivalent but who knows.
I bought it from Amazon. Kinda cheap-ish, but actually works great. Worth every penny I paid and has preserved my sanity. You can Google microscopic photos of what you are looking for to compare. Or use Qlens.
Here is the link: Carson MicroFlip 100x-250x LED... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015MS8O48?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Have you tried ivermectin? Get that and tell them how much pain you’re in and how you’re trying everything and it won’t go away. Say it’s affecting your ability to perform at your job. I said something desperate like I don’t know why it’s not going away — I didn’t think it would be this bad…I don’t know what to do. I’m desperate and it’s getting worse and I can’t sleep and I don’t want to give it to anyone. If they give you ivermectin and hopefully Natroba aka spinosad, which was recently approved, and make sure you’re given enough ivermectin for your body weight. Two doses. Feel out if the doctor has dealt w this and treated it so they know what to do. If not…use your judgement so you get help from another. People go through a lot of doctors sometimes. I did.
You’re going to have to clean your environment at work where you sit too. Colloidal silver dilution won’t have a strong smell like tea tree oil solution.
I got a dehumidifier and kept my AC cooler at home in hopes of discouraging their reproduction. Some people go the other route to kill them — they use an infrared sauna for an extended period of time. Heat aggravates rashes though and I feel like they were less active in the cold.
In the mean time, this may help:
Triple strength MSM and colloidal silver cream https://www.amazon.co.uk/Triple-Strength-Silver-MSM-Cream-60/dp/B006XG6H0W
If you don’t go back to the doctor for more medication including ivermectin, these products killed scabies on me:
Triple strength MSM and colloidal silver cream https://www.amazon.co.uk/Triple-Strength-Silver-MSM-Cream-60/dp/B006XG6H0W
the first pic looks similar to one of the symptoms I had.
what cured me was sulfur lime dip. there's also a pretty nice flea and tick shampoo for dogs. higly effective, no smell.
idk. but I used this which kind FELT LIKE an electric shock.
was pretty effective imo.
Did you buy straight oil or butter? I love this butter, no need to dilute. If pure oil, I would use coconut oil or jojoba to dilute. Take a shower and then apply all over your body. It will be oily and it smells a little like peanut butter but I sometimes add lavender or patchouli to make it smell better.
I also love this butter and use it as a lotion. All over my body, a hand lotion throughout the day, and also as a face lotion. This combined with taking neem internally has been more effective for me personally than permethrin and ivermectin combined.
Organic Neem Butter-Coconut Oil, Neem Oil, Neem Leaf, Marula Oil, Kokum Butter, Rosemary, For Sensitive Skin, Itchy Skin, 8 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZG7PM5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_MDWK5RVH2HMRGENW7EVC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Maybe this would be helpful? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sulphur-Sulfur-Ointment-10-Bioeel/dp/B09DW2S8H1/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1U0W0BQC6BNT6&keywords=sulphur&qid=1653569351&sprefix=sulphur%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-7
Is it available at a pharmacy where the pharmacist mixes it up at the time of sale, maybe not out on the shelves?
You could also look at sulfur/lime dip for animals or a garden sulfur powder without other chemicals.
I am so sorry you’re going through this!!
Try neem and also consider that if you have a ragweed allergy, you would be allergic to the permethrin which would show up in the form of very itchy red bumps!
Neem Hand & Body Lotion-Soothe, Heal, Protect (8 Ounce) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KGIA262/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DWB6VYK7NG0N070XPYSX
Ugh! Definitely them. Try using this neem cream, it’s worked wonders for me seriously. I’ve also been taking neem leaf internally but tbd on that. I think I’m almost done!!
Try this: Neem Hand & Body Lotion-Soothe, Heal, Protect (8 Ounce) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KGIA262/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_T58G2W6KKT5J3NK57MRZ
It’s helped more than oral ivermectin and permethrin combined. I use it all over my body. Highly recommend.
Hi there, this is the one I ordered and the package looks different and says monosulfiram and citronella.
Kleen Green. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005X865LW/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_8?smid=A9C2KYS8IYAT2&psc=1
I used it to also wash clothes and I mixed it in a pour bottle 30% strength.
Interesting. I wonder if it’s the same as this product : Hibiclens Surgical Scrub 32 oz. Bottle (#57532, Sold Per Piece) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZQDUGXM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_93XPQJEPRYHQ8SW9612G
AGRO Cockroach control Advanced killing poison spray treatment 1 litre https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N9YGRVG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_K8Y12A0HFRYZXR38VSYA
Would this be good to spray round the house and empty leftover tubes of permethrin into it?
I used this one off Amazon. This is the first time I came across anything on my body I tried to find it again but couldn't. Is this dead?
Jiusion 2K HD 2560x1440P USB Digital Microscope for Android Cellphone and Tablet Windows Mac Linux, 40X to 1000X Magnification Mini Endoscope Handheld Camera with Case for Coin Facial Skin Scalp https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09653SCG6/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_46WVHMEWHYDCJ69D1X8M?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
ivermectin and permethrin didn't work for me.
I didn't start to feel better until I used sulfur lime dip. commonly available at pet stores. it smells pretty aweful. and the instructions say use once every 7 days. but I needed something more often. so I used it once every 3 days without issues, diluted per instructions. In between I used this which was pleasant and easy to use:
If I got itchy on the 2nd night, I'd spray skin with DEET bug spray or clove/lavender/neem infused lotion. I tried the sulfur lime dip more frequently, but that made me sick. so once every 3 days is the most I could tolerate, and I found it to be extremely effective.
I've been hopeless. and I'm sorry you're here. I hope you find the exit. <3
I'd probably use something like this:
you know you shouldn't move into that home if you still have symptoms. you are putting the entire community at risk. I'm sorry about your mother, but spreading it further could be a real disaster for everyone. do you really want that on your shoulders?
Not sure what country you're in but if you cannot find permethrin, or a pre-made benzyl benzoate product you can try buying pure benzyl benzoate solution and mixing it yourself...
Mix it with any carrier oil (coconut oil, almond oil, etc) at at least 25%.
yeah it will damage your hair. I'm still growing mine out. I only got sick when I tried the sulfur every 2 days instead of every 3 days. because. my philosophy was I needed a treatment on me at all times. but mild enough to not kill me. because their procreation rate was faster than "every 7 days" like most documentation suggests. my strategy worked. I didn't just use sulfur lime. I used other treatments. anything to fill the gap, and decrease the amount of pain and sickness I got from treatments. It's easy to kill yourself with all these chemicals. they have to be mild for you, but persistent enough for these bastards.
Getting a microscope helped, I could see what was effective and what was not.
they're on other sites like newegg.com as well.
it's the same thing they use to treat puppies and kittens with ringworm. there are videos on youtube. they pour a little sulfur lime bath. puppy gets his paws in the warm water. same kind of thing. except don't make yourself a shallow pool.
just use 2 cups with warm water and a sponge. mixed with 4 teaspoons sulfur lime. after a bath or shower. let it try for 2 min. put your clothes on. and don't shower until day 3. On day 2, if you get itchy, apply some high DEET bug spray. or lotion with neem/lavender/clove.
but you can see on the calendar I used more than sulfur lime. there's a nice oatmeal shampoo for ticks by hartz:
And I'm sure ivermectin helped. but realistically it should not be taken more often than once every 2 weeks.
this is the brand I used, but any brand might work. it is frequently sold at pet stores.
Utopia Bedding Zippered Mattress Encasement Queen, 100% Waterproof Mattress Protector, Absorbent, Six-Sided Mattress Cover https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00U6HREPQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_FTEQ4CQPE0WPBXMT6AHZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 This is the one I got!
I have the wireless one
sulfur lime. I had to use every 3 days. but it dries fast, and most mammals only use it every 7. second day gets kind of itchy. used DEET or clove/neem/lavender lotion.
ivermectin alone didn't work. permethrin didn't work. there is also a dog/oatmeal shampoo.
that was super cheap and easy to tolerate. would use again when rotating topicals.
I'm not quite sure other than it was a pyrethrin and an insect growth regulator mixed together. It was sprayed all over - walls, floors, carpets, soft furniture and we had to leave the house for over 24 hours and air it out well afterwards. For a simple case, this would be a bit excessive but I had it head to toe and spent several years trying to get a diagnosis.
They also recommended this which has both an insect growth regulator and a synergist (helps prevent resistance) https://www.amazon.com/Precor-Premise-Spray-Control-1-ZOE1012/dp/B004FEGZ24/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8. Precautions need to be taken with humans and animals so be sure to read everything if you choose to buy/use.
There's more natural ways such as the dryer, freezer, essential oil sprays - everything has a caveat but at least there are some options.
It's a high freqency electric/thermal conductor. I'm not sure what it emits but it smells ionic. Here's what I have: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06W5PD1KY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I am in the same boat.
I just took Moxidectin and it is working even better than Ivermectin
I like this website to buy:
And this is a good website for explanations:
This has worked for me. The soap bar from Amazon called natures innovation. It cost $13.27 and using eucalyptus oil mixed with tee tree oil and water mixed in a spray bottle and used all over where you sleep and your whole house as well. Give it 2 months and you will see the difference. Amazon website and it’s called sulfur lavender soap by nutrasil
Thank you so much I know you mean it.
Would this one suffice? It says dilute 4oz with a gallon of water, is that right? Thank you once again...
I took albendazole for 60 days but I didn't see the benefits that the 90 day lady reported. I stopped it to switch to moxi but I agree it definitely only works for 2 weeks. I have not tried charcoal mask. I have done a bentonite mask on my entire body but only tried once. I still have a jar so I may try again. I also just got a 10lb bag of DE. Maybe I'll mix them together to make a body mask. I've tried Nair & veet too😅🤣 I'll look up a acnomel & order some.
I also ordered this medical journal from Amazon. It has a body to draw on so you can monitor their movements & hatch cycles + has a spot to write medications, weather, moods.
I've been tracking daily for 4 months. I think I'm noticing patterns. I feel like if I can get the meds that work for each life stage of this mystery cootie then ill be able to cure this crap.
Here is the one I ordered from Amazon it is for horses but correct percentage for treatment. KILLITCH (500ML) - N/A - N/A https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B002CWYUOQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_i_Y9J874VSF3SJFDVNCG6C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
First of all, the cream is crazy expensive in Finland. I ordered a different kind from Amazon and it seemed to work for me. Some guy here told me to use it for 24 hours three nights in a row which I did. Before that I used the Nix cream three times and ivermectin pills twice, but the scabies didn't go away. I can try to answer if you have more questions :)
Here's the one I mentioned: https://www.amazon.de/Antiscabiosum-25-Emulsion-200-g/dp/B00ELR7X58
Carson Pocket Micro 20x-60x LED Lighted Zoom Field Microscope with Aspheric Lens System (MM-450),Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077TLGP58/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_MSCNCBH84EQF7HC739GE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Hi this is the one i got, from amazon. I like it because i can look right on my arm with the microscope, i dont have to scrape it and put it on a slide or anything like that. It's also pretty sturdy. But someone else said they had the same one as me and they have a hard time with it. I can see very clearly through mine though
this is the kind I used, but purchased on Amazon. yes I think ivermectin could be used spaced out to once every 2 weeks. It was instrumental to getting me clean, but the regiment was unrealistic. luckily sulfur lime dip carried me the rest of the way.
Methylsulfonylmethane MSM Powder (2 lbs), 100% Pure, Joint & Connective Tissue Health, Respiratory & Digestive Support* https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NPXFW63/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_Y3757TP5A3A3Q5QTJ3HA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is the msm that i bought from amazon. This is working so well. My son and i are almost completely cleared up.
This is it, no? Already saw tons of positive reviews, a few pertaining to scabies specifically. I'm ordering this l, can't hurt to try. Did you spot treat or...?
you can get ivermectin in horse paste.. buy this one:
its not dangerous in anyway. just eat in your weight in pounds every week.
8 days?! Jesus. I read 3-4! 🥴
Sleeping on separate couches from BF atm. We don’t have plastic, but I do have couch covers on them. I’ll be vacuuming and cleaning them daily. Laundry being done over again, per doctor. Our bed was steam cleaned and everything was washed too, so we’re just staying away from there for now.
I don’t know how I am going to get through this! Yikes!
Also, any idea on effectiveness of this? https://www.amazon.com/BED-LICE-MITE-KILLER-SPRAY/dp/B072YVN9XW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=premo+guard&qid=1628251242&sprefix=premo+gu&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=AUFP3Z1QJR152&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzVD...
We’re so limited on money, I don’t know if we can afford treatment for the dog right now. (Please, don’t judge, hard times).
Thanks for the words tho. I appreciate all this help!
I just ordered this.
Mite-B-Gone 10% Sulfur Cream Itch Relief from Mites, Insect Bites, Acne, and Fungus (4oz) Fast and Effective at Removing Human Mites with an All-Natural Blend of Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G7CCDTM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_EC72GRXN9S20ZQB8H1H9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Will keep the thread updated if it works ig
I have one similar to this! McCulloch MC1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner with 18 Accessories, Extra-Long Power Cord, Chemical-Free Pressurized Cleaning for Most Floors, Counters, Appliances, Windows, Autos, and More, Yellow/Grey https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000DF0RB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_YDERT0T4SN6CHRVZ38YG
This one is $10 on amazon. We do kitten rescue and they often come with ringworm so we keep the flashlights on hand to check the cats as they come in. Everyone in my house has had ringworm at some point. The only one who has a hard to getting rid of it is my son-in-law who has diabetes. For the rest of us it’s two weeks of applying antifungal cream or colloidal silver. There’s also a shampoo that you can wash your whole body in. I’ll find the name of it if you’re interested.
Escolite UV Flashlight Black Light, 51 LED 395 nM Ultraviolet Blacklight Detector for Dog Urine, Pet Stains and Bed Bug https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008133KB4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_G0MAQ28YVKYFAQ61624G
Active ingredients - Purpose.Piperonyl Butoxide (4%) - Lice treatment.Pyrethrum Extract (Equivalent to 0.33 % Pyrethrins)
It didn't damage my hair as much as the salt baths. yeesh.
Limited-time deal: McCulloch MC1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner with 18 Accessories, Extra-Long Power Cord, Chemical-Free Pressurized Cleaning for Most Floors, Counters, Appliances, Windows, Autos, and More, Yellow/Grey https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0000DF0RB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_dlT1_HAH3S0874NW4HH7YABK2
I’m just going to link it, but you can also search for it as I stated above.
Here ya go:
It was this one actually:
Here is the study that helped me:
I used this, Delacruz 10% sulfur, $14 for 5.5oz: https://amazon.com/dp/B07WP6KK7B/
If I need more, I'm ordering the 73% veterinary sulfur and diluting to 10% with body lotion, which is like 5x cheaper.
Thx, good luck to you too.
No, 10% sulfur lotion, once a day for 3 days, and leave it on until you shower, 12-24 hours: https://www.maximpulse.com/permethrin/soothing_itch.html
I used this 5.5oz bottle 2 weeks ago, it was enough for 3 applications: https://amazon.com/dp/B07WP6KK7B/
But I'm prob going to make my own for follow up, diluting the inexpensive durvet 73% tube from Amazon, down to 10% with body lotion.
Somebody in another post recommends a permethrin 10% cream from amazon and mixing it 1 to 1 with lotion to get to 5% ... They also recommend and ivermectin cream usually veterinary stuff from amazon.
Durvet 3 Pack of Ivermectin Paste, 0.21 Ounces each, Apple Flavored Horse Dewormer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00S8LL17E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_HAuSFbZSSX4J1
Well, i dont think you have skin cancer, if you believe so you should go to a doctor. But anyway NO you dont need BB too, just go buy that damn moxidectin. Here is a link: https://www.amazon.com/Quest-Wormer-Equine-Moxidectin-0-4oz/dp/B00XER1QTK
This one cured me in 2 weeks. And i recommend doing BB at the same time to increase your chance of being cured from 95% to 99%. I promise you it will work.
Never used it myself but it just looks to be overpriced sulfur creme. You could get a jar of ointment and a lb of sulfur for less to make your own lotion that would last much longer that would only do about 2 full body applications. 10% grisi Sulfur soap is also good to use along with these.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00371PJ1E/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 This is the product I purchased.
And this one without plus without praziq from America is out of stock https://www.amazon.com/Quest-Wormer-Equine-Moxidectin-0-4oz/dp/B00XER1QTK
Yeah bro, I got you https://www.amazon.com/Psoriasis-Treatment-Dermatitis-Natural-Vitiligo/dp/B075MC221Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=cream+psoriasis&qid=1597099203&sr=8-9 I’ve been using it day and night, and it’s healing pretty well, even tho my psoriasis gets a lot sun exposure since I work outdoors 😏😏
Moxidectin worked for me. Basically, quest Moxidectin (not Quest plus) - took the amount appropriate for a horse of my body weight. https://www.amazon.com/Quest-Wormer-Equine-Moxidectin-0-4oz/dp/B00XER1QTK
It takes about 3 days to start feeling it and 3 weeks to kill them all - but please know that your experience might be different and you are taking unknown risks because there are only a handful of studies.