I knew someone that had one of these above his toilet. Didn't talk to him again.
While I'm no expert on different kinds of aquariums, this looks like a Fluval Edge 2.0, putting its size at about 6 gallons.
Firstly, that tank size is too small for any pleco, not enough space, not enough volume to buffer out its massive waste output, and definitely not enough cover for a pleco.
Also that Kuhli loach is also being kept in awful conditions. They require at least some kind of soft substrate, not necessarily sand, but definitely not that jagged white rocky gravel. You can even see from the video some of its barbels are missing. It also does not have any cover at all, so it is trying to use the pleco itself as a hiding space, which it normally never would do. Not to mention I would never keep them in a tank this has an area less than of 24x12in, and in groups of no less than 3. They are also scaleless, so any water quality issues caused by said pleco and other stocking would affect them even more as they are mostly scaleless, and are one of the first species to die if water quality is degraded.
Finally, for that amano shrimp, I do not see any algae growth for it to eat, or hell any food. Given that the tank owner probably bought it as an "algae eater" since "algae is bad" and she heard amano shrimp eat algae, it will probably die a slow and painful death of starvation.
TLDR; Too small, too many fish, and owner doesn't accommodate the fishes individual needs at all.
Thanks. There's a ton of them, but here are a few:
https://smile.amazon.com/Penn-Plax-Deluxe-Aquarium-0-7-Gallon/dp/B00B71K00G https://smile.amazon.com/Aqueon-Betta-Starter-Gallon-Black/dp/B009ETLXT0
So much misinformation. When I got my first betta the PetSmart worker told me that bettas are made "anxious" by big tanks, so a 1 gallon is ideal. Crazy. But yeah, Amazon needs to be pressured to stop. Even worse are the shelves of dozens of bettas at fish stores in those tiny cups. Just awful.
this really helps explain it:
>A 2 inch or smaller fish should be kept in a 20 long at a minimum.
>A 6 inch fish or smaller should be kept in a 40 gallon breeder at a minimum.
>An 8 inch fish or smaller should be kept in a 55 gallon at a minimum.
>A 12 inch fish or smaller should be kept in a 75 gallon at a medium.
>A 15 inch fish or smaller should be kept in a 125 gallon at a minimum.
>A fish exceeding 18 inches should be kept in a pond exceeding 600 gallons.
Fancies can average 10-14 inches and stream/common body at 18 inches when fully grown. I really like this scale since it helps give an idea of what size your fish needs as it grows up. Imo it'd just be cheaper to get the adult tank but y'know. Not enough people realize how big these fish get when properly cared for
Sorry, nevermind, I think you might be right.
I don't know why but Aqueon advertises it as a filter for Bettas but it can only work up to 3 gallons.
Surface area increases if you don't quite fill it all the way to the top. Also the biorb has a built in under gravel filter which breaks the surface tention to allow more oxygen.
On that note, a lot of nano fish don't nessicarly need a whole lot of surface area. Guppies only need 3 square inches, although Dr. William T inns, author of "Exotic Aquarium Fishes", which was the bible of fish keeping in the 1970's, he recommends 9 square inches per guppy. https://www.amazon.com/Exotic-Aquarium-Fishes-William-Innes/dp/B0007J33FS
So a 3*3 inch surface area, I think that's about the same as a the "my fun fish tank" 1 quart aquarium.
I follow more of a guppy per 1-1.5 gallons-ish so chances are even in that bowl 3-4 guppies will have plenty of surface area, and waste dillution.
Oh boy this needs work. The poor fish needs a few things. First thing they need is a heater. the water needs to be 80 degrees, betas are tropical fish and need tropical temperatures. you need to find a proper heater that will heat the size of the tank properly. I use something like This in my tank.
Next thing they need is a 50% water change today and probably another one two days from now, then move to 20% water changes every two days after that until the water is clear. you can go to your nearest super store and get the gallon jugs of reverse osmosis water for cheep.
And finally a hang on filter. something big enough appropriate for the size of the aquarium. I like Fluval filters but there are others out there that are nice.
Heck it doesn't even have to be expensive to be humane, if you don't care how the "tank" looks. She could've bought a 5~10 gallon food grade plastic tub at the dollar store, kept an eye out for cheap/free plant trimmings on the local fish FB groups, and thrown in an old mug or pot for decor. Add in a basic filter and a cheap heater and you barely hit $20.
Which I bet is not much more than she paid for the death trap the poor fish is in right now.
I mean, I do know that plenty of people temporarily fridge their axolotl (r/axolotl) in the summer since water temps higher than 20 C can kill them. But the reason that works is because they slow their metabolism, plenty of arctic fish are evolved to those cold temps because of the fact that cold water holds more oxygen. Additionally, lots of coldwater fish do get massive as a result. If you're saying Arctic, you're probably talking marine, and marine species are OBNOXIOUS in their salt needs
So yes, but you'd have to hook up a filter and also the fish or species would have to be very small if they're true coldwater species.
In aquaria, there are actually devices called chillers, which often work to cool water by pulling water out, cooling it, and then pumping the now cool water back into the system, or by just cooling a metal probe out into the water continuously. Chillers are pretty expensive, but they're better than hooking a fridge up because you can have a bigger tank (and also aesthetics). I know fridges seem big, but they don't have a lot of "floor space" that most animals prefer as opposed to vertical space.
Like this one but bigger.
yooo you inspired me to look and right now monster ultra zero is like 22$ for 12$ on amazon canada
last time i got it on amazon the delivery guy dropped it and it dented all the cans really bad but idc that's like less than $2 right now :O
They said top fin but I couldn't find anything on top fin for this. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Interpet-Fishbox-Half-Moon-Aquarium-Litre/dp/B00Z934XDI?dplnkId=e30d577f-7b79-4faf-9557-96bfb4f48c25
This matched. Regardless it is a shitty tank
Yeah it sucks, I’m glad a bunch of the people buying them just use them for plants though.
Here‘s what I usually see if you want to look: https://www.amazon.com/Sweetsea-Hanging-Mounted-Aquaponic-Aquariums/dp/B074S5QCS5
IDMIX Night Light for Children Night Lamp Nursing Light with OSRAM LED Lamp Dimmable Night Light Natural Protocols with USB Invitation https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07G4CYBHX/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_AJW34DGWGRNJFWE5KXXT
Ask and I shall go through my browser history so you can be stunned.
I mean even if it's just for the shot it's just... NO MAN!
I thought so too but converting to usd is around 75$ which is still a lot but here’s the link to it Small Betta Fish Tank, Aquarium Tank Kit with LED Lighting, 3/5 Gallon Beta Fish Tank Set, Fish Bowl Accessories for Reptile Jellyfish Goldfish Shrimp Moss Crab Insects Habitat https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YXG272B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_S8KGDA6FYNVYKSMP4EJ6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Just to make sure we're on the same page, you mean one of these?
Because these are a lifesaver, I have all my tanks and reptile cages hooked up to one of several
I went on amazon for an automatic feeder and saw this for the video. The fish were gasping for air and it was were overfeeding it. Luckily the fish feeder can change portion sizes. Heres the video btw - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Automatic-Fish-Feeder-Dispenser-Programmable/dp/B09CM5LKBG/ref=asc\_df\_B09CM5LKBG/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=534732333555&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14292538448543282589&hvpone=&hvptwo=...
I started with the betta falls aquarium 5 years ago. The name is accurate, many bettas fell. 😭 I was so traumatized I didn’t keep them again for a year. Then it was a heated filtered 5 gallon… but my cat sat on the lid which collapsed and crushed the poor fish. I’m glad I learned from it but man… those poor fish
The stand is actually one that is made for the tank. (Don’t worry, it’s not my tank) but i have a juwel and the stand overhangs, like this one
TikTok need to take more responsibility for their platform and what’s being posted to it. How can anyone get away with posting literal animal abuse? I’m so fed up with TikTok ads all over the internet bombarding me with links to the App Store. No I’m never going to download an app that allows that kind of content!
After seeing this video I decided to take a quick look at their T&Cs and first of all they’re awful.
But they do mention community guidelines which outline what you can’t post (apparently). This is what they say about animals:
“Violent and graphic content: Animals
Do not post:
Content that is gratuitously shocking, sadistic, or excessively graphic, including but not limited to:
Depictions of the slaughter of real animals
Depictions of dismembered, mutilated, charred, or burned animal remains
Depictions of animal cruelty”
Pretty sure this and all other videos I’ve seen on this subreddit related to TikTok directly infringe these terms. So why aren’t TikTok doing anything about it?
Besimple Artificial Luminous Sea Anemone, Simulation Silicone Coral Plants Ornament Glowing Sea Anemone with Suction Cup for Aquarium Fish Tank Decoration https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Q34JW1C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_EDWH3885AXASXAYG0KCQ
Sure! I got this one (link at bottom). Just remove the cartridge and put both of these in. I may have had to cut the sponge to make it fot but I can't remember. It's 1.99 on amazon and around 4 or 5 at petsmart.
You do not replace this. Once you see it is really dirty and decreasing water flow. Then you put it in your bucket when you do a water change of old tank water, swish it around and ring it out until it's clean. Also, never use tap water as it could kill all of your beneficial bacteria. I would also suggest placing this in your tank for a few weeks before you replace the cartridge so that beneficial bacteria can grow on it otherwise you will essentially be restarting most of your cycle. Feel free to ask any other questions!
I urge everyone to report her for animal abuse, we can't let this type of content fly.
The tank is much deeper than a 29 gallon. I have two 29 gallon tanks, and they aren't that deep.
It is still for sale if anyone wants it. Lol. Fish not included. I can't help but wonder if they all died.
Buying a test kit like the API Freshwater Master Kit would be the first step in diagnosing what could be wrong. You can pick it up at any big pet/fish store.
found the link: https://rumble.com/v3v1vp-yellow-fish-is-very-beautiful-most-beautiful-betta-fish-in-the-world.html
now this is just vile. keeping a betta, goldfish and 'yellow betta' (shows some resemblance to a cichlid) in a tank BARELY THE SIZE OF THE FISH and showing it off like it's something to be proud of just isn't it. disgusting.
🅱️🅾️🅱️🅰️ <strong>ⓕ</strong> ℹ️ <strong>ⓢ</strong> 🇭
Since it is temperaily I recommend you get a filter, livebacteria( And/or used filtermedia) and water treatment, a big tub like this(https://www.amazon.de/-/en/SUTTER-Game-Transport-Tray-Litres/dp/B079RKRQ24/ref=sr\_1\_72?dchild=1&keywords=wanne&qid=1628352131&sr=8-72) or like a 100l plastic box, and some floating plants or waterlillys in a pot. Something the Fish can't uproot, and nugde your friend into make a proper pond or tank set up for the fish.
This isn’t too expensive and although 8 is what is says can hold significantly over 8, if you fill it up to the point of almost spilling.
That might work. What I was wanting to do was use precious gems(ruby, amythist, rose quartz, ect) for the decorations in the tanks. I was wanting to do something like this for the plants:
I suppose what I could do is shape the metal and the try and seal it. I was thinking at this point it maybe better to glue some non precious stones together to look like a tree and then have precious stones as leaves
I bought my boyfriend a cute one for like $25 from amazon Penn Plax Aquaponic Betta Fish Tank Promotes Healthy Environment for Plants and Fish 1.4 Gallon Capacity - APON2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072R16KX1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_wrhCCbM7KRR6V
The penguins? The right one has cracked pieces. Just looking at the tank I can tell you those were not properly maintained and only worth about 30 a pop.
Jk you can get them new for 30 on amazon.
MarineLand Penguin 350 BIO-Wheel Power Filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0009IMDQM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_V7-pFbFW1C2N0
this is the closest thing i found to mine but i have one for my 5 gallon betta tank with a max wattage of 17w. i'm growing some amazon sword, water lily, and multiplying duckweed
i didnt think it would work as well as it does but it provides a good coverage of lighting and has a low, medium, and intense setting.
i also have the tank and light one my drawer next to my bed so it charges my phone at same time and can light my room at night when i dont feel like getting up to flip the switch for my normal overhead lights
really a great light 10/10 would recommend for small tanks for it's multifunctionality and versatility
I think when your a kid you just dont understand. I had 4 of those betta marine box things (.5 gallons at best) each with a betta, sitting in the sun, and I didn't get why they kept jumping out.
I wish pet stores wouldn't even sell these kinds of aquariums.
https://www.amazon.com/Marina-Betta-Aquarium-Starter-Flora/dp/B008SBE02M/ref=sr_1_42?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1540229898&sr=1-42&keywords=betta+tank These were the tanks I had.
Very nearly bought one of these on amazon (just for plants and maybe shrimp or snails).
Ended up getting one of these, and I'll only be putting plants in it.