That is like the latitude of Malta, Europe. But the weather is nothing alike. Malta has as lowest week's avg temp 13 degrees atm, and Virginia -4 . I cannot wrap my head around how little the latitude matters at the end of the day when all is said and done.
I don't see how a panel could make 8KWh in a day. That's like 100% efficiency.
In summer here (31 degrees south all facing north) I get up to around 2KWh / day x 26 panels at peak insolation of around 1.4KW/m2 or 8KWh/m2/day.
This site has an excellent irradiation site model. If you scroll down toward the end, it would have data for all locations.
This book is one of the bibles of PV tech, written by the people from the course and their colleagues from the green tech department, it may be a bit broad for your specific question.
Is this the battery pack you got?:https://www.amazon.com/Renogy-72000mAh-Portable-Generator-Technology/dp/B0791WDZTW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1I40KYSYLDJF8&dchild=1&keywords=72000mah%2Bbattery&qid=1594867558&sprefix=72000%2Bma%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-1&th=1
The panel may be at 15v, but the charge controller is at 5V/9V/12V on output. The listing is inconsistent though, so I would steer away.
Basically the end output voltage is determined by the charge controller and the panels can be a variety of voltages, especially give the fact their voltage output changes based on how much light is hitting them.
If this is the one: https://www.amazon.com/Allto-Solar-Intelligent-Controller-Regulator/dp/B09S3PHNTQ then it seems you can plug them in both ways (identical plugs).
Silly question: have you tried that to 'just' the battery?
Titan Glass Glean Solar Panel Cleaner seems to be popular in Amazon. Says it will make my panels sparkle and shine - what's not to love about that? Anyone have experience?
Is there a way to calculate the MPP voltage if I don't have a datasheet for my solar panels? I bought these panels and they don't seem to have a datasheet or an MPP voltage listed. The open circuit voltage (V_oc) for the panels is 6V (I know, the panels are 5V, I don't know I'm getting more, I checked all 4 panels and got 6V every time) and the short circuit current (I_sc) is 0.5A.
That sounds good, just in case there are many consecutive rainy days. I'd rather not have the computer flicker on the day after while there is enough light to charge but not at high enough rate to keep the computer on.
Sorry if this idea sounds silly, it's a new domain for me. I'm looking for the battery charge equivalent of this. Does that make sense? I could over engineer one by having a camera read it and do OCR to get the battery level off the charge controller, but since I can imagine that, I must assume something exists already lol
>Your over complicating what you want to do
That is very likely. I don't want bad weather to cause the computer to turn on, drain what little power is in the battery, and then shut off without accomplishing anything. Is there another component I need to add to this setup to achieve that? My concern is driven by the weather here over the last 3 weeks.
Also this is the computer, if that helps.
https://www.amazon.com/XINPUGUANG-Monocrystalline-controller-extension-cable%EF%BC%8CAlligator/dp/B09TKQQ3GB/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=1BZZN8ZF6YE0T&keywords=flexible%2Bsolar%2Bpanels&qid=1659208984&sprefix=sol%2Caps%2C4330&sr=8-8&th... Honestly I'd buy two of these and tie them into one 12 volt car battery each and then connect both panels and batteries into a charge controller and call it a day.
Would something like this work or do I have too many panels? https://www.amazon.co.uk/EPEVER-Controller-Regulator-Automatically-Identifying/dp/B09MD22W3Z/ref=asc_df_B09MD22W3Z/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=570352149033&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3060631275887230701&hvpone=&h...
You are correct. I have a Bluetti AC200P with 3 200W panels, and I own a Jackery 1000. I frequently charge the Jackery with one of the Bluetti panels - works like a charm but you need to spend $20 on an MC4 to 8mm adapter like this:
Hope that helps!
The out of box app is good but mostly for capturing production. You need to purchase either the proprietary or decent third-party tracking hardware to take advantage of the app's real-time consumption over production tracking. I haven't explored this option yet.
I'm considering going with the Sense monitor. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B075K51T9X/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_6X79AGCJKYH3XP1SRDMY
I'm looking at something small like this - which is 100W
The idea would be to charge the battery using the solar panel during the day and put the heater on a timer to run at night, obviously I may need to balance the timings to ensure the battery wasnt fully discharged and that the charge during the day was sufficient to keep it at a level.
I don't know much about charge controllers - is the above practical and what kind of charge controller would work if it is?
I really appreciate your advice on this - it seems that there is no real resource to answer these questions apart from people on Reddit!
If it's manmade and utilitarian, it should have probably panels on it! Unless it's historic or something, they are so cheap.
A really quick back of the envelope calculation with data from here(https://weatherspark.com/y/123974/Average-Weather-in-Sandouping-China-Year-Round) seems to show that if the entire three gorges dam area was covered in solar panels at 10% efficiency, it would generate a similar amount of power as the actual dam itself, or possibly more.
If you're looking for some introductions to solar technology, you can check out Udemy.com for many cheap courses. They won't teach you the advanced techniques, but a good start if you're new to the subject. I'm planning to do a master course on designing, building and operating solar power projects. Will send you a link when it's done. Good luck!
Also Free!! Solar Power Demystified: The Beginners Guide To Solar Power, Energy Independence And Lower Bills
Also, for reference these are the panels; HQST 100W Monocrystalline Solar Panel (2-Pack Solar Panels) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017OMTAV6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XP0XYHPCPEDJ94R7B2WF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
So, I’ve been studying solar energy for a LONG time via Explorist.Life.
I’ve even had a run down of my set up, but now I’m having a small crisis surrounding if my charge controller is the right size. The original mock up i made had my charge controller PWM at 30A. The one I bought is 40A (Link: PowMr Solar Charge Controller 40A... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088T5R41S?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share )
and it says on the description;
Max input voltage: 24V(12V system)
Which obviously is a problem as I need a 12 volt system.
Also i feel like the single breaker size needs to be upped since 40A was acceptable for 30A PWM.
So I’m stressed out- do i buy the 30A version? What’s the best move?
They have 3 hour, 5 hour and 8 hour settings, or full on, brightness adjusting. I've had them on in the Texas winter for about 9 hours once and didn't run out of juice. These are 120 watt
ok so how many lumens is the lamp? maybe 65? or 100?
You could get some LED bulbs that are 2W each and put out 300 lumens. https://www.amazon.com/Fowod-Light-Equivalent-Lumens-Kelvin/dp/B07C4RK88B/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=2+watt+LED+bulb
so you your comparison is how many hours a day 2W vs 0w with portable LED... lets say 6 hours. Thats 12Wh a day or 84Wh/week or 336 Wh/month or 4.38kWh/year .... Now even in California the Average energy price is 16.7 cents per kWh so you would be saving $0.73/year Your portable LED battery system would have to last 27.4 years (it will not). The battery would likely crap out in less than 5.
On top of all that you are only getting 65 lumens of light vs 300lumens.
The LED bulbs will last a lot longer and only $2.25 each and take a lot less energy to manufacture and are more recyclable.
This is a old RS232 connector or commonly known as serial port. These are from older computers. Not of the new computers don't have this port. Now you have 2 options. One to get a cable with one side with a RJ45 and the other side with a usb
And the 2nd option is to get an adaptor to plug the current cable you have.
Hope this is helpful.
Adaptador USB a serie, Benfei 1,8m USB a RS-232 hembra (9 pines) DB9 cable serie, chipset, Windows 10/8.1/8/7, Mac OS X 10.6 y superiores https://www.amazon.es/dp/B08B6C1XQN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_TEMoFbCTRQJQA
Found this adaptor, hope it works. Also found that db9 connector in the motherboard of an old computer.
I have this one:
I would reccomend using it with a portable battery pack. Charge the battery pack and use the battery pack to charge your device.
That panel is way too small. 7W cannot charge a modern smartphone/tablet by itself (those are usually 10W+) and will take forever just to charge up the battery pack. For the MSRP of $120 you can get a 28W panel and still have $50 left over for a good battery bank, type C or otherwise.
This is just stupid marketing, don't fall for it.