Minuiko's artwork has most definitely become my headcannon for how most of them look. KrisEleven's fanfic Falls the Shadow has got a wild, scary feel to it that I don't usuallly find in TP fanart, and I really love it. At the whole other end of the spectrum is Miss Atomic Bomb - a fluffy coffee shop AU with Alanna and George.
I’m pretty sure I bought it on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/dp/1481416499/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NdzeDb3C0DKQS hope that link works (I’m on mobile) I found it available new just now by searching “Song of the Lioness Box Set”. They’re paperbacks! Alanna is amazing :) also I’m digging your Eddings username!
It is a box set here’s the link to amazon for it
Edit. This is amazon.ca I’m sure you can find it on whatever platform you need
The editions I have are published by Hachette Livre. Alanna, chaman du désert is book 3 and Alanna, la lionne de Tortall is book 4.
Amazon.ca has them in ebook and paper book editions for what I’d consider to be reasonable prices ($11.99 Kindle/ $25.95 paperback, all CAD.)
Not sure if this link will work if you’re not in Canada, but I’ll give it a try: Amazon.ça
According to the Amazon UK listing, it appears it's due to be released on the 19th of August, at least in the UK. Can't say for certain though.
Amazon has the 2010-11 full size paperback printings from Aetheneum for ~$11 each.
I assume what you're seeing is the box set with all four plus a cardboard slip case, which is listed by a few marketplace sellers starting around $75.
This is the German Amazon store. Title is strangely T&S2.
These covers for SotL were the first ones I owned from when I was in like fifth grade and they're still my favorites: https://www.amazon.com/Lioness-Rampant-Song-Tamora-Pierce/dp/0689878575/ref=pd_sim_14_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=W886W6Z06S64496NV5V6
I know that they have this style for the Immortals series as well.
Here is an Amazon link to this particular box set (reasonable price!)
And here is The Immortals in this set.
If they decide to do the Protector of the Small (which ranks highly in my opinion) then I will be quite pleased! I remember buying the first Beka Cooper but then never actually getting into it. Worth it?