I've been using CopyQ on sway, in runs natively in Wayland when it comes to handling the clipboard, and also when it comes to its UI (it's built on Qt). It has excellent image handling as well. The only thing I never managed to make it do is auto-typing of the clipboard contents after selection.
Absolutely, Parecellite, CopyQ, GPaste.
The list goes on. We're talking about Linux after all. Most problems have been solved multiple times for our platform.
xclip -- simple interface to x clipboard. Makes it easy to pipe data into clipboard, get current clipboard text, filter it...
If you want to automate this kind of thing, it's pretty handy. Those who prefer GUIs might like something more like CopyQ (which also has good CLI support but is definitely more oriented to GUI users)
I use CopyQ: https://hluk.github.io/CopyQ/ on linux but it looks like you can use it on Mac as well as there's a dmg file. You can also set it copy to the clipboard when you make a text selection. What I mean is, you can select a piece of text with the cursor without pressing CTRL + C and it will still do it.
https://hluk.github.io/CopyQ/ C-S v
works extremely well for me.
Just checked my history and there an still an image there at item #163 that I copy/pasted some time yesterday. The thing is so damned useful I copy things I don't need to cause it effectively acts as a note buffer.... it allows searching, tagging etc. All with shortcuts.
+1 I came here to say Surfingkeys. So much time is spent in the browser, having vim for it is priceless.
I also like the vim key setup for CopyQ, which is cross platform with linux as well.
Being forced to use Mac since 2010, I've respected it's stability, but the lack of keyboard shortcuts is ridiculous, and Surfingkeys gives me a tiny bit of sanity.
I like CopyQ for viewing, editing and stacking clipboard entries:
If you copy the POC and open CopyQ it will show the curl command. I bound it to Super+C, it's pretty handy.
You should know that Linux Gaming is not on par with gamning under Windows. For example NVIDIA Wayland support is in early stages of development. There may pass a lot of time until the Nvidia software has a proper support for Linux and bugs are ironed out. You may need to use Xorg display server/composer.
If I understand correctly, you want a program that keeps a history of the things you copy, so you can paste them later?
There are a lot of programs that do that such as Ditto and CopyQ.
And if you running on windows 10, you can just use the built-in Clipboard History.
You can try Ditto or CopyQ. They store all copied stuff in a list. There you can select multiple entries to paste them somewhere. But they also have features, where you can set up to 10 Hotkeys, each hotkey will paste the last entry from the list. (Like, first hotkey 1st entry, the other 2nd entry, 3rd entry etc. up to the 10th entry.)
CopyQ is a nice open source application. You can organise into tabs, and bring up with a hotkey. It automatically closes when you click into another window.
You could use something more general, like a clipboard manager: I like CopyQ https://hluk.github.io/CopyQ/
Or Ditto https://ditto-cp.sourceforge.io/
Both let you keep certain text blocks ready :)
not exactly what you're asking for, but CopyQ is another awesome tool. It's a clipboard history including images. Saved me a bunch of times.
Klipper doesn't have that feature. Because of that I am using CopyQ.
With CopyQ you can assing shortcut to show simple tray menu or full featured main window (this option shows of copied text styling). Both support auto pasting.
Shout out to CopyQ, which lets you send different data types in the clipboard to different tabs. Text, URL's, images, etc. I keep one tab of POSH one-liners that I use a lot. Great little app.
Support for Linux, Windows and OS X 10.9+
Store text, HTML, images or any other custom formats
Quickly browse and filter items in clipboard history
Sort, create, edit, remove, copy/paste, drag’n’drop items in tabs
Add notes or tags to items
System-wide shortcuts with customizable commands
Paste items with shortcut or from tray or main window
Fully customizable appearance
Advanced command-line interface and scripting
Ignore clipboard copied from some windows or containing some text
Support for simple Vim-like editor and shortcuts
Many more features
I use CopyQ. But to be clear, what's the threat model here? The Windows clipboard is completely insecure. Any data you send through there is available to all other processes on the computer. Your concern for the security of data at rest is commendable, but if the pipeline for said data includes the Windows clipboard, there's no point in worrying about it.