came here to suggest just this. Got into human resource machine before I got TIS/100. It helps a lot with classic programming logic problems.
I'll admit Little Inferno went a little over my head at first and I'm still not entirely sure if it's supposed cleverness is quite as deep as people analyzing it pretend. But it's certainly interesting and unique.
This video made me wonder what the devs are up to now. I loved World of Goo, maybe the first "indie game" I ever played knowing the term "indie game". Apparently, they're working on a kind of "office worker programming game" called Human Resource Machine which I suppose continues the subtle anti-capitalist tones that already popped up in World of Goo.
Beat me to the punch, OP! That said I would have linked the dev's own launch page which includes links to purchase it on Steam, GOG, and Humble Bundle.
I'm a huge fan of Tomorrow Corporation and "programming games" in general (SpaceChem, Infinifactory, etc.) so this game scratches an itch that most games simply never even reach for. I really wish it got more attention but it looks like it's destined to sit in the background since it never really got much attention pre-release and these kinds of games never really do well in sales.
I adore this genre and have tried to get several friends into it, most of them glanced at a video of spacechem and were turned away by the UI. One of them did play it, really enjoyed it, but were unable to progress very far. This genre requires a specific mindset to enjoy and a specific mindset to be good at which affects its popularity.
Also if you're interested in more games like this check out Manufactoria, Logicbox and the upcoming Human Resource Machine.
If you have absolutely no clue how to play this, I'd recommend you start with an easier game like Human Resource Machine. It's very similar in that you have to manipulate inputs to get the right output using a set of keywords but it's much simpler and more graphical. It'll teach you the basics of how this type of "game" works and I'm sure you'll find the manual and the game easier to understand after completing some of the stages.
Big Pharma is worth your time.
Also, Human Resource Machine might be interesting. I haven't played it yet, but it has a sterling pedigree.
If you already get the "low level building" idea, then the non-metaphorical explanation is the most clear one.
Assembly is any written programming language that is translated line-for-line into instructions that the machine architecture itself (i.e., basically the CPU design on the computer that will run the program) is designed to handle.
These are themselves sort of programming interfaces, sorta-kinda like APIs if you are familiar with the term, which are very thoroughly specified. They do things like store values into registers (like putting a number into a named variable), perform logical and arithmetic operations (like arithmetic and comparisons), and perform control flow (like if-then checks or saving a place to return from a function call). This is properly called the hardware-software interface, but in real CPUs there are things like microinstructions and control units that really blur the lines between hardware and software.
The difficulty is a little difficult to describe. Assembly programs are very long and take thinking about your program in very tiny steps. Some people can do sophisticated things with it. Some very specialized things should be written in assembly for the ultimate performance, but part of the reason compilers are incredibly difficult things is because they are optimized to output good assembly code, and it is better left to be machine-generated for 99% of tasks.
Hope that helps. If you really want a taste for it, there is a game that is, believe it or not, both fun and really is assembly coding. Check out Human Resource Machine. It's by the World of Goo folks and I can't recommend it enough.
I thought for sure this would be about Tomorrow Corporations recently announced game Human Resource Machine when I saw the title. This looks a lot more hardcore though and quite interesting as well.
Does this count?
I've turned four people who've never programmed in their lives into assembly developers with that, and the best bit is they don't even realise I've done it.
I got Human Resource Machine for Christmas and am enjoying it. It's a puzzle game where you automate a problem-solver using just 11 simple operations such as COPY, PASTE and JUMP.
It's not really the sort of game that you sit up all night playing, however; it's more the sort of game where you play through a few levels, get stuck and decide to pick it up later.
Also, if you like point'n'click adventures, check out Broken Age. It's tied with Monkey Island for my favorite point'n'click of all time.
If you enjoy South Park, South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ is surprisingly good (or at least I thought it was, since I was expecting it to be bad). While many of the gags feel a bit like a "Best Of" reel, it really does feel like you're playing an episode (or several episodes) of South Park. The battle system is simple, but enjoyable.
If you want actual coding, check out The Schemaverse. The entire game is a database. You can connect to it using any programming language, and the goal of the game is essentially to write an AI that will play the game for you. The game itself is kind of a space strategy game, where you have planets and you can build ships on them and capture other planets and defend yours, though, it's not really "themed" around hacking.
If, on the other hand, you want a game that's just "sort of" programming, go for Human Resource Machine. It's very similar to TIS-100, but less confusing and more... cute.
Huh, so now that they've revealed more about the game, it's basically a more friendly and accessible version of TIS-100 (which I've been spending a ton of time playing this week).
Interesting that two different established game studios seem to have simultaneously and independently developed games based on Assembly programming. In the case of Zachtronics, that's really just keeping with the types of games they always do, but with Tomorrow Corporation that really seems like a departure for them.
My idea is that the sensing and the car's memory would be very limited, so there would be no way to create a reliably self-driving car. Without any decisions, the programs would be just linear sequences of instructions, and that would be like driving a car normally, but not real-time.
If the car could sense the world and decide according to the input data, the tracks could be complex, dynamic or randomly generated to some extent. I imagined the game as something similar to Human Resource Machine, but with physics and racing instead of solving puzzles.
That may be too complex for a phone game, I don't know that.
I think a lot of the resources posted are a bit much for a young persons introduction to the concepts and could be off putting.
Perhaps start with very gamified ways to logical thinking, human resource machine game would be a good intro
Try Hack'n'Slash! it has a female main character and teaches you in a way how programs work. Don't be intimidated when reviews say it's hard, you can learn a lot by looking at solutions.
Something that teaches more concrete programming concepts is "Human Resource Machine". Waiting for it to be published...