I think you'd be doing yourself a favor if you learn how to use LaTeX before you start your classes. You might find some of your classes require your assignments be formatted in TeX. Others won't, but your professors/TAs will be thankful for how easy it is on their eyes.
He doesn't really say LaTeX's license is GPL, but at least puts it in a way as if it were:
> At the risk of inflaming GPL advocates I hope that the LaTeX of the future will be under the LGPL
For reference, LaTeX project public license which puts restrictions of derivative works that lets the software just barely meet the standards of the Debian project.
LaTeX is completely different. You type out what is essentially code, and it will render what you type as excellently formatted and beautifully rendered text. If you've ever read a scientific journal for mathematics or any hard science, you've seen the product of LaTeX. It's very easy to begin and there's a huge amount of documentation out there. you can get it here.
For an introduction, look here. Hope I helped! LaTeX is great, and it makes your life 10x easier if you're involved in any field where you need to typeset mathematical functions.
LaTeX is a typesetting system. All you have to do is worry about what to write and LaTeX handles all the formatting for you. It's widely used for scientific publishing.
EDIT: Introductory video.
> enter equations, include tables
If you're planning to go far down the path of including mathematics in your document, you should look into LaTeX. It's not WYSIWYG, but it's incredibly powerful and is what most academic journals in mathematics, CS, etc. are authored in.
Wow, you are well prepared!
The only additional things that I would recommend are:
Get an ENCS-approved calculator. (Some info on that here: http://aits.encs.concordia.ca/helpdesk/faq/Miscellaneous/Calculator_info_sheet_print.pdf)
Prepare your laptop/computer. Make sure everything is up to date. Download Eclipse or some other IDE because you will need one for your programming classes. Maybe download LaTeX too (http://www.latex-project.org/) - depending on who your COMP 232 prof is, you may need to hand in your assignments electronically and type them up using LaTeX.
Get your booklist and search online for textbooks. The textbook for COMP 248 (Absolute Java) and the textbook for COMP 232 (Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Seventh Edition, by Kenneth Rosen) are available online as PDFs. You should be able to find them by doing a quick Google search.
Welcome (back) to Concordia!
This doesn't have much to do with the security aspect of your post, but if you are or are about to be a freshman going for a CS degree, try to write your documents in LaTex. It has made my life as a junior-year CS student a whole lot easier especially when it comes to any math/physics pre-reqs you may encounter.
vi (and vim) is a text editor not a word processor. You are right in that there is a large overlap but fundamentally a word processor is designed to help you manipulate a human language document. Text editors help you manipulate files of text characters that might end up being human readable documents but might also be consumed by other computer programs e.g. a software compiler. As text characters form the basis for words you can often use a text editor to write human readable documents (take a look at HTML, Markdown or LaTeX for examples of text driven word processor alternatives). However, it isn't common for word processors to be used to write computer programs as they often store the document in a proprietary format and embed lots of formatting characters in with the text that prevent subsequent programs from interpreting the contents properly.
It's done using a typesetting language called LaTeX.
Virtually all math papers and texts are written up in LaTeX. I'm really a novice at it myself. Most editors and whatnot are free software.
I think the difference is that LaTeX is a markup language implemented independently of the editor itself. vi is a text editor in which you type a markup language. There's no printing functions for the LaTeX you write in vi (that I know of). I mean, of course you can print the actual .tex file, but it won't be the document you want.
I'm not trying to be a douche about this, it just doesn't seem like LaTeX by itself is really a word processor. It's like calling XML a webpage? LyX would be more word processor, I suppose.
That's why you use LaTeX.
The pretty typesetting may also make your paper seem better (yay for peripheral route processing) http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2011/02/25/when-you-write-your-essays-in-programming-languages-comic/
LaTeX is the way to go. MS Word is extremely limiting and annoying. LaTeX is used by professionals, it makes formatting, entering equations, and citations pretty easy. And the best part, the program is free to use. Here is the website for more info
And different TeX editors compared
I personally use TeXShop, but I have a Mac.
As to which journal is right, ask your professor.
Try LateX Typesetting software. Become familiar with it. Personally, I use it for Resume and Scientific Article work, but it is extremely useful for all your typesetting needs (like finally getting that novel you've been working on into the right format).
Step 1: Download the appropriate LaTex Package for your system.
Step 2: Download a template for something that piques your interest and start fiddling with it. Resumes are a great place to start.
Step 3: Check this page out and start making your own fonts!
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Money and great looking personal fonts.
You're running a different OS now. Do the right thing and start getting used to LibreOffice. Depending on what you're trying to do, you might find that you now have access to even better options for typesetting.
You can visit this site or read any of the thousands of documents available on internet.
The crash course was "me", explaining our secretary how to typeset a mathematical document in LaTeX and lenting her one of our few precious copies of the Leslie Lamport manual so that she could look up the things she did not know.
Depends on your future path.
If your route takes you into the sciences, learn how to use LaTeX (http://www.latex-project.org/). It is a document preparation software that helps you format publication quality documents (a lot of journals provide style and bibliography files for LaTeX).
You can create diff documents to track version changes (latexdiff), and do some really cool stuff (make presentations, posters, flowcharts, various graphics and all sorts of things).
That freaking sucks, Nurbs.
Have you ever heard of LaTeX? http://www.latex-project.org/ its a pretty cool "document preparation system" that makes typing out math much easier. It can't change the past, but hopefully it can help in future endeavors.
I don't dual boot. I have a Windows 7 VM for windows related stuff. I barely fire it up now.
Pro tip For Uni learn LaTeX looks weird at first but for term papers, reorganizing section numbers and automatically citing a source from a universal bibliography, incorporating graphs and math equations. You can't beat LaTex.
If I did a dual boot and if I did game, I'd do 512 GiB and 512 GiB (500 GB each). But since I don't game I'd do 768 GiB Linux and 256 GiB Win (750 Linux 250 win if 1TB = 1000 GB). The 32 GB is for the RAM
Just wait until you discover LaTeX and the books/documents prepared using it (you'll learn to spot them from the layout)...that late 70s spartan aesthetic will become an omnipresent aspect of your life ;)
LaTeX is also really good for more technical documents, once you learn the code, you can write really professional looking papers and the formatting stays where it's supposed to be because it is all in the code.
I think the use for circular interpolation is motion blending in animation. Nothing to do with textures, not directly anyway.
LaTeX (or similar) is a must for making documents. Definitely a pain in the butt at first, but once you are over the learning curve it is very useful.
The document was made using LaTeX, which many mathematicians and scientists use to create reports and other documents, because it has support for equations and non-Latin characters. It can be downloaded for free from the website.
If you just want the font, it's Computer Modern.
What about LaTeX? It's not going to make the prettiest thing unless you decide to get really technical with it but I've found it's perfect for writing up my own system/handouts/whatever. All you need to worry about is the content; everything else is handled for you.
You can't just type like that, you have to use a typesetting language called LaTeX. You can see it's Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX and it's official website http://www.latex-project.org/ for more information. There's also some details available on the right sidebar regarding "Using LaTeX".
To use LaTeX on reddit, prepend "[\;" to your LaTeX and then append a ";]" at the end (but do not include the backslashes). LaTeX text requires special formatting, you can try things out in an online preview tool like http://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php.
Try that: http://www.latex-project.org/intro.html
Basically, it has nothing to compare to notepad. Notepad is a program to edit text files. Latex is a language to write high-quality document.
You can think of LaTeX as an alternative to Word. While technically it is quite different, it replaces it.
If there's one thing you do this summer, learn vim. (With great reluctance, I'll also mention an alternative, emacs). These are powerful text editors which take practice but will make you immensely more efficient, mostly by avoiding using the mouse pretty much entirely. They're originally Unix-based but ports and plugins exist for just about everything. Trust me, you will never go back to Notepad++.
Learn LaTeX if you're at all interested in typesetting your coursework. It's not at all necessary, and even with practice still takes longer than just writing it down, but some people like it a lot. If you ever do a Masters or PhD, you'll probably be typing up your paper in LaTeX.
Don't do much direct preparation for courses / employment. Your goal for the next two months should be to get yourself excited for first year, not to start working on first year.
Even as a companion to paper+pencil note taking, I have a feeling it'll be more of a distraction than anything. You'll ultimately do your serious work (writing papers, etc.) on a laptop because you'll need a full featured word processor, or something for typesetting if you're doing math/science(i.e., LaTeX). I'm guessing the Transformer won't offer this flexibility on Android, so I'd personally opt for a netbook.
In all honesty (and from years of experience), you'll have the most success and get/retain the most from your classes if you take notes on paper in class and then review and transcribe to digital the most important bits. This will force you to pay attention in class and also gives you a built-in review process.
You can run pretty much any distribution on it really. However, switching to a different graphical environment would be a good idea. An example of a lightweight window systems would be fluxbox, fvwm-crystal, blackbox etc. All of those are quite well documented and there are lots of guides on installation.
As for text processing program - try "Latex" (http://www.latex-project.org/)
Sorry, I have never used it. I just reviewed the text to find the issue. You will have to get help from somebody else.
Also, I have nothing else to report about the rest. I hope that somebody else comes in and gives you a hand.
I would just keep working on it with trial and error. I am assuming that you have some basic understanding and are looking at documentation and stuff. Latex has a steep learning curve but a huge return on investment after you get it.
It's the program used to write math papers and equations that you see in most journals (at least for math).
You can download here: http://www.latex-project.org
Or there's tons of online google-doc-esque sites you can use (I personally use sharelatex.com)
One of my higher rated comments was about how to make your resume stand out. You may have to view it in context to find all the information you need.
In that discussion area I learned about LaTeX, which seems to be a pretty well regarded standard for creating resumes.
My advice has always been to make your resume visually distinct from the rest of the pile. If you are applying for a specific company and only that company, it may be worth your time to look at what that company values, what key words they use in their job requirements and so on, then use that sort of language to form your PAR statements for your resume.
Analyzing h1ckst3r
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Well... I started with Fortran and Basic, but that has more to do with my age rather than ease of use. Given I do a lot of stats and modeling work, Fortran has been awfully useful.
Whatever language you decide to work with, I would highly suggest that you put some time into playing with R and LaTeX. Both are freely available and open-source, and both are critical to doing science in today's world. R is a math/stats/modeling/scientific graphics program/language that is more or less infinitely extensible (through downloadable packages). LaTeX is a typesetting markup language that is the standard for communicating scientific and mathematical documents. There are free tutorials online for both projects, and you can learn quite a bit about basic programming logic by exploring them. And if you end up working in the STEM world, you'll likely end up using them anyways (even in school).
I did the same, but only because we were allowed a two-sided 8.5x11 cheat sheet, and this was a big exam. Lots and lots of tiny LaTeX output with all sorts of tricky derivations.
A documwnt markup language used by pretty much everyone in the natural sciences. You can count the scientists that don't use it with one hand. So as a good rule of thumb, if your paper on quantum fluctuation is written with word, I'm not going to read it if I didn't find it in an academic context.
If you're trying to produce something for printing or later consumption by other people, learning a little LaTeX is a good idea: http://www.latex-project.org/
If this is for personal notes, etc, try some Markdown: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
The thing to remember here is that Vim is a text editor, not a word processor or layout software.
Before jumping into making suggestions, there are a few routes that you can go? What is the content of the book, is it mostly text or is it a picture based book, or a mixture of both.
If it is a purely content based book, you may want to go the LaTeX route, it is very good at making a good looking layout for a text heavy document.
If it is a graphical book, Scribus to PDF may be much more of what you need. It is a DTP program along the lines of Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress, it gives you advanced control over the layout of everything on the page.
A good resource is this article
For making professional looking documents that you can export as a PDF I'd suggest LaTeX. It's great for resumes, reports, invoices, and there are templates available for all kinds of other documents (including menus) as well.
EDIT: There's also a LaTeX editor that can be used in-browser available at https://www.writelatex.com/
Compañero creo que somos mayoría los que en Podemos apostamos por tecnologías FOSS, o sea de Código abierto
Por tu conocimeinto, y para poder colaborar más, mírate Latex, http://www.latex-project.org/ o editores Latex (más sencillo) lo más potente y profesional en autoedición además de FOSS
Inskcape http://www.inkscape.org/es/ para gráficos vectoriales
Porque aunque tu tengas pagada la licencia, si se usa para Podemos se debería pagar el uso de Photoshop o Indesgn, y sería un delito de malversación de fondos pudiéndolo tener gratis
Yeah, especially if you left-justify the section content, then short sections like Certifications might look weird with the title centered. My resume has section headers left-justified, and then underneath each section there is a skinny left column for dates and then the main area for the descriptions. I use a program called LaTeX, which is great for professional documents. It's basically writing your entire resume using markup language. There are lots of templates you can find online to guide you, like this or this. You can even just check them out for formatting ideas & then try to replicate that on OpenOffice of whatever you're using if you don't want to use LaTeX.
Allow me to introduce you to Latex. Its like a scripting language that you write your documents in, and the program generates a pdf based on your scripts.
Are you familiar with LaTeX? If not, it's a highly stable document formatting and preparation system that's been around for decades, and has ports and systems for every OS at this point.
You might look at something like writeLaTeX, which is an online LaTeX editor that could easily serve your purpose -- it's online, cheap, has rich text mode for users accustomed to WYSIWYG, supports templates, and has all the power of LaTeX behind it.
All in all, I'd definitely look into the possibilities using the LaTeX system in one form or another.
Wow! I just found this course on University of Reddit and I'm eager to learn! But if I may, can I ask that you look into LaTeX? It's a great way to format your equations and such and will really help anyone reading your posts. Please, keep 'em coming if you can! Thanks!
That should give ya everything you ever wanted to know about it. Basically, if you've ever read a mathematical .pdf, it was written in latex. (Classic latex right here: http://mattleifer.info/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/mleiferthesis.pdf )
I never could, but I recently switched to Markdown (with Multimarkdown for displaying math) from LaTeX for shorter papers, so I'm getting plenty of experience typing the bracket links.
(Reddit's markup is based on Markdown)
If you don't mind a bit of a learning curve, you should check out LaTeX.
I've been using it for a couple years now, and it's my default system for papers and resumes.
This article barely begins to scratch the surface of what is wrong with Word, and more importantly makes no attempt to offer a solution.
The solution, btw, is here
From http://www.latex-project.org/intro.html "And in case you were wondering, «LaTeX» is pronounced «Lah-tech» or «Lay-tech», to rhyme with «blech» or «Bertolt Brecht» (almost)."
I really don't care how people pronounce the word, as long as it's a k sound at the end.
I'm impressed that many people knew what it was at your uni anyway. Only the linguistics and mathematics department regularly use LaTeX at my school.
The problem with Word is that it's designed for idiots and meant to be easy to create decent looking documents. But, they lumped so many features on top of it that it ends up being extremely difficult to use if you want to generate "professional" documentation. Plus, MS Word does not support kerning, which is a way of spacing letters. This is a major reason the output sucks.
There are a lot of other things out there that are meant for this purpose. LaTeX (http://www.latex-project.org/) is a typesetting language that was developed in the late 70's or early 80's. Your document is written in sections with tags around them that indicate paragraphs, bullet lists, headings, etc. No formatting (generally) goes into the main document. This allows authors to focus only on content, and not on formatting problems. When the document is complete, a stylesheet is applied that renders the document into a PS or PDF file. The output is beautiful compared to MS Word. MANY books, pamphlets, and anything that was professionally typeset has used LaTeX over the years. It's got a learning curve, but there are some WYSIWYG editors for it.
There are other systems out there. DITA is another major one that takes things a step further with more structure, content reuse, etc.
Basically, Word sucks. It's fine for writing class projects or long narratives. But when the documents need structure, consistency, and pretty output; then you really need to look at something else.
It would be really cool if you could include semantic elements within the word-processor. I'm thinking of two use cases in particular.
Web Semantics E.g. using the definitions from schema.org to easily create and edit conforming content within a document that's destined for on-line publication.
Print/PDF/Ebook Workflow E.g. using styles that map to docbook or LaTex schema, producing documents that can be more easily integrated into an academic or print-publishing workflow.