So it's really likely there is something wrong with your resume BUT I think a lot of people are missing the bigger picture here. Quick, name me the 127th company you applied to. Can't remember off the top of your head? Why would they want you then?
Whenever I've hired for a company, any junior/entry-level dev whose application felt copy/pasted was an instant pass for me. Maybe I was a minority but do you think the 201st or 202nd application would be any different at this point?
Since it seems like you're at your limits and want to try something different, try spending an inordinant amount of time on your next application. Seriously, do everything you can to research them, read every part of their website, blog, company Twitter. Know them better than they know themselves. Build a side project related to their product/service that reflects how much research you did on them. Really try to put yourself out there and let them know how much you like their company and how you can be their next junior dev to help them solve whatever it is they need help with.
Just do that and let me know if it their response feels different in the slightest. I guarantee it'll be different. I guarantee you'll get an interview and you'll have a great conversation with their hiring manager(s).
Here are the slides to a talk I gave recently about this very topic and why I don't recommend the en masse application:
many of the points there need to be reviewed again... I started paying attention only to the most immediate releases and most necessary features.
There is something else the standard forbids but doctest does anyway to achieve its compile times - forward declaring std::ostream
in the std
namespace itself and not including <iosfwd>
- there is a reason for that and it practically works everywhere.
there is an optional config option so users don't invoke UB.
I'm mostly using, it's just very easy to create a good-looking presentation there, while still being extremely flexible because you can modify the HTML (it's actually reveal.js). They're a bit expensive though, so I'll have to live with the free tier...
Oh and I wanted to test marp earlier but I forgot the name, thanks for reminding me! :D
The short version is probably "you don't". I quit and started my own company and now I get to write Rust sometimes.
That said, I'll tell you what I've done in the past.
The key here is to gain support and reduce risk. Understand what it means to the company to suddenly change languages. That's a massive undertaking, even for net-new code. All of the common libraries you've built are potentially going to no longer exist in Rust.
Consider where Rust will have the lowest risks and highest rewards. Maybe not a critical service, but something peripheral, even maintained by another team.
Also, be willing to accept defeat. As great as Rust is you can't force it into a company. It's not for everyone and just using a better language isn't enough to actually make meaningful impact to a business (sometimes). Gracefully accept that now may not be the right time.
Powerpoints are bland and overused. It is too cookie cutter and restrictive if you plan to make something with a specific design and colour theme. I just use slides. Best thing about it is that it is just a html files which pretty much runs on every computer with a browser.
For the rest I'm going to check with Ernesto, he will have more insight..
There is one better option right now, community driven, well worth a donation: .
(Support for Google Slides & with a draggable Controller interface which is great for presenter on stage)
Please note I found the AltspaceVR mac app (beta) crashes once it loads a video from the slidshow tho, but i think that is MacApp bug rather than a bug with this great MRE-app by BenG.
wkr roeland
The presentations you would see where using something like and you bring those presentations into your space or event, the Media Control panel is effectively Altspace's native slides tool.
As for competition, Altspace still has the most fluent and easy social function, non of the other platforms make it so easy to meet and chat with lots of new people in a nicely moderated common space. And Horizons will have one major issue on top of that, and that's Facebook, who already had a lot of haters when it was just unscrupulous with user data, Now that Facebook compounded their bad reputation with being super aggressive and unhelpful with their users with the Merging issue, despite many of those effected having genuine Facebook accounts, and being good customers for a number of years, a lot of people just want to stay clear of anything Facebook from now on.
I've also been locked out of my Oculus account since merging on the 13th when I got my Quest 2, its been two weeks since I put my ticket in and still not got any help from them, when I ask why I am told "due to a higher than normal amount of tickets its going to take longer to process the ticket, and they are looked at in order they came in"
2 WEEKS!! and who knows how much longer?, That alone shows how many tickets must of been submitted ny people with the same issues on day 1.
That means more potential users for Altspace of course
Yes, that is indeed the case. If you would go on the particular slide on this link, you will see that as earlier predicted, third-order effects are non-zero for this configuration and hence, the left bottom figure which shows a path going through all three slits, it contributes to the pattern. You could go through the slides in general. In essence, a classical picture does not capture everything that we observe. You could also check out this not-so-detailed news.
If you are asking about creating html slide decks. Then yes can easily do that. It very common in the dev community.
Here is an gallery of HTML powered presentations..
A lot of these decks, use a free library called Reveal.js. If you just want a visual way of building them you can always use It’s made by reveal.js creator.
Thanks! This is the problem, the source needs to be moved /u/RaGa1131. The distance input doesn't do what you think. See the explanation in that link above.
See here for more on the source normalization:
Jeremy George Lake Charles if you are a Corvette lover you have surely heard about me, I am a wide connoisseur of this sports car and I am at your disposal to clarify any questions and you can enjoy the car of your dreams Jeremy George Lake Charles
Decorators were on the agenda but weren't seeking advancement at this particular meeting. See this slide.
You could probably get away with exporting those vector layers as .svg, as it's specifically made for vector graphics. SVG plays nicely with a lot of Free/Open source software thanks to having a well-defined spec for it, AND it displays in any modern browser.
Heck, svg can even be animated, and if that doesn't blow your mind, it's basically XML with extra steps, so you can actually open it up in a text editor and use code to do even crazier stuff.
that doesn't make much sense, but a quick fix is to upload a png to the site. Otherwise I would save out your logo from .ai again, Illustrator is always doing some wonky shit.
Get an RPi 4 with as much RAM as you can. You can start writing in JavaScript immediately, and branch out to Python (or Go) when you want. You can do it in a GUI environment, or drop down and learn the CLI and SSH. You can get USB sticks that talk any radio protocol you want, such as ZigBee, LoRaWAN, NBIoT, etc.
You should also investigate NodeRed and Grafana (and some TimeSeries DBs that Grafana supports).
Later, you can investigate embedded JavaScript on a microcontroller like an ESP32 (or older ESP8266). But this will have lots of awkward limitations to workaround. You won't want to deal with that while learning.
And honestly, most IOT stuff is in C, Go or Rust. Scripting languages don't work so great with limited memory. Most examples you find on the Internet are just "proof of concept" and won't be robust. Many of them are just plain wrong. (For example, many examples of ESP8266 networking code have random "sleep/delay" calls. These are NEVER needed, and only done by lazy programmers who don't understand why their code doesn't work.)
If you want to use the collimated source, I highly recommend working through this set of slides by Fred:
There is also a worked example in the getting-started manual that helps illustrate the normalization of the collimated source.
Keep in mind that this source employs a possible approximation, if you are using it to speed up simulation of an isotropic source. By not simulating particles emitted "backwards", you miss out on any contributions from those that would have scattered back into your region of interest.
>Ich habe bedingt durch Hobbies, Studium und Job viel mit den MS-Officeformaten zu tun und LibreOffice ist hier mMn nicht geeignet um damit zu arbeiten (Formatierung wird zerlegt, Inhalte nicht richtig dargestellt, etc.)
Hast du das aktuell probiert oder ist das schon eine Weile her? Seit Version 5 wurde das deutlich besser, in Version 7 nochmal.
Softmaker Office ist wie schon erwähnt recht gut.
Ich würde weder Impress, noch Powerpoint für Präsentationen nutzen, sondern z.B. reveal.js (hat einen Online-Editor namens "Slides"). Auch Sozi ist ganz gut, braucht aber einige Einarbeitung.
Du könntest noch eine VM nutzen, in der du Windows laufen lässt.
Teams is largely and clearly still built in Electron as evidenced by Tony Redmonds article. A engineer did a talk a few years back of them moving to Reaft, but how far they got, and if they're still doing it, is unknown. Here's the presentation :
Interestingly, Skype is now moving away from React to Electron:
There’s currently a bug due to a change that Slides made on their end. Here’s the work around:
Many web browsers will not play videos with sound unless the viewer has actively interacted with the page first. To work around this, we had to add the “start screen” you’re seeing which forces live presentation viewers to click on the page before entering a presentation, ensuring that videos will play. We only show this start screen if there is at least one non-muted video in the presentation.
As a temporary workaround, you can append ?skipStartScreen to the end of your URL. becomes
from your browser on a PC, go to and open your slideshow. Select the open-deck icon and then chose the 'present' option. That should get you into 'present view' which has a panel on the left. one of the urls there is labeled 'present live'. this is the URL you want to specify in your event. you can set it up at ahead of time. when creating the event, open 'Aditional Options' and paste the url into the 'Public Enclosure URL' field. That way the screen in the event will show only the slideshow itself and none of the controls. you can advance the slides from your pc while you're presenting.
>publisher: @WojciechOdrobi1
Lottie is a pretty big library though, if it's just for a single eye closing that would be overkill.
I would recommend GSAP, or maybe even just CSS-Keyframes for a simple hover animation.
These sildes have some info how to do that:
There's a talk too, can't find that one, but a lot of the examples are on Codepen (just click one the slide).
Of course! I was referring to needing to explicitly call close on your subjects and cancel on your subscriptions when the bloc is no longer needed. Check out for an example.
Slides #14/#15 are using the original BLoC pattern and slides #20/#21 are using the bloc library (
So, this example from your side deck is the pattern that I'm using
I'm currently reading and thinking more about the following slides to better understand where the overlap is between slide 14 and your BLoC library, though.
✅ Support for Slides Decks
Huge thanks to @anuraghazru for making this happen again!👊
Also bigup to @hakimel for providing us with all possible links to a Deck!
Well, good question...
Nim is compiled, it can be used as a scripting language with NimScript, it also supports Hot-Code Reloading since April (
Furthermore, it's very performant (as fast as C/C++), the GC is optional, you can tune the max pause or require a real-time GC and you can mixed GC-ed types with on GC-ed types. You can easily call existing C or C++ code (including C++ templates libraries).
And there is a large community of game devs (compared to the size of the language). Also many of Nim core devs have game dev experience and even won game jams with Nim.
It is always good to have many smaller components than a monster one, generally, a monster component will always be slower since a lot of stuff can cause a re-render, while your smaller components should not re-render as frequent.
Here are some quick wins:
- Use functional components for components whose template is only dependent on props (no local state).
- If your data are not mutable (read-only), consider using Object.freeze
over the lists to disable reactivity for nested properties.
- Use virtual scrollers and lazy loading with IntersectionObserver
- Batch network requests into a single HTTP request if possible (GraphQL can do it for example).
- Sparingly use v-once
for components that are rendered only once and don't have props nor state (static template).
- Use component caching if your SSR solution supports it, like an LRU cache
Many of the stuff I mentioned and more can be found in akryum's talk earlier this year, I'm sure you will find plenty of neat tricks you can use like the deferred loading mixin.
That is exactly the intention of this dataset, unlabeled videos good for self-supervised learning and testing, free and easy to use by millions of people.
We have too many labeled datasets that are not generic enough, and most SDC research is just limiting their testing to them.
You mention Berkeley DeepDrive which is great, but it is just 1100 hours of driving from a single area. Have tried to use it? Did you see results from it? Please share them.
My approach is to build self-supervised algorithms (even non deep learning based) which should work on any unlabeled video, and test (even manually) them on as many videos as possible.
Check my Twitter and LinkedIn messages if you'll like to learn more about this approach, they are linked in this SDC presentation:
Make it a great place to work.
Be open about your needs, desires, and philosophies.
Design a hiring process that actually reflects your needs, desires, and philosophies:
Autoware (used by a few startups) is the most complete open source SDC platform, but has one important limitation, it cannot be used without a detailed 3D map, which is built with a fairly expensive LIDAR, which is required for navigation also.
OpenPilot (initiated by Comma) is just LKAS (neural net based) and ACC (radar based) running on a phone and requires to inject CAN messages to emulate commands from the LKAS and ACC installed by the car manufacturer.
Apollo advances fast, but their perception still requires expensive LIDAR, like Autoware.
Now we got more simulators and visualization tools, which is great, we just need to evaluate and consolidate them.
At this point there are no complete open source solutions, affordable or safe enough to be used at scale, they are good just for tinkering.
My focus in is to build a set of open source smart cameras (similar with Mobileye, but with stereo) that would bring down the cost of perception (with accurate 3D reconstruction) and follow Toyota's Guardian approach to offer assisted technology, instead of actually driving the car.
Using boards like Ultra96 we can make flexible, affordable and feature rich smart cameras with less than $500 per stereo camera.
See more details in my SDC presentation here:
And join me in my endeavor if you have experience with FPGA and computer vision.
What car do you plan to use?
Check the sensors pages on my recent SDC presentation at (click on images for related articles):
Do you plan to open source any of your work?
Join the discussions on Slack at
Very good highlights!
See my recent overview of SDC (will add more ongoing content), my view is that ML based approach needs to be changed to achieve robustness and generality (AutoML may help achieve that faster):
While driving today I recorded a test video, I just posted on YouTube and launched a mini challenge with prizes, see the details here:
Hey don't get me wrong in this post I think its important for people who want to take on incredible endeavours like this to make money / a living. But as it stands you're creating something that hasn't previously existed and thusly something that no one even would really know how to incorporate it into their own lives let alone have a surplus of money to throw at someone they don't know.
You should definitely make money doing this but what I'm saying is it's going to be difficult to extract support money without a clear and obvious vision that is accessible to many people. I would suggest looking at learning how to use something like to build and export your own static html pitch deck to explain what it is that you're planning on doing with these peoples money.
People don't just give money to strangers because they ask and say that if they don't get the money that you won't do your own project that no one can/will use yet.
Its in this wherein lies the "wrong approach". Sure you are apt enough to know of a trustable platform to obtain funding but its just seems you're missing some steps.
In our response it was a bit reductive to just say "poo poo wrong approach" we should articulate what from our view is needed for help not just "nay say".
Many reasons:
If you are not yet burdened by using plain CSS then perhaps you have not reached the time yet when a preprocessor makes sense to start using. Some projects will simply demand it, especially when working in a team and trying to have maintainable, easily updated code with minimal risk of forgetting to change something in some random place.
I actually gave a talk last year on why Sass is great and how to get started using it, check it out here:
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The Amazing Angular 2 Router by Gerard Sans
<h1>Users</h1> <table class="table"> <tr *ngFor="let user of users"> <td>{{user.username}}</td> </tr> </table>
}) export class Users { constructor(private service:UsersService){ service.get().subscribe(users => this.users = users); } }<h1>Users</h1> <tr *ngFor="let user of users"> <td> <a [routerLink]="['/users',]">{{user.username}}</a> </td> </tr>
}) export class Users { }Angular Material 2: Reward your app with high-quality UI in minutes by Maxim Salnikov
Was surprised to see the NTSeq creator as the author of this project! GJ!
PS. Mentioned NTSeq in my presentation about bioinformatics and JS
Microsoft has office online, which includes powerpoint on their free tier. is my personal favorite, but you need the 6$/mo pro plan to export to pdf and print =/
Going to a Microservices Architecture, it's a required at least idea. All Services should be agnostic of the environment near them.
They should only hand data somewhere and continue with their work. They shouldn't care about validation, DB schema etc. This is also good when you have a large team of developers when those shouldn't also interact with the DB directly. It's a matter of security.
The Data API, as we call it at my dev house, sits on top of a Mongo and looks nothing like the Mongo. This means that we may switch to MySQL some day and no one notices a thing.
I did a Microservices presentation some time ago. Hope it helps.