Hey guys /r/tampabayrays putting it out here early for you guys
We have an HD stream and since there is no Rays baseball we are going to stream the NFL Network double header for you guys here
I suppose I could whip something up, I don't work tonight.
Edit: Are all streaming sites junk now? No site is taking a decent upload speed without dropping large amounts of frames.
Edit2: If I can get a site to cooperate we may be going basic tonight
Edit3: http://streamup.com/hotboners -- Please do not share the link outside of this subreddit. Not even sure if this site will shut me down now, they have before. We'll roll with it for now
Edit4: If you need a fake email to register an account, the site had prompted me once when I wasn't logged in: https://www.guerrillamail.com/
Edit5: That was short lived. Account wasn't even banned, straight up deleted
HD: http://streamup.com/swoonmeander
Will likely start 30 minutes late at 7:30 as it's the NFLN stream.
Thanks /u/2015RaysTime!
Guys /r/tampabayrays to the Rescue. We will be streaming at least the first half of the Bucs game straight from WFLA in HD
If the Rays game goes bad we will show the entire game
Hey guys /r/tampabayrays here. We run an HD stream for every Rays game and now that the Rays lost horribly we are going to drown our sorrows with football.
Come on and join us!
Thanks to /u/2015RaysTime, TB Rays fan.
If you don't want to watch the stream, http://www.si.com/game/8853851/play-by-play is updating ok. So is ESPNFL, but fuck them